Gov. Scott Signs Anti-BDS Bill at Orlando Torah Academy RAISE Employee of the Month JP Honoree Full of Enthusiasm

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Gov. Scott Signs Anti-BDS Bill at Orlando Torah Academy RAISE Employee of the Month JP Honoree Full of Enthusiasm Editorials ..................................... 4A Op-Ed .......................................... 5A Calendar ...................................... 6A Scene Around ............................. 9A Synagogue Directory ................ 11A JTA News Briefs ........................ 13A WWW.HERITAGEFL.COM YEAR 42, NO. 30 MARCH 30, 2018 14 NISAN, 5778 ORLANDO, FLORIDA SINGLE COPY 75¢ RAISE employee of the month Stoneman Douglas High School alumni say the blessing over the challah at the Shabbat of Champions, in honor of the fallen Parkland students and staff. UCF students honor Parkland victims at Mega Shabbat—Champion of Shabbats Ashley Magill, holding her EOM certificate, is flanked by Rachel Slavkin (l), RAISE director of Education and Em- By Lazer Cohen Lipskier urged those in attendance to Dr. Fine contrasted the UCF Knights, ployment, and Loren London, RAISE founder and director. tap into their souls and the 17 beautiful who’s kicker Nader Golshahr was in atten- Five hundred and fifty students, faculty souls of the departed as they lit their dance, to Chabad. “Unlike the champion and community members partook in Shabbat candles, and to take on a mitzvah Knights, Chabad at UCF is not once-in- Every month, RAISE thing to say to everyone she the largest Shabbat dinner ever held at (good deed) in their memory. a-lifetime. Chabad at UCF is here for all chooses one employee to sees—our students, our staff, UCF on Feb. 23 in the Pegasus Ballroom. Rabbi Chaim Lipskier, who directs of UCF’s Jewish students all the time honor as employee of the and our Hillel Hounds!” The annual Mega Shabbat was called Chabad with his wife Rivkie, then spoke and they are not going anywhere,” said month in the RAISE program. “You have worked hard at “Shabbat of Champions,” a nod to the about how moved he was to see the dozens FIne. Following the traditional prayers This month Ashley Magill was Hillel this year and are very undefeated UCF Knights. With many of students from many organizations who over wine and bread, a catered kosher chosen. deserving of this honor,” Stoneman Douglas High School alumni had dedicated hundreds of hours to make meal that included Shabbat staples like Magill works at Hillel one said Loren London, RAISE in attendance, the event was also a mov- the event possible. challah, gefilte fish, and chicken was day a week helping to set director. ing tribute to the victims of the tragic Becca Coven, president of the Chabad served. the tables for more than 100 Ashley was proud to receive Parkland High School shooting, which Jewish Student Group then took the “Shabbat is one of the centerpieces of guests for Shabbat dinner. this honor and her mother, had taken place just one week prior to stage. “Growing up in a Jewish home, Jewish life, and has been so since the in- Her job coach, Paula Breeden, Dottie, made sure the family Shabbat of Champions. Shabbat is something that I got to fancy of our nation,” said Rabbi Lipskier. doesn’t have to do much celebrated the occasion with To honor the victims, the co-director of look forward to every week, a time to “Shabbat of Champions was a chance for coaching, as Magill keeps the a chocolate layer cake and Chabad at UCF, Rivkie Lipskier, called the gather around the table with your fam- Jews from across campus to connect with Hillel welcome table stocked ice cream. Stoneman Douglas High School alumni ily and friends and just enjoy the end of each other in a meaningful way.” with give aways, replenishes “We always celebrate won- in attendance to the stage. They observed your week, and the beginning of your Shabbat of Champions was co-spon- snacks, and takes inventory derful events with a big deal a moment of silence and then lit Shabbat weekend. Looking out at all of you here sored by Student Government Associa- of the supply closet. dessert,” said Dottie. candles in the memory of the 17 killed. As tonight I couldn’t be more proud of the tion, Judaic Studies at UCF, UCF Hillel, “[Ashley] has great atten- To stay abreast of each Lipskier explained, “a candle represents work Chabad has done to put this event Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Epsilon Phi, Zeta tion to detail and is excellent month’s RAISE employee of a person’s connection to the divine. The together,” she said before introducing Beta Tau, Gamma Phi Beta, Knights for at keeping our space clean the month or learn about wick represents the body, and the flame Dr. Terri Susan Fine, a professor of Israel, ICC, ZOA, Camera and Stand With and organized,” said Sam all the news happening with represents the divine soul. While the bod- political science at UCF and Chabad’s Us. For more information about Chabad Friedman, assistant director RAISE, visit their facebook ies can be destroyed, the soul can not.” faculty adviser. at UCF please visit of Central Florida Hillel. “She page at always has a smile and a nice RAISEOrlando. Gov. Scott signs anti-BDS bill JP honoree full at Orlando Torah Academy By Christine DeSouza Academy last week, he leaned of enthusiasm down and asked every child Pavilion. To commemorate When Gov. Rick Scott ar- their name. Scott wasn’t there her generous donation of time rived at the Orlando Torah just to meet the children, he and resources, The Jewish Pa- came with a two-fold purpose. vilion has named Gerscovich The school was the backdrop as the official honoree for the for a legislation signing 2018 Elayne Burke Wershil ceremony of HB 545, the Fashion Show. “scrutinized-companies” bill, Gerscovich initially became which prevents companies involved with the Jewish that boycott Israel from bid- Pavilion two years ago. A ding on local or state govern- lunch meeting with Nancy ment contracts. Ludin, CEO of the Jewish “This bill shows the world Pavilion, led to Gerscovich’s that Florida will not do busi- Gov. Rick Scott signs HB 545 with Orlando Torah Acad- participation as a volunteer ness with those that boycott emy students and staff surrounding him. As in bill-signing with the Pavilion. Soon after, Israel,” Scott explained as he ceremonies, he handed students the pens he was using to she was asked to be a member signed the bill with dozens sign the bill. of the organization’s Friends of OTA students gathered Board, a group that leads the around him. “This bill sends a budget for nonpublic schools, with, “We need to stand with Pavilion’s multiple annual message to companies across including the 30 Jewish day Israel. That’s step one. Step Carina Gerscovich fundraising events. It was a the world that anti-Semitism schools in Florida. two is we should not be do- strategic networking connec- has no place in our state or Last October, Gov. Scott ing business with those who By Julie Capps tion made by Gerscovich with in our country. By signing came to the Jewish Academy of are boycotting Israel. That’s this bill, we are assuring that Orlando to announce his pro- wrong. And step three is, we’ve It is often said that enthu- Gerscovich on page 14A Florida will not support those posal of $1 million to provide got to keep these schools safe.” siasm can be contagious. It is that participate in this intoler- extra security to Jewish day In attendance with Scott at the enthusiasm exemplified by ant movement.” schools throughout Florida. OTA were state Reps. Randy volunteer Carina Gerscovich Scott then announced the This $2 million is in addition Fine of Palm Bay, Bobby Ol- that has been contagious, and, $2 million in security funding to that previous provision. szewski of Winter Garden and likewise, successful with fur- that will be in the 2018-2019 Scott summed up his visit Mike Miller of Winter Park. thering the work of The Jewish PAGE 2A HERITAGE FLORIDA JEWISH NEWS, MARCH 30, 2018 Orlando well represented at International CTeen Shabbaton singer Gad Elbaz and Ameri- can Hasidic rapper Nissim Black. The theme of the historic Shabbaton was “Transcend the Tide.” The aim of the theme was to empower teens to overcome the challenges of Jewish Identity in public. It is a message that resonated with hundreds of public school students who have made Judaism a priority through their involvement in CTeen. The message especially rang true in light of last month’s shooting at Marjory Stone- CTeens in Times Square. man Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. urged the 2,500 participants Shabbaton with over 30 local attended and well-covered by “Now is the time to fight to take on mitzvot, acts of teens. Especially exciting for the media to create awareness hate with powerful, positive goodness and kindness, in the Orlando group was the fact on the ills of hatred and to deeds. We are bombarded with honor of the lost lives. that Sami Kuperberg from encourage tolerance and ac- messages of negativity every- “It’s equally humbling and Lake Mary High School was ceptance. day, but if I learned anything thrilling to know that we gave a featured speaker, address- Leading the Orlando groups this weekend, it’s that it is the teens the unbelievable ing the entire Shabbaton. were Rabbi Yanky Majesky of up to us to make the world a experience of the Shabbaton,” Kuperberg spoke about the Longwood, Rabbi Ed and better place.” shared Rabbi Yanky Majesky. anti-Semitism she faced in Bracha Leibowitz of Maitland, Israeli singer Gad Elbaz and American Hasidic rapper Stoneman students Marc “What the teens experienced her high school and how she and Rabbi Nisan and Shaina Nissim Black in Times Square.
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