Owens Illinois Cook Book-1871.Pdf
LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 641 o 5 Ow2m I.H.S. If* ADVERTISEMENT. The undersigned having examined the manuscript copy of Mrs. " T. J. V. OWEN'S ILLINOIS COOK BOOK," heartily recommend it to the patronage of all housekeepers. The original and selected receipts are the choicest we have ever seen, and the materials called for are within the reach of all, and can be had, as a general thing, in any of our western towns. The greatest objection to the cook books now published is that the receipts call for material rarely to be obtained outside of the larger cities. Mrs. B. S. EDWARDS, 'Springfield, Illinois. " JACOB BUNN, " " CHARLES RYAN, " " J.- C. ROBINSON, " " VIRGIL HICKOX, " N. M. BROADWELL, " " " JOHN S. BRADFORD, " " " J. A. McCLERNAND, " " " WM. A. TURNEY, " W. F. KlMBER, " " " " J. A. CHESNUT, " " CHAS. D. HODGES, Carrollton, " Dr. WHITE, Bloomington, " ALEX. MOREAN, Brooklyn, New York. Miss CARRIE HURST, Jacksonville, Illinois. Mrs. P. B. PRICE, " " JACK WRIGHT, Petersburg, orders addressed to Mrs. T. J. V. OWEN, Springfield, Illinois, will receive prompt attention. PRICE, $2if$per copy. MRS. OWEN'S ILLINOIS COOK BOOK, BY MRS. T. J. V. OWEN, A PRACTICAL HOUSEWIFE. "Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well." SPRINGFIELD, ILL.: JOHN H. JOHNSON, PRINTER 1871 PREFACE. " IN coming before the public with the ILLINOIS COOK BOOK" I do so because years ago I felt the necessity of a book of this kind; one that would be a guide to young housekeepers, as well as a great con- venience to older ones. There are a great many receipts published from time to time, that in all proba- bility are very good; but we are often loth to try any- thing entirely new, through fear, not only of the disappointment, if it should not prove good, but the waste of material, which by a careful housekeeper should be a first consideration.
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