Social Studies 11th grade

______Strand Contents & Skills Essential Questions Assessment 1.1. The English Colonies (1605-1760)

1.1.a. An English Settlement at Jamestown Vocabulary Check i. Identify the obstacles facing the first English settlers in North America. How did the Infographic - North ii. Understand the factors that helped Jamestown to flourish. colonies develop vs. South economically, Salem Witch Trials - 1.1.b. Puritan New England socially and Primary source Theme 1 i. Identify the motives that led the Puritans to New England. politically? Character Counts Origins of a ii. Summarize the principles of government established by the dissenters who fled to Rhode Island. Reflection - Journal Nation Character Counts Pillar: Fairness Resources: Literary Connection:  excerpt “A Short Discourse on the Present State of the Colonies,” by Sir William Keith  excerpt from The Interesting Narrative of The Life of Olaudah Equiano  “A Letter Regarding Relations with the Indians,” by Samuel Sewell  Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God 2.1. The American Revolution (1774-1800) What were the Interactive Website 2.1.a. Organizing colonial resistance causes and major (mind map) i. Trace the mounting tension in Massachusetts. events of the chronologically ii. Summarize the battles of Lexington and Concord. American reviewing the revolution and who sequence of events. 2.1.b. Declaring Independence were the significant Ongoing Quiz i. Explain how the environment of North America provided for diverse societies. individuals (multiple choice) Theme 2 involved in the Character Counts 2.1.c. Conducting the War conflict. Reflection - Journal A New i. Trace the progress of the war through the turning point at Saratoga and winter at Valley Forge. Nation ii. Examine the colonial economy and civilian life during the Revolution (1774-1800) 2.1.d. Winning the War i. Describe the war contributions of European allies. ii. Trace the Revolution in the Southern colonies. iii. Summarize the British surrender at Yorktown. iv. Recognize the symbolic value of the Revolution. Character Counts Pillar: Justice Resources: Literary Connection:  excerpt from “Resolutions for American Duties,” by Members of the British Parliament; “The Mother Country,” by Benjamin Franklin  excerpt from Common Sense by Thomas Paine Music - Yankee Doodle (section 1) Online:   Road to Revolution Game:  Interactive: 2.2. The Constitution (1776-1800) What challenges Charting the Land 2.2.a. Articles of Confederation did the new Ordinance Act: i. Explain the differing ideas of republicanism. American republic Religion, Education, ii. Identify three basic issues debated in drafting the Articles of Confederation. face, and how did Revenue, Water and iii. Describe the political and economic problems faced by the Confederation. the U.S. modern day Constitution reflect comparison current 2.2.b. Constitution Compromises those challenges? event report. i. Identify events that led nationalist leaders to call for a convention to strengthen the government. Federalist Socratic ii. Summarize the key conflicts at the Constitutional Convention and explain how they were resolved. Seminar (F. 51) iii. Describe the form of government established by the Constitution. Journal Entry Vocabulary Quiz 2.2.c. Ratifying the Constitution Character Counts i. Contrast Federalist and Antifederalist arguments over ratification of the Constitution. Reflection - Journal ii. Explain how and why the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution. Character Counts Pillar: Citizenship Resources:  Excerpt from The Federalist No. 51, by Publius  Primary Sources: Articles of Confederation, The U.S. Constitution 2.3. The Emergence of a Nation (1789-1800) 2.3.a. The First Presidency Group i. Explain how the United States confronted the difficult task of forming a new government. Discussion: Leaders What major ii. Show how the political ideas of Hamilton and Jefferson differed. without Predecessors domestic and Debate: Hamilton foreign problems 2.3.b. Political Parties emerge versus Jefferson’s faced the leaders of i. Describe how political differences evolved into a two party system. views the new Republic? ii. Define a faction Character Counts iii. Show how the political ideas of Hamilton and Jefferson differed. Reflection - Journal Character Counts Pillar: Citizenship Resources:  Excerpt from The Federalist No. 10, by Madison 3.1. Political Life in a New nation 3.1.a. Jeffersonian Vision Group Discussion: i. Compare and contrast the ideas of Jeffersonian democracy Leaders without ii. Identify some of the significant changes brought about during the early years of Jefferson’s presidency. What major Predecessors iii. Provide examples of the declining power of the Federalists. domestic and Debate: Hamilton iv. Summarize the importance of the Louisiana Purchase foreign problems versus Jefferson’s v. Provide examples of the declining power of the Federalists. faced the leaders of views

the new Republic? Character Counts 3.1.b. The War of 1812 Reflection - Journal i. Explain the events that led to the War of 1812.

Theme 3 (I) ii. Summarize the course of the war. An Character Counts Pillar: Citizenship Expanding Resources: Nation  Excerpt from The Federalist No. 10, by Madison (1790-1850) 3.2. Expanding Markets and Moving West (1825-1847) 3.2.a. The Market Revolution Vocabulary Quiz i. Describe how industrialization and capitalism impacted the U.S. economy. What were the Journal Entry ii. Explain how improved transportation and communication systems helped to link America’s regions and make causes and Individual Project - them interdependent consequences of Building a multimedia

westward map 3.2.b. Manifest Destiny expansion? Character Counts i. Summarize the reasons American settlers headed west during the mid-1800s. Reflection - Journal ii. Describe the impact of westward expansion on Native Americans.

3.2.c. Expansion in Texas i. Explain why Mexico encouraged settlement in Texas. ii. Describe how Texas gained its independence.

3.2.d. The War with Mexico i. Summarize the conflicting attitudes on waging war with Mexico. ii. Identify U.S. territories gained from Mexico. iii. Explain the impact of the discovery of gold in California on the development of the West. Character Counts Pillar: Responsibility Resources: Online Resources:  Quizlet  Story Maps: 4.1. Balancing Nationalism & Sectionalism (1815-1840) Develop regional chart to compare 4.1.a. Regional Economies Create Differences differences; How did regional i. Describe the effects of the Industrial Revolution on the United States. Socratic Seminar - differences Theme 4 (I) ii. Explain how two different economic systems developed in the North and South. States’ rights debate - contribute to the A Nation > then and now growing conflict Breaks 4.1.b. Nationalism at Center Stage Journal Entry - The over states’ rights Apart (1790- i. Discuss how the federal government asserted its jurisdiction over state governments. impact of the versus federal 1850) ii. Summarize the issues that divided the country as the United States expanded its borders. Industrial Revolution power? on the middle class Character Counts Character Counts Pillar: Citizenship Reflection - Journal Resources Literary Connection:  Henry David Thoreau - “Civil Disobedience” & “Walden” excerpt  R.W. Emerson - collection of poems  Frederick Douglas “A Narrative of a Slave” excerpt 3.1. Reforming American Society (1820-1850) 3.1.a. Religion Sparks Reform What were the i. Describe the new religious movements that swept the United States after 1790. causes and effects Biography Report ii. Characterize the nature of utopian communities. of the Second Great Paper

Awakening and the Journal - Literary 3.1.b. Slavery and Abolition various reform Analysis and Theme 3 (II) i. Identify some of the key abolitionists. movements that Comparison Essay An ii. Describe the experience of slaves in rural and urban areas. swept the nation in Character Counts Expanding iii. Summarize the slavery debate in the South. the first half of the Reflection - Journal Nation 19th century? Quiz (1790-1850) 3.1.c. Women and Reform

i. Explain why women’s opportunities were limited in the mid-1800s. Character Counts Pillar: Respect Resources: Online Resources:  Nationalism vs. Sectionalism:  Missouri Compromise Interactive Map: 4.1. The Union in Peril ( 1850-1861) How did conflict Literary Journal - 4.1.a. The Divisive Politics of Slavery over slavery and Profiles from the i. Describe the growing differences between the North and South in their economies and ways of life. other regional North and the South Theme 4 (II) ii. Explain why the Wilmot Proviso failed iii. Analyze the Compromise of 1850 and a temporary halt to talk of secession. tensions lead to the Journal - Dredd v. A Nation Civil War? Scott impact today Breaks 4.1.b. Protest, Resistance, and Violence Primary Source Apart (1840- i. Describe the provisions of the Fugitive Slave Law and how abolitionists and the Underground Railroad Document Analysis 1877) succeeded in defying this law. Quiz & Vocabulary ii. Describe the violence that occurred in Kansas in the fight over establishing slavery in the territory Character Counts Reflection - Journal 4.1.c. The Birth of the Republican Party i. Identify the political parties that emerged as the North and the South forged new political alliances.

4.1.d. Slavery and Secession i. Explain the impact of the Dred Scott decision ii. Explain why Douglas believed that popular sovereignty was the key to eliminating slavery iii. Describe the events at Harper's Ferry and their effect on the North and South. iv. Describe the events that led to Lincoln’s election and the establishment of the Confederate States of America. Character Counts Pillar: Citizenship, Caring, Fairness Resources: Online Resources:  Quizlet  Story Maps:  Timeline:  Civil War Symbaloo  Civil War Webquest: Primary Source:  The Emancipation Proclamation 4.2. The Civil War (1861-1865) 4.2.a. The Civil War Begins i. Explain how the Civil War started. ii. Explain Northern and Confederate shortsightedness about the duration of the war. iii. Describe new weapons and other changes in warfare. iv. Explain Northern and Southern military strategies to capture their opponent’s capital Interactive 4.2.b. The Politics of War Multimedia Project: i. Explain why Britain remained neutral. Timeline and ii. Explain Lincoln’s motives for issuing the Emancipation Proclamation and the document’s effects. What were the Battlemap strategies, Literary Journal - 4.2.c. Life During Wartime outcomes, and Profiles from the i. Explain the decline of the Southern economy and the expansion of the Northern economy. legacies of the North and the South Civil War? Webquest 4.2.d. The North Takes Charge Quiz & Vocabulary i. Describe the battle at Gettysburg and its outcome. Character Counts ii. Summarize the key points of the Gettysburg Address. Reflection - Journal iii. Summarize the final events of the war leading to the surrender at Appomattox.

4.2.e. The Legacy of the War i. Summarize the key economic, political, technological, and social effects of the Civil War. ii. Explain how the Civil War dramatically changed the lives of individuals, especially African Americans. Character Counts Pillar: Citizenship, Caring, Fairness Resources: Online Resources:  Quizlet  Story Maps:  Timeline:  Civil War Symbaloo 4.3. Reconstruction and Its Effects (1865-1877) 4.3.a. The Politics of Reconstruction i. Summarize President Lincoln’s Reconstruction policies. ii. Explain Congressional Reconstruction policies. What were the Short Essay - Radical iii. Identify the programs of Johnson’s Reconstruction policy. political struggles, Republicans

accomplishments, Vocabulary Quiz 4.3.b. Reconstructing Society and failures of Socratic Seminar: i. Summarize the economic problems in the South. Reconstruction in Congressional ii. Identify differences among members of the Republican Party in the South. the years following Reconstruction & iii. Describe efforts of former slaves to improve their lives. the Civil War Reform

4.3.c. The Collapse of Reconstruction i. Explain the achievements and failure of Reconstruction. Character Counts Pillar: Citizenship Resources: Primary Source Analysis:  Sheg Stanford Primary Source Documents (Thaddeus Stevens)  Fourteenth Amendment  Fifteenth Amendment 5.1. A New Industrial Age (1877-1900) What impact did Individual Oral 5.1.a. Explain the rise and fall of the Populist Party. scientific Research Report Theme 5 discoveries and Project A Growing i. Explain how the abundance of natural resources, new recovery and refining methods, and new uses for them led manufacturing Vocab Quiz Nation to intensive industrialization. processes have on (1850-1900) ii. Identify inventions that changed the way people lived and worked. the nature of work, the American labor 5.1.b. The Age of the Railroads movement, and i. Identify the role of the railroads in unifying the country. American ii. List positive and negative effects of railroads on the nation’s economy. businesses? iii. Summarize reasons for and outcomes of the demand for railroad reform

5.1.c. Big Business and Labor i. Identify management and business strategies that contributed to the success of business tycoons such as Andrew Carnegie. ii. Explain Social Darwinism and its effects on society. iii. Explain the violent reactions of industry and government to union strikes. Character Counts Pillar: Respect Resources:  Class Symbaloo  Student Research Independent  The Men Who Built America: 6.1. Immigrants and Urbanization (1877-1914) 6.1.a. The New Immigrants What were the Individual Oral i. Identify immigrants’ countries of origin. economic, social, Research Report ii. Examine the causes and effects of the nativists’ anti-immigrant sentiments. and political effects Project of immigration? Vocab Quiz 6.1.b. The Challenges of Urbanization i. Describe the movement of immigrants to cities and the opportunities they found there. ii. Explain how cities dealt with housing, transportation, sanitation, and safety issues. Theme 6 iii. Describe some of the organizations and people who offered help to urban immigrants. An Evolving 6.1.c. Politics in the Gilded Age Nation i. Explain the role of political machines and political bosses. (1870-1920) ii. Describe how some politicians’ greed and fraud cost taxpayers millions of dollars. Character Counts Pillar: Respect Resources: Class Symbaloo Student Research Independent TV Miniseries: Ellis Island US Trends in Immigration: 6.2. The Progressive Era 1890-1920 6.2.a. The Origins of Progressivism i. Explain the four goals of progressivism. Modern America ii. Summarize progressive efforts to clean up government. Emerges Website How did the Vocabulary Quiz progressive 6.2.b. Women in Public Life Current Event Report movement try to i. Identify leaders of the woman suffrage movement. Socratic Seminar - bring about social ii. Explain how woman suffrage was achieved. Political Reform change? Visual Summary via 6.2.c. Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal padlet/google forms i. Explain how Roosevelt used the power of the presidency to regulate business. ii. Identify laws passed to protect public health and the environment.

6.2.d. Wilson’s New Freedom i. Describe Woodrow Wilson’s background and the progressive reforms of his presidency. ii. List the steps leading to woman suffrage. iii. Explain the limits of Wilson’s progressivism. Character Counts Pillar: Responsibility Resources: Excerpt: “The Jungle” Primary Source: the 17th Amendment 7.1. The First World War 1914-1920 7.1.a. World War I Begins i. Summarize U.S. public opinion about the war. ii. Explain why the United States entered the war.

7.1.b. The War at Home i. Explain how business and government cooperated during the war.

7.1.c. Wilson Fights for Peace i. Summarize Wilson’s Fourteen Points Character Counts Pillar: Responsibility , Citizenship Resources: Online Tools:  Class Symbaloo  PBS The Great War: 7.2. Politics of the Roaring Twenties 1919-1929 Mathematics: Graph: Theme 7 7.2.a. Americans Struggle with Postwar Issues Immigration to the A Nation in i. Describe some of the postwar conflicts between labor and management. United States, 1921 Transition and 1929 (1920-1939) 7.2.b. The Business of America i. Summarize the impact of the automobile and other consumer goods on American life. Philosopher Chairs What political and Debate: social changes took 7.2.c. Changing Ways of Life  Difficult place after World i. Describe the controversy over the role of science and religion in American education and society in the 1920s. Decisions: To War I and through Prohibit the 1920s? 7.3. The Roaring Life of the 1920s 1920-1929 Alcohol or

7.3.a. The Twenties Woman Not? How did newfound i. Explain how the image of the flapper embodied the changing values and attitudes of young women in the 1920s.  Now & Then: prosperity change ii. Identify the causes and results of the changing roles of women in the 1920s. Evolution, American life in Creationism, the 1920s? 7.3.b. Education and Popular Culture and Education i. Describe the popular culture of the 1920s. Group Novela: 7.3.c. The Harlem Renaissance Writers of the 1920s & i. Identify the causes and results of the migration of African Americans to Northern cities in the early 1900s. The Harlem Character Counts Pillar: Responsibility , Citizenship Renaissance Resources:  Map: Route 66  Chart: Prohibition, 1920–1933  Primary Sources: Political Cartoon; The Scopes Trial  Graph: Women’s Changing Employment, 1910–1930  Primary Source: “When the Negro Was in Vogue,”  Music: All That Jazz 7.4. The Begins 1929-1933 7.4.a. The Nation’s Sick Economy i. Summarize the critical problems threatening the American economy in the late 1920s. ii. Describe the causes of the stock market crash and Great Depression. iii. Explain how the Great Depression affected the economy in the United States and throughout the world.

7.4.b. Hardship and Suffering During the Depression What were the i. Describe how people struggled to survive during the Depression, including men, women and children. causes and Cooperative Learning: consequences of Delivering a Fireside 7.5. The 1933-1940 the Great Chat 7.5.a. A New Deal Fights the Depression Depression? Then & Now i. Summarize the initial steps Roosevelt took to reform banking and finance. Research Report: ii. Describe New Deal work programs How did the Social Security, the iii. Identify critics of FDR’s New Deal government’s FDIC reaction to the Photo gallery Exhibit- 7.5.b. The Second New Deal Takes Hold Great Depression Dorothea Lange i. Describe the purpose of the Second New Deal. affect the United ii. Identify the Second New Deal programs aimed at assisting young people and professionals. States?

7.5.c. The New Deal Affects Many Groups i. Analyze the effects of the New Deal programs on women. ii. Identify the groups that formed the New Deal coalition.

7.5.d. The Impact of the New Deal i. Summarize opinions about the effectiveness of the New Deal. ii. Describe the legacies of the New Deal. Character Counts Pillar: Caring Resources: Map: The Dust Bowl, 1933–1936 Literature: The Grapes of Wrath :, Dorothea Lange Photo Exhibit NY Times Grapes of Wrath Lesson Plans: 8.1. World War Looms 1931-1941 8.1.a. America Moves Toward War i. Describe the U.S. response to the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939. ii. Explain how Roosevelt assisted the Allies without declaring war. How did the rise of iii. Summarize the events that brought the United States into armed conflict with Germany. dictators contribute iv. Describe the American response to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. to the outbreak of Debate: “Resolved:

World War II? The U.S. has a 8.2. The United States in World War II 1941-1945 responsibility to end 8.2.a. Mobilizing for Defense How did the United its isolationism and i. Explain how the United States expanded its armed forces in World War II. States use its enter World War II.” ii. Describe the wartime mobilization of industry, labor, scientists, and the media. resources to win iii. Trace the efforts of the U.S. government to control the economy and deal with alleged subversion. World War II?

8.2.b. The War in the Pacific i. Identify key turning points in the war in the Pacific. ii. Describe the Allied offensive against the Japanese. iii. Explain both the development of the atomic bomb and debates about its use. Theme 8 iv. Describe the challenges faced by the Allies in building a just and lasting peace. A Nation Faces 8.2.c. The Home Front Conflict i. Describe the economic and social changes that reshaped American life during World War II. (1939-1960) ii. Summarize both the opportunities and the discrimination African Americans and other minorities experienced during the war Character Counts Pillar: Caring, Responsibility Resources: Map: The Dust Bowl, 1933–1936 Literature: The Grapes of Wrath Fireside Chats:, Dorothea Lange Photo Exhibit NY Times Grapes of Wrath Lesson Plans: 8.3. Cold War Conflicts 1945-1960 8.3.a. Origins of the Cold War Fishbowl Discussion: i. Explain the breakdown in relations between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II. Do Americans with ii. Summarize the steps taken to contain Soviet influence. What international communist beliefs iii. Describe how the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan deepened Cold War tensions. and domestic pose a threat to the tensions resulted nation? 8.3.b. The Cold War Heats Up from the Cold What can individual i. Explain how Communists came to power in China and how the United States reacted. War? citizens do to protect ii. Summarize the events of the Korean War. the rights of all iii. Explain the conflict between President Truman and General MacArthur people?

8.3.c. The Cold War at Home Should citizens speak i. Describe government efforts to investigate the loyalty of U.S. citizens. out to preserve the ii. Describe the efforts of Senator Joseph McCarthy to investigate alleged Communist influence in the United rights of others? States. Opinion Based Essay 8.3.d. Two Nations Live on the Edge (Ongoing) i. Describe American and Soviet actions that caused the Cold War to spread around the world. ii. Summarize the impact of Sputnik and the U-2 incident on the United States.

8.3.e. Kennedy and the Cold War i. Identify the factors that contributed to Kennedy’s election in 1960. ii. Summarize the crises that developed over Cuba. iii. Explain the Cold War symbolism of Berlin in the early 1960s.

8.3.f. The New Frontier i. Summarize the New Frontier domestic and foreign agendas. ii. Describe the tragic chain of events surrounding Kennedy’s assassination.

8.3.g. The Great Society i. Describe the political path that led Johnson to the White House. ii. Explain Johnson’s efforts to enact a domestic agenda. Character Counts Pillar: Caring, Responsibility Resources: Films:  Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.  The Manchurian Candidate. Primary Source: Judge, Edward, and John Langdon. The Cold War: A History Through Documents. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1999.

8.4. The Postwar Boom 1946-1960 8.4.a. Postwar America i. Identify economic and social problems Americans faced after World War II. ii. Explain how the desire for stability led to political conservatism. iii. Describe causes and effects of social unrest in the postwar period. Magazine Editorial:

“The American 8.4.b. The American Dream in the Fifties What economic, Dream” i. Explain how changes in business affected workers. social, and political Journal Entry: The ii. Describe the suburban lifestyle of the 1950s. 3. Identify causes and effects of the boom in the automobile changes occurred Rise of American industry. in the postwar Consumerism iii. Explain the increase in consumerism in the 1950s. United States? Group Presentation:

Disney Movies and 8.4.c. Popular Culture The Postwar Boom i. Explain how television programs in the 1950s reflected middle class values. ii. Describe ways that African-American entertainers integrated the media in the 1950s.

8.4.d. The Other America i. Describe the efforts of minorities to gain equal rights and fight poverty. Resources: Classroom Symbaloo Zaption Crash Course Quizzes Reading: “The Rise of American Consumerism”: “The Future” Video: “Tupperware Executive”: 9.1. Civil Rights 1954-1968 9.1.a. Taking on Segregation i. Explain how legalized segregation deprived African Americans of their rights as citizens. ii. Summarize civil rights legal activity and the response to the Plessy and Brown cases. iii. Trace Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, civil rights activities, beginning with the Montgomery Bus Boycott. iv. Describe the expansion of the civil rights movement.

9.1.b. The Triumph of a Crusade In what ways did Oral Report

i. Identify the goal of the freedom riders. African Americans Current Event

ii. Explain how civil rights activism forced President Kennedy to act against segregation. fight Presentation -

iii. State the motives of the 1963 March on Washington. discrimination HIstorical Relevance Theme 9 iv. Describe the tactics tried by civil rights organizations to secure passage of the Voting Rights Act. during the civil Journal Entry A Nation in rights era? Upheaval 9.1.c. Challenges and Changes in the Movement (1954-1975) i. Compare segregation in the North with segregation in the South. ii. Identify the leaders who shaped the Black Power movement. iii. Describe the reaction to the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. iv. Summarize the accomplishments of the civil rights movement. Character Counts Pillar: Caring, Responsibility, Citizenship Resources: Photograph: March from Selma to Montgomery Movies: Selma, The Color Purple Primary Sources: Civil Rights Song; “I Have a Dream” National Media Coverage of Birmingham; “Letter from a Birmingham Jail;” Birmingham Church Bombing Secondary Source: IRacism Article: / 9.2. The Vietnam War Years 1954-1975 9.2.a. Moving Toward Conflict i. Summarize Vietnam’s history as a French colony and its struggle for independence. ii. Examine how the United States became involved in the Vietnam conflict. iii. Describe the expansion of U.S. military involvement under President Johnson.

9.2.b. U.S. Involvement and Escalation i. Explain the reasons for the escalation of U.S. involvement in Vietnam. ii. Describe the military tactics and weapons used by U.S. forces and the Vietcong. In what ways did iii. Explain the impact of the war on American society Oral Report African Americans Current Event fight 9.2.c. A Nation Divided Presentation - discrimination i. Explain the draft policies that led to the Vietnam War becoming a working-class war. HIstorical Relevance during the civil ii. Trace the roots of opposition to the war. Journal Entry rights era? iii. Describe the antiwar movement and the growing divisions in U.S. public opinion about the war.

9.2.d. 1968: A Tumultuous Year i. Describe the Tet offensive and its effect on the American public. ii. Explain the domestic turbulence of 1968. iii. Describe the 1968 presidential election.

9.2.e. The End of the War and Its Legacy i. Describe Nixon’s policy of Vietnamization. ii. Explain the public’s reaction to the Vietnam War during Nixon’s presidency. iii. Describe the end of U.S. involvement and the final outcome in Vietnam. iv. Examine the war’s painful legacy in the United States and Southeast Asia. Character Counts Pillar: Caring, Responsibility, Citizenship Resources  Original Documents (photos):  Comparing Perspectives: