America Celebrates National Catfish Month!
MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE & COMMERCE • ANDY GIPSON, COMMISSIONER VOLUME 91 NUMBER 15 AUGUST 1, 2019 JACKSON, MS America Celebrates National Catfish Month! By Jeremy Robbins the good work of the farmers it honor is a great opportunity to The Catfish Institute represents and the impact they give leading producers national have on local economy. recognition for their contribu- August is National Catfish “The catfish industry is tions to our industry, and we Month, as it has been each unique among agriculture are proud to feature these out- year since 1984, when Presi- industries with respect to its standing American farmers in dent Reagan declared it as economic impact,” said Roger our annual lineup of industry such. With the vast majority Barlow, TCI president and ex- promotions.” of the U.S. Farm-Raised Catfish ecutive vice-president of Cat- The 2019 Catfish Farmers of industry centered across the fish Farmers of America. the Year are Ben Pentecost of deep south states of Alabama, “Every element of our in- Cleveland, Miss.; Willard Powe, Arkansas and Mississippi, there dustry has an economic return of Browns, Ala.; and Rosemary is plenty of reason to celebrate. that benefits the areas where Baxter of Watson, Ark. The Catfish Institute (TCI), the fish are grown, as well “These farmers are chosen the Jackson-based market- as the entire region,” Barlow from a large field of many de- ing arm of the U.S. Farm- continued. “The fingerlings serving catfish growers in the Raised Catfish industry, works are hatched locally; the feed is industry,” said Jeremy Robbins, throughout the year to promote produced and fed locally; they TCI vice president.
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