Submitted: October 1st, 2019 – Accepted: June 8th, 2020 – Published online: June 11th, 2020 To link and cite this article: doi: 1 COTYLAR FOSSA, ITS INTERPRETATION AND FUNCTIONALITY. 2 THE CASE FROM SOUTH AMERICAN NATIVE UNGULATES 3 4 MALENA LORENTE1,2, 3 5 1 División Paleontología de Vertebrados, Museo de La Plata. Paseo del Bosque s/n B1900FWA, La 6 Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina;
[email protected]; 2 CONICET; 3 Facultad de Ciencias 7 Naturales y Museo 8 9 Number of pages: 21, 7 figures 10 Proposed header: LORENTE, COTYLAR FOSSA 1 11 12 Abstract. The cotylar fossa is a complex anatomical character in the astragalar medial malleolar 13 facet. It represents a dynamic relationship between the astragalus and the tibia in the upper tarsal 14 joint. The astragalus must accommodate the medial tibial malleolus when the tibia is in an extreme 15 flexion. It is one of the three morphological synapomorphies considered for Afrotheria, although it 16 is also a recurrent trait among different groups of mammals. Here, fossil South American Native 17 Ungulates and extant mammals were surveyed to reevaluate how much this character is spread and 18 how variable it is. Beyond afrotherians, it is observed that it also appears in primates, macropodid 19 marsupials, laurasiatherian archaic ungulates, perissodactyls, pantodonts, and dinoceratans; it is also 20 in some but not all of the extinct endemic ungulates from South America. No function has been 21 suggested before for the presence of a cotylar fossa. The cotylar fossa could be an adaptation to a 22 passive, rest related posture.