Notes on the Medical History of Vienna: Part II (Conclusion)
NOTES ON THE MEDICAL HISTORY OF VIENNA By HORACE MARSHALL KORNS, M.D. IOWA CITY, IOWA PART II (Conclusion) * The first vaccination on the Euro- collection of valuable books, which was pean continent was performed in incorporated with the Hofbibliothek Vienna, on April 30, 1799, by Sani- after his death, bears witness to his deep tatsreferent Pascal Josef von Ferro, who interest in medicine and natural sci- used his own children for the experi- ence, and he was a no less diligent stu- ment. Ten days later, on May 10, 1799, dent of music and languages. Jean de Carro (1770-1857) inoculated Harrach’s patients were all indigent, his son with lymph obtained from the and, inasmuch as most of them were pustule on the arm of Ferro’s daughter. also incurables who had been given up Ferro was too much occupied with his by other physicians, his radiant per- official duties to pursue the matter fur- sonality and innumerable charities were ther, and it fell to the young and en- his most efficacious therapeutic weap- thusiastic de Carro, who reported 200 ons. K. F. Burdach, an eminent con- inoculations in his celebrated book temporary anatomist, said: (1801) , and extended his activities in I met him often, surrounded by a group behalf of vaccination throughout Aus- of incurables and grateful convalescents, tria, Germany, Turkey and India. He and saw with what admirable simplicity refused the 1000 guineas offered him for he bore himself towards these poor peo- his work in India, whereupon Jenner ple. In 1809 he devoted himself unceas- sent him a lock of his hair, and a silver ingly to the care of the French and Aus- snuffbox with the inscription, “ Jenner trian soldiers in Vienna, until he himself to Jean de Carro.” De Carro was a contracted typhus.
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