Skt Sigma Kappa Triangle Vol 6
VOLUME 63 AUTUMN 1969 NUMBER 3 Official Magazine of Sigma Kappa Sorority Founded at Colby College, November, 1874 FRANCES WARREN BAKER, Editor CENTRAL OFFICE 2 Mission Centennial 3433 Washington blvd., Indianapolis, Ind. 46205. Director, Mrs. E. D . Taggart. 3 The Duplex Life-and How to Live in It. 7 1970 National Convention in Sarasota 8 Stock Broker-A Woman's Dream Career 10 Twins Both Win Crowns NATIONAL COUNCIL 13 Miss Tennessee- Universe 14 Sigmas You'd Like to Meet National President-Mrs. Gordon 15 That Three Letter Word- SEX Duncan, 6416 Garland, Fort Worth, Tex. 76116 18 Maine Sea Coast Mission Plays Santa Claus 19 Wins Top Wisconsin W omen's Club Award for 1st Vice President-Mrs. Walton Notable Citizenship Dismukes, 1530 Escobita ave., Palo 20 Californians Convene for Highly Successful Alto, Calif. 94306 State Conference 2nd Vice President-Mrs. W. P. 22 She Contributes to Culinary Bliss Haddon, 698 Parsippany blvd., 23 She Helps With Special Tutoring Boonton, N .J. 07005 24 Au Revoir Bach-We'll Miss You National Director of Membership 25 BUSY As Teacher-Politician-Student Mrs. Leslie Collins, 8636 Fountlee 26 Marge Barnes Registered More Than 1,000 For an Crest SW, Seattle, Wash. 98116 International Science Fair National Director of Extension 27 Receives This First PhD Degree Mrs. Patricia Carlin Smith, 511 28 Contributors to Maine Sea Coast Mission Fund Malvern Hill circle, Hampton, Va. 29 Maine Sea Coast Mission News 23369 30 Her Art Works Are Widely Exhibited National Secretary-Treasurer-Mrs. 31 Significant News of Sigmas E. D. Taggart, 3433 Washington 35 Alumna! Are Active Too blvd ., Indianapolis, Ind.
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