The First Continental Congress Meets in 1774 - The British actions against Boston increased the colonists' need to be more ______against the king - wanted to find ways to bring about more changes as earlier protests had brought changes - He decided that a meeting, or congress, of ______from all the colonies should be held

Who Met at the First Continental Congress? - Adams invited all the colonies to a convention in ______(A convention is a formal meeting called for a special purpose) - This Continental Congress would help to bring about a better understanding of possible ______against the king - The meeting was called a Continental Congress because the British referred to Americans as ______- All of the colonies except ______elected delegates to the Congress - 56 men attended, including: George Washington, Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, John Adams, and John Jay - These ______who loved their country were ______and were leaders in their colonies - The Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia in ______

What Did the First Continental Congress Discuss? - The delegates debated important issues for ______weeks 1. They agreed that a ______of ______should be adopted and sent to the king 2. The Declaration made it clear that taxation by the British would be ______to the colonies 3. The Congress also agreed to boycott ______that was to be strictly enforced by select committees 4. They agreed that another Continental Congress would be held on ______1775, if the king rejected the Declaration of Rights

Britain Reacts to the Demands of the First Continental Congress - The king and Parliament became ______when they received this declaration - They replied that the colonists, should they resist, would be crushed into ______- Some British leaders warned Parliament that changes needed to be made, but the king & Parliament refused to ______

American Are Formed - American leaders Samuel Adams, , & Patrick Henry were sure that the colonists would have to fight for ______- A group of men had to be trained to be soldiers since the colonists had no ______- They were called ______because they agreed to gather at a minute's notice and become soldiers

The British' Plan for Lexington and Concord - General Gage, the military ______of Massachusetts, became aware of the colonists' plans - He had ordered a regiment to seize all military supplies, including a gunpowder supply, stored at ______- They had also been instructed to travel to Lexington and capture the ______

The Patriots Learn About the British Plans - and warned the colonists of their attack by riding through Massachusetts on ______- Revere was captured by the British and Dawes was forced to flee toward Lexington - However, Samuel Prescott, a third rider, continued the journey to ______- He warned colonists that the British were ______- The colonists rushed to meet the British at ______

The Battle at Lexington - The British reached Lexington on April 18, 1775 and they were surprised to find about ___ armed minutemen waiting for them - Both sides fired shots and people were injured or killed as these shots were described as "the shots heard round the world." - The war with ______was about to begin