Income, Expenditures, Poverty, and Wealth
Section 13 Income, Expenditures, Poverty, and Wealth This section presents data on gross periodically conducts the Survey of domestic product (GDP), gross national Consumer Finances, which presents finan- product (GNP), national and personal cial information on family assets and net income, saving and investment, money worth. The most recent survey is available income, poverty, and national and at < personal wealth. The data on income and /oss/oss2/scfindex.html>. Detailed infor- expenditures measure two aspects of the mation on personal wealth is published U.S. economy. One aspect relates to the periodically by the Internal Revenue National Income and Product Accounts Service (IRS) in SOI Bulletin. (NIPA), a summation reflecting the entire complex of the nation’s economic income National income and product— and output and the interaction of its GDP is the total output of goods and major components; the other relates to services produced by labor and prop- the distribution of money income to erty located in the United States, valued families and individuals or consumer at market prices. GDP can be viewed in income. terms of the expenditure categories that comprise its major components: The primary source for data on GDP, GNP, personal consumption expenditures, national and personal income, gross gross private domestic investment, net saving and investment, and fixed assets exports of goods and services, and gov- and consumer durables is the Survey of ernment consumption expenditures and Current Business, published monthly by gross investment. The goods and services the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). included are largely those bought for final A comprehensive revision to the NIPA use (excluding illegal transactions) in the was released beginning in July 2009.
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