Föhn in the Rhine Valley During
QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 133: 897–916 (2007) Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI: 10.1002/qj.70 Fohn¨ in the Rhine Valley during MAP: A review of its multiscale dynamics in complex valley geometry Philippe Drobinski,a* Reinhold Steinacker,b Hans Richner,c Kathrin Baumann-Stanzer,d Guillaume Beffrey,e Bruno Benech,f Heinz Berger,g Barbara Chimani,b Alain Dabas,e Manfred Dorninger,b Bruno Durr,¨ h Cyrille Flamant,a Max Frioud,i Markus Furger,j Inga Grohn,¨ b Stefan Gubser,c Thomas Gutermann,h Christian Haberli,¨ b,h Esther Haller-Scharnhost,¨ c,h Genevieve` Jaubert,e Marie Lothon,f Valentin Mitev,i Ulrike Pechinger,d Martin Piringer,d Matthias Ratheiser,b Dominique Ruffieux,g Gabriela Seiz,k Manfred Spatzierer,b Simon Tschannett,b Siegfried Vogt,l Richard Wernerm and Gunther¨ Zangl¨ n a Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Service d’A´eronomie, Paris, France b Department of Meteorology and Geophysics, University of Vienna, Austria c Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland d Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Vienna, Austria e Centre National de Recherches M´et´eorologiques, M´et´eo-France, Toulouse, France f Laboratoire d’A´erologie, Toulouse, France g MeteoSwiss, Payerne, Switzerland h MeteoSwiss, Zurich, Switzerland i Observatoire de Neuchˆatel, Switzerland j Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland k Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, ETH Zurich, Switzerland l Institut f¨ur Meteorologie und Klimaforschung, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany m Umweltinstitut des Landes Vorarlberg, Austria n Meteorologisches Institut der Universit¨at M¨unchen, Germany ABSTRACT: This paper summarizes the findings of seven years of research on fohn¨ conducted within the project ‘Fohn¨ in the Rhine Valley during MAP’ (FORM) of the Mesoscale Alpine Programme (MAP).
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