St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church Second Sunday of Advent December 06, 2020 Reverend Gregory Cormier, Pastor DEACONS MASS TIMES Sacrament of Penance Glen Bertrand First Saturday: 9:00 a.m., St. Rose of Lima To be announced Kenneth Soignier Saturday Vigil: 4:00 p.m., St. Joseph Sacrament of Marriage Sunday: 7:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m., St. Joseph PARISH STAFF Please contact the office at least 6 Sunday: 9:00 a.m., St. Rose of Lima months in advance. Monday: 8:00 a.m. St. Rose of Lima Madeline Broussard Office Manager Tuesday: 8:00 a.m., St. Rose of Lima
[email protected] Wednesday: 6:30 a.m., St. Joseph Friday: 6:30 a.m., St. Joseph Sacrament of Baptism Myra Robin Please call the rectory to schedule. Secretary
[email protected] PARISH OFFICE Laura Huval 2250 Cecilia Sr. High School Hwy Music/Communications, Mailing Address: P.O. Box 279, Cecilia, La. 70521 Rite of Christian Faith Formation Coordinator Voice: (337) 667-6344
[email protected] Initiation for Adults Fax: (337) 667-7073 (RCIA) Homebound/Shut In Website: Any adult seeking Baptism, Please call the parish office if you have First Communion, or Confirmation anyone who has become homebound Email:
[email protected] or shut in. Father Greg will see them at OFFICE HOURS should call or come by the rectory their home and then schedule for them office for more information. to be served weekly Communion. Monday-Thursday: 7:00 a.m. to 12 noon Thank you to all who graciously gave to I Give Catholic during National Giving Day.