Name of Deceased (Surname First)
Name of Deceased Address, description and date of death of Names, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are to be Date before which u> notices of claims 00 (Surname first) Deceased given and names, in parentheses, of Personal Representatives to be given KIPPS, Lilian 32 Browett Road, Coventry, Widow. 26th Rotherham & Co., 8-9 The Quadrant, Coventry (Ref. GJH/KLS), Solicitors. 10th January 1981 October 1980. • (Timothy Newport-Peace and Rosemary Louise Dent.) (054) JAMES, Olive •'Anchorhold," Kington Road, Weobley, J. H. Cooper, 17 West Street, Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 8ER, Solicitor. 16th January 1981 Herefordshire, Spinster. 27th October 1980. (Muriel Grace Sargent and Julian John Francis Cooper.) (055) SCHOFIELD, Frank 29 Back Lane Heath, Charnock, near Chorley, Stanley H. Cross & Co., 10 Ashfield Road, Chorley, Lancashire, Solicitors. 9th January 1981 Lancashire, Domestic Gardner (Retired). (Mildred Arrowsmith and Marjorie Mountain.) (056) 7th May 1972. SCHOFIELD, Martha 29 Back Lane Heath, Charnock, near Chorley, Stanley H. Cross & Co., 10 Ashfield Road, Chorley, Lancashire, Solicitors. 9th January 1981 Lanes, Widow. 26th March 1980. (Mildred Arrowsmith and Marjorie Mountain.) (057) TOPHAM, Edith 9 Copthorne Rise, Sanderstead, Surrey, Widow. Midland Bank Trust Company Limited, 139 North End, Croydon CR9 1XP ... 14th January 1981 6th October 1980. (058) 55 TURNER, Eric Lennoxwood, Westwood Road, Windlesham, Gordon, Dadds & Co., 80 Brook Street, London W1Y 2DD. (Eileen Laura 20th January 1981 Surrey, Company Director. 21st September Turner, Raymond Gardner and Sam Stevenson.) (582) o 1980. THOMAS, Mary Blodwen 93 Menlove Avenue, Liverpool, Widow. 27th Avison Lowndes & Co., 427 Corn Exchange Buildings, Fenwick Street, Liver- 8th January 1981 January 1980.
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