
ihlf~ 'bt l'otlbtfn· ! j- ======"-======'=---==--==-='-=-..,,1/./..1..-'------Representing 1:be Intel'est.. 01." W"elltern W"ashiugton, /..-f....:.d -=/l4 ...V""O""L~U~M::E~. ~lI,:,"I_. ~-:~~SI~~"~~'I~Hlo~Or·.~Mo·~.II'~IS.~H'ld~, .•~~,:.I~I'.r"'!'.~~,"I~"''''!'¥I,'!'!,A''~.;;'''''_~I;",H",!,I",!,N",!,G",!,T,;,O",!,N",!""!,'I~'E~R,,,!,R~"~",!,W",!,E~D~N=E~S",!,D~A",!,y~.~~f",!,A~Y~1=5~, ",!,18~7;",8",!" ",!""!,~W",!,H!,!!!,,O~L..;;E~N~O~. ;12;O~·.L1

, (liltt ~ortltrrn jtnr, '10, lodd,,,'••11,',. p'" I'.••. '\1. I, "ow THE PUYAI,LUP. TIDE MARSH RilNCJlES. ch.... I..IO" .Imll" I. thlt" Chi.,.. J .' cum could '81111 IJo tllablllhecJ Itftf '!"_ lHi )'cuI"IIl: Wit. horn in the nnrtll flr ..f. .DAY I.V THI' V..tl.LI')·. WHAT SHALL DB RASI,!JBD O.V THEJf. St.uwood Ilnd be IIlldtl nry pro811blo 1n.:11I11t1 in Juue. 1812. Among hll flrtlt Till! BUl1Ifttr HulclUent ill an Igrl· The rnult or Ibl! recent tnurougl1 ea.- to the He e.tabli.hluac It tbor., .. eell JSSUED EVERY WEO"ESOAY \I0ltNIXG l't'tolle<:tlol1' wa. lednr Enllllsh "clt'n&tl (uhurnl I)ninl. of ,lew I, tho cream nr alnlnatlon or tide allnlt Intemt dlecloen ~ to the r.nne.... n, aoothltr '.t it soldier. jlut IUt'r tlJtl LAllie ur WlIltlrlllo the P J,.IlIlV vlllley. Tht. tkulca.,nt. the rllct that IOlnCl fiellt nlDth••r lb. .IWtuld be al,abll,hed. rtlluruiog hnlll~ ",'ith KIl'~ ur arlll "fl". lit! prnpt'rl, i"r.llldu all tbllt put or 1ho pttlduct. r"i,cd coalll,t or harle, IUd catl. )feNn. 8tew~rt II: HlR:by, OD Bro...·8 e"mo til New lurk In April. Is.fIO. In ,,,11'1 Imm na",muIIIl1 OrallllJt:r'. f..try The l leld I. 10 eoorl:Qaua tblt la a lew Sloug'l on tile Sklnil. Della, no. ba,o ELDRIDO! MORIE, Edllor a"d Prop', thtl AUlCU.t tollowiroJC he enltlltell III Nu'll' up Iho 't'1I11f.!' 10 Elm. nawi.,a day tn ,un It will wltb be a ttriou. 'la_dOD '" 1:OWI I.d milk 2'. Tbel Mil 108 \'urk Cit, Inll WIl' aNllgned to Comp.n, .pue ra:tlntly on Mr. Gr.ln..,. Inltl· whether .. market call be funHd at pntmtl. or botter per week besldn le~ H, Itt Artillury. The beadqullrtt'tI ul tion 10 rhle with him frnm Ne-: 1)c0.I, proatlhle riles fur Ihne crop', ntlther tiD. the cal," lOck lbe co... )In. tllll uglult!n Will in !llline.' \Vu .tll· tu hi. pIlle,., It'lli.. iRlprt1YL"tIand a d., ... 111 h dt) to Illlt Un! Iud laio pit, Dodle at Dodp'a ...111''' IlesrLa Coaaer liunt'11 until be W'IIl dil6l"bllrged io April, 'cry pttl6t"IJIJ Ipt'nt III let".in. apl. uol...11 anotber .aJ of dlipewlng or tlte hu 11 co•• aDd .UllO pooDd. of but: TRRMS Or. 8UBSCRIl'TJOX: 184/i. 110 few lIIonlh. beroro tll-= t'Jplruti'lIl IlIlm! ul lbo "'=Itlrn t11ero Ind CODytntl., Ifl.. i. lIl;:Curell them hYluJ)plJlng 101- ter per week. )(IG' DlO'" will lull• ., .1 his pcrind of kryi«. Thi. '1\'" Ilul ",ilh tht:IU in ~gllrtllO tlldr wutl and ain" campS. Tbelin",e C.lboua raDeIJ their exlmple. lIote emu and more perlud when "'ar lI'IlS UJH'ctl'll in rt.'guttl intt:n.'lil', Hr. Utt.r .( OIJnlpl" "" cIJull1 alutM! rai.. 1VOO 1001 01 ba,ln a dairy prodocu meaD' mnre ....ned fana_

10 the M"iae b.,uadllr,. O"n, Juu 1I11o, therl! Hl thu '''''0 lllllt', and delt'etlllli Jetr ifall in .r.... Lu& rear "to IC," In't tbe rallhll of ",on roo, CUlpI, IDOrt ker was IbL'n Adjulllnt of the I'tl:tlntelll; Ie'eral \'try t.hougbtful ,liaeuuna: oDe in bltley aDd a.t" OM (lJurth wlel and o~bard., mON bome Ill. IDd tbe blria, IATBII or .l1J\'.&RT' ING. Gttn. ltcDowl'1l w.. " Lh~UIl'Dlnt io C in thl! ~autlful new Presh,,&tlri8n tJllvrcll th~ fourth oall ""ild 85,0601 bualMl" or tblaR' t.n.U tbe ,Ut round, th.t will "\ company, Ind Ihu Ut:hcl Gcnerlll )lagru- tit thllt I)l:tct. Thi. i. u.e nf the outel1 aD uerllgo of «ner balb,l. af grala oau_1lMJU1 more pleDtllal .IKI Ler.1 and \nl..." ..hotltfll.l I ~r "" 8ft to,. a"11i..mlun i 60 eoflLa PW.llfIUo' l'lW:1.o .Ier W"•• Lleul-=lllOI in U CucolMIlY; lie· (hureh I'llillct... ill the Territor,; hi 10 per acre for Call1,,oo', whole ",aell. 180 ..,aU the tI_, la place o! two 1Il000th, 1\III1I1.'Jl1 hwef'tlen. DlJwell w•• tben an e.l<"t'Ill!ot uftlCt'r in tenor fini.h I. IIl1lhlll could be de_red, aClftoo Pabon·, placeoo Browa'••I0tllh, of aod llde ..d tea mODLb, or aedh. llrUllug Idiartllld1. ,,!," an Ul.-.:lIl'ol t:.ICCllt the c.llmng or the wanlls Dot tlt in the Skagit Dtlt" lIDeed to ot" l..t poverty.od h.rd time. eacb ,.r. No c1nllllb.tIlGn in drllY.. ing lin klndl tlt 1110 nUllt apprllp'ilte Ihlllie. The HeCDt ,etr, tDCIIl.lrod ,t the _"billl 1',161 commualt, bat pcrmannt protperltl plllni or t1e.ignL In tbe gatlilGo lhutr compldlflll of Illla be.utlful chure" .art tJa~bt:ll when 5011\ 1t1 ._sht WII 10 tbat deptDuapoa a .ingle prod", tbat 6TEILACOOAI. OUo~.ted under ;h" gtllt'r.1 .up.....'laloD the lul,rtlnlilll .cllQOl hqulC ad}fJlnlnll nauch I. e.l~ o( &be rDlcblue IBeuured Sadl a .....ket ODOD a ,ear, ••d bat ..~ \.We offic.-,;rl, lfcDo ....·t:II· palfltl:ll rt:ftl!ClIlIr~d credit 'In thd commool&y. that tlll'Y Wl'llI'bcd lid..... 11,000 ••d ootbles &0 ttllpot. 'ur ttallJ rdt at t.bt 1I!lof the ICtnul. 'II'llil" Kilirudl!r "'I' The ,.i1r0&41 up tile raile, Nn' ou the. 18000 bUlbell; formln, aD 'a~ Ar leal', oJ,' - .\'OT&3 OF ITS J.'.tRr.y UIJJfOnl' tbl! DUlnlllj:cr. Uti".' perIJ. PI tur reua lCIulh .ille of Ib~ rher. and tll~. I,,· DO hi, wbole pl~ of 10.. til HtlMlI JMIr 'I~rllm"n Al ou pollll on the Bound CII" 10111101 tbe y:relliut ur tile army, anll KUt.ld ""lIrcbnUM IW1RlOllKllltloni b.." &Crt:. 'I'hl. ,.ear lbere ia 8,000 IICnlI ot IDel!10rl", of tile lltlt tcttlttftcul uti wlJIa g~ll ("'urlle wllb thtl EnKUIl1 o( IJt'eD pru,icll'u. Tho cbarg6 (or 'kl,ht. grotliltl la IftalQ Uablo &0 ,ield u 1ara' TIl r. Il bra, ';&h WIIUIIi W~tlI blld fn:qut:llt are n:llltlnly high 10 lhll lbe rallro.d crnpt II tbi., aDd two thouud Itrn be' , 0 ."ID, ...... ta at Hop, "lIt ....1, bl.tur, tit tho Stlulul rlllllltry 00­ ~"IP lathered al tlt 8teihu:tJolll. 8urraI1t:lu. .lclRhitlg lind tither Iporu. The, pre Iferlt'ftl. only In a lhniled df'llet tb' .orc tbllt. Will l ield baH ar t'lt'O 'birdl da..... IaJI J8'18 trom .erlll ICnh~{i ntlll~r ..J: pO'r to the American .celll'"lina of thil bim "'hh an u:r. Illrg" u.lrich _tilers norlh uf til" rinr. Thua 'n:ICbt a' much DlON la word.. lIGO,oot S-'" 0 .. PD,.u.p lint'. l~lIthtt WOfa Iblla &1\'1« the .1"" l,t .nJ frnlD Purtlll.n<1 Ncw T"coma II taGO ',uliela.r t.rle7lDd 01." fa .ot I' U V· lWN. nqrtQn, Ilto JluK-=t &u.\I LIlnd CoDlpll"Y. ~ • branch nl 11.. Htldlklfl ''-' Com~IlY. thUl' of tho kiDd .orn br Ihe otlltr per I(ln, dllt:l. 150 miltll; whll, lrom cnelwe ""'male rur "" of 18'l8 Cl • o,te JI.OIO ollleert; ltdug alllrgl:t 8ae!,loroK:d m.n N...._ Ttlcoma tt) Pu,.llup, .llM mila. It 'Id' aaarall Iud alooe. 1. 187. thl A.. I. QMaJ. I ••••••••••••••••14.000 J.ill cldlD In ,."at trtlcla ot Ilull ""hl!re ..r ~ '!:..~~II"'· .nl WII foond .ahed to tbl.'ir Ilurvn.1 with thi. o,er hil bat lit! made II Nuna· i. "2.&0 pt'r loa. 11leD the &tulerl b.." will probably be 18,000 •... , ••...•.••.•.••10.000 ~ la Piel'Ce 11111 alijulning C"ulIQtil1l. Omt iog IIIIPCILr.Uce un I)lra.le. ll'l. Cullin, t- pay 'I per tun lor .lreboUllog at lra'o tbat ..a, }leld II lIlucb u 1",01 u Bra 1•. , ••••••11.• bD~lcl. OGI~ IIf their prioclpal poa" WIUI at Furt. .Ni... W" a civililln Illllr hi. dltcllllt'ge lor [JuJ"llup; QDd to haul thllr frellbt hOOHl otlInl.. JI Lilia WII W.. C.' a HI '.•• ,.,.....• JO.• lacoaftll~" ~..lIy, wbd'e ia 1st", Dr. Tolmie wa, Ihollt 1\1'11 yeara working at hll trade, Icrotl the riwer il wortb anotller d(lilar, It would OCCMIODlllJ t 11110 Le.oa ,., 11.000 ia. ehatgCl. A Dum"'r D( U'If:. wbo b.t! tliluring. In M:lI".land and Penn.,IYanl. .u lhat tn tbOllC H,lol (10 the nprlb lida market (or lbat t.....rld wltlt; bu' 01 J'raelt: StOle•••...• , •.•••.....•1t.000 Jt~ eallll~d ~ D.geca~ • loudoaed Ihe ~Ull)lol oC tbe CunlJlaG!, untltln ltW7. iQ Cnwplltly "r 1111 riur, il coat, UDe dullar IDGnl per limited '0 tbe .. au P1uciIcoawkl R. , 10.000 ~.DIftl blel IlIk~al up lied In vari.u. IllaWl; th" At 11th 1II1l1nlry, C.pt'Campl:lell, tOI tue InD to .et their frt!iaht to their ebleb ill a few 1fttI c:u be badl,., Co 1It1aohl ,.: 11.000 ~OIt 01 tllllt71 'U~If ,I.dl.. pi r_ r..llIooIrp,... Wold. &OWud . oI'h0 os a 0 antl'J, ellteala'..... • J.- W _ cehod of Ihe killing of "bit. .ell b, command, from whicb be wlldlacha,pd ,tMIaI to eo.plete ••,lpdoa. The, 10' ••,U OD partlall1 dralaed, MW .• .. _ ladia•• oe Ihe Bound, apon wbkla )I i.a 8I!plember ortbe IIllMl ,.,. A abort are lIfI lri.lll .. compared with obatnlc- laad. B~IIl'"crop' or _beal ou. .. .&.. G '" GOt COta{llol,Oapt. Dill, "'II .rdllftd. t_ .I II d' b I bt- UDal 01 Ihe 0 ~hlrac1'" 'bal han rliNd, who.thnllaDd II ODOe drallMd aad CanoD,. Qrabtcu· G:J.OOO p,.~ ~ N"~ protted 10 Ibe 801.l0d I. taptlu. lhee tune OUt I' tIC 1'1' I' po rtefnll, heeD retDo,.rd lrona Ute pot ID rood coditlOD1 10 ...... of u lndlan Thl. tRalp'DJ enlOe to Ihe th" et'fCI.loo of 1i,IS pramt b0lll!" Capt. llek, Skaslt antl 81l1lJUlIIIlllb tblt lhe, \Wgb II 00 "tubel. pcr acre baiDS_urtd. Total 411.000 Dalch had pruvlouil, brou.1ai II lIQUIMl, ouyh' r:ot tu ,..malo moc:b longer.n Thia would be.lI tllllt (:ould be dMlred, &und on the Ena1i.h .hip narpHiel. The ...11 u .ft f crop. 1877. bull& 10 t«:t1unl, io X,I:., .,d IIIIt ObtlHCl0 In thD Will or Improving the If the llraln til rlpealog would 001, • chlrtertlfl ror IheftCClllloft. 1'III'J tclclled Y••,. aelPec'fullr, Dr. Tohlllo', .t.tltln. .'D tlUI NIl'QulIllr arot1nd tho UorD: Ilul put it up, tbl artt nile,. nae o~t.cle. tD na.vigl\tlon are e-Oll firm .nd bard t!Dougb (orrr!Ddla•• haullO onr buill III SteIIacooDl. I\... •. . O. )l G••m,o... Aug. 17, 1840. H" aelJll1ed aaxlou. tult bruuSht. lrom Ban Ptllneixo lu lJi, nllO} DO grefttft' tban tile ..btft in tbe IInlth Poalbl, drylo, till, &fila lDal ob,l.t. dlcJ .bflnld Hl.tJe h£rtbcr down tho tho jo;mery. Mr. (lQlllo.1 beu.. wu Ihe fork of the 8kagit. caUl("d b, work in (lAll dUllcuhr. Tb. berrJ i. Snood 8011Ud, Iml dll'tCtod lilem 10 an abila· Btlt ono wholl1 bollt at bfMh. IIr. the Jain .hon. A man uperlen«d iu plu~p and makes tbe btu Grah.m 80ur Tbera I. aboll\ OIM b~~ 1t1'Cll 011011 o' dODeel elaha 00 tho prtlt.'ot A'JluID [luJ{hu, LIght and oth~rs (oilowed IlOOU "'Iter logging could e••lly remove thll but 1'1. teared thcre I. tuo lIIucl'.Slotto. dlkecl tide IaIf1h _1)1) In etlltba&loa w lila Il'nund" formerly IIchlllr Hr. lIeath, lin obltaele. 10 lbe rivcr wo,ld bt oavlgable to m.ke IHW\tI bohetl Bour R. E. Whi&- ~ atter. The Dlil! at Purt OlmW, WI' put .-~. b • holto_tp Ii,..r u4 .boll\ &c:1'eI taadct tt.I·Hullton Ra, Cnolpltn, employee. at up about Ilhlll\me Ih... It 'IMlil WII a ap to Dowmaa. O.,.ln:.:ef't IitOn! 1011 ne, l)urcbued t 0 C:OUDt]' rilM ~.r dUte. fteN ~d be III _n1 U!OD.... tbtt time It'ceoU, cleceucd. In eIID1pli.­ Will 'lfah. cuttln. lOme 80,000 , dal pNoobl, ttl )fcMilllIl'lllIadIIlK on Stuck Wbatc:om ~.at, flf the PI••...,. dry.n &II..U't III...... Inel'll.,. 1aJk'.. of t dlklD« lauae4la1ll1. am.alC olllm c.pt. 01· Mce with the Doctor , rccomeod.t1o... When )fr. Light erecled tho large boulC riwer, or near thereto (or not to to d". greill. It I, mun._ted that tb, ael. TbtaeUiI ....lWW.o1Udllman!l; It .. tbe ,ellOl dmpped do"a 10 .bero SttU­ tw'tiU II".... in DO . .,laaed lumber wa. exceod taOO. TIlIt. amoDot, wOlild be grain om be Ihoroug"I, dned hI tbll aU pNleo~ ,.. 'w, ud In:ab n&er ~ I acoom DOW ltan" aod .bou' Sept. I, obtalubl.. Ind rur 1..lIcr ... then «'Willi to anY_lie who ..mJld do the job. ptue*tal I.,t aot ullMClll11 !ftpIDl. 1o\UMI aQIIIUIt'lo eft" ..... lMOt landed the tnt. aad .appli.' In o"r tao per 1,000 feet. Col. WIII~o A' no place I. :b, rlnr jamnlt4l clcat per bu.lle), Nut ,ear ih, adwiMbtllt, am.1I bo.t. at thll DKMiItb ot Cbamben' bat ptnIDtled to procate tnlt partteulara actoN, II U.lol'l'f"t CtrlOt'", ap IOd ftf nililllaod dtJlDII; _Ha' ror ftoor.1I1 Cft.ek'; a .hort di.tanCt bliln. Ib, )Jrtltn\ III rcl-=reoct to tbo elll, bhtur, aC tbe l'nWD bT thc jam.. No jim II onr 100 be 1horoug'IJ t~.&od; .bould tiles rl..u!t t.:lwn Ihc. Til. men cut a rn..d from tha PUe Bauad JAGei CompaoJ, anel for- fen 'Crull aDd it ougM IInl to COlt ORr be favl)raMe. at will attLte the wboll! t. 1. ADd,..... oj r.. Conner. i1ndlnK tbll d 0111 .toN room 48XS4 fee" .nd a ll'areboll!l! cr+tk to neath rancb, which becama Ih~ ward theDl lor pudJicatlon but the '100 to remo,.o the 10 'teamers ~l tide f.rmlng; It a 1Irgest questloo manh nnt. 1O.dI aft'erded In.umclell\ tDOtII lor bill In­ aarri.on ground, a gurllno being kept p"~, ~u.t Ito 'I h .' 1 coold eull, '100 mure lught to more "Ined a,.teal of f.nulag be creulng bulll_, it no.... nt"'!J IUdr to ec­ lhere ul,llI AprIl IIMS, when the po.t a ve UCCOUD 0 t e .writ pCIll1tlll 00 clear out the otber jAms. and '100 mOre 1 trod ced Uken 01 tbo 80ulld countr!, lOuelber 0 U. cupy I ne" .tore rool1l 60 II.'el 101111', 20 fect Wat Iballdoaed. SulMqtltllt11 the post •. f II• r lpen~ in clenrlng out leparllto Inlgl Tba ',Item lining tbe MOlt. Idnn- wlda ,ud If! fMt bllb; "ben botb of bl. et.h.r WI..I b kotcu 0 t Ie petIOli' career 0 Id •• I 'I" .. .. WII tel:urm u, tbo Territor,- for the old eI ClU bI 1 Idl b I wou uo; cnoup; I to pu 110 rIVer In wer, tlgu ,. III fuor II dtu)' farming, only bulldlap will be Died III .arebolllOll. Territnrl.llalloe "'Jluot. During tho an an t. II ~ tt, W 0 .Iowa loud condltioo. Tu allY one who would 'hi, rtquirtll leveral1lOr. tfl gel a gllod

lactlaa .ar 00 tile Sound t ower 20 ,eal"ll wllb b,n.' Ilrlde blll(uaean. Wit mw· oodertltkc t1le job plltlilll tbere ""ould dock of co",.. train a prodt.hle cllll.ol Ip, ihll ... the I.Icldquarte~ ';01. alt 101(10 out of tb' bronte obtalnld b)' site tbe .SOO, bcIhlea :ItlCuriog io tbtm milkers, elc. Ohlmacum ..lIcJ II19C H ,ppeaN Ui.t tblt lockl....., unfortunate Cuey with Ihe Ilh III(lun)' ~Ing .la­ mellio, down M.nlctn c:&l;)Iured c.nDOIl io aU prGbAlIillty lome 900 IItw 10';8, cu t settled thlt. questiM for theLnIQI"es hy wl.1l:bllOit bK job.' caplaln of allab pUe i. 8~etlOn &; POIt'.... laill bt'e&Ull(l hi' pipe lloacd thert. Shonly.fter tllo t1t1t ce. i. wortb, of rurtleD\l)raneei eapt.'tlally I, did I h b k r I I' r II '-bl'-h I h it IV when tllia ulDelOldier it alllU 0110 .n on l.n an a ong I e III a, t 10 t lelr 10 ~UCCeHJ 11 Y tlI~ UI c( C etle wu 10 mDch In bill w"r 10 blDdllng lumbt'r tllpation 01 tho place b, )f Camp.ny. of b \i r ed b I h river. What Clxpertencld logger ,.1tI factor,. 'l:et (or ,eare prlflr thereto they 'flteJ Il1o" he hili ICOM up rlTer lu brnk up lhe 1st Artlllel)', il"l IadllD' w.r. cap. w Q JUI" t ero l>agtr I an aaJ onu eecure tbl. Jobl 8hould thc jAm be milkcd two or tbree huad~d cow. c.ch Wilbur', 10utllJ( camp. tared ud tried lor the murder of • mtl) elM no" r"'hJeD\ o~ tba' pllce. Han, remo"e<1 bcro~ AUllult, t.he leul.:n there )'ear, and IOld butter by tbe too. 1.'Dled Willace. Joe. If<<1t WII U. 8. are apt to comphuo tbat. tiltS Souad would pledge 600 tODlor {!'tIght withlo 00 diD Slilaguaml.h nat, there II a lhl'lbal. De brought a jur, from Or­ cOllottl developcl 10 .lo"lr~ J'!t what a aiJ. maDIlla thereaner to an, IIca'f1et grant dtJt! ul Iud In grail, man, rOftt A It:ood Ittlry It told of Uio gwluomhh cfluJIll bat "keD plae. ID Ie J·lr. "'beD • , ,. 'lle . nlncb~fI .bo eontrteled 8,oro bu.helrl of OIUl ~ Citr, who CfUl,ictal 'w~ Ibe1 were II b 1 P , d who woold car" 'Jt It tertlonablo utel. crop. >~IIe(la:td ttle P"t )'e"reevefll! 1111 fill, lu I La Cennt:r mercbant 1~1J,"i eml'" b1lrllt••Tb.. plrtlcuilitl were IUlnlalled • tllt:. OUsta tom ort TO"ORD 10 In boP'! bly, )JOtatt)Cjarul odler ilroduCCI han kept numbers c.ll'I .nd hlgq or per bUJbel; c-spcetlnlt a Ille. .hey br.ld oa tu tou~t.ed ttl Mr. Collla.. an olrl \'eterto who bw OIJUlPIA could be alDlott on thO thero would be oter 400 toOl, 'bmt119 sol" greal qUllatltiOi 01 buUtlr. Tili. It 1Ilem. ,hIpped llic.w ami alit 3d ....ntll, 11011 ot - m"11ftn .nice ... IOldlu aDd .GngtJ'L lu\portl of grocerie.. dr! l00t1, cleo ~ tipeelall, truo of ncnrl Oliver. A ~jO. • ,. .. ..,

.J.~ • 'IV \ '(t ll, ;J--

"":,.,.~~ '~W;:.:.~ ;-~:::; :~-~::~:~a: "':=u::.~:::=~:_:~'::~'~.~a._~~~":" _~ ""_~!"'-£0 _'!''!!!!''~!!!'!'!'!!!'!~'!''''"'' ''!!!!!'!!'~... .-...... _".:._:.il...... _...... ="""...... ''!!!!'''!'... ;';,~ I', _~\"t'tll.t'llv, C'"~t"nr • m' .W:lI'."if.IPeR.,(,·/I.\TH//Jl'l'lfJ""."i. rm:.,/oF..\'J' ',·N.O·T AX/) "f)UJ J.J.\'J.: T/1I: till.H'/.W: Of' .1 ,','IJIP " f.·IIIS.I.1/.I.V JIl.TI::O.--- __ 1 1I11 Wit It. IW'll,1 fl mlllt'. a..tl u,i..'d to 1t is nne of t!ll' 111I relit ,11t'ltlUrrl of 1n Ilrl'I)IUln;.: lu ImllJ lin iW:l 1'l'Ul;I, it \'t'!trrthly lI'tl:rn\l()n.1l tl,II'UIII reulluk· IrL'lllll'lIl I.' /1rul' In .1l11 1 j.:lve mts ad1'ice g:fl'IIt men til le\'ilit thll humble rrieoelJl "',Uift lx.' rlra,t "loci/lell whnt !llle is til till .hl)' tlgl! (;bin.lluttn t'nt!!refl tbll nflice , It' , •• 111 hl\' 'I1,!llllII run 1ll1lliper. ortlleir chitdhnflll ~'ho b:l1'e no'"'"oS'"' u woInc sill' IS til ;';0. 11IILl how Jlhe is to lK' th, PWll('Culin;.; :\n"rlle,.aml IIdtlr.:uill· .\ \ .I'HI:.; g,nlh III III h 'I'V"lIill;: 1rI-1t In II I.' \\·u l' nuni·'t·r. lUll,I Cllo5Cquenth' 00,1 '" lio ne1'er Ihu 'r I ' , dJtJllilll1 ,IJlt"" IloIIJ,'illil::': Ull" ill\\hi.h tlllluglilshflul,ldt'Y:\I)('r" , I ~'l.~ l~ ~lml1;": \;Idy h.r ,,11"11I he ,"IlI11:i\.1 III'I ('1111\' n r rc..l;.:lUn.lllu not qUIte It)·"m;: to ~ur"Itl'. In CllllII)InV_.\\nh ('omm'" I('1I~')tn.J. ll'!lhc is III "·II)'S. tu kl"t'I) ill I "Yl'~" ""I\linllhe. cJ,'rk ""hnt un , II lI.lell II .dl,1 ,",,,I'llt I';\....;nn, \\ 'Of .iI· r lIlUC I tu..IlllIItIl·. (ur~" .\lIInh·lI, 1'.lld:l. Vllit, III Genr"ctown. Ilu·p ",nlt'~. IIlul to lulln", lilt. "n'nl I'",nnt!" ynu flU .. III .lllllill.! inln 11 ""l1rt~hil' "n Il,t' If· wilt Cflul I IIC lll'\de, II I'Im"l'r rur 01'liD. 1" 1I1~tn'lfnlllllcblflhp!lu.·Cllrthtl'.. ~ fOlnmell:llIllllp.lmllys"flhe. wnrld n !illc '~ll"likf'l'OIl1'rll')rr (ur catcllt.'C &0' <;~'I; bill Iht'l""l'\: lllli lh;in~ !!lIil .I.!l· r r !t'\0'IIIn Ile~. trrn ttllI In W 1ll:1t htAnd I Ilitter. Illl,1 the hlllllC or th,lilrlaCf INtu~.,lnll-t he IllIllt tOlillllm. .'tnry 5(11' IllII I "'Olllltn rq)lird tl.... Chinaman uIIlurtlll,lliu·lar.tiull.11 I tLm usc u,.(..."...ll.. 1 I bl'lhJI II,ul fl,stI ..ur(.IttllUnc . IIIe :t.gc ar Olle !("Ir til lle.entl'Cn-tile'I.Ie ItSlir to lllcountrr the Jllll~ert,~.Ilf "\\'hlll fori "'htlt did !lhu dn?". askell IOC,',O 0""In,lr, ~ Mn: 'I' ". ,., . I" \... n·I·I.~~\·l,r n urlJ:;1ll \1, ~no. linII lime or ~i~ 11t'1)3fIUfU In Wcsl !loint l'r- Htrl climlllc, hOl IIlltll!OOll!l ..f IlJdi In tlu,l"!l·rk. . , II C po lie I', Illn(I'"',1IOf III ,ur 111.'1;':" w,r'Ia liltI II.:hi'I 111",('(I tl) lk':C fCI'T1Qt'.1I1HI,. tr "ISltlC~'" tIIt! nl"nr l)flilJt~ nr inll r\'l't I("'~ or t IIe 'Ifet7.lng' storl1li or Ihe Xl/nil "One WlIlIInn .1I1t !-!lnle ynung ttirl~, "J I' UIICIICI, .·It I l' pllllOlUC ... III lie I')' 'ft 1I1ll;': nll~'I ItI.\Tntt Illore-15ke tlmc.• rfn\·ln;.c.. the recolltcuons. nr 5C11t~onIOJ'..\thUllle. lIlhe IS 10 "jait nur Illiherll Im.!ilnlt: f"cl:e. •him nAlIIC ~h&1y 8101,h ..,,' ,1I\1Il;..:tt'SI."I L' 'II rJo< .'h lin IlCI.I to III •Ilel1llierI fl',...ht up with III'I\Y·· t II'.'. In comp~ny ",illl tin olJ port~ nnu., rl\'CN,' Ihe mll·t IJc fbl·hllt· JlIll Iltl't: ~tlll1' Bluok,!" un, "'1)1'. II 0 ln, vc~t'.J< . ":1\411 nl''''' stllh. t ICelllrl lIUCll an rll5J f' I II I ., I 'I' "lhtlh~nlltthevll:llSurt:otherIlCftUlln' "\'" ,L.. '" " I' " ,'I II rll'O(.ell c< losce t\\'n uf their ftlll IOllltullnl 1.11 1J:;ltt Ilrlluglll l Iii I she . I~' • lUI IInnw.'.,..,.:..et'i I 1(."', 'Iv, II'ft II. I t 1111"ro lor 111I111111 unt' I tl)' Tt'llIlued to townswnnlcn. tllllt.'d "Olel Jlnt IIlhl IIUlJ crtl'j) oV'~r thu l5bullu'" h It.!! In ll!lfdy l:lnc,,:' Mid Ihe "'''rk. I 8. lie\\' III 1:11'; ,I10• g -I""b.,r l: ,I' h.'CUlIllll:Llll"I I'lt "" I 'I" . II'IIII y," ",h('re occllrrt'd the followm' tt; 'b'f.' l:1 tOlbc;"nll,wll)nndlltlrr,IIVnv-. .. "·'1(j!II~\·ilUlio \heehlll\l:,rle.sh... 1 L, J \ IIC t: 11iU ltllll .. rot wr. \'on Ill' II ~ "rHIIIS !nt.ocUn"" . .. G • .,' ~hel)t."'irUlill"• "loll,. Ihml'\-\' I" ." .. , "'I "I e Jrtoe,lht'\lllP~'ldlltGrant." el!,!!hclUuthc!!h..rtlllldltJ.:hl.IIMtslill hl'lIpllll)(nllll;IIlOIJlllclt\-ero h..oe\llt','· ~ lll~ "I " ,,..' 'I "III III e 'ne II E'II ',..-•.-I\'r litII1PIlt'~eI I\: litO lllll.e III It I Ilcu "1\'1"lilt. ItI \'1m all"?,' 1••1' IIe lurn '(rv IIl1Uut0.•• Illlickl\' If l!hc ill "\\'Iml .\id Iihc 1I11l" IIlkcd thc clerk IJ It' f{', urnel'." 10"I• IltIIlllll1g to IIC (Ibl C I' I',')'flU wnle it tll) jllr IUC'"" ....•..rllllllis Prc.ltll:nt Cmnt-Prt itlcnt to \'ISIt..•.Ihe Uult llllrtS.lIlle nHulllt: Itru· WIi.. him cln'" rl'l-eale,lllle Chill"uun• or"IV'Ro,lv, IIII\ I e ,1.- 'I' I' • I' n t I'.em 10 nct ItS t louU'h<:I he 0 " t I\: 1".... nHet! ShUU." \It• I't.d wlIh tllllpic 1I1t~:lns of \'I'lltililtion in :IlUllllishment, "\nu 11I1I&.:ee Sf'~. lUi! It'll sceil!": I.th:tt11I\'l:IllIil QUOIa ~If:lngrrr':;rtlec IU I line eyel wnntedIllr"t:d10. "Wh,,? 1.,.& Grnnt 11LWI, 11",1' JOu'vc and !'hlllll:1i l!et·k!. If her 'v"y I"'I~II! til ynu, hill'. 11\,. lue heollllllll',.,lIIe Ukce you He r~tllrlll'lI hIll '. 11,'"",' ,. ,', 'I 0" I' , gr"\\l'.I:·' ~orth"rn P'lrt!l,~he mUll herelldy tu rille All Chlll1'. ~p04' y,lu J;oOlllll:m lime t', ~ "I "II" I"tll Hr" ui lh E,.liltl,'",0"r'J"" u_ e I ,. e U.'IICl"", " lUI',IT b!llillI ,t()oll aTllunfl "Anllllll!ll~•. Cnllllllednrc Ammen" lie, tl~IllCnllulI!lSl~U5und tllu fun.U!l. l,;1I1t':f lllll mlk"1l )1111 IVII!'....mil Ilk~ whllc .. C' C ". l\W";Wllrl I"e. 0 Ilt neyer ~en hllfl! ',..' "1-lll\'jnl1 1IIIln)' thin"!! 10 writ. tl t I' , ... .. "I~:Iw!l, is lhllt 0,111 Anlluco)" lit tbe North Atlantlc. Irhcrcrlr"lill hi womnn \\lft·t·. Shu ~lll III nlllllll, All <:I .... en') nrC'/ WI! I nn Invlttltlon lit Wfltc Illr the . I II '" I' C'I 'I dl I r yuu, t wtluld llIll ",rile I'ilLl Pl'1I lind ink prl'!I"l Ilclure. Thc tWn 0111 nllli,b wehl kn Ilulll\I" )C eon, I~ ";I It!i!lUnlll olle li llllll:j II IIlW yun :,,:Ive lI1'IIII'y my c..,," lI)e Imt I truAI slltlrtly til elltlle unlll \'OU lind . better ofT I!lnn !Jufore the \·i.il, nnll rwm U Ml'fCW, IIUltl' ulltltbf'r. hllllllh~ IhlllK!· !tic My hllW tnuehet JOU lpenk rl&etl Iv rllCu tllllt uur jU)f; 1IIl1y lx: ! l!lIl1l1r~cJ. lilt: dUlIllAU:;h wldull fllll"""ctitbu intro· lI11villtf dl'Cldctlllll tllis, hl,,'inIPlcltlt:d Ilk..\: llloueS, 1111lI~l\1111Ietl hurldkd .1,,1111, 1'1111.'1 . rl1l'll he Il'ltIk nff hi. 1I1n1'Cll AnI1 his tlUCliUll, the Cllmll\tli(lnre lUlll Es.!lrcll- upon her h:nj.(th, tlcp:h, width, nlul ell "1'l1Stl nn t.:lYll 1II11'1! hunlilcil dulhl, nnt Fnull tll4,lIll>O'tl iotcf\'iew II nllirrillgc h~t. Thllll I gut hl.1II II sent l\t tlHIIllhle dcnl "cru IUOl'U ldg:hly tlclljlhtetl thlill padly, 1IIHI tixell the cosl. tlle ne.H 51l'l' lie ~'HII wifett. ]\10 gliYO )1111j' lllooks t.Ctok place the lillln~'in" wcek. wIlh p~l)cr IIml penl!!l. thl'y &Vl'r wetu lit tmy ..f IIIll Slllill teeton. 1M to tU..kll 11m mudd. A cllhill'lllllkl'r 1ll.lIey, I'hu ~11 Wll)' h:11 me ')'nu ClIme IlIJ u ...... _ ..":;"..;,.; He \UI :Ilworl t.'llklng f\hout ho.... 1t tiulJ givCllllt Wlishington. cllrcflll1, Jlrcpuel II numlJer of l'il.'C~~ of hflUdlSl() Illl\lIa.' Mil t: IIluly D1uok•• ~-jij.lJn/AJ(----:-w Ihl\ulll he Iione, I\nll nnw ho Will nt it. choicc wood of ex,.cIly l'qUlII IhickllC hUIl~1l 10 mllllil. 111u It!e hl'lIl' rUlllee, 110 TllIIlC "'h(l rl:merulJtr how lhj. T'1l11 1ft' Ilaried Ill. TJIlSSIW Tl!.-U· O(J~D 1,E.lP. 1:11. frolll lour til six inchcl WillI', RIllI Ice Mnly H1llok~, 1111 money. she lillb Oehillret Will apl)I)inte.1 L'lIiLe.1 Stall:B I \Tf'nIAhnut IlIJ wnrk, lind hll\'in.cc It bllil botll recently IrRt"d, on I'Plllr- lrum II YllrollO oue Itud II hllif yattillollll. ;':Ilt lun n",l\~' !ttclif'lIn Imlll, l:Hult'e Ah !lllrahlil fOf 1'cuJ-pel'8u.dill;': l'rl:ahll'lll wrlnen III'nlumn or t"'n of n"llter rnr cntly gl)lltl Huthftrity. thMt film, of "0111 At thu illll..· tillle he £dt.'Ct!l Itli l'qunl (;llflW \QOlIl·)·. llilher 1i1O, 1\0 ;.:otld. no" Grllllt thnt he, Muj. Tom, "11M Il.riNlsl)' Ihl' w~k·81nlpcr. lelt him ,till writing, can be l,roduCL-U, Ily mean, IIr 1\ gllluDic numher ofJliccc!t or\'ent.'Cr ur the lillie mc tik.'ll cRtchl't1 PlIllCl rur ellichte ~lillJ injurcJ ill ddcnlC uf the l'rClii/lunl'llgIKICI while I ~tnl nut to A(l1iclt 501lle adycr- lJaltt:r)'. SO Illin IllIIt one gnun or it would 5lte,dltll'siug Il 'rtnl'l:r /II a (lurl, colul Ilr l\ Uloukl, (or IM_lllre," '''Ult: aKllinlt " crO"'d uf 1'dliS rutUnns- liq·m~nt·. eOl'cr (,mr liCJ.ullre f(..ct. Thil wlIuld 1>1' clt,ut I,im allOld loy I r.ame hack he "'118 l'ill.1 iI. ornrdin1ry writing I)aperj lind 2,709,000 the olher. Wilh the Tl'nCer hel\\cen tllt'li ,,·itb hi. 1n.lt1cy. l\ChlU"c1trlll ,. c..uld II N~w ~ll:xico nloll>cr: 011 ..nu sin' lie ""1\1 Iwc."n" a~·rull," f b fil " k' lind the \\'holt: i, then l'lu," hllt'"I"" ",' nltl lit! hrollubt ''''Il.inllt tile "'"1Ilall, :1IHl ... r n 0 SUC I 11I1 WOII ( mil tlnnyooe inch e., .- ,. l lIu Willi In Enghillt.l, a gU~1l u( "nolll.: Thnt. IRhie and l10ftr 1"t'n! white with in 1Il1ckn~ s. Thnu;;h the IllImMn mind Duke Il soliJ ~Iock. Uut nf Illit Llock tllllt he had ao rellcl t!sct'r in a ci1'il who ha,1 COIIiU ill COlltlict with hlw Itur- CflI)f rlliler. ,OIl the Ilf'ncile'in hi. hand allnot IlIprr.ci"te the rull fuunlng uf tbe the du, ~lIcr sh.pte Il mol1d or onc·hal( C.crt. Jog" vialt to chi. (:uuntIY. autl WliO 1,,,11 ""115 oluth tiimini.hed in Irngt.... ror~goint: tlgurrl. it I. II fa/.t IIUll Ilia of lhc hull uI thc .hir. lie Rl1'cs llii, Ah Clio"" shook billlrM/landu.id, "'me fl\lIt'D Mn c..y \'ictim lit Tum II unllufpau. I 'W1'nt In lllnnrr. KrgURll'atl-so cdlled-which Ire hullt hlot..k tile eSlIclllhape the rUIUN sllil) !I mild'. Mt:licun Kirlt'\: tllO Illllchre amllnet'. etI ilu1'uJeucu 111IcJ V\t"'tfl 01 f'l.aCin!llign- WhtD 1 relurnee' he WII at it ,.et. tiwo 10 lillie IIdunccd in favor IJr J.;oJlti til Mltlme Whl:D k'l:D from thelille. Only ChiollluaO hitl! "'~. 1l11n. ;uue notuiDf:." The E~l!liihmlln blld lJ.ku 'rUIllIO Lon. TtlI' pencil was shorler alld he was "ltd fI,ni".e,ilre,., al mont'~.. lire (nUII(110 a half modd is mlldc. IUIlhtl twelitll'l tl~ L.tSOUJGE 01' cOLORS. ~ual JJuo alltl wu t'xhil.liting' (;110 IU hi.. wet1t!r. It "" Slimmer. he 00 ('.. ul\Dlinlitioll, thinner thin the Ilril) will be iiIU))I,. duplicllte8 III thll Tho follo\\'in" il Sdil1 I_ wthe .·reDeb Irit:ndJ ~ a genuiul' .\wcnc:tu 110:;1. TOlll The hOIlTS rlm::gl'd IIi0ng Into the t:1'tn tho thiunut leuf o( :.:,,111. It II laid mOllcl. tnClhou of Ih: 1'1('l111inG allacht!lt to \I'll plvuti lull ioUPIllit'\l with ruuda 1.11 mhllllt! ot Ihc altl'rnflnn. lullt tlle tllinotllt S"ld lelll b tNon'plirent Eftr! thing llt:pelllis upillilhe ,kill or colors, but it lIllpl.'tIr. to III to Imack hia Ollllitl fric.uJ lIud I"UlI cunlng UgUild On'lIt comllItnod OUI on tbe preacher'. nnd giTeS a jlCTttn color til InllllmiUt'd Iho c1~.igol'r. Tilt' Ihip'a Ipei:ll, ollneit}' dll~' Ih~ rill her o( tlle labont.lNY thao of srenuiDe figure. vau Tuw IUld hillrfud met htlltt'tl brow. Iiiht'-thar. which 110 color coulc! lJe dntughl, Rnd IIllt·t}' depl'nd IIp,llI i\.lItilllut. Tile, holJ Ollt tllll' 1'iekt i. Ipproridt~, lll" Prince of Wnh:1 at It. c1uh. The: HII r-"elI 1t'rre hel.t n1l t!le dllzzling more inulIlllch Il!I tholO who shlll)C he giYl'S tilts wooden llIOlld. :\I\'n ~Ull\t te.1 bf bI Ull tJea.ad azure I&.:Y· DO!J1~tlIlUI ulk.:t.1 pcrmis"wl.I of tlll: rrulce whlta Ilnpcr herorc him. lIod hid tingen 'IJr.t1U'to "'orllliI) f]Oltlare either dechl- ard IlOt I luglit lft IIIl1kc mockl ; the good A ltulIcb .r 1'ioku wUII1cl, tberrfnre, tcll to introduL'U bls Amcntan friloll. Leave m.1'etl ntnousl,.. lind Ibe pencil WAa II eOl, grt'rD or Uct:c.JioglJ kn.,.isb. dt!1tiJtner il horn, "01 made. The :maJl- " llu1f••lIitor tbllt rrit'.lIthlllP i. all tbat lJning b,,:cn. "It:rlUut}'lUll1 tlu;. 1'iscd an fihlHr aglia. everws irtinC wan.. IIillllrt il1hcf'lIre " ,,'" d lounl!~. dat JUli 11m 1I0t the ),~se in llill Cl\ t. 1.1 "')" II wertl thll Ilarea'IOr t\ll'O lJou aDd tWO­ mlcllon, bt" J lade un aueh a N.,er did he compolC ror a 'I IUl:nt 0 Ortf'lonti Ill.:ain"t tht' w tion. bllA nOlhing to teeu,., it. • i I)Qper Put deol IfockinK ann J.(ive m. othl'rl the wt'i~ht _"Ilin"t tile tllllAlion or grill, Good lookio; atlll hrl!Jtby cbilJrcn li" If.. •• MUlle Iloekinl' lIccording to tie white tJut'l}lIn....". tlte rel\ltllncc or the Wlll~r Tlt.e mcretnciOllI CfIo\ h.. ('CUIe nnll golle It "1M Illftl wttrk for huu til wnlt', rolka gradt!." It wu oot Ion" lterllrt ugll~nit. the vower III her IICrew 1I.,d and he Ill.... ho Will not cut cut for an Ihe left the Siore IlIti.f1ed.-A'z. en;;IDU. ('he JDfCC of the wnell and willli like a lIreanl. Til. girl. 1«1 nllrried. edilor' against her nwn 5tllhilitJ. 'fhe llni~ltllll EIIcb a diamond wrthltog, and rtclt . model if full ul J:uce lind lielulJ: but It tt has Iiu.k iet.. obKurirJ IOU pou ,.. Nine lhou nd teet per minutt. that 11 OODlU.OOl f!"Om tile II ere hlen.lillJ.; ,'1' 1'he t ...·o-'ln.onet hrhl Snc IppoUlllllCQU nearly two miles, for the rim or a c1reu. IWt:e.Pl0g: Cll.ue. and !wcllinl' lio~l. 1Jut fronl the h.bloce IIf tlltIC tnrct'1. rt. i, in the Kn\C'O ol the ·rlag. beLt tbtJ Itt lu W til trani, may 00 Illill dow" us II. b..'t\tltlrl1l bee: uoo thil TCposeol lorceJl in DOW uolJ loullling • roue(l Ib_ cilJ haiL rule. .'or t:J:lwpl..-: A laW 12 iachtl in ff).uitil,~um IIIWIl1' Ituulirut. eer· is The ill- GOU,,, weal~.1 is n.....rtJ all gOll'. diameter, 3 (loti Irollnd the Mm 3 000 lam',. If the IIrcbitect il Cllllt'ci 11\ artbit l 1 A million "ad n hal r blJ pu&ld into the revolqtioDs. 2& inches in diameter or G the mndel·11J ahr il tully hi. CftUlio1.-': f/htlr{u /In'',,n,.(l buds of d~ la"T ell. reet arltund tile rim. 1,$000 rt:"olulions; 8 (eet in dlftlllt'lcr, or 0 I~I IIfO:lur1 tbe rim, 1.000 rl'1'OIUlittna; 4 f«till ,hllmelt.. - or 15 I{'(llfllllntltlie filII. 700 ro.nlu tlon ; 1) Icel In di ,meier, or 13 lL'tl Ilround, 600 reYulutloDI.

aU ldd. of

Work. Marble Sinks, Ma' Jtles, Brackets, &c"

'131( /J.V J'JiSLf:lrs II'II,IW', ·...·J'.L1'7·J~I;1 R', 1', ·J. H· HILT- ON, Custom M a de PIlOSPEC".S Ifjno!lo1nis!tEx'c!tange BOot8 nud 8hocs.

Wholesale and Retail TillS IlOTEI.

BY -or TIIE- Is the Best In Snohomish County, in every 'FRESH AND SALTED BRNJ. VINCENT respect. \ Main st., OIympia,W. T. FIRS'" CLASS BOARD -:M::EATS- Lntest styles Boots nnd UNITARIAN ADVOCATE. Is alway8 Furnished nt Modemte nnte•• ,hoes m..ue tn OI'uer, All work warranted and slltisfnctioll TI-IE BAR

lNlJ TIlE em MSOIlTJlf.'.I'T 01' fi:~;:i~'~~~~~d ~~~~ ~~~~IJ, for • Is sllvvlied with the best Win~~ dnd LiQn~rs North of San Franciicfl GROCERIES Family Favorite Sewing Machine. It i. hest; Also a First-Class BILLIARD TABLE . -...... -.. IT IS Till;; .'fOST Sl.lfl'l.,,~·. A ~OIllblr !'ubllu.tloll derotl'l! 1n the inte To Accornodale the Pa[rons GC lhls riouse• })OHAlJJ,!;, 1'f.'R/!'HC1' e..isur Uuct.:&lL:hrIUlllulty uPU\)tlLIIlC0061. J.V S-rOIlQ.VlSll CITY. It runs ClUJ' .nd Ilul11~. Uti); 110 l'RIIl1 fOl' 1l.1Iuule moUon, (SAAO CATHCART. Pr01YrU(tW J111~ 110 III)rlllh"1 to lCcL ont Or urtlcr, 1'IIe nccule I~ ••:t curr

SINGER DEALERS IN D. N. UTTER, EDITOR & PROP'1t 'l."obnCCOliil. SINGER All persons uesirous of pur­ chasing It Sewing Mnchine, will Not~ GOODS, plel8t the ",uncI or prominent DRY CANlIED FllUlTS A SPEClAl.TY citi fU~ of 8nohemiih City, o ..... ning, and uling the ltatHlnrd macbinf of tbe world AT rHESNOIIOlllSR lIAR&l.'T. • The S1:nger! CLOTHING, HATS, & CAPS, CROCUR" On Union A,·et:!ue. IF YOU ARE .A UNlTARlA.S, lin. Jobn Elwell A. A. Blackman, W. F. FAdy, Judge UMkell, BOOTS 41ISHOES, ./Ooo

There Is n potllllblllty t,hat you 1I1l\Y not rllll, L. WILBUR, 1l~'E.1l ""d'to takl.!....ourp~per". no< P""'P'"tor I Jellr,."d~'blclllll'DYd,,,"""".eould"d Il.' S.Z1J.'E ./!£if!!'"tV.It/t,M£, 71 , c~rlOlill I~ Ilford uut of Iflllrll W do, would bl.! .. FIRST·OUSS EVERY RESPECT. -DEAl.Ell IN- lUre melilOO of btcomln/C tully Inronned ron- ~~mIDg our tilltb, our wurk. aDd Ollt hop«. free COil()1 to Ind from lh. IIOUIt. Drugs, Medicines SNOHOMISH CITY. WASHINGTON TERRITORY and Chemical... H. 'VV. L1ah't PURE \VINES and LIQUORS Having recently leased this convenient and well known flo! IF YOU ARE OPPOSF.D TO es. }'Ol< bn;DICINAL PUllPOSES. Building, for a Tenn or Yfl\f'II nno refitted it. in good styIf, ~g leave tG inform I communill tbllt they aTe now preparclllo ac<,'ommooolll tbe SNOllomSH CITY. WASIl. 'fERR. public. They propose keeping I Btrict\y

PERFUMERY, It mtWit ~tl1l be Dl'Cl!S!lrJ to tllte ~be paper, Fancy Toilet Articles, Cigars, 1.0 Ietlm uur tlctle--lhll bI..'lIt mcU'l04 of hill· &c. &c. derlll):' our p"""raH. Nl;ATNESS AND 018PATCII.• ,gub....rllM: So_' I~ the brv:lnnlll~ of tbe First Class Hotel n.ew .H'ar, \bA~ JOu Inly hIVe tho l*1~rfrulll 1'" Dr" DUllltxr. .SCud ~1l1'Cr or !tuld ('II In r~"'red leU-:r ur IJOAtal Older for Ji '.!5, iJI bes~ lir'8UOP-IS TUS- llj'P2R TOWN. 'i :.!5 ia \;urr~I.t"·. Al.Idrt''' Thetl\hlew;ll bJ ."('plied with the the market aflord•. PrellCl'iplions carel'ullr com­ nllST Qt'AUTI" ~r IVI1>"f:,O, UQI'O/IS ,INn CIG.IRS ALW.I' ~t c.llllJd ~"J _Of11;. poundcod ull holll'll. os IL-4J"D s IlIlJIII!fC.' ••:' Every attention will be shown ro'~ .ALl. ..It& IS\'ITED TO CALL. rOK 'nIE th ) convenience orthe patrons of INOHOMilH CIT'. •• T· b 10RTHIRI STAR, , .. 1 D1 ~:f i .------.III!II~•• -- COS l'tl 0 POL ITA ~ I(rhr ~o\'thrm CLAIMS II nITa1ne Hero. sA-LOON 1­ ~ ~JlIIUDDf.·/lr H :\lIl1lWUlish fity. Wash. Tu. R.17'}.',... • ,\. Gfif.:GOI:Y. CLEI:K 0." TilE "·I, S·I·.'.~n .,... II".·I·O~·", in thi. 1·11\ thc l:lI"nlll\t 'CI"III. "h1':'l~l. i D1~lrl('t Court nr ~nohoftll,.h C'out'll!. W, T" Wlil," L- "1.lr" hu\ ,,'1:11 l'hwl.lrhllillilw~ AI'(Kl\ 1'\'1Ir, ('hllll, I'c;u:h. l:h,·rr.\·, '~ulnre ~~r.: w II pur t" rlkllll't IIo!tcntloll tv AllnJ; Jloruu l:ll. h.IIK1· 11I!lh,,,,·\·hih. 1,1iUIJ\",ulltLt.:, n- I .Y f; ..... lirllllt:, ''"o,"f'h,·rn. turnllit, 1II,lc 01!1; lJalll.IJ.lluhl"Il,;aIl; ~If'\:. KlIlJ~"I'I4:" Ihe ~It'ad Iud 1'''H'ltll/llon ('IJllrn~: Plllkltilt IInlil tl'lI ' ....Ilruuhllt r.IlIIII1,... ill 'Ill' rnlOlll.••\11 hur~. !:a"I'bl-rr.". ~:fI.lK'rr~, fl,~hl-'lI. 1.IQi"OIlS. ll"loUr on bom"tnd~ 111111 lin.., IIlfhl:ulh rur IUllm.I'. h\llll I lIi"IM"" Iud tlll'l,!t1 fur Sllt·n....~tiu;::: Trr\~. 'II lUll!: .N. ~I. J,:ill. Ilre-cml'to~. ell', Will pn)' tax~ for nOll­ of CIG.{JI~. '\;". >\.e...11 in 1111:.·U~. fuillrlll.. mnd C'l1M\.·',"11It1 willi IlCull dt·.lrill:: It. n. /·f'flJwj~,,,. ". t:. ~t("cu". Grent Varict.}, luf.ll'llI;alloll In rt';;:ud to 1.lnd". Itl'. I'ilrtlt", bll"illl: bntl bwln~ will l'I'~.1~ll nil on Tlw•. \I •• /'roprtc''''' / SJlllrda~·~. Ih~ ~en:t :ur Clltl'III~:'IIt 1\111' Prit't J.iJt to daI8 or when IlCII'C " will btl ; i1. t;o tv A. II. "'octdRrd',, "llIrr! rorllltlrdt!1J to lbe Ilud oltll,:c hI rdurn lU:llI. DR. SPINNEY. .Joh. , •• S,,,"..... OI)'nJpln "'. 'I', (.r Ihc nnf·t I'hol'f'.:r~I'b,. (,~ma or )lIlln I No. 11 Kearr.ey Street, Ol~mllll, 1!ld }'''urtll"lh'·!J<. ". T. I II. n. ;\10110.-\:'( u my .g:entllt Snnhn Treats 311 Chronic and SpecIal Ciluse.. lIlj,.·h t'il~·. W. T. ;~ Pn·"brt·~·.t ,.\.ddrt.... Gm:n, rJt1.l, ';th YOUNG 2wtEN Oll/lltvio,. .:rect, WIt"llIn)l'tOll, n. C., (endaelog fllnlp) .r nhnJlI. Swan. Willi !oI.\Y III-; Sl:Vto"t:llISfl Fl:mr "IIt'('I~ ~'Oll' f ,r 11lrllnlllllf>1l III I'tlatlon 10 ['IIteute, !lln~ lllJ "r hfulln,ll-t'fclllln. will ••S{JJl9,1fJ~1I GITI' GO.YFf.·CT10X· FFOORR SSAALLE.E. lIn wdlllll,l'dllhCI1I,chl'" or thl~, lilc :,real• •IRI· t'~l l'\~r 11m UI\:lf II' rh,;! Iiu. l.uh·I,.... hmd Iltle~, 1.,'UUt,· laud,; pfllllkl1l5, >rom:. (,"',111 tllli "" "ljlr.. Ullllllt~'. lit. :011111111'." wlll t.:1I:U~llh:c Itl '",tclt "",,uu t elen' I'II~U :-'-1'11l11l~1 v.·..~kul',... ur lrl'tlll OIur.... InrrlnJ;rnWI1I of pltl...n .., Indlall .Vv"ocJ:, t/ill"U(' rtf (I ',,~,e rnrirtg ttl r.. II' )rl\·lIl1.' lU"'1I:.c lit lUl~' kind tiT ch~rJ<:tcr wukh "r )ICllkall dt'llnlllailUlI cbhll!, poolmbt... r· .. J"lIt~, CfllIIUU, f'l'tlit" l'w/reo mul CifllH" l.1: ulllkrlukl'~ Ilul {,Ill" til elite. .1lI1 cOl:tmelor'll UI'l'OlIlllll. or /lilY Olher b\l~I· eft., d-c.. '!,.'he bt.t qUid;t!l. (Iml iA ,t;" M/, lI.d:IDDLE AGED ~EN_ fft lUt(Cal /Hl/rAd mltl!. ~:i1·.D.m·t ut"8 ... it!ler III the d(~I'arlnJtDb of Hlc Go,·eru· tI,e 'I'll," .... iaN til 'III' 'II Ih.. a;:\,1 uf lhllty \(I IIbt1 IJ'wr(fd to roll.JfJ .·hll ....c !ruuhlf',1 wllh I'HI rrcllll\'UI ~1·(I('ua. mcnt or befun: (,'Ollj:rl'HI. Ihm "f thll lJhltld"r, .. rh'u lICI'''lllP;IIlI«l lJl II OLD, 1I109·{,. l}f~lJ..l II Hl.1rlJ.l.. Ill~lIt "u:>rlln..:: "r LlUrulll.;' ~1·'hlill.lIl. nml II "'I'Il~>'lIltl~ "' lhll "J'~h:I" Ill .. lllillllll,lr Illll ))n. Ilcnt ~·llllnul"'1.·"Ulll rur. VII t~~mI1l1 ..:.:' tllc O:X SHOES urltj,lr,' oI'·I'U,h". II rOI'.!' ~'·lllll ..... t 1"111 uflcn WISHI~G TO RETUR~ 1'0 Till!. Illl r'luutlllml ~Unll'I""l:"~l1l1llllllrtldl>uf III· \lU1l1l:11 \l'1I1111'11C,,'.'1I' till' l~llur 10'111 II", or n TRIED, .~ I Oil hand Ind ro""l1a ')'0' JlnDliun. r:uiit. I ulli:r lor N>hll1l1ll1~' r"'l\1 and 1:-cn,ulIlil ,,·n,.. milk) hm', 1t':\111I chatlJ:lm, III II lililk UT milk)' Tbc m~ck,mlth, tlllOhOIUUltI '-Ill'. Ilroperl!ln Ihl, cuunly. con~btlrn: or a velY 1I1J1'\~lnll"·'·. '1'11"1\' IIrc 1111111.'1' 11Il:1l whu t1h: Ilr III\,r1U thl~ ('11l1~C. I~ lIue ranl'h AdJolllllI~ SI.ohumltll Cltl, ur H1 \l1l1l1'nlt.\·. hCllurlllll uf till' which thll ,c'·'lIlc1 .. Wl,(l: ur ""lI1hllllll<"lIkuU>l". Dr.8. cn AN !UGH, IC~~; ';0 l,rCl..'O Fnrniture, Beddin[, tile un:llud on Illb p!:lt'e. The loelOliou I' one ~p«i(Jl4Jtlf/ltiqngiteB to • or too lHIat ror II dalr! r:lD\'h .u tll'- tounll. 1ilJ Suxnxn.O::tl.s. MEXICAN Window Curtains, 101.11 or bllll'1"l11 ('UI on tbl. pllll'O In\ )·I·ar. I SHIP WORK. IN TIn: 1>I1'r11ll:T t'Ol·ItT tW /lli'OIlOlU~n 1(,.0 otr...r for laic 1'iO Itcf'el of land It Qualc:o, CUI:~T~. tv .\ltlilSOTIl~ I i;NIUTolty • faetory Duder ColcmlO'1 )1111. Pictu.re FrSD'le81 Jlllr 21 n50. If. Mustang I.injment, IIC11r tho rotk. or tli,,- rh·er..."\lb II nlU,llllc II. W. J.Ighl, 1'IIIInIUf.,., lI!l11l prhlll:f..11 •• PI'O~ ""Ilfell unll IIwrd,rll1t.1illl rurnisllcd, lold cnOCKEny, OLA58WAUE, BEDS, ....,-'-Ule'...... 1. kilt ••.,,,,,...... neatnes8 and di8plltch . Jo. M. or Ibll dal; Ind utlkn )UU 1I11pel1r lIut! alltllh:livcrl'u I" )'ou /lllli rur money IIUft lIlcn IUd there Illiwer, the .Ime ",Ill 00 l.Ilkell IInll IllIylllJltl flllm JOu to ~uid villintitf II' cOurt:..ed let! tue d~numd or the l'lalullf!' 011 Illltlignccl IIfClJUUI". STANDS. llED8TEAD5, ______IFAIt~ERS WILl. DEAlt IN MlSD TJ1AT gruntl-'d. A11I11'IIU life herchy nflnned, thnt if 'flit object IIlId demand of J:lld COllll,l:llnt )'(ltl rllil 'U wJlptlr .nd IOn'l:! Ihe lilIid lJARDWAllE, 1:'" OJl;D~R TO orr OltE 0' TnK w CIO't be mlde by ncr, Is;ent to n:to...er frotll YOll tha IUDI tor f\tly·lllI'1~l,I CtIl111111lillt III lIbll ... e n'cluirell. the ..,ill e'ery month In thtl hu,lllCst we .lId ~·IOO dollllri !;oltl colli. Da.!llneeor IC' pillinliff willlLlku jUdJ.(IIll:llt ullninlt )'011 Char te r $999 furnl.h, but tllllle willing 0 Improved horse count ror 1(00<11, 'll'lltt'l Ind IIletclllndl!1l IOltI fur tlill /lUlU ul Two Hundred lo\11'birty­ Oak work till l!I.n, earn _ IlolCD dollara II dlty ~ix dollnrll IIIllI fort.... -cight etntl !lOll Coo~lnA' • Ind dellve~d by ~/lld Pllllntlll'l \o}OIl. (;om· rteli\ 'n their own locallt1". Have.o rI'IOm Illlen'Iu'Olllllllntl t1ll1lmrsmcllt&. to ea:plillo heltl. ButloHli pll"ltMnt Ind hon· Fork!l 1'IIIIot ale4 April 0, 1818. Jot. 10'. DWeLLEY onlble. Woratn. and bo,1 Ind glrll du I' J, P., 1.11 CoOlltr Precinct, WbikolO count, \\'ltlll.'lSIlhll Jloll. J.lt. LEWllt,juclgo ST o v E 81 well II meo. W. will furnl h you I cumplcle Thoy mUlt leave tbeir orden io lime nll·lIm ol.Mld Cllurl, lind the tefll thert:oftbi16 I "tat rree. Tb. butloeM ptIl tltUer tbnn 261h, d(1)' or Mllrth A. D. 18':8. IlIllhlo( el,.. We will bear f~~1l1t Orltlrt· In~ WlnLCd.t til"- flWCI', 10 eUIIlI,ll:l.o I loci. for 11. A. OIIF-onn", 10U. Pllrlleoilln tree. \" rito Ind lee. All tool. used in Logging n:1I3 Ow Tinware, Cutlt;ry. ClIfpetl aod Jht. rII1UCt111Qd 1IIl-'ChIDICI, their tOnI lad dau\th· blndln!:, tile etll.tull... or tblJ TerrHlJrY ror tho Clerk. W. M ''''Il'N.tIT. AuI;'. rnr pur tlll~, ObaUlhel'lC'tl, Cbairs. Ta. \en, Ilid III dUHII In need of P'JIDJ work It Il!1~ ISM, 1&');, 18.\8 Iud 1500; for wlllclJ a ru.· blft, Ovcr)l\nd bomf, ,boo.ld wri", to ut Ind leanllbout tbe ooable prll"C will be ".hl. Balketl work Itonce. Nnwlllbo time. Don't delay. Camps mnde to order, and aDd other Wood .Add,... Tal:••roo Au",t" "'...., r.n.r DENTAl: NOTICE! Ware. 38 --:0:-- f'lpt'('ill cbenp a8 can he flltention J)ald to 6ttitlb IInlntt lonto!d pcrmlnt!nU, at.~lllf. Kf'~" tn Lockl. Dtaler I" In Ihlll be h.t/P11" IIUt'nd lU lllo elilla of Ill' klndl of ncW' IUd " ..'COIlCt. got 00 tho rrk:ud~ rronl .11 111"'- lit the 8Ul.Illtl. All I"y III"00


A Choke &1f"t't1on IIf 1)11I11a1 Illlt Prll'lI FpORRIN'YTOIN'O"RG IT~' Ih.' on "'.- 0' lbl. oIh"...... ", llIre hi "r"' (nr .1I1~. OWice '. \\. 1.\ WT(I~, l~toJlljflor. "'" • ---_. ~orlhrm ~tIH. ('1l.tXc/;"[.'.OIl Kf:.rr. I Items of Int~iest. -W-u.8btna;:ton Letter. I 811,"1(")" 1,,111 grut mlln1 eorltlUI u- Il is tnld of 1I11ll\: \\'i.. ~ 1Ill\Il, whllte - l'It"rit"net" in Aflic.l, uut nllnD IIll1r...' nllnlt" 'tift' c1u lllll rrC"U 1:'1'1 Ill: ""III in the! J"J Ol"1l ow...• COllr.I·;:;I'O.\"DF.,"·T. Ilblin this whith fnll"w.; One III IIi, ===c.==~.:::~:..:-:....:....---=-= W~I .i~t1hlll.t lI.hil. "'hile hi. mind an.l. ., WASlIIxoros, 0. C" )11l1. G,18i8. it" lat. 0 IItt~C~l:\lln Ililll Ihot, 11'1 I I· IIII r ' . KIIl'hen ft"au, ~'htQ 01 111,. "Ill nul w. W.:D~&:iIJ.\Y....•.... M.\Y Hi, 18;'i Illil IOI'!.II 1:'104 10 I I, n t'bUlUlIn(z: frlcn~ lnpic~. "fIll: 1C\'nn ",iln.'uttl ber.fe tht: ::k:nale flr:'l r llllcqualely tIllXprt'. hill c:arrfull,. 'luinllS He lJt"lllllVo'cd l'ba.W gn.••••:. and lIuultI ClIllIIUiu",'. 00 P.lteolj 1.11 !,ltlp. ht! 1~"ge..1 the ullln""r t? Ie ill, took := "PlO thcm Ilillicnt tlIOI1::III, Jlliliciall,. j\ 8al~ Func:ilCn editor hUin; Wtjlt~~. --====~- I'ml., rtalllll.d III Ulillll th~ cllrl! llll,' In.'l Cllt ~1I11: I~ I~ 0011 gtnu~nl: (nelld· wdghln; tbe QI);UI1It:ntl fur ami 11:1'10111'1 uhllu.IIYdy III)lJO ··\~"lt:r " J\ ~.t"ij:t: II I Wcro You, Sir. when 31'lrle.! under gf1:ut difficullitit't "Ill .hlp \III'hlch IS _llhnA: 10 IIfJ.:r lltelf in tbl' ami tlu:u carutl lu II lIL'C.,leD. TlIl'K de. lUI .!Ib.. ny I'!tlltf 111mb 11'\0 khlllUt: " sl:Cki0l: tn Intut'st Clln~n:u io the: CUI1- ~lllIpe.olllt~l.k~ .an(~ cui lets. ~"cn wt'; cbioM lit: 1l'11i MS:t!t lilt U~. Wiltn. ill ft:a!iilll'l ami UIl:;ltt 20t I",u. f\:'l.~ a tri"l. If I .crlll YOIi. ~Ir, Itructiun 01 th~ t1r»t 1~Il');r"pl. a liD.: bc- .?r" IlIl:ht:r elYlhllllnn .pr.ofa:N tmndshir tllt:~ ~.,u.in. I ""lilt! nut 1111'. :1lr, bit uld Ilg". unu or ttJllit.... 1u1i'pcal'tl Harry Tum mArried hil or the tw\"'Co thi. city and &i1imore. The It melln,lhet w~ ue wllhnl 10 f'l!Ct!i"e t"llr .Il! W'"Il,lTI·.tll'·C,IJ.f IlIl'tertl:1,,; tlJ Ilrt"Jlt:nt itsdl, he "'vulll fl·ter lllcUhllly nWl: Dllme. \\'111:0 intcrr'f.tt:d a' 10 IIllllf!.!r genitu lIlf I hil laic occuion 'fill p~l:lI.'nli or IJorre. mOlle,. "What are I'd 1I":"cr .ulId. lSlr. I tl» thc IIl'Ci,iIlO lit' hall Illllde, lMyiog,- \lilli, lie: did 10, bt: r\:plie<.1 lh:lt It Dl\d E'li~ion At h.:r I:('mnl,lllli. Sir, Thoull'S ,\. whll .at at Ihe tIlltle Im.d. good lor ucel't. 10 be IIkdf" w. "Wln:n I JIIHI a Illund llIinJ in • "'unll al ·14" m~n 14 mJll.illl or \,l~ tbllt "one fetr lolln\! uut hi tbl" 10.lI,b '01' ..,.. lterul'l: the f'h.no"l"Ipli l1i:i IlItl~t incn- a!!k, hut Ihe Arril.:lttl Ukl'(i, "Whlll 11ft' 'IlItly, 1 ctltyrull, Uff,lIlint'11 thll tuhjcet. 1001.1 TurD d'!ll.:rn:. uDOlh,I.," Atrlttl nil r.it'I', ::llr. tillO 11011 mle th;t h~ llllllill hi. r.me fricnfl. glHH'1 (or u~pt to be "aICo'''- tll;~ I'd ba\,\llbct:nll:t·, ::llr, Ilnrl Cllllie ded"illn. r-;.\,. thllt lUI TlJe Aalftf LibrarJ (Ne'" York) lIoW 'florid wldtl. 'fhi" ,nung Ullin ju"t put ..:V. Y. JJtT_"_I_d_.__•_ I}r laolhtr lfOll to r,llllt I:JJ'~r III~k, we:lk III nliud 11111IH)d)'. I l'\.'Ci411 tll.t de· conhlin, 1';'(;••00 wlumtt, Hi'~OO oC,.hich tlnrlJ b•• Ilrelldylllkl:u outlSS patent. The- furtliture ,tOft! o( AIt'ur. 000"1_ And ""Ill! ll' Iilld, Sir, cision••nd ll~nJ lor it:' h..,.~ 1Jt1:/1 IldCe11 during filII! III't 18 WllIIt w.~ lIur Wind • .ilr, 11m lI<1hit Wilt nut lin un"ise ont.', IInl) muntll.. Dulillg the p"'t t,'j!lre 1II0lltlli :::~I:' i;l:I:I~~~I~~it::~r:~I:i::~:~~I~ • Vjrr Will hurnt.fl at TlIcfllUa lIiubt be. ;u.~. lk:lllrc I·d,.:ru.li lit Iier rel't to In priDciple Wlla. rule 01 tlilt \'e1el,rtle:J $00.000 h., Ul:l:n Ipent fur jAojIt,kt (or tll, fure IllU. Tlle whole 10&1 i. t.'OYered b, fd witb ~.. nllUll" )1~lh~ft .lI1fD tlDd :\II nry ....,·11, !ilr. Clumcellor Klnt. 01 ~IlW Yurk, tbe tllI- iU8tlluth#ll. inlunnct>. t::lIfeptins: aiJout '1.000. Th. wnme:D rrolll IImuDi thu malt culturl:d . I .·"r 10U U1lcJl, Sir, tuor III" the ..COIII!I\cnluit...... aro .llIppoaed ,. be tho _OIk Ilf •• Ur tlllltl;...ml poe.lln thlJ vlden IInlc. Rcd- bMlrlld Dum: "\'~llt wertll't nud ~cotliic In tile lao,1. ibCtntliary. On Olll: "eca.i'ln th. lalu Mr. Sc\\':ml Wh_ IInc .tl 11\.'t'. Sir, lIwund wb~n the, rlt-1I1t out llllir, 1'o'.:re All C,tS ""1:«1 11(100 tilt: Wurdle.. Edi­ verplr~inK W •• IlO CUlldlil', Sir, had a It".1 l'j,uclllllll, IlOOut 'yuul" Bllld·helltl~d luan: '\'1....,( "'"' son wllOle .hl};};y uruwo hair .tood oUt The Sib i'rtndar.o Pod.t.ltceth:tl,bip In IllAthtlltlorl:ll.tmln utl(llihull rhYllle. \'l'hich ~e etlll~ulle:l1 till! chntlccll..r, thltn ltUI tht,y 11Ilt! nnly rt:ll hAir 'I' Ill~n,l. lind I\t tv.:r, IIngl\: tn .pite ot CUlllh aad Luildert (rOil' 'lie Drltilh proyineCi

"b8 populatioa of Great Britain hu, DEALERS fN Or~ers aillee 1801, l.cl'UHd (rom 10,000,000 to from Abroad Receive FroIDnt AllentioD. ~8,OOO,OOO, lod London Ti_ tstimilifl Ibat it will be dlJubled in arty-fuur Jell,.. Hull' lOfted It will be tbeircatdifficull', CLOTHING AND GENT FURNISHING GOODS, ttlr a ludinlt' Utiti h litrkulturin Mid in l' rraDt .pt«h: "h appe.r. to rue-, anrl it b.. beeu .""eet by 1M0,. 01 our Seattle Stone Yard Ie ding men, tbat a .tead,. deterioration SEATTLE, W. T. II gml'A: nil in lbe ptodutiog powerl of OgR STOC~ CON8~TS or Je1U1 :J3iO.en.n.on. tbi, i,land:' •

A ),oun; rn.n applied at & newspaper Clothin[, Boots, Shm, Hats, CaDs,&Under Clotbin[ of all {inaB, MANUFACTURER oj MARBLE MONUMENTS . . aifice til, other da,. for • ,itu"ion 'JIIV~ ~()U eycr blld Inl l'.II"ttrienc ....1 c-Jitflll" influlred th, newlpaper waD. BEADS! NES & 'lOMIS Well DO, Dol tuetl,," replilOJ tbe &lIl W. seU the best goo,!. for the least money "I any pillee on II(i'IUtj ,,·pu..ut CAutlo~11, "but I'Yl the Sound. 9- AlllO lum:.lIe 8tone for 811111liolf rur~J. ~mele'1 Wert of &1\. toQ j'"",billed a Ilumber Of timt., II,!,\< kiDdi ul'Cuted. All ortlcrs Ilromptl, ftlled Ilad ",tl.lactiM Irulflnlf:ed. PerM" .., II UI Fried quilt • whi~, bue WOUI n,iog al a dlltADte h,. IlCJ1clin~ a (InacriptiOD or what the, ".Ia, cn hlTe DI:Ii..... ~ UU~ Pritt. etc., l4:al 10 them to choolO froal. tt, '1"'11 doth IlJr yt' r, an,l G-iyc UIj u Coil. " 1..\ I "cent ur IIll1nl'). 110 I thOIlKI,. Do bt ,,,,.It io." U. "u engaged. PINKHA~I &: SAXE. ThOj on Cra,ford &Harrin[ton's Whirr. Seattle, i m • = .J ():hc ~ctt!mll .,§tllt. N 'R DR. SPINNEY. . -'~'-'='-"'==-"'== I No. 11 Kearney Street, WEI)N~ 'VA \" .. "l.\Y I.i, 1811 0RTHE RSTA. Treats alt Chronic and SpecIal Disuses. 1.1 REmmmlVEJOURHll OF THE TERRITOR! I- -- - -~-- ==~=~ YOUNG MEN Items jlltcro~t. WHU )1,,," BI:: sL1Fn:lt1NCl .·nO~1 1I1e: rlhl'tl> uf )·oU'lIrulllldl~cn·tllm,will E. C. FERGUSON, lIn Ifell to 1&\"1111 thl:lIllt:l":,, ur thl ,thll ~r~III' c~t ~Iltl~rllll: Sl)~ci,'s rurni~hc:, llvull ,'\'Cl' hilt! un thll 1l11ar of I,u· 'rrle dilTcrcllf of reptiles will Yet till tbe ilJlportnnt polit­ !IUllllt.\.. Ik SI,lmlc)' wlll ~wu"JI1I~c to (urrdl lIe",,- J.I\\', lJy llrCIhulll~' rewell ~.\lUu. ic,,1 ul the uuinl1uiuccll f&IU fur ('1"eO' \';I"C of $l'miulli weukneM or --m:,\Ltli IS__ l,...rt)' IJnjudicl.:, • 1th'lIte tll~('~c ur IIll)' lilml ur clllIl'ill.:h~r wlilch Ii' Ill)' IIlle ~l'Co Cllllll)Ii\lllt lUI loove required, the It\id plailltilf will take jud$:llIent 811l\inat ynu 11/ tho "awr. 1'lte.J ore intendr d 10 be '!'lIE BOUND, .rlrt.'<.I !J.r tlCCll'icity 1....1I1 th., .llOl.:. l'r iiJ Ie \\'IIS reut!· 01 sa;d COllrt. Mnd the fica I thuroof thll 20th, ,jo.y of :\lllren A. D. 2878•• illg, ··Wb,y. bJ'a 1\0 millili' ,ert Ih', only H. A. Om:onR'i, ',0. lK.w,cr, lind tbey do tJ ,y Ihllt bt' caD n:113 Ow Clerk. 'I1'I'Clor lika .. ]lirale!" II nd,lle .topllCd W. M 'rrg'J'r.~T. Allv. for PIA' rel\ding l"1\ Ihe tlrgcncIuc'y ____...., ••.• 'I. \If Ibo flu/plt.-.F.'.::. lImm lID SCIEITifla JDURIIl M"a1.n.e Hero. An Ohio In'tnlcr RI' ow, o'er /)00 acrL'S Jis::' flf.",,~'. C(lrn llon'lJlllly. 'rite ~lr)'inK STAN'. " .. .n.~TO~·l!!I O'(~r ..... r heuJIQ \:1ll11'IO)'8 60 ptnnns. I-'rull n\ll~h thll en~ullI" 1lt.'lI:iClU, 1'111" I>ll1lllon wIi II dark btIy willi Llack trlllnnlllJ.,'1, Hi}.( cars lire Ilt1lWlJ It Cl'Cr! fiv6 minute8 tu 0f tilo llorthl't'Ut. A.1I men of culture Imlld! hh:h. ,,'i!lj(hl 1.000 pound,. Ii )'ewn old -,v.t the lnilk;" tile grnlll i. tbtll eu~ off "re requt!Jtlltl tIIl!1J'llli~t u~ in thi8 work Dim. lIullllltonlflou: tllre. Knox 'lock, the tlll;'.lly ~'iLh 0 l\ltcr~ hUTing conr."'e ltir.e8 lJ)' corn:spoI1l1enl.'C. all well 811 hy lurn­ two \.lellt II'OLlln,lf (IImllll'll In lhe UDI()u. .All ·lllllrupl.. from l.l 111lilPllCO T'('Ceh'cd, eared for \llr.ll 8111' ~l \ \.Ilr pcrfor"tctI1,in7. lablut-:llId illlin~ lor Jluhli<'fition copie, of lecture", PileI n.:tunlcd from fhe Nnell to Snllhoml,h t\Cldre~s lind ,clcutitlc C8SIt}'!I of tI rCJlr~, -';lIy free or cbll.rg1l. Tan)!@.: f,:.l().~, So'iO, l..,teatMI11,lit'1I f... ur or i1vu lulUl'l& frllll·~nn'.; !It'utlltlHII'U Cblllltctcr. 11)0 carr,ill!t ulil n. n. J...~TO~·, 'flltmllCt:1l 1 nirliDj,t COtlabnlly,lh~u.pttck ell thcpe ohJectlf, lhe editorilll departmont Sn bnrn.:ll, three uushel. OtIcb, fttr sit ,I})- w;ll continuu a!J bcrctofure tn be aMisled Proprllior ~~UMBEIlt IlUcnt. . GrCflt ellfO ie rcquireu to have hy ablo colltributf)~. who will cudeavor to mlike tho STAIt the mUlt ablo repm- Ferguson It "'Ih'd eDougll to kl't:p 'flU. lo"'{Hlr scnlllth'c ,iuurnnl or tile Tl'nitory. Ad. DENTAL NOTICE I bUlbel!! 01' corl\ on tho e()u I'll ake Otl'" dres!' all CtlnUlIIIIlit'ntionl. ---101-- , Ihl\'ln" 1000..Itcd Iltrmallenlly ot SCAttle. uushcl drietl lhe Wl101t'IlltB prlcll 01 BIl,Ilo'lli,h Cily, W. 2'. elll\ll be hllllP)' to t1U~nd 10 Ille calla of my .·~O $~2 rrlclltl~ ~DEALEBS··-&Morgan wblch IS to per lUIf1'C1. frlllll 1111 l)i'I$Or t1llsS')Ul'lti. Allin, ,,'ork 'fI'1Il IHl tep ltccd wlthollt COIL Jr It do..... nut ,Wild II tcliSOllllblu lime. PLOdTJ.vO. .Men arc drowncd Ill' "deu I' thtir RflUI PIllCf:S TO BUIT TnE TillES. '.bove Ihe water, t1u:'ltllll,uoyetl welgbt r-w-Tceth will 1m 11l1ldo In \I dll11l0 tha !)QrlICI Cllll return Ly tim ncst lIoat. of w'bleh dCIJrelsell lhu 11' Ittl. Otlll:r 11,1­ imals havc neithClr It.oti fln or Ilbil1l1 t(l I), '~OCK. 1'1, D. .Dtlllllt, act in l\ limil..r m1.nOf r, lind therefore 1'I\Ilm IIlItU'IIII,.. 'WhO'll a mltR fiIl!s 11110 C. D. EMERY. 'deep water, ho will rlee to the 'url..ce ROUSh Lumber, Il~tJ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AND IDd wilt continue. \huo if he 11111 .'1BSCltIBE NOW, clunto hil hu.ndlll • H Ill! muve8 hi,llILUrJ, BOLICITOIl IS UANKIlUl'TCY UDder the water, in lilly way hu pltlllfl Terms, -• $3·00 SKAnu W. T. Dressed Lumber, his hc"''''' will rllO 10 hi;fh a. to glVl,l hiOi ...... '''''NU~ IN AVTA~C.c. rra libert} to bt'ellthc; IUHllr he will UI!C WilIllltcnd lhl! Boohomllih COUDt, 'biJ lcge, luin t~e M:t of wllikiag UI) stllir~ & GREEN Couru. n:OO 11 mb~ 1"..1"",1<10", "ill ,ioe .1.... ,h. water PRESBREY ~o·.·"';.:, 10 tb.t 1Iu may UAe leiS uertioll willi hia ftLLo.l".. ~!.l.J. .:£ :ff1o.li.t:i.J.a.ltt. I PAnTIES. u'-loIlllll: In 8nohnml.. h l'fllllitr. haIlJ•• or al'plylllcm in olherwill!, Tbtllt r~I'J !\c,enlh MI, Wlllhlu\tt.U\ U, (', Invite .nd dt.'folrlnll' to mille Illlllllll'Ollr hi lIoIlH... tr'ld pl,ln Cllrl,'diolll .ru rtCOUlmudctJ to) lbe c..rr(,'llOlidetH~\l I"llh lur"nl: ot tlte eulh Ii ~et With UIC je"el:t "'roUlt1Ilut oM I I.·llltll~. 00 the 10th lullo\\cl1lJy lL hug!: 18tcllie Jtravcl cenlent lhllt dun not up- ...... orul·y'UlttC:o••!II..Uor·u...... l\'llcu till'! "uo.:lblld. "'~"c III Ch')flll .rl, =- -- "'=:~---Il'onl'''e 01 I1wurnlng (rleuds. The ser- port I hr~c ~ru"lh of lrl."t", \lUI .till lIiXnry jJ"llic (flld ClJ/lftyll/.C'tr, Intelli~ence. 'iCtIl~\H'n' ~n.'1:~ '\lId Ule purple IIlQlllll.1l11. 1,x..Ul, City and GBnnty 111:111 At d'(l\'Cll o'dock. In the (erule t't,."u,Ll'h 10 IJC IlutyOlf fnum) II h hCll\'cu I" NIUe "Ith Ihe birth .lItI bC'l'll B'lrll': l'hurrh, cnlllluclclllJy nc", llf. In the Dw.h.!lc "' thll klod o( ICClltry, 'ru the f,...·t ofIlI'Ptlr blwlil. W. T. \>eft~ inlpl't~ Wirlh. and tllllu).:h ,imlllt·. "hollt nne nad ntll:-hltll ,..He b.u;k "or Ihe /o,'Ilbltd root or 1I00.lle llr ivc llntl allendell h~' I' Inrge nnll "'YIO- (roDI !Stt,itICOillU l:t tD he roun,J the IIltl DII..... X, MAIUOX, n:RJI'i IIF ("una. U't'r Illlt $htttl or Ihc un:bln.l·. 100... IIllltbillnt: l:onJ:nglllilln. Tile t1u~inlll: gt'ui!OlI a:fOUOlls; ..imilllr in 'Illlt'lor nl:e .'lId l.s !tIllID! Iltriu, when ~IUrlll ... rO:l104e J~m'till7l, Di,LrI,t (flufl. Tblfl1 Tu,..,d.I)·uf 'tlrth ami lunuul 1I,.",n "Onl, Wail:n"" 't'a..H'''I>t'1:. 10 ru"3l an" olhu llIi1illiry 1""1. A And tlil: "nl&rl! bJ'"JIlt'lICI blo,,; H",,<,ml I U"Pda\' "t .'·(lu'lIIlI\"r or \'ltU }·ur. t ••• ." - I 6 • 1 '1 I'hI' h ,'uti ~uc \c rhlldIlUO\I·. ,In::ln" Soohumi..h Cl1t1ll11 I'ryhah: (.',,"rl. ~·..urlll )(ull,Lly of JAllllar)·. 1.1Iy tnudulI" IIlld hen~lIfully ung h)' A arge e.1 ent O't.'" "II I' slrllng. II); OlU.. IIr hnrt, If. T lllat ...~ I t ill the ~k"llrd I:loom, April. ,,"ly Imd \ktol~r ut eat'll )'It.lr. llululctteof \'nicn, NeYrr "al ntle burnc fcOIw, whl.hl .... hiclJ lire ilullted the' colli luUC~ d,,~ )tltr be b~rd 14\·n the robin. UH'd Ind ('Irl ...·"ul1h· 1'ulllllll... (,·,Iurl. lIlrfl )h... h~ .' •• 061' of "·cllruJn., !oIl)', AlIf'lbl Ind SUH:lnlk"r I"'K)" lJy tlelul... lUll Will lH: more gafll8lln bUlI,hll&ll. ('cra qU;lrlt'rl' Al tllC t~1l;t ot IIPplC bloqm W. It. .\'S'DHEWB, OIfl':lrll )\..r. deeply felt ur whO!le memory will IJ.: nn the uurth '1,le Ilild Ihllul·lifUlJur· And I tMuk "'btu Iltl! tf\~ tIl'II:'YI rruwn, . nlnn: kindl, eht:rilh..'C1 II)' all whit knew rllck, on lilt: olht'r tim.'., :tides o( Ihe old -.~ttorn(y tllul (r'IJUII~l/ur (It·LrIt_ LI.. ~ lUc :::It:alll ur" rc.tln::- du.-,·, her ill !lIe r~ul!l'Ctiun III her bra.c "nt! pararle /olrtHllll;l. The ,llIre b."Ill.'k LI~T OF rcnLlc I.Y"TI TI.-"710.\·& Ofll riR'tltbat w~, fr.med In If\' t\: brQwlI 1.1 Cllantr, - W. T. blllUldl'S' life :tnt' 1Jc0igl& 1oI011 b"eotlt~ lJuihJings ttn: URII with ,light ulu~ra .\lItI.~lvw \l"ltb. muther'.lo\·l'; l".~. Rt'~ullr lInonll', C..nltllnlal l..od:::c, c~aflclt:r. ill~Il11C ,'Ommunlt";Il\OUI,INlllld third l'Sturd'1_ tit tionii I\lr tll\· inmlltu of lht' Il'Y. At tho:: \:lIil of IlJcun;w.,rtI palh aln: eland" ~~~1~1~~I~;ih·tl illlll. Onl, t'NU IIB\"" I>to.:n U5ttl, lJullllU Anti I bu.t;:b.t lIlYlUaahoud', doom, I. tnf Lotlt:t'• .Yo. II, llNllnd A' 111)' ~plrlt dies "'ithUlLed baud" l~el. tllml il Uchlg: nHllle rud)' lor UIII.'. The .\1t'X.\t:GUT &: LH.\RY, tuurlll .!AIturdtI.f!' ot fllonlb. T» tlle f""t ohl'l'(C bll.lUlIl. SnYhoml-h "lh.-ueulO. (unner officu'l qUIlrfe:'i1 arc llst'll u olli· Alturlll~' mill COUllkllot·,· Dt· IA" ::tooll"mhll "'tee RcllgtoU6 A,!OCiAUon. \\ In!D tile ,...unw. pltbl of 'lIlirtI eklu l.:UKlu 1'rt'pl;~ l.:rlllli t,;hun;h .ud Conj{rel(llt!ud ce. lIml 11tI1Ilt"1 IlIr thu,., In charge nr the •\n: rCIIlor\.i1 "'Ith the dhul}lllld mlu, (If 8nohllllll-h City. We .rc indbel\.'1i til thu obligin:; 1ll!,luIII, In clInn\.'tllun "'ith t'lich wlIIII 5t'l11l11', W, T. t;lloh"lIIl~lI (;ount! '\\trleultur.115ocIety. Auullllr )fr. Jnll Swelt I~r llie followill,l( An'i'lbc .}t'l·. ot IllY "I&.teu II4lUllh.. h It rent'e tlle Vlltiellil ~UYboml,h Kll1t. :l1II1111l,;olullItU)·. tndllbure wlll're .\rll rdurulllL:" to ctrth 1Il-'lIln, O:OIU. ot Souhollll~h Counl)' fur 1878: Jillonoml.oh 'I'1'h'lj:I'IIVh Ct,ml.on"l· l:IlD Ilit th~llu~c1Y('1I with .Il1n~t'r Itl' l'lt:lllle Hili ..d,Jcr th.ll 1I~llth lo kuo .... huW' brid W. ll. TIHTLOT. &IUhUllll.h t:.:mcld)· A~iOCI.t Uti. XUOlI~r of lJoU!l('I ...... •..•271 At pr.lellt Ihele IIrc 76 1':lticUil. 13 r.·· Ar.: tbo: ~ml1c. Ihllt tbe lk~ \l.J~UUI':; ••Rwyer, ~o.nr,. I-ublle '" t:e. lUlilloll nnd 6:.1 111111.:1. Thl:r., lire 14 BUI II. OlUllltutll.llow~'d, II t1)'lnlt l~d .. .. PIlIlillclf .... " ...•.•..•.107 ",rn· "~,·uu~er. .. ,. Whitu ).full·•...... ••....677 cerellnll eIllJlluyt'c, Cllnnt'cfetl "'!lIJ the to'rum tbe f...u.'It Or'llllle bluom. Slh:ritrO W L. AlI':lI, lorWh~teom Co. Snohomihh. w. r. 8:Gh~n:b /~Sr ~tO~I~; " .. Fewulcll, .. , 341 tlitl&uli."hnll:llt. Ur. Wilhml. the mellie'lIl Uut a ..:olll':l1l1.lI·h lorenr ,1II1lt"!! Ur. J. _.• , JlIlhc dim Inti dnrkclllnJ( (lillI, u E U111(0 ,•.••••••••••..••• U tlj: I" .. II Chillc~c ...... ••..•.. 17 liuperinh:rdrut il II IJhJllCinn "t' ,h'l\:rv­ ),(~u. l1~lIl11, dc~llnl.'!', (I O. hullcr COIlI.Ml\'i11Il, hllnl 1.1 edt, hi",h rt'llIltl'tillo. He "ill un· Wiltre 1 'illid II.' dlly ~LIJIllJ)Of; 1I0HS~. It \l, ihlillr, : l·ortTownliCnd " .. Cnlllrctl MlllclI ...... ••...3 And thc \I'uI'ld ~ brl}[ht IIIUtI \'Iht; .A ~Yllll'l'l deubtl!c1ly louie ullnn hll IllIaltiull 115 II ."",,.~r. U WO\1lllml, .. .. Cul:m:d }\~lUl\lcI, ...... •..C For tile glury UnH Ut:lllloUI; IhclllllC, _. H.ol,ol"I".. T· ..' \Vout!llrd, ,.·.t'urt "llIIb.1,\ sncretl trull, wllieh he \1 ill till lUI ~'cll A'I J~h~ M. hett Onk IIllrbor, It\luld ~o .. .. Citiun. , ...... •.·U8 IfI':lltIClrttI wltll .\I'ce~ perfume, Will be lit Ihll t1nlre for the tnn"ellon Ilf JIlIL WIIII"IIIi, ••••••..• RtlntllnYllh~. Klult \0, tlJe mC1l1l1i htrvreled him "'ill 1111",,'. Anel th~ ....·,..lr1l1110ul'll, IlUII 'Ne Ire tll'lIlu luw Im,hlc311UU lluudll)' I&lId "Cue,lIlly tllnc:k YI~lInlll"n Na~· .. .. )tKll'lForcil:R IJ4lrn •••••••210 ",\.,\:1.. ThOi. 1.. •...•.....•...... 'll.1 r ~hj. --'IIltn, tile .It....'.rd bll1 churge of Al tbe fcael of I"l'fllll blutlm. T. N. IIIbbtlm &. (.;0 \ h:tor II. .. "1-'emlllcl .• " 61 (lut~itl'l ~IC. Tntll Number of inballil"nl:l Ion 11.11 work. k\."tlllll::t IICt,lUIU, She "':II IDor Illan tlliriu tile wrutll.he wore IOilllCllor O~llcml Hillon/.!" It'lvic!: 118 ill 01 tllC CA:llUIj' butI:t .ud 1;1011'1, A. C. )·OLSOll. ~ .. Gain OYtr hilt yrllr...... , •.•. .42 the IIrlll, uDdcr till,! immcdintt lIuJWryill' And hhtl rrturllil to Olil trudl llil! tpl.'etbleu Tile hoedlu.. CMp proroltcl tu ion III' GeD. 0\.'0. 'fllUl1llll, tilt: lIIUst .110re bountiful tllil Jfar Soohului.h.. In pcrl'~l'l Ol'DcnIIJrullu:ed 111 tbe "·Ilr. Whrn the ftowerill~ Ot'tll.rd glu.,: SOOhO"'llh, \Y. T. \\'111 !xl IUoo!" thMt e,cr)'llllllj.l" ill w And I ,IXh tor thll dre.m. 10 ''''ttlt ,"tI .wln TINlIlre 11l1,' In I' .acrCli tUIU!>- Orrlca: O'cr \A !Il1or'l drul; .tore. Unn. E. C. FcrgulOD il bawlng: Ito oom C.I-~Illlflln Bllel W. I,JICnllHit.nl Klid rl'gulltl'l)' cUDllueted nr. A. lJ. Tirtlot Yet Jr~ lIolLlnj,{ altAilltut fl'llJCtllut .:IrlR d~IlU III U. r. Jltk UII'II It~rkd wi Ii milhllfJ cUClneu. Hi. IlCC!IIUlIt. con.tt

It js bc!'1j

11. run. e..y .nd quirt. Jlu nlll..nl.. tor .hu111~ motion. II.. tlu ,\,rilll."1o to r.:;ctUllt ur I!Nrr, 'fht'uh'd a II lid .,.rl'\.'d1l .ellAorot_or d"",", or tllOl ..r.II' "'nd. It ('IIQ I dellned or "111'0.1 ..ltl,,'ul.' from lilt' lable, lIud U'~III',.1 tllilll( of .11. II 114_ It..Jm ,'of/,/ AoJjful,.fJ. r IAI .... , II _ml almille t1Il ." l;lllC t/o:"'''' btl,luK tlM.:trb~rc. yl"fUlu. DCNJ. \'lX('t;~T

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