ihlf~ 'bt l'otlbtfn· ! j- ============"-======='=---==--==-='-=-..,,1/./..1..-'------- Representing 1:be Intel'est.. 01." W"elltern W"ashiugton, /..-f....:.d -=/l4 ...V""O""L~U~M::E~. ~lI,:,"I_. ~-:~~SI~~"~~'I~Hlo~Or·.~Mo·~.II'~IS.~H'ld~, .•~~,:.I~I'.r"'!'.~~,"I~"''''!'¥I,'!'!,A''~.;;'''''_~I;",H",!,I",!,N",!,G",!,T,;,O",!,N",!""!,'I~'E~R,,,!,R~"~",!,W",!,E~D~N=E~S",!,D~A",!,y~.~~f",!,A~Y~1=5~, ",!,18~7;",8",!" ",!""!,~W",!,H!,!!!,,O~L..;;E~N~O~. ;12;O~·.L1 , (liltt ~ortltrrn jtnr, '10, lodd,,,'••11,',. p'" I'.••. '\1. I, "ow THE PUYAI,LUP. TIDE MARSH RilNCJlES. ch.... I..IO" .Imll" I. thlt" Chi.,.. J .' cum could '81111 IJo tllablllhecJ Itftf '!"_ lHi )'cuI"IIl: Wit. horn in the nnrtll flr ..f. .DAY I.V THI' V..tl.LI')·. WHAT SHALL DB RASI,!JBD O.V THEJf. St.uwood Ilnd be IIlldtl nry pro811blo 1n.:11I11t1 in Juue. 1812. Among hll flrtlt Till! BUl1Ifttr HulclUent ill an Igrl· The rnult or Ibl! recent tnurougl1 ea.- to the He e.tabli.hluac It tbor., .. eell JSSUED EVERY WEO"ESOAY \I0ltNIXG l't'tolle<:tlol1' wa. lednr Enllllsh "clt'n&tl (uhurnl I)ninl. of ,lew I, tho cream nr alnlnatlon or tide allnlt Intemt dlecloen ~ to the r.nne.... n, aoothltr '.t it soldier. jlut IUt'r tlJtl LAllie ur WlIltlrlllo the P J,.IlIlV vlllley. Tht. tkulca.,nt. the rllct that IOlnCl fiellt nlDth••r lb. .IWtuld be al,abll,hed. rtlluruiog hnlll~ ",'ith KIl'~ ur arlll "fl". lit! prnpt'rl, i"r.llldu all tbllt put or 1ho pttlduct. r"i,cd coalll,t or harle, IUd catl. )feNn. 8tew~rt II: HlR:by, OD Bro...·8 e"mo til New lurk In April. Is.fIO. In ,,,11'1 Imm na",muIIIl1 OrallllJt:r'. f..try The l leld I. 10 eoorl:Qaua tblt la a lew Sloug'l on tile Sklnil. Della, no. ba,o ELDRIDO! MORIE, Edllor a"d Prop', thtl AUlCU.t tollowiroJC he enltlltell III Nu'll' up Iho 't'1I11f.!' 10 Elm. nawi.,a day tn ,un It will wltb be a ttriou. 'la_dOD '" 1:OWI I.d milk 2'. Tbel Mil 108 \'urk Cit, Inll WIl' aNllgned to Comp.n, .pue ra:tlntly on Mr. Gr.ln..,. Inltl· whether .. market call be funHd at pntmtl. or botter per week besldn le~ H, Itt Artillury. The beadqullrtt'tI ul tion 10 rhle with him frnm Ne-: 1)c0.I, proatlhle riles fur Ihne crop', ntlther tiD. the cal," lOck lbe co... )In. tllll uglult!n Will in !llline.' \Vu .tll· tu hi. pIlle,., It'lli.. iRlprt1YL"tIand a d., ... 111 h dt) to Illlt Un! Iud laio pit, Dodle at Dodp'a ...111''' IlesrLa Coaaer liunt'11 until be W'IIl dil6l"bllrged io April, 'cry pttl6t"IJIJ Ipt'nt III let".in. apl. uol...11 anotber .aJ of dlipewlng or tlte hu 11 co•• aDd .UllO pooDd. of but: TRRMS Or. 8UBSCRIl'TJOX: 184/i. 110 few lIIonlh. beroro tll-= t'Jplruti'lIl IlIlm! ul lbo "'=Itlrn t11ero Ind CODytntl., Ifl.. i. lIl;:Curell them hYluJ)plJlng 101- ter per week. )(IG' DlO'" will lull• ., .1 his pcrind of kryi«. Thi. '1\'" Ilul ",ilh tht:IU in ~gllrtllO tlldr wutl and ain" campS. Tbelin",e C.lboua raDeIJ their exlmple. lIote emu and more perlud when "'ar lI'IlS UJH'ctl'll in rt.'guttl intt:n.'lil', Hr. Utt.r .( OIJnlpl" "" cIJull1 alutM! rai.. 1VOO 1001 01 ba,ln a dairy prodocu meaD' mnre ....ned fana_ 10 the M"iae b.,uadllr,. O"n, Juu 1I11o, therl! Hl thu '''''0 lllllt', and delt'etlllli Jetr ifall in .r.... Lu& rear "to IC," In't tbe rallhll of ",on roo, CUlpI, IDOrt ker was IbL'n Adjulllnt of the I'tl:tlntelll; Ie'eral \'try t.hougbtful ,liaeuuna: oDe in bltley aDd a.t" OM (lJurth wlel and o~bard., mON bome Ill. IDd tbe blria, IATBII or .l1J\'.&RT' ING. Gttn. ltcDowl'1l w.. " Lh~UIl'Dlnt io C in thl! ~autlful new Presh,,&tlri8n tJllvrcll th~ fourth oall ""ild 85,0601 bualMl" or tblaR' t.n.U tbe ,Ut round, th.t will "\ company, Ind Ihu Ut:hcl Gcnerlll )lagru- tit thllt I)l:tct. Thi. i. u.e nf the outel1 aD uerllgo of «ner balb,l. af grala oau_1lMJU1 more pleDtllal .IKI Ler.1 and \nl..." ..hotltfll.l I ~r "" 8ft to,. a"11i..mlun i 60 eoflLa PW.llfIUo' l'lW:1.o .Ier W"•• Lleul-=lllOI in U CucolMIlY; lie· (hureh I'llillct... ill the Territor,; hi 10 per acre for Call1,,oo', whole ",aell. 180 ..,aU the tI_, la place o! two 1Il000th, 1\III1I1.'Jl1 hwef'tlen. DlJwell w•• tben an e.l<"t'Ill!ot uftlCt'r in tenor fini.h I. IIl1lhlll could be de_red, aClftoo Pabon·, placeoo Browa'••I0tllh, of aod llde ..d tea mODLb, or aedh. llrUllug Idiartllld1. ,,!," an Ul.-.:lIl'ol t:.ICCllt the c.llmng or the wanlls Dot tlt in the Skagit Dtlt" lIDeed to ot" l..t poverty.od h.rd time. eacb ,.r. No c1nllllb.tIlGn in drllY.. ing lin klndl tlt 1110 nUllt apprllp'ilte Ihlllie. The HeCDt ,etr, tDCIIl.lrod ,t the _"billl 1',161 commualt, bat pcrmannt protperltl plllni or t1e.ignL In tbe gatlilGo lhutr compldlflll of Illla be.utlful chure" .art tJa~bt:ll when 5011\ 1t1 ._sht WII 10 tbat deptDuapoa a .ingle prod", tbat 6TEILACOOAI. OUo~.ted under ;h" gtllt'r.1 .up.....'laloD the lul,rtlnlilll .cllQOl hqulC ad}fJlnlnll nauch I. e.l~ o( &be rDlcblue IBeuured Sadl a .....ket ODOD a ,ear, ••d bat ..~ \.We offic.-,;rl, lfcDo ....·t:II· palfltl:ll rt:ftl!ClIlIr~d credit 'In thd commool&y. that tlll'Y Wl'llI'bcd lid..... 11,000 ••d ootbles &0 ttllpot. 'ur ttallJ rdt at t.bt 1I!lof the ICtnul. 'II'llil" Kilirudl!r "'I' The ,.i1r0&41 up tile raile, Nn' ou the. 18000 bUlbell; formln, aD 'a~ Ar leal', oJ,' - .\'OT&3 OF ITS J.'.tRr.y UIJJfOnl' tbl! DUlnlllj:cr. Uti".' perIJ. PI tur reua lCIulh .ille of Ib~ rher. and tll~. I,,· DO hi, wbole pl~ of 10.. til HtlMlI JMIr 'I~rllm"n Al ou pollll on the Bound CII" 10111101 tbe y:relliut ur tile army, anll KUt.ld ""lIrcbnUM IW1RlOllKllltloni b.." &Crt:. 'I'hl. ,.ear lbere ia 8,000 IICnlI ot IDel!10rl", of tile lltlt tcttlttftcul uti wlJIa g~ll ("'urlle wllb thtl EnKUIl1 o( IJt'eD pru,icll'u. Tho cbarg6 (or 'kl,ht. grotliltl la IftalQ Uablo &0 ,ield u 1ara' TIl r. Il bra, ';&h WIIUIIi W~tlI blld fn:qut:llt are n:llltlnly high 10 lhll lbe rallro.d crnpt II tbi., aDd two thouud Itrn be' , 0 ."ID, .......ta at Hop, "lIt ....1, bl.tur, tit tho Stlulul rlllllltry 00­ ~"IP lathered al tlt 8teihu:tJolll. 8urraI1t:lu. .lclRhitlg lind tither Iporu. The, pre Iferlt'ftl. only In a lhniled df'llet tb' .orc tbllt. Will l ield baH ar t'lt'O 'birdl da..... IaJI J8'18 trom .erlll ICnh~{i ntlll~r ..J: pO'r to the American .celll'"lina of thil bim "'hh an u:r. Illrg" u.lrich _tilers norlh uf til" rinr. Thua 'n:ICbt a' much DlON la word.. lIGO,oot S-'" 0 .. PD,.u.p lint'. l~lIthtt WOfa Iblla &1\'1« the .1"" l,t .nJ frnlD Purtlll.n<1 Ncw T"coma II taGO ',uliela.r t.rle7lDd 01." fa .ot I' U V· lWN. nqrtQn, Ilto JluK-=t &u.\I LIlnd CoDlpll"Y. ~ • branch nl 11.. Htldlklfl ''-' Com~IlY. thUl' of tho kiDd .orn br Ihe otlltr per I(ln, dllt:l. 150 miltll; whll, lrom cnelwe ""'male rur "" of 18'l8 Cl • o,te JI.OIO ollleert; ltdug alllrgl:t 8ae!,loroK:d m.n N...._ Ttlcoma tt) Pu,.llup, .llM mila. It 'Id' aaarall Iud alooe. 1. 187. thl A.. I. QMaJ. I ••••••••••••••••14.000 J.ill cldlD In ,."at trtlcla ot Ilull ""hl!re ..r ~ '!:..~~II"'· .nl WII foond .ahed to tbl.'ir Ilurvn.1 with thi. o,er hil bat lit! made II Nuna· i. "2.&0 pt'r loa. 11leD the &tulerl b.." will probably be 18,000 •... , ••...•.••.•.••10.000 ~ la Piel'Ce 11111 alijulning C"ulIQtil1l. Omt iog IIIIPCILr.Uce un I)lra.le. ll'l. Cullin, t- pay 'I per tun lor .lreboUllog at lra'o tbat ..a, }leld II lIlucb u 1",01 u Bra 1•. , ••••••11.• bD~lcl. OGI~ IIf their prioclpal poa" WIUI at Furt. .Ni... W" a civililln Illllr hi. dltcllllt'ge lor [JuJ"llup; QDd to haul thllr frellbt hOOHl otlInl.. JI Lilia WII W.. C.' a HI '.•• ,.,.....• JO.• lacoaftll~" ~..lIy, wbd'e ia 1st", Dr. Tolmie wa, Ihollt 1\1'11 yeara working at hll trade, Icrotl the riwer il wortb anotller d(lilar, It would OCCMIODlllJ t 11110 Le.oa ,., 11.000 ia. ehatgCl. A Dum"'r D( U'If:. wbo b.t! tliluring. In M:lI".land and Penn.,IYanl. .u lhat tn tbOllC H,lol (10 the nprlb lida market (or lbat t.....rld wltlt; bu' 01 J'raelt: StOle•••...• , •.•••.....•1t.000 Jt~ eallll~d ~ D.geca~ • loudoaed Ihe ~Ull)lol oC tbe CunlJlaG!, untltln ltW7. iQ Cnwplltly "r 1111 riur, il coat, UDe dullar IDGnl per limited '0 tbe .. au P1uciIcoawkl R. , 10.000 ~.DIftl blel IlIk~al up lied In vari.u. IllaWl; th" At 11th 1II1l1nlry, C.pt'Campl:lell, tOI tue InD to .et their frt!iaht to their ebleb ill a few 1fttI c:u be badl,., Co 1It1aohl ,.: 11.000 ~OIt 01 tllllt71 'U~If<lUI:tnlIY beallifte chl­ IIcxiCiD war.
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