Floristic Composition of the South-Central Florida Dry Prairie Landscape Steve L. Orzell Avon Park Air Force Range, 29 South Blvd., Avon Park Air Force Range, FL 33825-5700
[email protected] Edwin L. Bridges Botanical and Ecological Consultant, 7752 Holly Tree Place NW, Bremerton, WA 98312-1063
[email protected] ABSTRACT Floristic composition of the Florida dry prairie landscape was compiled from 291 sites in nine south-central peninsular counties. Floristic lists were based upon field inventory and compilation from reliable sources to- taling 11,250 site and community type-specific observations and were analyzed by region (Kissimmee River, Desoto/Glades “Big Prairie,” and Myakka). The known vascular flora consists of 658 vascular plant taxa, rep- resenting 317 genera and 115 families. Families with the highest number of species are Poaceae (103), Asteraceae (78), Cyperaceae (76), Fabaceae (23), Scrophulariaceae (20), and Orchidaceae (18). The most diverse genera are Rhynchospora (29), Dichanthelium (17), Ludwigia (13), Xyris (12), and Andropogon (11). Of this flora 24 taxa are endemic to central or southern peninsular Florida, primarily within the pine savanna- flatwood/dry prairie landscape, and 41 taxa are of Floridian biotic affinity. Although most species are not re- gionally specific, a few (Carphephorus carnosus, Ctenium aromaticum, and Liatris spicata) appear to be ab- sent from the Myakka prairie region, while Marshallia tenuifolia appears to be absent from both the Desoto/ Glades and Myakka prairie regions. Within the dry prairie landscape Hypericum edisonianum is restricted to the Desoto/Glades region. A few other species somewhat differentiate between prairie regions; however, most occur in other habitats in the counties where they are absent or nearly absent from dry prairie.