8 BIBLE. OLD TESTAMENT. COMPLETE Hebrew --- [Hebrew Bible, edited by Jacob ben Chayim of Tunis. ] 4 vols. and index (in 5). 20 [Venice, 1524-25.1 Dd. 1.1-5. '{0'°" The 2nd Rabbinic Bible. Clement Litil Bequest, 1580. --- Quinque libri legis [followed by the remaining books of the Old Testament and the commentary of David Kimchi on the Twelve Minor Prophets, emended by F. Vatablus]. 24 pts. (in 4). 4o Parisiis, 1539-44. A.7.20-23. --- [The Bible in Hebrew.] 4o [Venice, 1566. ] A. 10.5. *101 Title-page wanting. --- Bibliorum Hebraicorum pars prima, id est ... quinque libri Moseh, etc. 20 Hamburgi, 1596. A. 4.19/1. This is really the 1587 Hebrew Bible edited by Elias Hutter, issued in 1596 with a re-adjusted title-page as portion of the Hamburg Polyglott Bible in 6 volumes, edited by D. Wolder. A second title-page reads: 'S. Bibliorum quadrilinguium tomus primus.' --- Biblia Ebraea: eleganti et maiuscula characterum forma, qua ... literae, radicales & serviles, deficientes & quiescentes ... situ & colore discernuntur ... cura & studio Eliae Huteri. 20 Coloniae, 1603. Z.4.40. --- [The Bible in Hebrew. Edited by Rabbi Judah Aryeh. ] 4 vols. (in 2). 20 Venetia, 1617-18. A. 3.11-12. *'* The 5th Rabbinic Bible. --- Biblia Hebraica. Ed. nova ex recensione Menasseh Ben Israel. 2 pts. (in 1). 4o Amsteldami, 1635-36. A. 7.45. --- [The Bible in Hebrew. Edited by J. Buxtorf. (And J. Buxtorfii Tiberias, sive commentarius Masarethicus triplex, etc.)] 4 vols. (in 2) . 20 Basileae, 1665. A. 3.13-14. 114* The 6th Rabbinic Bible. --- Another copy. A.
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