Kidney Development, - and Function in the Fetus

Bob Caruthers, CST, PhD

The kidneys produce urine, a blood filtrate, and regulate uri- can be seen in the fourth week. The is complete1 nary volume and composition. These regulatory activities regred by the start of the fifth week. The pronephros form involve balancing water and solute transport, conserving and regresses in a cranial-to-caudal sequence. No pronephric nutrients, eliminating waste products, and regulating acid and glomeruli (cluster of ) have been observed, and no bases. The primary purpose of function is to maintain a vesicles are associated with the . The stable environment in which cellular and tissue metabolic pronephros is, therefore, not active in urine producti0n.Y activity can proceed at an optimal level. The kidneys secrete the hormone renin, erythropoietin and 1.25-dihydroxy vita- MPSONEPHROS min D. Renin helps regulate blood pressure. Erythropoietin The originates in the that is helps regulate erythrocyte production. 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin part of the intermediate . Early mesonephric forma- D plays a role in calcium metabolism. This article will discuss tion is evident before the pronephros has completed its regre: the development of the kidney, and its role in the fetus."' sion. The mesonephros also degenerates in a cranial-to-cauda Since the kidneys are bilateral structures, development sequence. Some of the cranial structures are degenerating in involves both right and left kidneys. During fetal develop- the fifth week of fetal development while the caudal structun ment, three separate nephric structures develop in succession; are still differentiating. By the eighth week of fetal develop- pronephros, mesonephros and metanephros (Figure 1). The ment, most of the mesonephric structures have disappeared.$ associated and urethra both develop from a The nephrogenic cord elongates caudally. As it grows caudai derivative of the embryonic hindgut, the urogenital sinvs, The ly. the nephrogenic cord differentiates into mesonephric vesicle pronephras forms first, is not active in urine production, and These vesicles fmfrom the first thoracic to the third lumbar rapidly undergoes camplete regression. The mesonephros wgment and quickly increase in number by the means of bifurc. forms the setond kidney. The body of the mesoneghros tion andlor subdivision. The vesicles elongate and appear as regresses,/but gar& of the nesonephric duct remain to form either pear-shaped or S-shaped vesicles. These vesicl form rud the drainage sysrem of the male gonad. While existing, the mentary nephrom. The S-shaped vsicb develap communica- mesonephros is thaught to produce urine in the human ferns. tion with the (Wolffian),and branches from The third and definitive kidney, the metanephros, forms two the dorsal grow toward these $-shaped vesidq. The bodit rudiments that make up the complete adult kidney and . of the shaped vesicles form a mdlmnmry type Bowman's caF The metanephras produces urine during fetal devel~pmant,~ sule. Blood vmeb form tufts &at push against the developing Bowman's capsule and connect to vessels from the PRONEPHROS donJ aorta. Portions of the $-shaped vesicle not involved in tJ The pronephros is a transient structure which originates in previously described development become more convoluted an the asswiated with the cranial and associate with efferent arterioles that carry blood from the cervical somitrs. Component parts, cords of tissue or vesicles, glomeruli (capillary tufts) to the posterior cardinal vein! Unlike thc pronephros, not all of the mesonephric smctures metanephric blastema evolves in the caudal portion of the disappear. Abut the smh week, rhe remaining mesonephros nephrogenic cord and develops into the components of the forms an ovoid mass just lateral to the midline that, with Ehe metanephric kidney associated with excretion: Bowman's cap- developinggonad, helps form the urogenital ridge. The sule, proximal convoluted , loop of Henle and distal con- mwnephnc duct courscls along the lateral border of the qen~tal voluted tubule. The , a branch of the mesonephric ridge and comects with the where it serves to duct, f~mnsthe urine collecting components: collecting drain the mwnephrons. This urogeniml sinus will later develop in the kidney, papillary ducts, and major and minor calyces. into the adult urinary bladder and uret..In the male, the The ureteric bud contributes to the , al~o.'~':~l* that lie clox to the developing gonad remain The are formed from the metanephric blastema. as the efferent ductules of the testis and ocher minor sauctures. Local condensations of cells of the metanephric blastema form The mesonephric ducts give rise to the duct of the epididyrnis, the around dilated sections of the ureteric bud. The caps of , the and the ejaculatory duct in the metanephric blastema differentiate into vesicles, which evolve male. In the female, the mesonephric ducts degenerates for the into S-shaped tubules. These nephrons continue to mature, most part, while the associated (Miillerian) and new ones are formed. As the nephrons mature there is an duct forms the uterine tub, uterus, cervix and part of the . increase in the convolutions in the proximal and distal por- One branch of the mesonephric duct, the ureteric bud, remains as tions of the tubules and an increase in the length of the loop part of the urine collection portion of the metanepkS of Hmle?"." There is evidence to support but not yet prove that the The metanephros forms at the level of the upper sacral seg- nlesonephros produces hypotonic urine? ment and receives its blood supply from sacral branches of the dorsal aorta. Between the sixth to MheANEPHROS The third nephric structure to form is the metanephros,

Common excreto~ybud Metanephros

FIGURE 1-Mesonephros. gonad and metanephros during rhcir formation. ascending. Along with this apparent but illusionary ascension, the metanephros actually does move cephalad. The end result 1s Proximal convoluted tubule a repositioning in the lumbar area. As the metanephros ascends, it takes on a new blood supply. At the level of the sec- Bowman's capsule ond lumbar segment, the renal arteries become the definitive supplier of blood to rhe kidney? Collecting tubule

CONGENITAL ANOMALIES OF THE KIDNEY Oistal As with all organ development, congenital mishaps occur. convoluted tubule Renal agenesis, the failure of the kidneys to form, is related to a failure in the development of the ureteric bud or failure of the interactive mechanism between the ureteric bud and the metanephric blastema to produce nephrons. Renal agenesis may be unil~eralor bilateral. There are several types of con- loop of Henle genital cystic disease. Mile the mechanisms for each type vary, the common outcome is the production of multiple renal cysts. Congenital abnormalities of final location occur. This abnormality results from some failure during the ascent of the metanephros from the sacral to lumbar position. One variant of this is a horseshoe shaped kidney in which the two kidneys are fused at the caudal

Papillary duct FETAL URINE PRODUCTION AND AMNIOTIC RUlD REGULATION As previously mentioned, the mesonephric kidneys probably produce some urine. However, by the end of the twelfth week FIGURE &Major componenrs of the uriniferous unit in the adult kidne. of fetal development, the mesonephros is completely degener- ated, and the metanephros assumes the sole role of urine pro- able to move the fluid in and out of the lungs. Low levels of ducer. It is capable of producing large quantities of urine. This amniotic fluid during this period of fetal development are ass. fetal urine is hypotonic to fetal plasma in its sodium and chlo- ciated with pulmonary hypoplasia. Recent intrauterine them ride concentrations, The average pH is 6.0, slightly acidic. peutic techniques may reduce fetal morbidity and mortality Fetal urine has more urea and creatinine that fetal plasma but rates secondary to obstructive uropathy. During labor and it contains little protein or gluc~se.'~~~~~ delivery, the amniotic fluid continues to provide some protec Urine production in the fetus is related to regulation of the tion for the fetus and aid in dilatation of the cervix. In the fi amniotic fluid volume. Amniotic fluid provides some protec- trimester the fluid volume is normally between 5 and 25 mill tion from pathogenic bacteria during fetal life. The amniotic liters. At term, the volume of amniotic fluid is between 7@0 fluid compartment provides the few space to grow, move and 1000 milliliters. Abnormal amounts of amniotic fluid about and develop. Without this space, the uterus would close result from variations in fetal renal function, swallowing, lun down on the fetus and restrict development. In cases of first fluid production or transchorionic water flow. The fetus itsel, trimester amniotic fluid leakage, a fern may develop structural helps regulate these functions horrnonally. abnormalities secondary to uterine compression. By midpreg- In the first trimester, the amniotic fluid results from the nancy, the amniotic fluid plays a critical role in pulmonary transudation of fetal plasma across the fetal skm or umbilical development. Successful pulmonary development requires that cord or maternal plasma through the vascular uterine decidu the respiratory tract be filled with fluid and that the fetus bc First trimester fluid is iso-osmotic relative to fetal and maten plasma. In the second trimester, the fluid production changes. of Bowman's capsule continues with the proximal Urine is eliminated into the amniotic cavity beginning about tubule at the urinary pole. The proximal and distal portions of the ninth week of development. From that point, the fetus par- the tubules are convoluted. Between these convoluted sec- ticipates in the regulation of the amniotic fluid volume by pro- tions lies the loop of Henle. The collecting tubules are ducts ducing hypotonic urine to increase volume and swallowing it that collect urine from the distal tubules and transport it to to reduce volume. The fetal kidneys produce 600-700 ml of the papillary ductsag(Figure 2). hypotonic urine per day. The lungs produce approximately 250 ml of fluid per day. The fetus swallows approximately SUMMARY 590 ml of fluid per day and another 350-450 ml are reabsorbed Three separate nephric structures arise during fetal develop- across the chorioamnion as a result of the osmotic gradient ment. The second and third structures produce urine, but only between the amniotic fluid and maternal plasma. These fluid the third remains as a mature and definitive organ in the dynamics assist the obstetrician with evaluating fetal develop- fetus. The metanephros or third nephric structure plays a sig- ment. Oligohydramnios, a small volume of amniotic fluid, sug- nificant role in the regulation of amniotic fluid volume. The ' gests renal agenesis or renal obstruction. Polyhydramnios, a kidneys, themselves, are critical to the maintenance of a prop- large volume of amniotic fluid, suggests anencephaly because er environment for cellular metabolism throughout life. A of the inability to swallow or esophageal ame~ia.""~*-'~'~~''~" Fetal nitrogenous waste is eliminated by maternal urination BlBUOGRAPHY since the nitrogenous wastes diffuse across the placenta mem- 1. Baker LA, Gomez RA. " of the ureter." Sonin brane into the maternal blood m up ply.^ Nephrol, 1998, Nov; 18(6): 569-84. 2. Birnholz JC, Madana AE. "Amniotic fluid accumulation in the first mmcster."] Ultrasound Med 1995 Aug: 14(8):597-602. 3. Dura TT,da Cunha Ferreira RV.Momcal 1, Ezcurdia GM. Villa.Eliaga 1. 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Which of the following is not one of 5. Which structure's vesicles form 9. Amniotic fluid the three nephric structures to arise nephrons? a. protects the fetus during fetal development: a. metanephros b. allows space for development a. metanephros b. mesonephros c. assists in pulmonary b. polyhydramnios c. pronephros development c. mesonephros J d. a and b d. all of the above d. pronephros J 6. The urogenital sinus will later 10. By the ninth week, the fetus Which nephric structure forms the develop into the participates in regulating amniotic two rudiments that make up the a. urinary bladder and urethra fluid by complete kidney and ureter? b. testes a. producing hypotonic urine a. metanephros c. vagina b. swallowing hypotonic urine b. polyhydramnios d. ureteric bud c. producing fluid in the lungs c. mesonephros d. all of the above d. pronephros 7. The originates from the metanephric blastema and uteric Which structure's component parts bud. (cords of tissue or vesicles) can be a. metanephros seen in the fourth week of b. mesonephros pregnancy7 c. bladder a. metanephros d. uterus b. polyhydramnios c. mesonephros 8. Congenital anomalies of kidney d. pronephros ' development are due to a failure in: a. the development of the uteric Which structure is not active in bud urine production? b. the production of nephrons a. metanephros c. the ascent to the lumbar b. polyhydramnios position c. mesonephros d. all of the above d. pronephros