Thirumangai AzhwAr’s ThirukkurunthANdakam

Annotated Commentary in English By: Oppiliappan Koil SrI VaradAchAri SaThakopan asrm 0 23 22 21 19 18 16 15 14 13 11 10 8 6 24 Nigamanam Paasuram 20 19 Paasuram 17 &18 Paasuram &16 15 Paasuram &14 13 Paasuram &12 11 Paasuram & 10 Paasuram 9 & 8 Paasuram 7 Paasuram 6 & 5 Paasuram 4 Paasuram 3 Paasuram 2 1 Paasuram 1 Introduction Page C ONTENTS and requested the father to give his daughter away togivehis daughter and requestedthefather extraordinary beautyofKumudava Frie daughter. their for bridegroom suitable Kumudava grew tobeabeautifulmaidennamed aVaisyan took thatchil saras) and (Kumuda pond Meanwhile, inanearby village, there was afemale childbornasBhUmyamsaiinan Aambal ChOLAKingdom. in the status andenjoyed anhonoured ChOLA king Neelan ofAadalmA, with thename of hishorse ThOlA Vazha MaRaivAnand Nizhalil NadappAn, Neer-mEl thenamesofThALUthuvAN, king.Hehadfourministers with the ChOLA served and ChOLAs of kingdom in the ofadistrict became achieftain He in fights. formidable master DhanussAsthram. Withhis of Vidhyai name atbirthwasNeelan.He bornin Thirukkura of birthis ascendance. Hisplace Itwasa Maasam, PourNamidinam. VriscchikA , Pa as known AzhwAr Thirumangai kaliyamAsrayE Saarnga-mUrthim ShaDprabhandha kruthaM KaarthikE KrittikAJaathamchathushkavi SikhAmaNim Taniyan is: the TwelveAzhwArs.His thelastof AzhwArwas Thirumangai T HIRUMANGAI Parakalan at Ahobilam atAhobilam Parakalan lli. Neelan rushed to the house Neelan rushedto lli. A ZHW Chathurtha VarNam and he mastered svakula Chathurtha VarNamandhemasteredsvakula nds of Neelan mentioned to him about the the about tohim mentioned ofNeelan nds yaloor near ThiruvAli-Thirunahari. His given near ThiruvAli-Thirunahari. yaloor y of archery and weapons handling, he was handling, ofarcheryandweapons y 1 rakAlan was born in Nala samvathsaram, Nala samvathsaram, rakAlan wasbornin was able to drive away many enemies of the drive awaymanyenemiesof was able to Thursday and KritthikA Nakshathram was in wasin Nakshathram KritthikA Thursday and lli. The parents were worried about finding a a lli. Theparentswereworriedaboutfinding d home and adopted it as his own. This child child itashisown.This adopted d homeand kkan. With their help and the carrying power power thecarrying their helpand kkan. With as his bride. The father asked his daughter his The fatherasked as hisbride. A R V AIBHAVAM of the parents of Kumudavalli ofKumudavalli the parents of The spies of ChOLa RaajA reported that Neelan ChOLa RaajAreported The spiesof weddedKumudavalli VishNavan, home asaSri Neelan was blessed toreceiveSamAsrayaNamfr archakAs were notvisibletothe happenings Allofthese ofThirumanthiram. Neelan intothemeaning Kaappuandinitiated ThirumaNN andco thedisc andpressed consented Nampi ThirunaRayUr BhAgyam. SamAsrayaNa for andprayed PerumAL ThirunaRayUr Sannidhi of smitten withlovefo Neelan was TadhiyAraadhanams fortheBhagavathAs. perform addition in should and Bhakthi (SamAsrayaNam), Chinhams VishNu marryshouldhave she could whom anyone she repliedthat and about herconsent Kumudavalli with Neelan Neelan Devi with Kumudavalli r Kumudavalli and agreed to her conditions. He went to the to Hewent her conditions. agreedto and r Kumudavalli 2 and began the TadhiyArAdhana kaimkaryams. kaimkaryams. TadhiyArAdhana beganthe and and the sEvArthis of ThirunarayUr Nampi. of ThirunarayUr thesEvArthis and was spending a lot of the revenues due to the tothe revenuesdue alotofthe was spending nch on the shoulders of Neelan, presented nch ontheshouldersof theveryhands oftheLordandreturned 4. ThiruvEzhukkURRirukkai 4. ThiruvEzhukkURRirukkai 3. ThirunedunthANDakam 2. ThirukkuRunthANDakam 1. PeriyaThirumozhi Bhag SaraNAgathiand GuNAnubhavam, ofNaaluKavi the perumAL. Thes name Aasu, Ch known as ofpoetry the fourmodes thefourTamizhvedamsofSwam for angams serveasthesix which SixPrabhandhams, through itsrelease found ofThirumangai PravAham AanandhAnubhava The Dhivyadampathis. feetofthe at thesacred SaraNAgathi performed became Mannan Thirumangai and Hisparijanams. Moola ManthramintheearsofKaliyanandbl intoKaliya that hecanrepeatthemanthram Ka as “Namm laughed andaddressedThirumangai Thebridegroom superheavy. box to makethat hadused Bridegroom) thathe (the manthram anddema drew hissword Thirumangai unliftable. the box made that castaspell had bridegroom the that thought angryand He was tried. Thirum cangobacktohisvillage. that boxsohe put them and Herobbed jewellery and ornaments. newly-weddedcouple. avaishNava, Thirumangai The DhivyaDampathissawtheplightoftheir and wasverysadabouttheinterruptiontohisKaimkaryam. Thirumangai did not encounter any avaishNavA day, dhanam. One VaishNava touchany didnot Thirumangai VaishNavAs. and fedthe Thiruman aadhAya Saadhubhyassampracchathi), Withtheco carry onhisTadhiyArAdhanam. offundsto shortage had were usedupandThirumangai Kaanchi Soon theextrafundsfrom Kaimkaryam. forTadhiyArAdhanams of theking the treasury from used the funds He returned theLord. outby up thetreasurepointed VaradarAjan anddug proceededtoK Next Morning,Thirumangai His temple treasurecloseto recover buried VaradarAjAappearedbeforehim prison, Lord sad to over theinterruption his TadhiyArAdhana words conciliatory with tricked Thirumangai also had Theking commander. heroic for his them away.ThekinghimselfcametofightThir confront Mannan him tothecourt.Thirumangai bring Neelanand hissoldierstocapture ordered king angry The inTadhiyArAdhanams. king avath-BhAgavatha kaimkaryams are: avath-BhAgavatha kaimkaryams and gain his release from the prison. from theprison. andgainhisrelease ithram, Madhuram and Vistharam and earned him and Vistharamearned ithram, Madhuram y NammAzhwAr. These Six prabhandhams set in in set Six prabhandhams These y NammAzhwAr. and wasvery had himimprisoned.Thirumangai aanchi withacourtservant,worshippedLord n's ears. Lord Sriman NaarAyaNa recitedthe n's ears.LordSrimanNaarAyaNa however thebattle.Theking withdraw from to essed him with His Sevai with MahA withMahALakshmi His Sevai essed himwith unsel of the ministers (asAdhubhyO arTam ministers (asAdhubhyO unsel ofthe 3 e six prabhandhams extolling Bhagavath Bhagavath extolling sixprabhandhams e angai could not lift that box, however much he box,however much he liftthat couldnot angai Bhakthan andappearedbeforehimasarich Kaimkaryam and during his dream inside the the hisdreaminside Kaimkaryam and during umangai Mannanandprovedtobenomatch s to gather money fo and used the rest of the funds for the future future the for rest ofthe funds the used and and instructed him to come to Kaanchi to toKaanchi himtocome instructed and ed the soldiers sent by the king and drove ed thesoldierssentbykingand nded that the bridegroom reveal to him the the revealtohim nded thatthebridegroom was happy to see them adorned with rich was happytoseethemadornedwithrich gai appropriated funds from avaishNavAs fromavaishNavAs funds gai appropriated all his plunderings in a box and tried tolift box andtried ina all hisplunderings liyA" andaskedKaliyantocomecloserso at that instant Thirumangai AzhwArand instant Thirumangai atthat r the TadhiyArAdhanam r the short celebration of the vaibhavam of this great AzhwAr: of thisgreatAzhwAr: ofthevaibhavam short celebration Let usreflectupononeoftheThirukkuRumthA ThirukkuRunkudi. Heascendedto atSrirangam. Uthsavam Sr at sannidhi of thedasAvathAra construction asthebuildi such many kaimkaryams performed He dEsams. 108 dhivya for86ofthe MangaLAsAsanam AzhwArperformed Thirumangai 6. PeriyaThirumadal 5. SiRiyaThiumadal utter servitudetoHimunderallci and sp oftheLordbymind,body qualities engaged Azhwar. Inhisdesperation,theAzhwar tothefervent pleaofthe respond did not therefore Bhakthaand dear his from Pasurams boon of aloudfortheLord's rebirth andcried and Samsara of thesnares in caught heexpressed hisfearofbeing Thirumozhi, Periya of his pasurams amellowmood.Inthe is in Thirumangai Thirumozhi, end ofPeriya Desams, atthe of MahaMantram of the Ashtakshara mysteries Narayana andtheMahaViswasamof Sriman has20 mo of Thirumangai Thirukkurnthaandakam kunRin MullaiManRidai yenRum iravumpahalumva senRu paNiminyezhuminThozhuminThoNDIrkALL, ThuyarumkedaMaamalar-yEnthi, NinRa Vinayum குன்றின் ல்ைலமன்றிைடநாம்கும்குேய என்ம் இரம்பகம்வாிவண்இைசபாட, ெசன் பணிமின்எமின்ெதாமின்ெதாண்டீர்காள், மாமலர் ஏந்தி, நின்ற விைனம்யம்ெகட one point of view or theother, theverses one pointofview the ecstaticstateand themindsetof reflection of believesthatthejoyousoutpouri This school and pr Periya Thirumozhi the endofComposing at Narayana blessedthe Azhwar that Sriman on thetheme centers ofthought school Another have beenthelastworkofThirumangaij no is there and although Thirunedunthaandakam Mokshamand overcame theafflictions nARumKURUMKUDIYE ri vaNdu isai paada, ri vaNduisaipaada, rcumstances. Asaresultofthis udging from the mood of the two Thaandakams. ofthetwo mood the from udging 4 eech in Thirukkurnthaandakam anddeclaredhis eech inThirukkurnthaandakam ngs of the Azhwar in Thirukkurnthaandakam is a isa inThirukkurnthaandakam oftheAzhwar ngs Moksham. The Lord wanted to enjoy few more more TheLordwantedtoenjoyfew Moksham. of Thirukkurnthaandakam is testimony to the to the is testimony Thirukkurnthaandakam of irangam and the creationofThiruadhyayana irangam and Parama Padham from the dhivyadesamof the from Padham Parama the Azhwar. After his deep immersion in the in the immersion deep his Azhwar.After the the Azhwar. Independent of the correctness of ofthecorrectness theAzhwar.Independent ng of the ramparts for the Srirangam temple, temple, Srirangam the rampartsfor of ng esented himself before him and blessed him. andblessedhim. beforehim esented himself NDaka Paasurams at the conclusion of this NDaka Paasuramsattheconclusion in a strenuous effort to enjoy theauspicious in astrenuousefforttoenjoy the Lord and after visiting the many Divya Divya many the aftervisiting and the Lord clear proof, Thirunedunthaandakam might might clearproof,Thirunedunthaandakam ofHe Samsara. continued onin ving versescelebratingtherakshatvamof ving exercise,hegothisboonof Thirukkurnthaandakam. Thirukkurnthaandakam. on th focus In thefollowingsections,Iwill (eternal bliss). isthehi andtheadorationofHIM principle Narayana istheGod,whosupreme thatSriman statesunambiguously Thirumangai offerings andobeisanceisthequestionrose Rg VedicQuestion:“KasmaiDevaay answers the He of thisYogam. the essence of capture pointofsuccinct from the marvel isa the Pasuram Neer). His SohrandParuhum and Water(UNNum oftheLordandth thatthethought recognizes the on pleasures oflifeinsteadreflecting theAzhwaarlaments where Nirvedam of the mood arepa (Upeyam) aspectsofSaranagati.There Target and means (Upaayam) the understanding evenafter is essential Murthy Jnanam Thirukkadanmallai, Kacchiand Thirukkudanthai, Srirangam, of Archamurthys Narayana. Thirukkurnthaandakam AzhwarintheRaksh belief ofthe unshakable Thirumayyam. The Azhwaars Thirumayyam. also housestheMangalasaasa holy feet of the Lord. Like Nammazhwaar, He Nammazhwaar, Like holy feetoftheLord. e experience ofHis KalyanaGunaasarehisfood surams in Thirukkurnthaandakam that capture that surams inThirukkurnthaandakam by the Rg Veda . Like Nammazhwaar, by theRgVeda mantra.LikeNammazhwaar, Thirupper Nagar, Venkatam, Thirukkandiyur, Thirukkandiyur, Venkatam, Nagar, Thirupper ghest rite(charya)toenjoyMokshaSukham 5 akatvam andBhakthaVaatsalyamofSriman a Vidhema”. To which God shall we offer our God shallweofferour Towhich Vidhema”. a e highlights of the twenty pasurams of pasurams ofthetwenty e highlights celebration of the Yogam in one of inoneof celebration oftheBhaktiYogam the transient in chasing over thetimelost eems to pointoutthat the nam oftheAzhwaar for the vithiyinaik kaNtu koNta thoNtanEn vituki lEnE 1 vithiyinaik kaNtukoNtathoNtanEnvitukilEnE mathiyinai mAlaivaazhththi kathiyinaik kancanmALakkaNtumunANtamALum, pavaLaththooNai nithiyinaip ¨Ô§ÔëÓ¿²© FIRST PASURAM: ¡§ÔëÓ¿²¡ ®Ó§ÔëÓ¿²¡ ªß¿ ª§ÔëÓ¿² Ú ©®°§ Ü ¡¤ Ü ¡¦ ­ ®ß¯ Ý £² Þ Å ¼¡ß¦ En manaththu vantha vidhi - pEraruLaLan pEraruLaLan - vidhi vantha manaththu En Ü Ç₩*¼¨±Ó¾ªëß Ý ªß°¡ Û § Ü §Ô*®¦¢ vaNangkiyen manaththu van^tha, vaNangkiyen manaththu neRimaiyAlninaiyavallAr, Þ ¥*¼§ß¦ Ü *¡¦ Ü ¡Ô¼ë² Þ Åʲ 6 Þ ¥½²² Ý ­ ó¦ Ý ª²§ Ü ¨Ô¿²ë ® ¨Ô¿²ë Ý ®ÓÅ¡Ô½ Þ ¥ªßЪ Ü Ç ®¨ ­ ­ Û ,* Ü ­ Û §,* ½² ßì Ù ,* the Azhwaar is abundantly clearhere. the Azhwaarisabundantly I,yourservantwillnot VidugilenE". "ThondanEn he hassa towhom his heartand of resident he willnevereverleav stating that pasuram by thewords"Vaaz beforeHimthrough prostrated Azhwaar saysthatheconductedMangalaasaasan theone,whoenthrone theLordas describes Azhwaar qualifies thisPeraruLaLa Devathidevan. or Parama Purusha the for stands Vithi Vithiyinai. theword startswith The lastline by hand. to Vaikutam leadshim that time,but is unabletothinkofth and his life moments of the last atthetime,whenlatterislikeastoneorwoodduring of hisBhaktha is tothink stands Smaraami".Mathi where hesays"Aham context inthePasuramline.Thereferenceon the is mathiyinai AaLum WordMathiyinai. the with starts Pasuram first ofthe line The third one withJnana. allJivansandblesses the one,whocreatesandprotects who is existence ofone's ultimategoal the aspired as meansacce which Gum, the Root from originating word isaSanskrit wordGathi Gathi.This the thatheis out pointing by linestarts The Second golden Treasure. or the Nidhi Hiranya stateas Antharyami in his Lord the described that of Upanishad spirit likeaNidhiinthe theLordis that wordofThirukkurnthaandakam He equatesinthefirst Vidhiyinai. and Mathiyinai Gathiyinai, Nidhiyinai, wordsare The them. inside meanings rhymesperfectly ofthisPasuram the fourlines fromthepoeticpointofview.Th It isamarvel d Himselfinhismind and sanctified it. The luted and offered his deep devotion. He says devotion. deep his luted andoffered on this . It also means the supreme Lord, Lord, means thesupreme It also on thisearth. e rhyming is perfect. The first word of each of of each e rhymingisperfect.Thefirstword 7 e Lord. He not only thinks of His Bhaktha at at His Bhaktha of He not onlythinks Lord. e e that Lord, whom he has discovered as the as the e hehasdiscovered that Lord,whom with one another,whileincorporatingdeep with e interpretation is to Varaha SaramaSlokam, interpretationistoVaraha e for mind or mental disposition. His mind set mind His mental disposition. or for mind htthi VaNangi". He concludes this sublime thissublime Heconcludes VaNangi". htthi n as "En manaththu vantha vithiyinai".He n as"Enmanaththuvantha am for the Lordresidinginhismindand am forthe ssible, approachable, fit to be practiced or fittobepracticedor ssible, approachable, let goofyourholy feet. Mahaviswasamof totheUpanishads. burns according and thefire wind orVayuKaaRRu.Heistheforce,bywhichblows,waterwets behind the KaaRRinai, YeRRinai, K and KooRRinai. AaRRinai meaningfulrhymes This onealsohassimilar tuLLamkooRun^ kooRRinai, kuNangkoN ARRinai amuthan^thannaiavuNanAruyiraiyuNta ERRinai, imayammEyaazhilmaNiththiraLai,inpa kARRinaip punalaiththeeyaik ¡ß± SECOND PASURAM: ô± ú± á± Û ±Ó¿²,* õªëª Û ±Ó¿²,* Á¦¢ ±Ó¿²,* Û ±Ó¿² óʧª Û ±Ó¿²© Ú É²¿ ­ pOrERu - Vijayaraghavan KaNNAdi Sevai Sevai KaNNAdi - Vijayaraghavan pOrERu § Û §² Û ½ªë*ù¯Ó Ü ¼¡ß¦ Ü § × ¾ë¡ Ý ¿²*óΦ² katimathiLilangkaiseRRa Þ Å ÷° Ü *¡¥ ­ Ü ª¦Ó§ Ü °ª Õ ª§Ô° 8 Ý ôÌëÓ¾ì ÷¦ ôÌëÓ¾ì Û *áѨ ee kooRumARE.2 at thebeginningofeachline.Thewordsare Ü §Ôì¿°,*õ² Ü õ aaRRu stands for the Lord, who is theforce Lord, who aaRRu standsforthe ­ × áѪ߽± áѪ߽± ¢ Ü ¾¡ ¼£± Ý ©- Þ ¥- Û ±- auspicious attributes. attributes. auspicious asks ittopersis Azhwaar converseswithhismindand Valor,Blissf After PraisingtheAntharyaamitvam, Nigraham aspectoftheLordissaluted. like Hi evilones ofthe destruction Lord's for Thirukkurnthaandakam. KooRRustands Pasuramof second the of line fourth the of the firstword is KooRRinai uNda) (avuNan Aruyir bytheRgVedaMantram(I.31.1). Visualized lifegi oflife,the essence foremost and first Nectar Bliss-yielding Riverof ofthethirdline isthebeginning (Inba) AaRRiniai Prapa torescuethe mighty Valor all typesof protection tothewhole world from thatRamanistheonepowerful says YasyaLokoMahaatmana:" Avashatbdho "Baahucchaayam Sundara Khandam: in him saluted inwhichHanuman thespirit herein mind in ofVijayaraghavan Rakshakatvam hasthe and‘RaNapungavan’.Thirumangai Pungavan’ as‘Aahava Thirupputkuzhi of PoRERu Following BullofThirupputkuzhi. the valorous salutedVijaya Ra Thirumangai Parakramasaali. orthe men orthebullamong word "Purusharshaba” YERRInai standsforthe orAaraavamudan.Here,AzhwaarrecognizestheLordas nnas from allkindsofcalamities. nnas ranya Kasibhu is referred to. Here the Dushta Dushta Herethe is referredto. ranya Kasibhu ving, thirst quenching, the blissful nectar as. blissfulnectar the quenching, thirst ving, ghavan of Thirupputkuzhi as "PoRERu" oras as "PoRERu" ofThirupputkuzhi ghavan Fears. Thus YERRinai stands for the Lord’s Fears. ThusYERRinaistandsforthe 9 Lord, who with the shadow of his hand offers offers of hishand theshadow Lord, whowith along these lines, Swami Desikan saluted the the saluted lines,SwamiDesikan along these ul natureand evilones, thePowertodestroy of the Pasuram. Here, He is saluted as the n or the one, whotakesawaylife.Herethe n orthe t in offering praise to the Lord of so many many praisetotheLordofso t inoffering Azhwaar salutestheLordthroughhisMind the VaachikaKainkaryam.ThethirdPasuramco dealt Pasuram first physical strength.The his th before Here, Azhwaarsaysthatheprostrates mAyiruncOlai mEyamain^thanaivaNangiNnEnE.3 virikathiririyaninRa, soozhn^thu vEyirunsOlai appanaiempirAnai, kAyirun^ thamuthangkoNta thannuLparuvaraithiriththu,vAnOrk pAyirum paravai ©ßëÓ̪ THIRD PASURAM: ªßëÓ̤ ½®ëÓ̤ ¡ßëǪ́ Û ©ì¾®§² Û Ç óʧª Ý ½£ß¿ Ý ½£ß¿ ­ ­ ½ªë*¾ª¨ ã¯ Û ¼¡ß¦ Û ¨ Ý Ò° mAyirunchOlai mEya maindhan Û Ç*®ÓìÓ¡§Ôì Ü *©Ì®¾ì §ÔìÓ§ Û §¿² ®¦¢ Þ ¥*ó© 10 (Manas), Speech(Vak)andBody(Kaayam). Ú ©¿² ùª Ù õìÓë¨Ô² with Maanasa Kainkaryam. TheSecondcovered Kainkaryam. with Maanasa e Lordof Thirumaalirumso ncludes with the Kaayika Kainkaryam.Thus, theKaayika ncludes with Ü ¡Ô ½²½². Ü Ç,* ®ß½èì Û ©Óìß¿²,* Ý ±,* ±,* Ù ¡ Ü - lai tothelimitsof vEtkaimee thUravAngkivizhungk vAkkinAl karuman^thannAlma kanavilkaNtu, pookkezhu vaNNanAraippOtharak kEtkayA NnuRRathuNtukEzhalAyulakangkoNta, ½¡¥ FOURTH é¡ ®ß¡ ½®¥ Ü ¼¡Ï ®¦ Û Ü Û ¡ëß² ¡Ôè ¾¡ ª AND ­ Ý ÷± Ü ¡Ìª¨ Ö Çïì ®ß¢ FIFTHPASURAMS: Þ ¦è¾ì© Thiurmangai Azhwar at Azhwar Thiurmangai Û ±Ç¦ Û §² Ü ¡Ô *®ÓÏ¢ Þ Å *½¡¯ Ú *½©ß§ì¡ Ý è naththinAl siraththaithannAl, ­ Ü *ª²§ inER kiniyavARE.4 ­ Ü ¡Ô½²± ßë Ü ¡²®Ó 11 Û ÷ Thiruvali Thirunagari Thiruvali Ü §Ôè ­ Û Á õ²Óë®ß½±. Á õ²Óë®ß½±. ¡¢ ­ ­ Ü £Ôì§ Ü ¡¦ Ü ¼¡ß¦ Ü ¾§ §² Þ Å,* Þ ¥,* Ý è ­ Ü ,* Nectar (Aaraavamudan),Azhwaarsaysthathe the "ParuhumNeer”,waterthat the Lordis when hepresentedHimselfbeforetheAzhwaar.In says thatthespontaneousmercy(AvyaajaKaruna Azhwaar declareslikehisGuruNammazhwarth the BhakthiofAzh The fullblossomingof kiniyalARE5 parukinER karumpinin sARupOlap varumpuyal vaNNaNnArai ma tati arumpeRa lanpupukkit enRan irumpanan RuNdaneer_pOlemperumAnukku, õ̪ ¡Ìª ó̪ ®Ìª Û Û ©Ó²Ó² Éë Û Û ©²² ¼©± ­ Ü ­ ®¦ KaRumbiniR sARupOl (Insatiable Nectar) sARupOl - Sarangapani (Insatiable KaRumbiniR Ý Ñ¦ Ý £ßѽ©ß Ü ó² Þ ¦è¾ì*ªÌ®Ó¼ë² Þ ¥ ¨ Ý ÉÉ¡ × ì Ù ½©ß Ü ¡Ô¥ ­ maipooN tuyn^thu pOnEn, maipooN tuyn^thupOnEn, © ­ Ú * ©Ì¡Ô½²± Û Å*ó¥ ruviyen manaththuvaiththu, Ü *ùª Û ¼©ÌªßÒ¡ Õ ¾ª é¦ 12 devours that nectar ofadrinkceaselessly. devours that Ý ª²§ ) of the Lord permitted him to "devour” Him, himto"devour” ) of theLordpermitted at Lordisthe"UNNumSoru",hisfood.He he drinks. Since the Lord is the Insatiable Insatiable hedrinks.SincetheLordis waar isrevealedhere.Inthefourthverse, Û Á õ²Óë®ß½± the fifth Pasuram, Thirumangai states that statesthat Pasuram, Thirumangai thefifth Þ Å ÷ë Ü Á, ù² Ü Ç ¾®§ Û ¨ Û Ç ½©ß½²² Ý §² Ü Ç,* Ý * Ý ,* both he and the Bhakthas areatalossto the Bhakthas both heand the LordofThirukkudant here. Azhwaardescribes Tattvam)a Paratvam (Paravasudeva Lord’s poovinai, pukazhumthoNtarenso thEnaip passaith pAvinaip kOvinaik kutan^thaimEya moovaril muthalvanAyaoruvanaiyulakaNGkoNta, Ê SIXTH PASURAM é®Ó¿²,* ɡϪ ©ß®Ó¿²© ½¡ß®Ó¿²¡ ê ®ìÓ ­ Ü Ê§ Ú ©£ Ü Á¥¨ ­ Û ¾£§ Ü ®èë*üÌ®¿² ÷ Û ¼§ß¦ Û ¾§ ½ªë*Á̪¦Ó§ Ü ½§¿²© paimponnai yamararsennip paimponnai kurumaNith thiraLai,inpap Þ ¥ì Lord of ThiruvEnkatam Ú *¾©ª Ù *ù² llip pukazhvarthAmE? 6 find words to adequately praiseHim. toadequately findwords ­ Û ¼©ß² nd Sowlabhyam (Easy accessibility) aresaluted (Easy accessibility) Sowlabhyam nd ¡¢ Ý ¼£ß 13 Ü ¼¡ß¦ hai withchoiceeulogiesandthensaysthat Ü §Ôì¿°,*õ² ­ Ý ¿² óªìì Ü ­ Ó© Ú É¡¯ Þ ¥,* Ù ¼£² Û ®ì Ù §ß½ª? Ý ©© Ý ²Ó© Ú - Ú - people. birds as wellbeborn may beingsand Human the uniquenessofBhagavathasortheirrelati the Eightthve the Lordalwaysadornhishead.In Bhagavathas isalsosalutedbytheAzhwaar,who aresalutedhere.Thegreatnessof andtheLord ofThiruvenkatam Sri Ranganathan vAzhkkaikkuRuthiy Unitaik kurampai koLka,than^tham yan^thO!mathikkilar mAnitap piRavi thEnitaik karumpinsARRaith vAnitaip puyalaimAlaivaraiyitaippirasameenRa, ®ß²Ó¾¥© thanmaiyai ninaivArenRanthalaimisaimannuvArE.7 orumaiyAnai, semmaiyaik karumaithannaiththirumalai meymmaiyai virin^thasOlaiviyanthiruvarangkammEya, immaiyai maRumaithannaiemakkuveetAkininRa, ¼£ª ¼ªë õª SEVENTH ANDEIGHTTHPASURAMS: ½§²Ó¾¥¡ §² ªß²Ó¥© ø²Ó¾¥¡ Û ¾ª¾ë ªÑ¾ª§² Ý ¾ª¾ë ¨Ô¿²®ßì Û Û ¾ª¾ë¡ ª Û ¾ª¾ë ®ÓìÓ¨ Ú ©Ó±®Óó¨ Ü Áìª Ú Éë¿ Ü ¡Ìª Ü ¡Ì¾ª§² ­ Û ¾© ®ß¯ ªß¿ Û ©Ó² Û ½§ß! *ª§Ô¡ Û § ½£ß¿ Ù ù² Ý £ß± ­ *®¾ìëÓ¾¥© Û ¡ Ý ¿²*ùª¡ thiruvinai maruvivAzhAr, Ý §² Û ¾±§ Ü ¾¡¡ ­ Ý ¿²§ *®Óë² Ý *§¿ E vENtiNnArE. 8 Ü *§Ô̮ӿ²ªÌ®Ó®ß¯ßì 14 Ü Á *÷Ñ§Ô½ë ½®¦ Á *÷ѧԽë Ü *§Ô̪¿ Ü ¡Ô Ü Á ® ­ Ý §ÔÌ®ì¢ ­ onship to the Lord have wasted their lives as Lordhavewastedtheir tothe onship ì or . Azhwaar is disgusted withsuch Azhwaar is or animals. Ù declares thatthefeetofBhagavathas ¼¡ß° ªÓ¾£ ª² ªÓ¾£ rse, he pities those, who do not understand understand do not rse, hepitiesthose,who Ú ©Ó죪 Ö ¥ß¡Ô ¨Ô² ­ ü̾ªëß¿²,* Ü ¡,*§ª Û ö² Ü ¡ª Ý Ò®ß½ì. Ý ±,* Û ½ªë,* Ý ±,* Û §ª Þ ¥ Õ è½ì. Û * Ù ,* of anything other than eternal servitude toyou. other thaneternalservitude of anything to devotion Please blessmetohaveunwavering hemindisunsteadyandruns fr confesses that the Lord callswithaffection Here Azhwaar aththa!nin NnatimaiyallAlyAthumon muththoLi marathagammE! paththimaik kanputaiyEnAvathEpaNiyAyan^thAy, siththamum sevvainillAth ©§ £Ô§ TENTH PASURAM theLord ashiscompanyalways. such peopleandseekonly like anantcaughtbetweenthefireatboth the unfort among thatlifespent Here hethinks oLLiyeer, ummaiyallAl ezhumaiyumthuNaiyilOmE.9 theLLiyeer! thEvarkkellAm koLLimE leRumpupOlakkuzhaiyumAlenRaNnuLLam, RuNNum nillAthuOsaiyiNnerin^in uLLamO onRil ÷° NINTH PASHURAM ʧ ¼¡ß° ó§ ¼§° ü° Ü §Ô¾ª¡ Ü °Óë Ü §Êª Ü Ü Ü °½ªß ü² °½ªß ¼§ß°Ó ªì¡§½ª! *ʯ¢ ¼§ß°Ó ªì¡§½ª! §! ¨Ô² Ü °Óë Ü °Ó½ª Ö ì Ù ,* ÷ª Ö ì Û ¼£® Ù! ½§®ì Ü Á ó² ­ Ý ó¥ Ü ùѪ Ý ±Ó¨Ô Û ¾ª ó Ü ¾® ¨Ô Õ ¾ª ó Ù ¡ ­ Ý É¾¥½ë² Û É ½©ß Ü Á ù Ü ­ ßÇ *ý¾£ëÓ ­ enseykEn theeviNnaiyEn, ­ thEvarAyulakamkoNta ­ Ü ­ Ü ­ ­ muzhangkoLi mukilvaNNA,en ­ Ü ­ ß ßÇ *ù² Ü ­ ­ ¡ ß ßª Ý ô®½§*©¦Óëßë ­ Ü *ùϾªËª Ü *Á¾¯Ëªß Ü *ëßǼªß² Ü Û ¼¡ß°Ó Ê¡Ô *½§®ìßë RaRikilEnE.10 end of the stick and that hewillstayawayfrom the stickandthat end of as "EN Attha", my affectionate Master. He Master. myaffectionate Attha", "EN as ­ 15 You and You alone! My father! I do not know alone! Myfather!Idonotknow andYou You om one thought to the other. What can I do? WhatcanIdo? totheother. om onethought unate people like the ones described above is describedabove peopleliketheones unate Ý ¼£ë Ü ùìÓ¨Ô² Û ½¡² ­ ­ Û ÷ Û Ç¿¦ëÓ½ Ü ®¦ Ü ù² Ý Ñ ó±Ó¡Ô½ Ý Ñ¦ ­ Ý § Û ù¨ ¡ª Þ æ,*ù² Ý §² × ®Ó¿²½ë² Þ Æª Û ¼¡ß¦ Û §ßë ­ Ý ÷° Û * ß½ª. ­ Û ,* Ý ½². - Ü °ª Ý ,* Þ ¥- Û ,* and Behold! He entered into myclosedeyelids a Heentered and Behold! I wasovercomebyth me nottobeafraid. told my unclean,unfitstate.To myuttersurprise,th was afraidof I Sacred Mahamantram. ancient and recitedHIS myuncleanbodyandmouth, with pureofthought I, theEgotist,whoisnot (Kaarpanyam) blossomsintothe humbleness/helplessness His thoughts. verseorawithennobling is agrand This van^thenkaNNuLE thOnRinArE12 kAvipOl vaNNar vARen pAviyEn pizhaththa nAmam, thollai thUymaiyil thoNtaNnEnn^AnsollinEn Aviyayai yarangkamAlaiazhukkurampessilvAyAl, óì¢ ô®Ó¾ë TWELFTH PASURAM forever. HIS service engaged in Here, theAzhwaarbegsLordtoblesshim paravu vEnE.11 paNtamAm paramasOthi!ninnaiyE aNtamA yeNtisaikkumAthiyAyneethiyAna, kaNtu, thAnkavalaitheerppA thoNtellAm paravininnaiththozhuthatipaNiyu mARu ¼§ß¦ ELEVENTH PASURAM Çïë ¡¦ ó¦ ©¦ ©ß®Ó½ë² ¡ß®Ó½©ß

Þ ¥ªßª Þ Å,* §ß² Û ¾ªëÓ Þ ¥ªßë Þ ¼¥ ­ Ý ©Ó¾¯§ Û ©ìª ½£ß§Ô!*¨Ô² ©ìª ­ Ü ®¦ Û ù¦ ­ Ü ­ Ü ¼§ß¦ ߪ Ý ¡®¿ Ü ¡ ªß¿ Þ §Ô¾£¡ Þ ¦ì Û ©ì®Ó¨Ô² Ü §®ß¼±² Ù ®¨ ­ Þ ¥½²² ­ § RancinERkancalenRu *óÏ¡ Ü Áª Û Ç* ù² n AvathE paNiyAyen^thAy, n AvathE next stage ofSaranagathi, Vi × ì Ù © Ý ¿²§ Û *ô§Ôëßë Ý ¨ß² Ú ©ß² Ý Ñ *ó¤ Ý ¿²½ë ©ìν®½². Ü *¼§ßϧ¥ Ý *ô®½§©¦Óëßù¨ Ý ¡¦ Ü 16 Á¥ª Ý *¼£ß is experience and closed my eyes outoffear.Lo my andclosed is experience so that his Mind, Speech and the Limbs will be so thathisMind,SpeechandtheLimbs e most merciful Lord appeared before me and beforemeand Lordappeared most merciful e Ý £Ô½²± nd appeared before my eyes there.Here,he my eyes nd appearedbefore Û É ù£ having engaged in reciting His Mantram in inreciting HisMantramin havingengaged Þ Æ½° ½§ß² Û ¨ ­ × §Ôëß²,* §Ôëß²,* Ü ­ Û £Ô Û Á ó¤ Ó½²² Õ ©¦Ó˪ßÑ- ©¦Ó˪ßÑ- ­ z., and Mahaviswaasam. He says: He says: z., andMahaviswaasam. Ü ®ßëß Ý ¼§ß Ý ±Óè½ì Ý £¼ ­ ­ Û §ßë Ü ,* ­ ² Ü ¿ ­ Ý Ñ* Û ,* ¨ßªª Û *, they makeevenameagereffort. ofperfectionandthathe their state worry about atSrirangam theLordisresident points outthat Aranga mAl Aranga 17 to give hope to people that they do not need to to givehopepeoplethattheydonotneed will bless them and come to their side, when totheirside, andcome willblessthem Çï®Ó½£ì Nirvedam here. here. Nirvedam banks of on the Adisesha of bed on the resting of spending pleasuresinstead chasing worldly Thirukk of the Lord of hethinks verse, In this pAviyen pAviyAthupAviyENnAyiNnEnE! 14 yAnai, thoovisEr annammannumsoozhpunalkutan^thai veNNi athanuLLEpazhuththozhin^thEn, pAviyE nAka kAviyai venRakaNNArka ©ß®Ó½ëè¡ ù¦ ¡ß®Ó¾ë ¼®² FOURTEENTH PASURAM: engaged inthedelectableexperienceoftast beauty of thename disappeared.Hesaysthatagreatdesire Lord of Srirangam. Lord's toutterthe his unfitness of Thequeasythought ofhisancientsins. the utterdestruction the Lord'sappearancein of thrilling "experience He says thatiron isdippe when hot likethewater, disappear confesses thathewasafraid eyelids. He upinsidehisclosed who showed the beautyofLord, in fear.Hesaysthathe"devoured” describeshisexperienceafterth Here theAzhwar karumpinaik kaNtukoNtenkaNNiNaikaLikkumARE13 arangkamAkOyilkoNta, surumpamar sOlaisoozhn^tha arumpiNi pAvamellAmakanRanaennaivittu, irumpanan RuNtaneerum õ̪ THIRTEENTH PASURAM: ©ß®Ó½ë² ó̪ Ã̪ ¡Ìª Û ©ªì Û ©Ó¿²¡ Û Û ©²² ©Ó¦Ó ©ß®ª Ù ½£ß¿ Ù ó² Ý ©ß®ÓëßÇ *©ß®Ó½ë² ©ß®ÓëßÇ Ý Ñ¦ Ü ¡¦ Ý ²ª ­ Ý ± ¡¦ Þ ¥ ¨ ã¯ Þ ¦Ó *ó§Ò° Û ù Þ Å ¼¡ß¦ Û ª² ­ × Ìª Û ¨ Ü ­ laviyE karuthi,nALum Þ æì pOtharum koLka,enRan Ý Òª Û § *óì¢ ßª Û *½©ß§Ìª Û *ó¡² Ù *¡ Û *ã¯ Þ Å* ù² Ü ½° ©Ï§ ­ 18 ing the physical beauty of Lord Ranganatha Lord physicalbeautyof the ing Ý ôëÓ½²½²! Ü ¡ªß ½¡ßëÓ ®Ó½ë ¡Ì§Ô,* ¨ßЪ ¡Ì§Ô,* ®Ó½ë udanthai and laments over the days of yore lost in overthedaysofyorelostin andlaments udanthai Û É² the appearance of the Lord would evaporateand Lord appearance ofthe the Ý ¡¦ Ý ±² ù² holy river Cauveri. He experiences the mood of mood the Heexperiences holy riverCauveri. rose inside him to open his eyes andenjoythe rose insidehimtoopenhis hissinsweregonenowandthathebecame Û ¼¡ß° side his closed eyelids stayed thereandcaused eyelidsstayed side hisclosed his time reflecting on the supreme principle principle supreme the on timereflecting his d into it. Instead, he says that the "hot and that the hesays into it.Instead, d e Lord appeared to him as he closed his eyes as heclosed tohim e Lordappeared ­ Ü Á¥¨ Þ ¦Ó¿¦ ¡°Ó¡ ¦Ó¿¦ Ü Ç ü¯Ó¨ Ü ¡,* ù² Ý ¿² ®Ó¥ ­ Û ¾§ëß¿²,* Ü ¼¡ß¦ Û ½§² Û Å,* Å,* Ý §² Ü Áªß½± Þ ¥,* Ý ,* Û - Ý - ªßëªß² anpinAl NYAnaneer_koNtAttuvaNnatiyaNnEnE.15 tennutai nencamennum, yukkit enpelA muruki anpinA lanumanvan^thaaNGkatiyiNaipaNiyaninRArkku, LilangkaivEviththu, NanRanmuthumathi irAva munpolA ʲ FIFTEENTH ANDSIXTEENTHPASURAMS: ó² §ßëªß ©ì¾®¼©ß¢ ó² ù² Çïë ªßªß¿ öËªß Ý ¼© Ý Ý Ý ¼©ß ©Óè ©Óè ­ ­ Ü ùª ­ ߪ Azhwar thinks of Ramavatharam - Thirukkudanthai Ramar Ramar - Thirukkudanthai of Ramavatharam thinks Azhwar ­ ­ Ý ªßë£ ß õìß®¦² Ü Ü óÒª² ¤ß²¨ Û ÷Ì¡ÔË¡ Û ©Óìßèì ­ ¼¡ß¦ Û ¼£± Ù ¡ × ì Ý ®¨ Ù ¼¡ß¦ Ü Á *ù² Û Ñ *ªÌ§Ô±¨¥¨ Ü ¡§ Ü ¡Ô¥ Þ Å *ã¥ Ý §² Û Ç* ô¢ Ü * §¥®¾ì §ÔìÓ§ *§¥®¾ì Û Å* ù² Ý *ÊǪ§Ô° Þ Å* ô¥ Ý Ò¾¥£ Û Å®² Ý Ò¾¥ ¼¨¤ Ü ¡¥ Û Å®² 19 Ý ¼§ß¦ Õ ëÓ¿¦ ©¦Óë¨Ô² Û ¼£ß± Ü õ Û Ç,* ¾®ëª Ý ó¥ ­ Ü Ç, ®ß½èì Û ¡° Þ ¥½²½² ¢ Ý £ ¼ª² Õ ë½²½². Ü ¾¡ ½®®Ó§ Ü ù² Ý Òª Û - Ý Òª Ý çì Ù ¡ Ù ¡ Û ,* Ü Á* Û ,* Ü Á,* Ü Ç,* Kondu Sootuvan ThondanEnE”. Kondu Sootuvan ThondanEnE”. Maalai ThUya ennum SorkaL Ennudai He says“Emperumaanaarkku flowers. as thefragrant 16th verse,HedecoratestheLordwithexquisite thatperf the Lordwith (Snaanaalankaram) for Azhwaar sa Thirumanjanam oftheLord. of the form leads toJnanam,whichtook spirit ofthestatement Saastraath “Bhakthyaa el thought Khandam. That the incidentsofSundara Alankaram and then Garland alankaram. In the 15 the alankaram.In Garland then Alankaram and Snaana first offers Lord.He ofthe relatedtotheVibhavaAvatharams ofincidents thinks an exalted pasurams, Azhwaarisin In thesetwo thooyamA mAlaikoNtusoottuvanthoNtaNnEnE16 kennutaissoRkaLennum, keeyumAl empirAnArk thAyamA paravaipongkathth mAyamAn mAyasseRRumaruthiRanatan^thu,vaiyam atavarai thiriththu,vAnOrk 20 Vedmi Janardhanam". That heightened Bhakthi Bhakthi Thatheightened Janardhanam". Vedmi umed waterconstituted flower garlands made up of his words serving serving flower garlandsmadeupofhiswords mood of offeringKainka mood ys thatheconductedThirumanjanam th scent-laden, perfumed water fit for the the perfumedwaterfitfor scent-laden, pasuram, he thinks of Ramaavatharam and of Ramaavatharam pasuram,hethinks evates his of Bhakti to the Lord inthe evates hissenseofBhaktitotheLord by Divya Jnanam.Inthe by ryam to the Lord. He ryam tothe Samaadhi). flam bright LordasaSplendidand thus enjoythe resplendent Lord ( Darsana Samanaakaaram). Lord (DarsanaSamanaakaaram). resplendent Praanaayama, Pratyaahaara,Dharana andDhyana), resultsinthevisualizationof He revealsthatthefinalstage(Dhyaanam)of Perumal). (ViLakkoLi of Deepaprakasan can alsobe Jewel ofa PasuramonBhaktiYogam andtheAshtaanga Yogam thatprecedesit.This Here, ThirumangaicelebratesBhakthiYogam viLakkinai vithiyilkANpArmeymmaiy thuLakkamil sin^thaiseythu anpavarkaNNEvaiththu, aLappilaim pulanatakki Nnimaiyaikkootti, neekki yirun^thumun yiyakkam iLaippinai Ç°¡ ó°© õ¿°© EIGHTEENTH PASURAM: ofHI thoughts basedonhisfear fearandconstant his through theLord Sisupaalan; Kamsareached Lord like baiting the by result thesame got others Lord; the to kainkaryam by of Moksham boon got the the Gopis position basedon Here, theAzhwaarexpainshis AsaiyO perithukoLkaalaikatal mAttEnpEthai pEsinEn Esa enpathivvulakinvaNNam, pOnAr EsnAr uyn^thu pEsi, n^eeththArpEruLAnperumai pEsinAr piRavi ½©£Ôèì SEVENTEENTH PASURAM: asourAchaarya. out ofhisconcernforus other ro of BhaktiandPrapattiinsteadthe ú£Ôèì ®Ó°¡ ½©£Ô½²² ô¾£½ëß ¼©ìÓǼ¡ß° Ú ©Ó Ü ¡Ô¿² ®Ó§ÔëÓ² Ü Ú ¡ªÓ ©Ó¿² õë¡ ­ Ù ÷ë Ù ©Ó±®Ó¨ Ü ûª ­ Ý ú£ªß¥ Ü £Ô¨ Û ¨ Û É Û Ç ½©ßèì ­ Û ¾§ ¼£ë ²¥¡ Ü ¡ª × § ܧßì Û ½¥² Ý ¡ß¦ Û ¨ Ü ¡Ô *ó² Ù *½©Ì°ß² × ¡ Ù *ù² Ý *½©¾§½ë² yEn piRavineeththaRku, M. As for himself, Azhwaar reve M. Asforhimself, thOnRalum sutarvittu,AngkE Ü ¡Ô *ǫ̃ Ü ¡ *ó¿ Û Ç *½§ß² vaNNar pAlE17 Þ ©ßì Ù *¼ªë Ý ©Ç õ® Ý ©®ì E kANkiR pArE18 ­ the Ashtaanga Yogam (Yama, , Aasana, Aasana, (Yama,Niyama, AshtaangaYogam the utes. He recommends the same approach tous approach Herecommendsthesame utes. ¡¥ Ù ¡¦ Ý ¼©Ì¾ª½©£Ô,* 21 The successfulpraction Û Çʲ considered asanindirectmangalaasaasanam e of a lamp in their minds(fruitsofSavikalpa of alampin e his knowledge of the Saastraas. He says that says He Saastraas. knowledge ofthe his Ý ±Íª Û ª ­ Ý ©Ó±®Ó¨ Û ¾ª½ë ¡ß¦ Ü Î Ü ®¦ Þ ½¦ ¾®§ ­ Ý õ¾ª¾ë¡ Û Ã¥ì ¡Ô² Þ ¦ì Ý ®¦ als that he will followtheroute als thathe Ù ®Ó¥ × § Ù ©ß½ Ü §± Û Å,* ô¢ Ü Ç,* Þ ¡Ô± Þ ¦ª Û Á,* ers ofBhakthiYogam ­ Ü á¥

Û ©ß½ì ©ß½ì Û ,* Û ¥ Ü ½¡- Õ ,* Subhaasrayam (Thirumeni) of the Archamur of (Thirumeni) Subhaasrayam on totheactual Azhwaargoes the Yogam, st incomplete DarsanaSamanaakaram From the Murthys ofother sacred sites such as Sriran Di Kandiyur of Murthy Vimochana Hara Saapa issaluted Lord Tattvam ofthe The Sarvesvara maNtinAr, uyyalallAlmaRRaiyArkkuyyalAmE?19 kaNtiyUr arangkammeyyamkassipErmallaienRu theerththa uNtiyAn sApam piNtiyAr maNtaiEn^thippiRa ÷¦ ©Ó¦ NINTEENTH PASURAM: ¡¦ ª¦ Þ ¥ Þ ¥ Þ ¥ Þ ¥ Õ èì Õ ëßì Õ ëâì Õ ëß² Ù óì¢ Ù ª¦ Ù,* ÷ë Ý * £ß©ª Þ ¾¥ ú¨ Ü ¡ª Û ë ­ Û ¼ªë Û § Ü ó × ì Ù § Û §Ô© ­ oruvanoor, ulakamEththum Û ëª Ü § üÌ®Òïì Ü ­ rmanai thirithan^thuNNum, Ú *©Ó±ì ß Û *¡£ ­ Ü *ª± 22 gam, Thirumeyyam, Kanchi, Thirupper and Mallai. Thirupper andMallai. Thirumeyyam, Kanchi, gam, thys of the different Divya Desams. thys ofthedifferentDivyaDesams. Ù ª¿² §ÔìÓ§¨ ª¿² Û £Ô½©ì Û ¾±ëßì experience of feasting one's eyes on the one's eyesonthe experienceoffeasting by the Azhwaar in this Pasuram. He salutes salutes He Pasuram. inthis theAzhwaar by Ù ,* ÷ vya Desam along with the presiding Archa along withthepresidingArcha vya Desam ate (resembling direct ate (resembling Ù ª ­ ­ Ù ¡ Ü ¿ ¡ ½ª§ ­ ÜÁ ÷ë Û Ç¦ ù² Þ Æª Ý Ñ- Ü Çª Û ë ­ ß½ª? seeing)ofBhakthi Û ,- Û * ®ß²®ì TWENTIETH PASURAM(PALASRUTIPASURAM): ø²ª§Ô² ªß²½® ½§ª ­ ì Ù Çï®Óú§ Ù ­ §¢ Ü ¡ Ý ±Ó ® Ü ¡° ­ Óë² ­ EmperumAn of Vaikunta ViNNagaram ViNNagaram ofVaikunta EmperumAn Ü ½¡ßÒª Ü ­ Ý ¼£ß² ßì Ü Çª Ù *ü°Ó®Óê Û *½£®¥ Û *ª Ý ² *®¦ ­ Õ £ ì Û É ô° Ù ªÓ¾£ óëÒª Û ¼£¢ Þ §ªÓ¯ 23 Ü ¡¦ Ü ®ì Û ªß¿ Ù §ß½ª Þ ªß¿ ­ ¨ß¿ Û ,*¨ßЪ ­ ,* ­ ¨ Û Çª Û - Û ,* Oppiliappan KoilVaradacharisadagopan Oppiliappan Saranam MannanThiruvadigaleh Thirumangai §Ô̪¢ Brahmaanandamatthe one toenjoy which leads ofThirukkurnthaandakamwouldresu the 20verses Himself enjoysatSrivaik as theLord Aanandham Sampradhaayam assertsthatthe Nityasuris areblessedtoenjoythesamemeasureof the on Hetouches Thirukkurnthaandakam. In thisconcludingverse,Azh Unama thinRivallAroLivisumpALvarthAmE20 mAnavEl kaliyansonnavaNtamizhmAlainAlain^thum, thEmalar thooviEththumsEvatissengkaNmAlai, nALum vAnavar thangkaLkOnummalarmisaiayanum, Ü ¾¡ô¯ Û ®ßì Ù §ÔÌ®¥ waar pointsof outthebenefits Õ ¡½° £ì¦ª 24 same level enjoyed by Sri Vaikunta Naathan. Naathan. Vaikunta same levelenjoyedbySri untam. Azhwaar states that the recitation of untam. Azhwaarstatesthattherecitation Nityasuri tattvam in this verse. Our verse. tattvaminthis Nityasuri lt in one attaining the state of Nityasuri, Nityasuri, state of the one attaining lt in Û

reciting thetwentyversesof