Ontario Museum Association Baldwin Street ONTARIO’S MUSEUMS Toronto, ON MT L Tel: - - LOOKING AHEAD Toll-free: --OMA- TOWARDS A STRATEGIC VISION AND ACTION PLAN members.museumsontario.ca Join the conversation: facebook.com/museumsontario or tweet #ONmuseums For questions about Ontario’s Museums please contact
[email protected]. LOOKING AHEAD TASK FORCE TAble of Contents Foreword � Executive Summary � The Vision & Action Plan � Next Steps �� Ontario’s Museums �� Embracing Change �� ����: The Strategic Vision �� Vibrant & Vital Museums �� For questions about this document please contact
[email protected] Relevant & Meaningful Collections �� Ontario Museum Association �� Baldwin Street Toronto, ON M�T �L� Strong & Successful Sector �� Tel: ���-���-���� Toll-free: �-���-OMA-���� Effective & Collaborative Workforce �� members.museumsontario.ca Framework for an Action Plan �� Join the conversation: facebook.com/museumsontario or tweet #ONmuseums���� Description of Framework Components �� Research & Assessment �� Roles & Relationships �� The Action Plan �� Action Areas �� Join the Conversation �� The Looking Ahead Task Force and Ontario Museum Association gratefully acknowledge the many people and Appendix �: About Looking Ahead �� organizations, without whom our work would not have been possible. Acknowledgements �� Selected References �� Funding for this work was provided by: 4 5 To achieve this vision, we must be open to critical our hope that Ontario’s Museums ���� will and ongoing self-assessment. Furthermore, strongly position museums to partner with all Ontario’s museums need to work together levels of government, and to be increasingly strategically to advance the sector. Our group relevant to all Ontarians. believes a focus on sector capacity building is needed. This paper is a first step in that direction. Along with my colleagues, I would like to thank those who graciously gave of their time in Ontario’s Museums ���� suggests a framework interviews, completed surveys and participated — a strategic vision and action plan.