Mississippi Agritourism and the Great Outdoors During COVID-19
MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE & COMMERCE • ANDY GIPSON, COMMISSIONER VOLUME 92 NUMBER 18 SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 JACKSON, MS Mississippi Agritourism and the Great Outdoors During COVID-19 By Donna West, Division Director of people purchasing produce and was closed to the public for three Market Development – MDAC because our locations are open air months and is now operating at half tents, we felt this was an extra ad- capacity per Governor Tate Reeves Sheltering in place, quarantin- vantage for us as well.” mandates. ing, social distancing, six feet apart, Many of the fall agritourism op- “In opening, we have encouraged teleworking, thinning the halls, erations and Christmas tree farms social distancing and mask wear- virtual learning, drive-by birthday are geared toward families; however, ing, along with daily sanitizing of parties, drive-thru shopping, new in September and October, these high traffic areas,” said Hayes Pat- normal and Zoom meetings. These venues and operators rely heavily on rick, Museum Director. Where many are words, expressions and jargons school field trips. The sound of chil- educational events have been onsite, that describe life as we are living it dren of all ages laughing and playing some are being offered as virtual ex- these strange and scary days. And, en masse will be sorely missed this periences, such as the Science Fest who knew face masks would become season. “We will not have any school in September. Added Patrick, “Com- the most important fashion acces- field trips this fall and that is a tre- ing up, we have the Pumpkin Adven- sory of 2020, and the aroma of hand mendous amount of our business,” ture, Harvest Fest and Homestead sanitizers would turn out to be the said Jo Lynn Mitchell, co-owner of for the Holidays.
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