UP3 Project Implements Urban Creeks Pesticides Strategy

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UP3 Project Implements Urban Creeks Pesticides Strategy UrbanUrban PesticidesPesticides andand Wastewater:Wastewater: HowHow thethe UP3UP3 ProjectProject CanCan HelpHelp AthenaAthena HonoreHonore BAPPG,BAPPG, AugustAugust 5,5, 20092009 WhatWhat thethe HeckHeck isis UP3?UP3? UP3UP3 Project:Project: UrbanUrban PesticidePesticide PollutionPollution PreventionPrevention ProjectProject ManagedManaged byby SanSan FranciscoFrancisco EstuaryEstuary PartnershipPartnership (SFEP)(SFEP) TechnicalTechnical consultantconsultant KellyKelly MoranMoran (TDC(TDC Environmental)Environmental) HomeHome agency:agency: ABAGABAG UP3UP3 ProjectProject –– MissionMission ToTo preventprevent waterwater pollutionpollution fromfrom urbanurban pesticidepesticide useuse WhyWhy urban:urban: CACA datadata showsshows moremore pesticidespesticides usedused inin urbanurban areasareas thanthan agag NotNot allall pesticidespesticides impactsimpacts waterwater quality.quality. KeyKey isis toxicitytoxicity toto aquaticaquatic speciesspecies HumanHuman health,health, airair qualityquality –– notnot coveredcovered UP3UP3 ProjectProject –– HistoryHistory UPCUPC addressesaddresses creekcreek toxicitytoxicity ((diazinondiazinon)) inin ’’9595 UP3:UP3: StateState WaterWater BoardBoard grantgrant fundingfunding PRISMPRISM ’’0404--7;7; PropProp 5050 ’’0707--99 OriginalOriginal mission:mission: implementimplement SFSF UrbanUrban CreeksCreeks PesticidePesticide ToxicityToxicity TMDLTMDL NowNow statewide;statewide; wastewaterwastewater andand stormwaterstormwater StakeholdersStakeholders includeinclude SW,SW, WW,WW, state/federalstate/federal regulators,regulators, pestpest controlcontrol operatorsoperators andand manufacturers,manufacturers, IPMIPM andand NGOsNGOs TheThe CoreCore Problem:Problem: Pesticide/WaterPesticide/Water QualityQuality ““RegulatoryRegulatory GapGap”” CleanClean WaterWater ActAct implementationimplementation andand pesticidepesticide registrationregistration (FIFRA)(FIFRA) notnot coordinatedcoordinated PesticidesPesticides registeredregistered forfor usesuses thatthat willwill causecause CleanClean WaterWater ActAct violationsviolations && municipal/POTWmunicipal/POTW compliancecompliance problemsproblems StateState lawlaw prepre--emptsempts mostmost locallocal controlscontrols POTWs have financial responsibility for pesticides—but little control over them CleanClean WaterWater ActAct SetsSets ToughTough RequirementsRequirements forfor MunicipalitiesMunicipalities NPDESNPDES permitspermits MunicipalitiesMunicipalities andand POTWsPOTWs havehave fullfull responsibilityresponsibility for:for: Everything that flows to a sewer – test toxicity of effluent Everything that flows through a storm drain CanCan triggertrigger violationsviolations subjectsubject toto mandatorymandatory minimumminimum penaltiespenalties CitizenCitizen lawsuitslawsuits (Clean(Clean WaterWater Act)Act) FederalFederal LawLaw DrivesDrives WaterWater QualityQuality RequirementsRequirements inin CaliforniaCalifornia WaterWater QualityQuality StandardsStandards Required by Clean Water Act Enforceable in permits Numerical and narrative Most California numerical standards developed by U.S. EPA U.S. EPA only has numerical criteria for about 20 pesticides—this makes toxicity standards the compliance key for most pesticides Compliance test methods set by U.S. EPA TMDLsTMDLs UP3UP3 ProjectProject –– ApproachApproach Proactive Regulation Education Research & & Outreach Monitoring ProactiveProactive RegulationRegulation Goal: To facilitate California water quality agency efforts to improve pesticide regulatory processes to prevent water quality impairment and NPDES permit compliance problems Track relevant U.S. EPA, DPR regulatory processes Identify specific information (including methodology and data gaps) that would be valuable to share with U.S. EPA and DPR Where potentially significant risks are evident, identify risk mitigation options and seek their implementation Review outcomes RegulatoryRegulatory actionsactions cancan achieveachieve bigbig reductionsreductions inin pesticidepesticide useuse BUTBUT WatchWatch OutOut forfor ReplacementReplacement Pesticides!Pesticides! PyrethroidsPyrethroids UseUse TripledTripled DuringDuring DiazinonDiazinon PhaseoutPhaseout 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 Bifenthrin Cyfluthrin + Beta-Cyfluthrin 800,000 Cypermethrin Others 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 • UP3 works to prevent new toxic alternatives Estimated use of study list pyrethroids in the San Francisco Bay Area 2001-2004 (permethrin equivalents) ResearchResearch andand MonitoringMonitoring GoalGoal:: ToTo integrateintegrate thethe latestlatest sciencescience andand pesticidepesticide useuse informationinformation intointo CaliforniaCalifornia waterwater qualityquality agencyagency urbanurban pesticidepesticide mitigationmitigation activitiesactivities Track relevant research and monitoring activities Distill and communicate the latest scientific information to water quality agencies Review urban pesticide market Identify potential water quality impacts of new pesticides (focus is on insecticides) EducationEducation && OutreachOutreach Goal: Shift to IPM as less-toxic alternative. Perimeter sprays by professional structural pest control applicators to control ants account for more than 70% of pyrethroids applied in the Bay Area. Provide tools to municipalities to implement IPM on own facilities Trainings IPM Exchange network Contracting support – how to buy IPM service How to establish IPM policy/ordinance Different audience and methods from Our Water, Our World – homeowners, general We Know Rain / Irrigation That Application Pesticides ff Plants / Soil no Affect Ru Paved Surfaces Runoff Disch a rge Storm Drain Outfall Courtesy SF Bay Regional Water Board, based on U.C. IPM Project drawing Courtesy Sacramento Bee BayBay AreaArea CreeksCreeks ImpairedImpaired byby PesticidePesticide ToxicityToxicity ToxicityToxicity toto AquaticAquatic TestTest SpeciesSpecies HyallelaHyallela aztecaazteca About 2 parts per trillion (ng/L) of most pyrethroids will paralyze or kill half the Hyalella in a sample. (96-hour) Statewide Pyrethroids Toxicity Urban Creeks Shorter Bars: Low-to-Zero Test Species Survival Test Species Survival Rarely Exceeds 80% HowHow DoDo PesticidesPesticides AffectAffect Wastewater?Wastewater? ApplicationsApplications Outdoors:Outdoors: aboveground,aboveground, oror undergroundunderground injectioninjection (termites)(termites) Indoors:Indoors: petpet oror householdhousehold pesticidespesticides DirectDirect toto sewersewer ReachesReaches WWTPWWTP viavia Inflow:Inflow: washedwashed byby rainrain intointo sewersewer lineline Infiltration:Infiltration: carriedcarried byby subsurfacesubsurface flowflow TransportTransport indoors/downindoors/down thethe draindrain WastewaterWastewater CarriesCarries PesticidesPesticides toto Treatment,Treatment, Sludge,Sludge, && SurfaceSurface WaterWater Irrigation Groundwater recharge Industrial use Rivers, Bays, Pacific Ocean Municipal Wastewater On-site use Treatment Sell to utility Plants Land application Soil amendment Landfills Slide courtesy L.A. County Sanitation Districts Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants Not Designed to Remove Pesticides Digestion Incineration Drying Figure courtesy Palo Alto Regional Water Quality Control Plant Sacramento Bee, 7/14/09 DonDon WestonWeston’’ss Recent Findings on Pyrethroid Pesticides in the Delta See up3project.org/UPC/JulyUPC/ meeting docs Highlights: Pyrethroid toxicity examination focused entirely on water column samples, not sediment. Essentially all urban runoff contains acutely toxic concentrations of pyrethroids. The Sacramento POTW is the largest single discharger of pyrethroids to the Delta, because it has the largest flow. Its total annual pyrethroid mass discharge is estimated to be approximately equal to that of urban runoff from the Sacramento area. Agricultural discharges can contain pyrethroids, but it’s rare UrbanUrban PesticidesPesticides AffectingAffecting WastewaterWastewater Pyrethroid insecticides Bed bugs – pyrethroid treated mattress covers DPR reevaluation process reviewing wastewater impacts TMDLs coming – effluent limits could include mass, concentration, or both Biocides registered as pesticides: triclosan Other biocides used in swimming pools and spas, hospitals Copper- and silver-containing products as biocides (fabrics, surfaces) Indoor pesticide uses that reach WWTP UP3UP3 RecentRecent AccomplishmentsAccomplishments Ended biocide tributyltin use in cooling water systems, wood preservative Outdoor use limited, prohibited during rain: Allethrins, Tetramethrin, Permethrin, Cypermethrin, Piperonyl Butoxide, MGK-264, Pyrethrins Phased out pesticide uses of lindane Changes in metam sodium use to protect WWTPs Requiring data to identify, reduce biocide toxicity (Antimicrobials Data Rule) Secured state action on pyrethroids: early regulatory review of the most toxic pesticides will result in major toxicity reductions after multi-year reevaluation New Federal label language on pyrethroids to protect water quality Major national effort to address regulatory gap: “harmonization” between U.S. EPA’s Office of Water and Office of Pesticide Programs could eliminate a major cause of pesticide toxicity WQ advisors appointed to U.S. EPA, DPR panels. WWTPWWTP InvolvementInvolvement NeededNeeded StateState andand FederalFederal regulatoryregulatory reviewsreviews havehave notnot alwaysalways includedincluded impactsimpacts toto wastewaterwastewater OPP-OW harmonization
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