Pedigree for Queen Margrethe II to Denmark 64. Christian IX, King of Denmark 32. Wilhelm, Duke of Schleswig Holstein Sonderburg Glücksburg Friedrich, Duke of Schleswig Holstein Sond. Beck (1757-1816) 16. * 8 April 1818 at Gottorp, Schleswig, Germany *1785 at Lindenau, Königsberg †1831 at Gottorp, Germany 65. Friederike, Countess of Schlieben (1757-1827) † 29 January 1906 at Amalienborg, Denmark 66. Knot-individuals Frederik VIII, King of Denmark 33. Louise, Princess of Hesse-Cassel Carl, Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel (1744-1836) for relationship to 8. * 3 June 1843 in Copenhagen, Denmark married 26 May 1842 at Amalienborg, Denmark *1789 at Gottorp, Germany †1867 at Ballenstedt, Germany 67. Louise, Princess of Denmark (1750-1831) † 14 May 1912 in Hamburg, Germany 68. Marie Cécili, 34. Wilhelm, Prince of Hesse-Cassel Friedrich, Prince of Hesse-Cassel (1747-1837) Princess of Prussia married 28 July 1869 in Stockholm, Sweden Louise, Queen of Denmark *1787 in Biebrich, Germany †1867 in Copenhagen, Denmark 69. Caroline, Princess of Nassau-Usingen (1762-1823) * 7 September 1817 in Cassel, Germany 17. 70. Christian X, King of Denmark † 29 September 1898 at Bernstorff, Denmark 35. Charlotte, Princess of Denmark Frederik, Hereditary Prince of Denmark (1753-1805) 4. * 26 September 1870 in Charlottenlund, Denmark *1789 at Christiansborg †1864 in Copenhagen, Denmark 71. Frederikke, Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (1758-1794) † 20 April 1947 at Amalienborg, Denmark 72. Carl XV, King of Sweden & Norway 36. Oskar I, King of Sweden & Norway Carl XIV Johan, King of Sweden & Norway (1763-1844) married 26 April 1898 in Cannes, France 18. * 3 May 1826 in Stockholm, Sweden *1799 in , France †1859 in Stockholm, Sweden 73. Desideria, Queen of Sweden & Norway (1777-1860) † 19 August 1872 in Malmö, Sweden 74. 37. Josephine, Queen of Sweden & Norway Eugéne de , Duke of Leuchtenberg (1781-1824) Louise, Queen of Denmark married 19 June 1850 in Stockholm, Sweden *1807 in , Italy †1876 in Stockholm, Sweden 75. Augusta, Princess of Bavaria (1788-1851) * 31 October 1851 in Stockholm, Sweden 9. † 20 March 1926 at Amalienborg, Denmark 38. Frederik, Prince of the Netherlands 76. Willem I, King of the Netherlands (1772-1848) Lovisa, Queen of Sweden & Norway *1797 in Berlin, Germany †1881 at Wassenaer, Netherlands 77. Wilhelmine, Queen of the Netherlands (1774-1837) * 5 August 1828 in The Hague, Netherlands Frederik IX, King of Denmark 19. † 30 March 1871 in Stockholm, Sweden 39. Luise, Princess of Prussia 78. Friedrich Wilhelm III, King of Prussia (1770-1840) 2. * 11 March 1899 at Sorgenfri, Denmark *1808 in Königsberg †1870 at Haus de Pauw, Netherlands 79. Luise, Queen of Prussia (1776-1810) † 14 January 1972 in Copenhagen, Denmark Paul Friedrich, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin 80. Friedrich Ludwig, Her. Grand Duke of Meckl.-Schw. (1778-1819) married 24 May 1935 in Stockholm, Sweden Friedrich Franz II, Grand Duke of Meckl-Sw. 40. 20. * 28 February 1823 at Ludwigslust, Germany *1800 at Ludwigslust, Germany †1842 in Schwerin, Germany 81. Helene Pavlovna, Grand Duchess of Russia (1784-1803) † 15 April 1883 in Schwerin, Germany 41. Alexandrine, Princess of Prussia 82. Same as ancestor no. 78 Friedrich Franz III, Grand Duke of Meck.-S. married 4 Nov. 1849 at Ludwigslust, Germany *1803 in Berlin, Germany †1892 in Schwerin, Germany 83. Same as ancestor no. 79 10. * 19 March 1851 at Ludwigslust, Germany 84. † 10 April 1897 in Cannes, France 42. Heinrich LXIII, Prince of Reuss Heinrich XLIV, Prince of Reuss (1753-1841) married 24 January 1879 in St Petersburg, Russia Augusta, Princess of Reuss *1786 in Berlin, Germany †1841 in Stonsdorf, Germany 85. Wilhelmine, Baroness von Geuder (1755-1790) * 26 May 1822 in Klipphausen, Germany 21. 86. † 3 March 1862 in Schwerin, Germany 43. Eleonora, Countess of Stolberg-Wernigerode Heinrich, Count of Stolberg-Wernigerode (1772-1854) Alexandrine, Queen of Denmark *1801 in Ilsenburg, Germany †1827 in Klipphausen, Germany 87. Jenny, Princess of Schönburg-Waldenburg (1780-1809) * 24 December 1879 in Schwerin, Germany 88. 5. † 28 December 1952 in Copenhagen, Denmark Michail Nikolaiev., Grand Duke of Russia 44. Nikolai I, Czar of Russia Paul I, Czar of Russia (1754-1801) 22. * 25 October 1832 at Peterhof, Russia *1796 in Gatchina, Russia †1855 in St Petersburg, Russia 89. Maria Feodorovna, Czarina of Russia (1759-1828) † 18 December 1909 in Cannes, France Alexandra Feodorovna, Czarina of Russia 90. Same as ancestor no. 78 Anastasia Michail., Grand Duch. of Russia married 28 August 1857 in St Petersburg, Russia 45. * 28 July 1860 at Peterhof, St Petersburg, Russia *1798 in Berlin, Germany †1860 at Czarskoie Selo, Russia 91. Same as ancestor no. 79 11. † 11 March 1922 in Eze-sur-Mer, Nice, France 92. 46. Leopold, Grand Duke of Baden Karl Friedrich, Grand Duke of Baden (1728-1811) 1. Olga Feodorovna, Princess of Baden *1790 in Karlsruhe, Germany †1852 in Karlsruhe, Germany 93. Luise, Princess of Baden (1768-1820) * 20 September 1839 in Karlsruhe, Germany Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark 23. † 12 April 1891 in Kharkov, Ukraina 47. Sophie, Princess of Sweden 94. Gustaf IV Adolf, King of Sweden (1778-1837) * 16 April 1940 at Amalienborg, Denmark *1801 in Stockholm, Sweden †1865 in Karlsruhe, Germany 95. Friederike, Princess of Baden (1781-1826) Lives at Amalienborg, Denmark married 10 June 1967 in Copenhagen, Denmark Oskar II, King of Sweden & Norway 48. Same as ancestor no. 36 96. Same as ancestor no. 72 to: Henrik, Prince of Denmark 24. * 21 January 1829 in Stockholm, Sweden 97. Same as ancestor no. 73 † 8 December 1907 in Stockholm, Sweden Same as ancestor no. 37 98. Same as ancestor no. 74 married 6 June 1857 in Biebrich, Germany 49. Gustav V, King of Sweden 99. Same as ancestor no. 75 12. * 16 June 1858 at Drottningholm, Sweden 50. Wilhelm, Duke of Nassau 100. Friedrich Wilhelm, Prince of Nassau-Weilburg (1768-1816) † 29 October 1950 at Drottningholm, Sweden Sophie, Queen of Sweden & Norway *1792 in Kirchheimbolanden †1839 in Kitzingen, Germany 101. Luise, Countess von Kirchberg (1772-1827) married 20 Sep. 1881 in Karlsruhe, Germany * 9 July 1836 in Biebrich, Germany 25. 102. † 30 December 1913 in Stockholm, Sweden 51. Pauline, Princess of Württemberg Paul, Prince of Württemberg (1785-1852) *1810 in Stuttgart, Germany †1856 in Wiesbaden, Germany 103. Charlotte, Princess of Saxe Altenburg (1787-1847) Gustav VI Adolf, King of Sweden 6. * 11 November 1882 in Stockholm, Sweden Friedrich I, Grand Duke of Baden 52. Same as ancestor no. 46 104. Same as ancestor no. 92 † 15 September 1973 in Helsingborg, Sweden 26. * 9 September 1826 in Karlsruhe, Germany 105. Same as ancestor no. 93 married 15 June 1905 in Windsor, England † 28 September 1907 at Mainau, Germany 53. Same as ancestor no. 47 106. Same as ancestor no. 94 married 20 September 1856 in Berlin, Germany 107. Same as ancestor no. 95 Viktoria, Queen of Sweden * 7 August 1862 in Karlsruhe, Germany 54. Wilhelm I, Emperor of Germany 108. Same as ancestor no. 78 13. Luise, Princess of Prussia *1797 in Berlin, Germany †1888 in Berlin, Germany 109. Same as ancestor no. 79 † 4 April 1930 in , Italy * 3 December 1838 in Berlin, Germany 27. † 23 April 1923 in Baden-Baden, Germany 55. Augusta, Empress of Germany 110. Carl Friedrich, Grand Duke of Saxe Weimar Eisenach (1783-1853) Ingrid, Queen of Denmark *1811 in Weimar, Germany †1890 in Berlin, Germany 111. Maria Pavlovna, Grand Duchess of Russia (1786-1859) * 28 March 1910 in Stockholm, Sweden 112. 3. Albert, Prince of Saxe Coburg & Gotha 56. Ernst I, Duke of Saxe Coburg & Gotha Franz, Duke of Saxe Coburg Saalfeld (1750-1806) Lives at Amalienborg, Denmark 28. * 26 August 1819 in Coburg, Germany *1784 in Coburg, Germany †1844 in Gotha, Germany 113. Augusta, Countess of Reuss-Ebersdorf (1757-1831) † 14 Dec. 1861 at Windsor Castle, England 57. Luise, Duchess of Saxe Gotha Altenburg 114. August, Duke of Saxe Gotha Altenburg (1772-1822) Arthur, Prince of Great Britain & Ireland married 10 Feb. 1840 at St James Palace, England *1800 in Gotha, Germany †1831 in Paris, France 115. Luise, Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (1779-1801) 14. * 1 May 1850 at Buckingham Palace, England 58. Edward, Prince of Great Britain & Ireland 116. George III, King of Great Britain & Ireland (1738-1820) † 16 January 1942 at Bagshot Park, England Victoria, Queen of Great Britain & Ireland *1767 in London, England †1820 in Sidmouth, England 117. Charlotte, Queen of Great Britain & Ireland (1744-1818) married 13 March 1879 in Windsor, England * 24 May 1819 at Kensington Palace, England 29. † 22 Jan. 1901 at Osborne House, Isle of Wight 59. Victoria, Duchess of Saxe Coburg Saalfeld 118. Same as ancestor no. 112 Margaret, Princess of Great Britain & Ireland *1786 in Coburg, Germany †1861 in Windsor, England 119. Same as ancestor no. 113 * 15 January 1882 at Bagshot Park, England Friedrich Karl, Prince of Prussia 60. Karl, Prince of Prussia 120. Same as ancestor no. 78 7. † 1 May 1920 in Stockholm, Sweden 30. * 20 March 1828 in Berlin, Germany *1801 at Charlottenburg, Germany †1883 in Berlin, Germany 121. Same as ancestor no. 79 † 15 June 1885 at Klein Glienicke, Germany 61. Marie, Princess of Saxe Weimar Eisenach 122. Same as ancestor no. 110 Luise Margaret, Princess of Prussia married 29 November 1854 in Berlin, Germany *1808 in Weimar, Germany †1877 in Berlin, Germany 123. Same as ancestor no. 111 * 25 July 1860 at Marmorpalais, Germany 15. 124. † 14 March 1917 at London, England 62. Leopold (IV), Duke of Anhalt Friedrich, Hereditary Prince of Anhalt-Dessau (1769-1814) Maria Anna, Princess of Anhalt *1794 in Dessau, Germany †1871 in Dessau, Germany 125. Amalie, Princess of Hesse-Homburg (1774-1846) * 14 September 1837 in Dessau, Germany 31. † 12 May 1906 in Friedrichroda, Germany 63. Friederike, Princess of Prussia 126. Ludwig, Prince of Prussia (1773-1796) *1796 in Berlin, Germany †1850 in Dessau, Germany 127. Friederike, Princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (1778-1841) Copyright ©1998 by Knud Højrup, Denmark See: for definition of "Knot-individuals" Made by Reunion: