Erbil: 3W Partners Per Health Facility (As of Jan 2018)
IRAQ Erbil: 3W Partners per Health Facility (as of Jan 2018) Turkey Consultations by DISTRICT Jan-Dec 2017 Dahuk 11 Iran Erbil 144,887 Partners in Erbil Mergasur Governorate Makhmur 139,010 Soran Shaqlawa 7,662 Al Mustaqbal Choman Consultations by CAMP Jan-Dec 2017 AMAR DoH Erbil UNICEF Ankawa 2 2,123 Ninewa UPP Shaqlawa WHO Baharka 50,594 Baharka Debaga 1 90,561 Al Mustaqbal Erbil Harshm ZHIAN Ankawa 2 Sulaymaniyah Debaga 2 UNICEF 9,645 IOM Debaga S. 10,652 UPP Erbil Koisnjaq WAHA Harshm 16,744 WHO Makhmur Debaga 2 Debaga Stadium Debaga TC 1,879 Debaga TC Debaga 1 212,382 LEGEND 1,718 IDP Camp IDPs by camp IRAQ IDP Transit Camp Feb 15, 2018 Salah al-Din Disclaimer: The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this Kirkuk map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of WHO IDPs by district 820 concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authori- ties, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. All reasonable Feb 15, 2018 precautions have been taken by WHO to produce this map. The responsibility for its interpretation and use lies with the user. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use. 11,508 292 6,318 6,276 200 4,248 Production Date: 28 Feb 2018 174 Product Name: IRQ_ERBIL_3W_Partners_Per_Health_Facility_28022018 Data source: Health cluster partners Erbil Koisnjaq Makhmur Mergasur Shaqlawa Soran Baharka Debaga 2 Debaga Harsham HEALTH CLUSTER (as of Jan 2018) IRAQ Erbil: 3W Partners per Health
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