DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2020, AHMEDABAD, LATE CITY, 14 PAGES SINCE 1932 `4.00, WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM EXPLAINED Was preparedtostrike after Galwan, China can’t get the better of us: IAF chief MEDICINENOBEL KRISHNKAUSHIK Modi, Xi at BRICS in Nov, FORHEPATITISC NEWDELHI,OCTOBER5 first meet since standoff VIRUSDISCOVERY SENDINGAtough messageto Tight security at the villageofthe Hathras victim, on PAGE 11 China amid the Ladakh crisis, Air be held via video conference. Monday. Praveen Khanna Chief Marshal RKSBhadauria SHUBHAJITROY Modi and Xi, who have metat said Mondaythat the IAF is “de- NEWDELHI,OCTOBER5 least18times in the lastsix years, terminedtohandle anycontin- have notspoken to eachother or HATHRAS ASSAULT, ‘RAPE’ Former acting CJ gency” and its“deployment of IN WHATcould be the firstinter- metsince the border standoff. combat-ready unitsinresponse action between Prime Minister No meeting or phone call be- of Gujarat High to the standoffalong the LACin NarendraModi and Chinese tween the twoleaders is sched- the Northisindicative of our op- President Xi Jinping since the uledbeforeNovember 17 al- AfterCMsays Court dies after erational statetoday”. startofthe border standoffin though the possibility of a prolonged illness Stating “weare very well po- Ladakh this May, the twolead- conversation, sources said, could sitionedand thereisnoquestion Air Chief Marshal RKSBhadauria in NewDelhi Monday. PTI ers arescheduledtoattend
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