The Ho Chi Minh Trail Sec Ons: the Ho Chi Minh Trail Was the Route from North Vietnam to South
JULY 2019 SUPPLEMENT VOL 82.5 Chapter 16 Newsleer Organizaon and Responsibilies: Editor: Glen Craig The Ho Chi Minh Trail Secons: The Ho Chi Minh Trail was the route from North Vietnam to South Message from the President: Stephen Durfee Vietnam thru Laos and Cambodia that North Vietnam used to Treasurers Report: Willi Lindner supply the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army in South Vietnam with Weapons, Ammuni on and other supplies. Sec. Rpt (Staff Meeng Minutes): Mike Barkstrom Sick Call/Obituary: Chaplain Butch Hall Blast from the Past: Glen Craig Special Recognion: Mike Barkstrom Upcoming Events: Mike Barkstrom Calendar: Stephen Durfee Human Interest Story: Chapter at large SFA Naonal HQ Update: Stephen Durfee Aer Acon Report: Jim Lessler Membership Info: Roy Sayer Adversements: Glen Craig Suspense: Newsleer published (Web): 1st of each odd numbered month Input due to editor: 20th of each even numbered month Dra due to President: 27th of each even numbered month Final Dra due 29th of each even numbered month I thought this was interesng and wanted to share it with everyone. I hope you enjoy it. Legend of the Ho Chi Minh Trail Ho Chi Minh Trail Aug14, 2012 Please ask, about our Ho Chi Minh Trail tours! Page 1 Ho Chi Minh trail, painng by Veteran Larry Chambers The Legend of the Ho Chi Minh trail, there are few brand names to match that of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, the secret, shiing, network of deep jungle tracks that led to the Victory for Vietnam war. SA 2 Surface to Air missile, Ho Chi Minh trail Southern Laos, Ho Chi Minh trail Huey helicopter used in the Lamson bale at the Ban Dong war museum Well here I sit in Laos again, I have been pung around the place on and off for 10 years now.