4.5 PSP Cover Sheet (Attach to the front of each proposal) Proposal Title: Riparian Corridor Acquisition and Restoration Assessment _____________________ Applicant Name: Bureau of Land Management, Redding Field Office ____________________ Mailing Address: 355 Hemsted Drive Redding. CA 96002 ________________________________ Telephone: (530) 224-2100 ______________________________________________________ Fax: (530) 224-2172 ___________________________________________________________ Email:
[email protected] (Kelly Williams) ___________________________________________ Amount of funding requested: $ 2,200,00 for ___2 years Indicate the Topic for which you are applying (check only one box). £ Fish Passage/Fish Screens £ Introduced Species T Habitat Restoration £ Fish Management/Hatchery £ Local Watershed Stewardship £ Environmental Education £ Water Quality Does the proposal address a specified Focused Action? x yes _______no What county or counties is the project located in? Shasta and Tehama Counties ________________ Indicate the geographic area of your proposal (check only one box): T Sacramento River Mainstem__________ £ East Side Trib: _______________________ £ Sacramento Trib: ____________________ £ Suisun Marsh and Bay £ San Joaquin River Mainstem £ North Bay/South Bay: __________________ £ San Joaquin Trib: ___________________ £ Landscape (entire Bay-Delta watershed)_____ £ Delta:_____________________________ £ Other:________________________________ Indicate the primary species which the proposal addresses (check all that apply):