6 Glenburn Park, Bangor, Co. Down. BT20 5RG




1. Contents 1

2. Chairman’s Remarks 2

3. Board of Governors 3

4. Principal’s Report 4

5. School Holidays 5

6. Child Protection 6

7. School Aims/Vision/Curriculum/Assessment 7 - 9

8. Musical Events 10 - 11

9. Sporting Activities 12 - 14

11. To Pastures New 15


A. School Accounts 16 - 19

6 Glenburn Park, Bangor, Co Down, BT20 5RG


Dear Parent,

2013 is another landmark year for B.P.S., being 60 years since the school opened. Ballyholme has always enjoyed a reputation for high standards in education and I am pleased to say that it remains a school of which we can be proud.

As Governors we would like to congratulate the staff and pupils for their achievements in many fields – academic, sporting , music and many others. But most important is the ethos of caring that prevails throughout the school with children respecting one another and all the needs of each pupil being considered by the staff under the leadership of the Principal.

Yours sincerely,


Principal: Mr D A Hewitt B.Ed., Dip.Sc. Tel: 028 91270392 Fax: 028 91270158 BOARD OF GOVERNORS 2009 – 2013

Board Representatives:- Cllr P Weir Mrs D Johnston

Transferors’ Representatives:- Miss J Graham (Chairman) Mr I Bailie Rev P Lyle (Vice-chairman) Rev S Doogan

Parents’ Representatives:- Mrs K Walker Mr N Morrison

Teachers’ Representative:- Mrs H McCracken

Principal Mr D Hewitt (Hon Secretary)


The school year began even before the previous one had ended it seemed, as new P1 pupils attended our induction programme in June. September came with over 600 pupils commencing school, bringing with them the usual mix of eager pupils of various abilities and challenging behaviours. As well as the hard work that goes in to learning and teaching the core subjects, a large number of our pupils benefit from the musical and sporting opportunities presented at various times throughout the year. In October ’12 a group of P6 pupils performed in the Mac Theatre as part of the Queen’s Festival. This was a very different venture for them, yet the pupils enjoyed the whole experience. The after schools programme is quite extensive. Of note this year, were the pupils who qualified as N.I.Champions in both trampoline and sports acro gymnastics - both groups making the journey to England for UK Finals. We continue our sporting link with the Belfast Giants and also N.D. Athletic Club with many pupils now members there. Outside visitors play a part in extending our horizons and this year was no exception with such people as Geoff Rich (Status Quo drummer), Michael Mc Killop (Paralympics Gold Medallist), Craig Gilroy (Ulster and Ireland rugby player and former pupil) to name just three people who impressed both pupils and staff. Our swimmers were successful at Irish Schools level, taking many gold medals and the Ballyholme Chorale sang at a Peace Proms at the . All that in the first half of the school year. During the remainder of the year, that level of involvement and performance continued with Choral and Speech Festivals, Hockey, Soccer and Athletic competitions, as well as P7 residential weeks at Killyleagh Outdoor Centre. Towards the end of the year Mrs Best acquired a permanent teaching position in Rathmore P.S. and Mrs Magowan retired from teaching after over 20 years service in Ballyholme. Challenges are many - particularly those handed down from the Department of Education without due thought and planning into how they will impact at a school level. However, in Ballyholme we have a dedicated staff who do much beyond the expected contractual time to ensure our pupils benefit and the school remains at the forefront of educational change. This requires effort, patience and time and I commend staff who willingly give of these attributes in order to provide a very good educational experience for all pupils. So as staff, pupils and parents work together, I am confident that we can continue to make changes ensuring the best possible educational experiences for our pupils.

SCHOOL HOLIDAYS 2013 – 14 (Inclusive Dates)

School commences: Wednesday 28th August 2013 - 9.00 am – 12 noon - no lunch served Thursday 29th August 2013 - 9.00 am – 12 noon – no lunch served Friday 30th August 201 - 9.00 am – 12 noon – no lunch served Exceptional Closure - Staff Wednesday 30th September 2013 Development Day Halloween Monday 28th October 2013 – Friday 1st November 2013

Christmas Monday 23rd December 2013 – Wednesday 1st January 2014 Exceptional Closure - Staff Thursday 2nd January & Friday 3rd January 2014 Development Days School recommences Monday 6th January 2014

Mid Term Monday 17th - Friday 21st February 2014

Easter Monday14th April 2014 – Friday 25th April 2014

May Day Monday 6th May 2014 Exceptional Closure- Staff Monday 26th May 2013 Development Day

Friday 27th June 2014 Term Ends

Lunch will not be served on Friday 27th June

At the end of each term ie Christmas, Easter and Summer pupils will be released from school at:

12 noon P1 & P2 12.10 pm P3 & P4 12.20 pm P5, P6, P7

Staff Development Days: The Department of Education has agreed 5 closures for school year 2012/2013.

Day 1 Friday 30th September 2013 Day 2 Thursday 2nd January 2014 Day 3 Friday 3rd January 2014 Day 4 Monday 5th May 2014 Day 5 Monday 26th May 2014


If there is concern about a child’s welfare the relevant contact people are:

1. Designated Teacher – Mrs P Rothwell.

2. Deputy Designated Teachers– Mrs H McCracken T.Henry


1. To provide a secure and caring learning environment which promotes respect and co-operation within the school community.

2. To deliver a broad and balanced curriculum, which fulfils the requirements of the Education Order.

3. To encourage independence, self-worth and self-discipline in preparation for adult life.

4. To help each child achieve full potential through the promotion of spiritual, moral, cultural, intellectual and physical development.

5. To develop high personal standards of work and behaviour.

6. To develop a partnership between home, school and the wider community.


Ballyholme Primary School is a caring school where everyone is welcomed, valued and respected.

It is a happy school, where all, individually and together, play a part in developing pride in self, in school, in others and work towards developing their potential in becoming responsible future citizens.


In addition to the delivery of the Curriculum, we endeavour to build self-confidence, self-esteem, a sense of responsibility and a respect for the property and feelings of others.

A variety of teaching approaches is adopted, based on practical experience whenever possible, with children working in class, small group and individual situations. All classes go on educational visits, the Primary 6 and 7 classes enjoying residential experiences.

There are 21 classes of mixed ability plus specialist teachers for music and physical education and maths support.

A full time teacher is employed as Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, with part- time staff supporting literacy and numeracy.

The statutory assessment procedures are now in place with each child receiving an Annual Report, inclusive of levels at end of P4 and P7, and the Primary 7’s receiving a Record of Achievement at the end of June. Parents also have an opportunity to meet with their child’s teacher on 2 formal occasions in the year to discuss progress. Parents are encouraged to maintain contact with their child’s teacher and the principal is happy to meet with parents who may have a concern about their child’s progress or welfare.


The expected level for a pupil at the end of Key State 1 is Level 2. The tables below show the levels attained by pupils in Ballyholme Primary and the Northern Ireland summary.


Communication Percentage of pupils Percentage of pupils Level achieving this level in achieving this level in Ballyholme PS Northern Ireland Working towards 1 0 0.85 1 4.6 9.64 2 65.5 70.91 3 29.9 18.59

Using Maths

Using mathematics Percentage of pupils Percentage of pupils Level achieving this level in achieving this level in Ballyholme PS Northern Ireland Working towards 1 0 0.75 1 3.4 9.03 2 75.9 71.0 3 20.7 19.22


The expected level for a pupil at the end of Key State 2 is Level 4. The tables below show the levels attained by pupils in Ballyholme Primary and the Northern Ireland summary.


Communication Percentage of pupils Percentage of pupils Level achieving this level in achieving this level in Ballyholme PS Northern Ireland Working towards 1 0 0.10 1 0 0.52 2 2.3 3.93 3 17.0 18.91 4 50.0 60.12 5 30.70 16.43

Using Mathematics

Using mathematics Percentage of pupils Percentage of pupils Level achieving this level in achieving this level in Ballyholme PS Northern Ireland Working towards 1 0 0.10 1 0 0.52 2 2.3 3.55 3 17.0 17.91 4 45.5 55.03 5 35.2 22.90



The school year had barely started when we received an invitation to take part in an innovative dance-drama in the newly opened Mac Theatre in Belfast as part of Belfast Festival at Queen's. The Primary 6 children involved were absolutely brilliant and received great reviews.

In November, we had a large entry of instrumentalists in Holywood Music Festival. All performed with great assurance and enjoyed taking part. Individual pupils took first place in flute solo, brass solo, recorder solo and oboe solo sections, whilst the Brass Group and Recorder Group also won in their categories.

As ever, Christmas was a very busy time for our young musicians with the Primary 3 Nativity Play, Primary 4 'War Christmas', visits to St Columbanus' Church, Millbrook Court and Bloomfield Centre, plus a very hurriedly arranged recording by UTV featuring some of the Senior Singers on television in the week leading up to Christmas.

In the second term we took part in two completely new events. As part of their links with Primary Schools, Priory College organised a Choral Day. This was a hugely enjoyable occasion, made even more exciting with the arrival of Joe McElderry from X Factor!

Ballyholme Chorale, formed in September as a new choral group for P5-7, sang in the Waterfront Hall as part of a enormous choir made up of children from both Northern and Southern Ireland, in a Peace Prom. The behaviour and commitment of Ballyholme pupils was commented on in the most favourable terms by the organisers, and we hope to take part in a similar event some time in the future.

The summer term began with Bangor Choral Festival where another newly formed Ballyholme choir consisting of only 30 singers took first place. Mrs McAvoy 's P7 class visited Cranley Lodge to entertain the residents there, and several of our pupils competed in the North Down Primary Musician Competition. Jannik Elsasser performed exceptionally well to reach the final of this prestigious competition.

We were very pleased to be able to continue the Wider Opportunities violin programme this year enabling every child in Primary 3 to experience the joy of learning to play an orchestral instrument. This scheme has been so successful that it has now become an integral part of P3.

As usual, a very large number of instrumentalists sat music examinations throughout the year. Once again, we had 100% pass rate, with the majority of pupils gaining either a merit or distinction mark. Thanks must go to the instrumental tutors for their hard work, and to parents for their support and encouragement.

Midsummer Melody in June saw more than 200 children making music of all sorts ably complemented by Choral Speaking items to the delight of parents and friends.

The school year was rounded off with performances by Primary One pupils, then our P7s shared their 'Memories' as part of the Record of Achievement Ceremony, and finally another whole primary event, this time P2 pupils taking centre stage,

All in all a busy, successful, enjoyable...and exhausting year!

Ballyholme Primary School Sport 2012-2013

Swimming Ballyholme Primary had a number of swimmers that participated in the Minor Schools Swimming Championships on Saturday 12th January 2013. Jack Angus (P7) first place in 50m butterfly and the 100m individual medley. Rebecca Reid (P7) first place in 50m butterfly and individual medley. In the relays events our 10 years and under girls relay team achieved 3rd in the Medley Relay and Freestyle Relay. The boys 10 years and under relay achieved 2nd place in the freestyle relay.

All of these pupils qualified for the Irish Schools Swimming Championships held at Leisureland, Galway in March 2013. Jack Angus achieved first place individual medley. Rebecca Reid achieved first in both the individual medley and butterfly.

Sports Hall Athletics The Ballyholme Primary School Indoor Athletics Team achieved first place at the Fun In Athletics events held at Strathearn School and Bangor Castle Leisure Centre in January and February 2013.

Cross Country Sixteen pupils competed at the Primary Schools Cross Country Challenge in Castle Park, Bangor on Tuesday 19th March 2013. In the individual events Murphy Miller achieved first place and Annabel McNutt and Hal Bradley achieved third place. In the team events the boys team came third and girls team achieved first place.

Both teams qualified for the South East Regional Cross Country Final at the Billy Neill Centre, Dundonald on Thursday 16th May. Unfortunately some of the team members were in Killyleagh which meant the teams could not compete but Murphy Miller achieved 2nd place as an individual and Annabel McNutt achieved 5th place. This qualified the girls to compete in the Inter Area Cross Country Final at Ormeau Park on Thursday 16th May. Murphy achieved 1st place.

Gymnastics The gymnastics team competed in the Northern Ireland Schools Sports Acrobatics Championships on Saturday 16th March. In the Under 11 Girls Pairs Faye McKee and Rebecca Reid achieved 1st place, Zoe Kerr and Zara Spence were placed 2nd and Tessa Quinn and Heidi Quinn achieved 4th place. Angus Christie and Julia Goddard achieved 2nd place, Rory Christie and Molly McAlpine achieved 3rd place and Angus Patterson and Sophie Stewart achieved 4th place. In the Under 11 Groups the Ballyholme Team achieved first place. The girl’s team consisted of Faye McKee, Rebecca Reid, Zoe Kerr, Evie Hempstead, Sophie Hughes, Ryley Conroy and Zara Spence. All the gymnasts who achieved 1st place qualified for the British Schools Sports Acrobatics Championships in Stoke on Trent on Sunday 12th May. Rebecca Reid and Faye McKee achieved 4th place and the girls six achieved 5th place.

Netball The Primary 7 netball team played Grange Park in a friendly netball match on Thursday 7th March 2013. All the girls played really well and the team won 9-0. The netball team played in the Rockport Netball Tournament on Monday 20th May. The team made it to the semi finals.

Hockey In April the Girls Hockey Team entered the North Down Regional Qualifier for the McCloy Cup. The girls achieved second place in their section which qualified them for the finals at Lisnagarvey. Every match was very competitive and they battled to the final whistle.

Trampolining The Ballyholme Primary School Trampolining Team (Zoe Kerr, Heidi Quinn and Tessa Quinn) competed in the Northern Ireland Schools Trampoline Championships on Saturday 10th November. They achieved 2nd place in the Under 11 Novice Competition and Heidi Quinn achieved 3rd place as an individual. The girls qualified for the Northern Zonal Schools Finals in Wigan on Saturday 19th January 2013. At this Competition the girls achieved 1st place in the Under 11 Novice Competition and Heidi Quinn achieved 8th place as an individual. The girls then qualified for the National Schools Finals in Birmingham on Saturday 9th March 2013 where they achieved third place.

Football The football team enjoyed another busy season last year with their involvement in the league, indoor tournament, Priory Cup and the Whittle Shield. The team, captained by Finn Thallon, enjoyed their best performances of the season in the Priory Cup where they came second in a very difficult group and reached the B trophy final where they lost a very close encounter to a very good Bangor Central team.

Golf Ballyholme Primary School Golf Team competed in the Forest Feast Primary School Golf Cup on Friday 21st June at Blackwood Golf Centre. All the boys and girls played really well.

Summer Athletics The Ballyholme Athletics Team achieved first place overall in North Down Primary Schools Athletics Championships on Friday 14th June. In the P5 individual events Erin Kennedy achieved 2nd place in 100m and Zara McKearney achieved 3rd place in the 100m and the long jump. In the P5 cricket ball event, Hannah Boyd was placed 2nd, Ben Goldthorpe was placed 2nd and Cameron Burrows was placed 3rd. In the P6 individual events Sophie Longstaff achieved 2nd place in the 100m and Annabel McNutt achieved 3rd place in the long jump. Harry Blomley achieved 3rd place in the cricket ball. In the P7 individual events Rebecca Webb achieved 1st place in the 100m, 200m and the long jump. Murphy Miller was awarded 2nd place in the 200m and 3rd place in the 100m. Zoe Kerr achieved 2nd place in the long jump. In the boys events Jack Angus achieved a silver medal in the 200m, Angus Christie achieved a silver medal in the 100m and Finn Thallon achieved a gold medal in the long jump. In the relay events the boys relay achieved 2nd place and the girls were awarded 1st place.

15 Record of Achievement The Angus Shield (P6 Indoor Athletics) Finn Ritchie The Pat Crawford Athletics Shield (Track and Field) Sophie Longstaff The Craig Allen Shield for Sporting Achievement P6 Annabel McNutt Player Of The Year – Football Hal Bradley Girls Hockey Award Ellie Robinson Girls Netball Ruby Houston Gymnastics Awards Zoe Kerr Faye McKee Rebecca Reid P7 Athletics Shield (Boys) Track and Field Finn Thallon P7 Robb Cup Athletics (Girls) Track and Field Rebecca Webb P7 Boys Indoor Athletics Angus Christie P7 Girls Indoor Athletics Zoe Kerr Boys Cross Country Shield Harry McCracken Armstrong Cup (Girls Cross Country) Murphy Miller The 2 Milliken Cups For Sporting Endeavour Matthew Conlon Jodie Farrar The Pat Turkington Shield for Sporting Achievement Murphy Miller Mitchell Shield for Sporting Excellence Rebecca Webb The Patterson Shield - Sportsperson of the Year Rebecca Reid



Pupils at the end of their primary school career chose a variety of schools for the next stage in their education.

The following shows the destination of pupils in June 2012.

Bangor Grammar = 10 St Columbanus’ College = 6

Bangor Academy = 16 Strangford College = 1

Campbell College = 5 Strathearn = 2

Glenlola Collegiate = 24 Sullivan Upper = 12

Methodist College = 1 Victoria College = 1

Regent House = 9 Priory College = 2

Grand Total = 89

In 2012-2013 there were, on average 621 pupils on roll with the attendance percentage 96%

17 Ballyholme Primary School – General Funds Account



Book Fair 2491.69 Book Fair 2484.69 Bank 97.25 Bank 289.72 Post 509.64 Post 598.36 Gifts etc 10075.00 Gifts 1120.80 Book Bags 0.00 Book Bags 0.00 Catering 213.45 Catering 283.60 Repairs 0.00 Repairs 0.00 Educational Visits 26291.97 Educational Visits 12627.43 Minibus 0.00 Minibus 3088.62 Books/Equipment 0.00 Books/Equipment 6090.86 Swimming 2732.00 Swimming 2189.30 Photographs 0.00 Photographs 24.94 Charity 1861.11 Charity 1470.53 Miscellaneous 26536.53 Miscellaneous 5852.37


Opening Balance £13070.92 Income £70808.64 Balance in 46591.63 (June 12) Bank June ‘13 Income £70808.64 Expenditure £36121.22 O/s Cheques £417.44

Closing Balance £46591.63 Inc/Exp £34687.42 True Balance 46174.19 (June 13)


Ballyholme Primary School – Music Account



Music, Books and Recorders 736.40 Music, Books and Recorders 2573.44 Prizes and Donations 200.00 Travel Expenses 130.00 Exam Fees 3080.15 Exam Fees 2820.50 Midsummer Melody 1940.00 Instrumental Purchase/Repair 491.36 Festival Fees 129.00 Festival Fees 159.00 Inst Tuition and Hire 16747.00 Instrumental Tuition and Hire 14820.00 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 685.01


Opening Balance 4392.54 Income 22832.55 Balance in Bank 5545.78 June 12 June 13 Inc/Exp 1153.24 Expenditure 21679.31 O/s cheques n/a

Closing Balance 5545.78 Inc/Exp 1153.24 True Balance 5545.78


2012–13 BUDGET

Delegated Budget Share 1815371.00 2012/2013


Staff Costs Total 1,453,790.00

Running Costs etc 48,793.00

Books practice materials etc 33,709.00

Hire of equipment, Advertisements, Phones, Postage etc 13,520.00

Surplus on delegated budget 265,560.00

The high carry forward is accounted for by:

Low maintenance costs due to legacy of new building Additional funds due to growth in pupil numbers Retirement of senior teachers Surplus is used to fund all additional non-contracted staff for literacy/numeracy support from 1st April 2013.