Folia biologica (Kraków), vol. 58 (2010), No 3-4 doi:10.3409/fb58_3-4.189-194

MolecularApproachtotheSystematicsofEuropean (:)


Accepted May 25, 2010

RAZOWSKI J.,TARCZ S.,GRECZEK-STACHURA M. 2010. Molecular approach to the systematics of European Tortricini (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Folia biol. (Kraków) 58: 189-194.

Tortricini is a cosmopolitan tribe of the subfamily of the lepidopteran family Tortricidae.ThemostrecentsystematicofTortriciniarebasedontheexternalmorphologyof imagines and the structure of their genital organs. The present paper is the first comparative molecular study of the representatives of this tribe. We examined DNA variation in a 606 bp fragment of COI mtDNA obtained from 23 species of Tortricini and two representatives of other tribes (Archips podanus of Archipini and hartmanniana of Cochylini). The position of , , and , and some groupings of species within Acleris were confirmed by molecular data, including the synonymization of Croesia and Phylacophora with Acleris. The positions of a few groupings of the Acleris species remain unresolved.

Key words: Tortricini, Tortricidae, Europe, molecular, systematics.

Józef RAZOWSKI, Sebastian TARCZ, Institute of Systematics and Evolution of , Polish Academy of Sciences, S³awkowska 17, 31-016 Kraków, Poland. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Magdalena GRECZEK-STACHURA, Institute of Biology, Pedagogical University, Podbrzezie 3 31-054 Kraków, Poland. E-mail: [email protected]

Tortricini is a cosmopolitan tribe of the subfam- taenia francisca (LANDRY et al. 1999). A similar ily Tortricinae of the lepidopteran family Tortrici- analysis using the COI segment was carried out by dae. It consists of over 300 species and 40 genera. comparing the sequences obtained from closely In Europe there are four genera constituting 50% related species of the genus Archips (KRUSE & of the Palaearctic (and Holarctic) fauna and as SPERLING 2001, 2002). COI mtDNA fragment muchas43species(inthePalaearcticthereare164 was successfully applied for species identification species). The remaining taxa are distributed in Adoxophyes honmai species complex (LEE et al. mainly in the Afrotropical and Oriental regions. 2005). Three mtDNA fragments consisting of The most recent systematics (RAZOWSKI 1987, COI,CRandND5geneswereusedinextensivere- 2002, 2008) of Tortricini are based on the external search on molecular systematic and population morphology of imagines and the structure of their structure of Cydia pomonella (MERANGER et al. genital organs. 2008). A fragment of the mitochondrial COI gene was proposed as a universal DNA barcode and The present paper is the first comparative mo- used for butterfly species identification in Astrap- lecular study of the representatives of this tribe. tes fulgerator (HEBERT et al. 2004). Attempts to Until now, only four representatives of the genus usetheDNAbarcodewerealsoappliedinTortrici- Acleris (A. variegana, A. holmiana, A. forsskale- dae (HULCR et al. 2007, LANGHOFF et al. 2009). ana, A. comariana) were studied (DE WAARD et al. 2009) and have not been compared with other Trends in molecular studies of advanced species of this tribe. The molecular literature on and butterflies are reviewed by REGIER et al. othergroupsofthisfamilyisrathersparse.Amito- (2009) which we take under consideration in our chondrial DNA fragment containing the genes reconstruction of the evolution of Tortricidae. COI, and COII (2300 bp) was used to determine The aim of this study was the molecular exami- the phylogenetic relationships among Argyro- nation of all European genera and possibly a high 190 J.RAZOWSKI etal. numberofspecies.Wecomparethecurrentsystem (Hübner, 1799), (GU989465) of genera and species based on morphology with Acleris variegana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775), the results from the molecular study. This com- (GU989445) parison allowed us to correct or confirm some pre- vious interpretations. It was also possible to assess Aleimmaloeflingianum(Linnaeus,1758),(GU989456) some morphological characters. The results for Spatalistisbifasciana(Hübner,1787),(GU989461) particular genera are described in the discussion. Linnaeus (1758), (GU989457)

Material Othergeneraandspeciesmentionedinthispaper Acleris hastiana (Linnaeus, 1758) The molecular study is based on 23 species of Tortricini collected mainly in Poland. Only one Croesia Hübner, 1825 species, A. kochiella, occurring throughout the Pa- Phylacophora Filipjev, 1931 learctic region, comes from Iran. Extraction of DNA from other material outside of Central Aetheshartmanniana(Billberg,1820),(GU989459) Europe did not give the expected results despite Archips podanus (Hübner,1825), (GU989458) the circumstance that specimens were not more than five years old. The material used is deposited in the collection of the Institute of Systematics and Methods Evolution of Animals PAS, Kraków. The moths were collected and donated by Jaros³aw BUSZKO DNA was extracted usually from two hind legs (Toruñ), Marek KOPEÆ, Witold ZAJDA (Kraków) of dry specimens. We could not completely de- and Ros³aw LEWANDOWSKI (Poznañ). stroy the museum material using other parts of the AlistoftheexaminedtaxaofTortriciniarranged body (e.g. the entire tagmata). On the other hand alphabetically is presented below. The accession the collection of new, rare species was not possi- numbers of the NCBI GenBank are added after ble. The best results were obtained from 1-3 year each studied species. old individuals. In a few cases we had a chance to (Hübner, 1822), (GU989462) examine fresh specimens (e.g. Tortrix viridana, Aleimma loeflingianum) which we treated in a (Hübner, 1817), (GU989450) similar way as the collection examples and the re- Aclerisbergmanniana(Linnaeus,1758),(GU989460) sultsconfirmedbyanexaminationofentiremoths. Acleris cristana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775), For the outgroups the representatives of two (GU989464) other tribes of Tortricinae were selected, viz., Ar- chips podanus of Archipini and Aethes hartmanni- (Fabricius, 1775), (GU989448) ana of Cochylini. (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775), Genomic DNA was isolated without protocol (GU989446) modification using the NucleoSpin Tissue Kit Aclerisforsskaleana(Linnaeus,1758),(GU989453) (Macherey-Nagel, Germany). To elute purified (Linnaeus, 1758), (GU989454) DNA we applied on the silica membrane 100 Fl of Elution Buffer (EB). To amplify a fragment of the (Goeze, 1763), (GU989469) COI mtDNA gene (650bp) the following primer (Fabricius, 1794), (GU989447) pair designed for Lepidoptera was used: LEP-F1, (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775), 5’-ATTCAACCAATCATAAAGATAT-3’; and (GU989466) LEP-R1, 5’-TAAACTTCTGGATGTCCAAAAA-3’. They are universal primers used for species identi- (Duponchel, 1835), (GU989451) fication in DNA barcoding (HEBERT et al. 2004). (Clerck, 1759), (GU989463) PCR amplification was carried out in a final vol- ume of 40 Fl containing: 4Fl of template, 1.5 U (Donovan, 1806), (GU989452) Taq-Polymerase (Qiagen, Germany), 0.6 Fl 10 mM Aclerisrhombana(Denis&Schiffermüller,1775), of each primer, 10x PCR buffer, 0.6 Fl of 10 mM (GU989467) dNTPs in a Mastercycler ep (Eppendorf, Ger- Acleris scabrana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775), many).Theamplificationprotocolwasthesameas (GU989468) in (HEBERT et al. 2004). To check amplification, 10 Fl of each PCR product was electrophoresed in Aclerisshepherdana(Stephens,1852),(GU989455) 1% agarose gels for 45 min at 85 V with a DNA (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775), molecular weight marker (Mass Ruler Low Range (GU989449) DNA Ladder, Fermentas, Lithuania). For purifying MolecularApproachtotheSystematicsofTortricini 191

PCR reactions we used NucleoSpin Extract II Clustal W (THOMPSON et al. 1994) in the BioEdit (Macherey-Nagel, Germany). In 30% of PCR re- program (HALL 1999). Trees were constructed for actions apart from the main band additional sub- the studied fragments in Mega version 4.1 bands were obtained. In these cases 30 Fl of each (TAMURA et al. 2007), using the Neighbor-Joining PCR product was separated on a 1.8 % agarose gel method (NJ) (SAITOU &NEI 1987). The NJ analy- (100V/60min). Then, the band representing the sis was performed using a correction model examined fragment was cut out and purified. (KIMURA 1980) and Jukes-Cantor method (JUKES Cycle sequencing was done in both directions &CANTOR 1969) by bootstrapping with 1000 rep- applying the BigDye Terminator v3.1 chemistry licates (FELSENSTEIN 1985). The haplotype diver- (Applied Biosystems, USA). The primers LEP-F1 sity value, nucleotide diversity and analysis of and LEP-R1 were used for sequencing. Sequenc- variable nucleotide positions were carried out us- ing reaction was carried out in a final volume of 10 Fl ing DnaSP v. 5.10.01 (LIBRADO et al. 2009). The containing: 3 Floftemplate,1 FlofBigDye(1/4of nucleotide frequencies and transition/transversion standard reaction), 1 Fl of sequencing buffer, 1 Fl rate ratios were calculated with Mega version 4.1 of 5 mM primer. Sequencing products were pre- (TAMURA et al. 2004, 2007). cipitated using Ex Terminator (A&A Biotechnology, Poland) and separated on an ABI PRISM 377 DNA Sequencer (Applied Biosystems, USA). Sequences Results and Discussion are available at the NCBI GenBank database (for accession numbers see list of examined taxa). Both on morphological and molecular grounds Sequences were checked by eye using Chromas the Tortricini appeared as the most generalized Lite (Technelysium, Australia) to evaluate and European tribe. The four examined genera were correct chromatograms. Alignment and consensus rather well separated from each other. The positions of the studied sequences were performed using of the outgroup species fits well (Fig. 1) with the

Fig. 1. Phylogenetic tree constructed for 25 species of Tortricidae (Archips podanus as outgroup), based on a comparison of sequences from COI mtDNA (606bp) fragment using the NJ (neighbor joining) method (with the application of with the application of the Kimura two-parameter and Jukes-Cantor correction model). Bootstrap values are presented as percentages for 1000 replicates. An asterisk appears in the case of bootstrap values less than 50. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted in MEGA 4.1. 192 J.RAZOWSKI etal. commonlyaccepted relationships (e.g.RAZOWSKI tricini are discriminated from two representatives 2008). ofothertribes(Archips podanus, Aethes hartmani- ana). Acleris forms the main group on the tree. A We obtained a portion of the COI mtDNA se- secondgroupisformedby Aleimma loeflingianum quence (606bp) from 25 species of Tortricidae. and Tortrix viridiana. is Twenty three haplotypes among the studies spe- separatedfromotherspeciesofthetribeTortricini. cies were found. Identical haplotypes occurred in species pairs : A. laterana – A. emargana, and A. aspersana – A. shepherdana. The haplotype di- versity value was Hd=0.993 and nucleotide diver- Arrangement of the genera sitywasð=0.08482.G+Ccontentfor606analyzed nucleotide positions was 0.312. The nucleotide Genus Spatalistis is represented by four Pa- frequencies were A=0.314, T=0.374, C=0.156 and laearctic and only one European species (S. bifas- G=0.156. The transition/transversion rate ratios ciana); apart from this region 17 species are were k1=5.306 (purines) and k2=6.705 (pyrimid- known from the Oriental region. ines). The overall transition/transversion bias was The Spatalistis clade is well separated from the R=1.995 (TAMURA et al. 2004). In the analyzed clades of the remaining examined genera and its mtDNA fragment there were 194 variable posi- position is supported by a bootstrap value of 84 tions (139 parsimony informative) (for details see (Fig. 1). Table 1). Divergence (using JC and K2P models) over all sequence pairs was 0.091 (varied from According to RAZOWSKI (1966, 1987, 2002), 0.000 to 0.153). The mean divergence of the 23 Spatalistis is regarded as the most generalized ge- studied mtDNA fragments obtained from tribe nus. Morphologically this is supported mainly by Tortricini was 0.084 (varied from 0.000 to 0.126) the presence of the uncus in the male genitalia. In and genus Acleris 0.08 (varied from 0.000 to earlier arrangements the wing venation was sug- 0.114). In the studied fragment only four polymor- gested to be more important (veins M3 – CuA1 in phicsites(7,253,284,484)werenonsynonymous. both pairs of wings are stalked – this is also a pro- All of them had two nucleotide variants and three gressive character). In a recent monograph of them (7, 253, 284) appeared only in one se- (RAZOWSKI 2008) Spatalistis is placed before quence in the studied dataset (Table 1). Tortrix and Aleimma, close to Acleris. The present molecular study and the phylogenetic tree ob- The phylogeny of the studied species was recon- tained by the Neighbour-Joining method confirm structed using the Neighbour-Joining (NJ) method the above interpretation by RAZOWSKI (1966, (Fig. 1). Twenty three species of the tribe Tor- 1987, 2002).

Table 1 Polymorphic nucleotide positions obtained by comparing COI mtDNA sequences (606nt) obtained from 25 Tortricidae species. Nonsynonymous polymorphic sites are marked in bold

Number of Type of variable sites variable sites Nucleotide positions of studied COI mtDNA fragment 7 30365869849093102114126138156172186195201204 Singleton variable sites 45 219231249 253 267 284 300315339375378411417444474 (two variants) 477486504511529549553582585592600606 16910151822272831394245465154576375788796 108132135162165169171178189198207213222235237 Parsimony informative sites 238259264270276279285306312321354357358366369 (two variants) 92 373390396399400408414420426429432435438447450 454457462472478 484 489495502505508514519520522 525537543550561567573579588597 Singleton variable sites (three variants) 10 399309327360459510516564603 1260105111141177192228246256258324342 Parsimony informative sites (three variants) 34 345348351363372384387393405423441456492501 513528540546558576594 Singleton variable sites (four variants) 0 --- Parsimony informative sites (four variants) 13 72153174210240243318336455471480534591 MolecularApproachtotheSystematicsofTortricini 193

The present molecular study and the phyloge- However, two species (A. lorquiniana, A. scabrana) netic tree confirm the position of Spatalistis as included in this clade differ in the genitalia and re- more generalized than the three above mentioned quire further study. genera. The next clade includes two morphologically closespecies(A. kochiella and A. logiana) and cer- tainly several other Asian species which may ful- Genera Tortrix and Aleimma fill the gap between them. Three species (A. holmiana, A. forsskaleana, Tortrix is a Palaearctic genus consisting of two A. Bergmanniana) previously representing the dis- very closely related species; Aleimma is monotypic tinct genus Croesia are included in the third clade, West Palaearctic. The clade containing these two however, A. holmiana is placed near A. rhombana genera is opposite to the clade of Acleris similarly and regarded as less related with A. forsskaleana. as in the systematics by RAZOWSKI (2002, 2008) On the other hand A. bergmanniana is opposite to and Tortrix is regarded as more generalized than the clade of the subgroup A. lipsiana + A. varie- Aleimma. The position of this clade in the gana. The systematic positions of both A. holmi- Neighbour-Joinig tree is supported by a bootstrap ana and A. rhombana were always obscure but value of 68 (Fig. 1). The latter interpretation has their females have some common characters ex- never been presented in the systematics. The sepa- cept for the presence of parabursa in the former. ration of Tortrix and Aleimma was usually based This character may be, however, species specific. on the plesiomorphic position of all veins in both The position of A. bergmanniana which is close to pairs of wings in contrast to Acleris in which the A. lipsiana + A. variegana andthatofthetwolatter two last veins of the forewing are connate. Spatal- species cannot be explained but certainly all of istis was described on the basis of stalked veins in them belong to different groupings as their mor- both pairs of wings. The separation of forewing phology shows. However, the most important con- veins R4-R5 is, however, not constant in Acleris. clusion is that the mentioned above Croesia was On the other hand, the membranization of tran- correctly synonymized with Acleris (RAZOWSKI stilla (most probably an apomorphic character but 1987). possibly convergent) may separate Tortrix from Aleimma. Strongly shortened brachiola and elon- The following fourth clade demonstrates a very gated, pocked-shaped signum are the autapomor- close relationship between A. notana and A. ferru- phies for Aleimma. The floricomous ovipositor gana, completely in congruence with the morpho- characteristic of the two genera is convergent and logical study. Previously, A. sparsana was directly depends on the mode of oviposition. The regarded as close to the clade of A. lorquiniana, mentioned characters of Aleimma are certainly A. laterana and A. emargana but this was not more progressive than in Tortrix and confirm the strongly supported on the basis of morphology. more advanced position of Aleimma. The recipro- Based on the molecular study these last two spe- cal close systematic positions of Tortrix and Ale- cies are identical, but this relationship is at odds imma are confirmed by a bootstrap value of 88. with the traditional point of view based on both morphology of adults, larvae, and biology. They Genus Acleris is distributed in all zoogeographic strongly differ from one another and certainly rep- regions and consists of over 340 species (Palaearc- resent different species. We cannot explain this tic – 136, Nearctic – 60, Oriental – more than 40, discrepancy. The last clade demonstrates no mo- Afrotropical – 7, Neotropical – 9). The European lecular difference between A. aspersana and fauna is represented by 40 species of which we ex- A. shepherdana. Morphologically these two spe- amined 20, mainly Central European ones. The ciesareverycloselyrelated,showveryslightgeni- Neighbour-Joining tree presents Acleris as a rather tal differences and have similar facies. However, compact grouping supported by a bootstrap value they were always treated as two distinct species. 68 (Fig. 1). It consists of four clades. The first clade includes A. laterana, the type- species of the already synonymized genus Phyla- Conclusions cophora in which several Holarctic species occur. The close position of A. emargana and A. laterana The systematic arrangement of the European is acceptable despite the more elongate aedeagus generaofTortricinibasedonmorphologyisessen- intheformer.Itisprobablethattheelongatesocius tially confirmed by the obtained molecular data. In with median attachment to the tegumen is a more the phylogenetic tree Spatalistis is, however, important character than the length of the aedea- treated as the most primitive European genus and gus. It is thus a distinguishing character of the dis- not directly related to Acleris which together with cussed clade. Many Asian species morphologically Tortrix and Aleimma forms its sister group. The close to A. abietana can be thus included here. reciprocal systematic position of Aleimma and 194 J.RAZOWSKI etal.

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