A STERN WARNING AT LEAST THREE KILLED IN LANDSLIDES Chinese Military Expansion ELAINE HITS PHILIPPINES MANILA, Philippines (UPI) -- Tropical Storm Elaine sliced across the northern Policy Blasted By Soviets Philippines' farmlands today, setting off fatal landslides and forcing evacuation MOSCOW (UPI) -- The Soviet Union blasted Peking's of thousands from flooded homes. military expanSlon policy today and warned that if Authorities said heavy rains sent mud and boulders rumbling down three areas in Chinese leaders plunged the country into war China the mountain resort of Baguio, 120 miles north of Manl1a where the world chess would suffer vast destruction and mass annihllation. championship between Anatoly Karpov and Viktor Korchnoi is under way. The denunciation and somber warnings were contained The Red Cross said three persons were killed in landslides and a woman drowned in a lengthy article published by the Sovlet Communist when she tried to retrieve possessions from her home engulfed by floodwaters. Party daily Pravda and At least 3,170 fami- signed with the pseudonym HERO r S WELCOME AT AIRPORT lies -- 19,020 people -­ "Observer" WhlCh lndicates were evacuated to gymna­ it was prepared at the Slums, schools and town highest levels of Kremlin halls because of floods leadership and reflects Terrorists Leave Today and landslides in Panga­ official Soviet POllCY. MANAGUA, Nicaragua (UPI) -- Marxlst terrorists who occupied the national pal­ sinan and Benguet pro­ The article attacked ace for 44 hours received a hero's welcome at the Managua airport today and flew vinces. China as a warmonger and out of the country along wlth the polltical prlsoners they exchanged for their Weathermen plotted international trouble-maker hostages. E1alne late taday ln the searching for the Western The terrorists and some of thelr hostages flew off in one plane and the poli­ South Chlna Sea 70 ml1es military equipment and tical prisoners took another. They were flying to Venezuela and Panama, but lt from the tobacco-produ­ technology it needs to pur­ was not known WhlCh group was going to which country. clng I10cos prOVlnce on sue superpower status. Pandemonium greeted the terrorists on arrival at the Las Mercedes Airport as northeastern main Luzon "The Soviet Union will their bus was mobbed by hundreds of cheerlng supporters who broke through nation­ island. resolutely oppose China's al guard 11nes to glve E1alne, packlng center militarist expansionist IN IRAN MOVIE FIRE them a hero's welcome. winds of 59 ml1es per course. The terrorists laughed hour, was moving away "No reasonablE' person and waved their submach­ from the country on a can believe that the Chin­ Report Says firemen Did lne guns out the windows west-northwest track at ese people want the Peking of the bus that drove 6 mph. leaders to plungE' the coun­ them and an unknown number One of the landslides try into war. Not Respond fast Enough of hostages -- including occurred at the world "Under contemporary con­ TEHRAN (UPI) -- A government investigatlon into a a cousin and a nephew of chess championshlp playing ditions war would inflict mOVle house flre in the Persian Gulf Clty of Abadan President Anastasio Somoza slte. A portion of a hill on China uncountable de- said today that firemen dld not act fast enough to Oebay1e -- from the na­ on WhlCh the Convention 'struction, calamities, and save nearly 400 men, women and chl1dren who burned to tional palace to the alr­ Center is perched, gave the mass annihilation of death. port. way and swept a house people," the Prav'da article Riotlng went on in the grief-strlcken city for the The heavily-armed gun­ away, ki111ng two. said. thlrd stralght day in protest against authorities' men used thelr rlf1e alleged failure to con­ butts to keep the crowds FROM COMMUNIST CAMBODIA trol the fire. away from the two school WATER REPORT Troops, called lnto buses that drove the un­ Water taken from the the town Wednesday after determlned number of POll­ lens well reserves -­ MURDEROUS PURGE CAUSES two maJor clashes between tical prlsoners, released Slnce condition yellow: security unlts and thou- in exchange for the hos­ 7,b35,000 gals sands of mourners, fired tages, to the airport. Last 24 hours: -0- INCREASED REfUGEE fLOW occaslona11y ln the air The flights ended a In tanks: 6,540,000 gals TA PRAYA, Thailand (UPI) -- A new murderous purge to disperse groups of bold and bloody operatlon Consumed: inside communist Cambodia has sharply increased the people shouting abuses at that began Tuesday when KwaJ· 305,000 gals number of refugees fleeing into Thailand, refugee of­ local officials. the terrorists took hos­ Other· -0- ficials said today. The government inves­ tage 40 to 60 officla1s. Total: 305,000 gals Nearly 400 Cambodian refugees, their heads shaved tigatlon commlttee, which for identification, sat glumly ln rows at one border returned to Tehran from area gathering point in Ta Praya, 150 mlles east of Abadan Wednesday night TIED UP WITH MERGER Bangkok. Few women or children were in this group of after a three-day inves­ recent arrivals. A Thal tigatlon, blamed police policeman controlllng the for failing to foresee Some Pan Am foreign Spray Can Murder group explained, "The securlty problems and ad­ MINNEAPOLIS (UPI) -­ weak get left behind or mitted the flre fighting The Same jury that found die on the way." units were not prepared Routes To Be Dropped June Mlkulanec guilty of In an abrupt reversal for the rescue. WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Pan American World Airways, stabbing her love rival 98 of previous P011CY, po­ Iseeking to merge with Natlonal Airlines, said today times and spray painting lice did not allow news­ lt will drop some of its forelgn routes next month her body black found her men to talk to the refu­ PROGRESS 3 BURNS "in order to be businessllke and profitable." innocent Wednesday of the gees. MOSCOW (UPI) -- The The reductlon ln service could be restored par­ murder because of mental A refugee offlclal, Progress 3 unmanned cargo ti ally 1f the merger goes illness. who asked not to be named, space capsule ended ltS through, Pan Am Chalrman subsidized by thelr gov­ Legal experts sald it said that from hlS inter­ l6-day mlssion today in William T. Seawell told ernments. was possible she could be views with refugees an a ball of flre hlgh over the Senate Aviatlon Sub­ "If you are a U.S.­ freed immediately. extensive exterminatlon a remote area of the committee. Pan Am lS pro­ flag airline that posses­ The 28-year-old former campaign aimed at even Pacific Ocean. hlbited from flYlng be­ ses a domestic system, bank employee was convicted ordinary farmers was why The Soviet news agency tween U.S. clties, and a you have a cushion in the criminal phase of escapes trlpled since mid­ Tass said, "The ship was merger would allow the against the effects of in­ the two-part trial on July. put into a traJectory of new entlty to add Nation­ equitable market access Aug. 8 of slaying Susan "It is not former descent, entered dense al 's domestlc routes to and discriminatory treat­ Monroe Rosenthal, who had (Prime Mlnlster) Lon No1 layers of the atmosphere Pan Am's forelgn ones. ment abroad," Seawell married the defendant's soldiers or middle class over a pre-set area of Testifying on a bl11 testlfled. "You also have former boyfriend Allen people they are killing the Paclfic and ceased to designed to increase com­ a broader base and a Rosenthal, 32, only three now. It seems to be every­ exist. " petition in lnternationa1 ~igher frequency of ser­ weeks before the slaying one with even the slight­ Progress 3, which was aVlatlon, Seawell said vice over which to spread in suburban New Hope est connection with the launched on Aug. 8, deliv­ acquisitlon of profitable your costs and the means Oct. 3, 1977. old regime. The cousin of ered about 1.5 tons of domestlc air routes is of deploying expensive After the slaying, she a cousin of a cousin of a water, food, oxygen, ex­ needed to cushlon set­ aircraft more effici~ spray painted warnings of soldler lS ln danger," he perlmental devlces and backs in the internation­ ent1y. " more murders to come on said. "They are mostly mail to the Soyuz 29 cos­ al market, dominated by He said Pan Am's posi­ neighboring houses. slmple nce farmers." monauts aboard Salyut 6. forelgn alrlines that are tlon is "bizarre." \ PAGE 2 THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1978 Names Of fight MIAs ~.---- -----~-----, HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam (UPI) -- A financia' News Power 'nterruption congressional delegation scouting a new DOW JONES AVERAGES A power outage 1S planned for Vietnamese-American re1at10nship arrived 30 Industr1als up 0.35 at 897.35 Saturday, August 26, between 7:30 where the old ties ended and released the 20 Transportat10ns up 1.75 at 253.41 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. The only areas names of elght Amer1cans lost in the longest 15 Ut111t1es off 0.10 at 106,46 affected w11l be Transportation, war the Unlted States ever fought. 65 Stocks up 0.61 at 309.81 Heavy Equ1pment Shops, Furn1ture Rep. G.V. "Sonny" Montgomery and his Volume was 38,500,000 shares. Warehouse, F.O.MOo' Marina and the seven colleagues came to Ho Chl M1nh C1ty Clos1ng Gold up $2.80 at $203.25 Bakery. Wednesday aboard a Soviet-built TU-134 Jet Closing Silver up 6.5¢ at $5.41 ThlS outage will be in support transport loaned by Premier Phan Van Dong. SEE LISTINGS IN GRACE SHERWOOD LIBRARY of cable testing on the island's The delegation was the first official underground distr1bution system.
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