The “Eierleset” – The World Comes to Basel Vita Parcours! Get Heart and Soul: A Most Egg-cellent BASELWORLD Going in the Great Basel Welcomes Swiss Tradition Outdoors Blues & Jazz

Volume 1 Issue 6


A Family Guide to Discovering Basel for the Expat Community APRIL 2013

It’s just another busy April 1st in Barfüsserplatz. Or is it? Don’t be fooled, for there are at least 25 things that are not quite right in this photograph. How many can you find?

(Find 25 oddities – and you could win a prize! Details inside on page 2.)


Dear Readers, MAGAZINE With spring break already upon us, we thought that you APRIL 2013 Volume 1 • Issue 6 would enjoy receiving your copy of Basel Family Magazine a little earlier. It is again filled with information about what TABLE OF CONTENTS to do in the Basel area and, as usual, there is no shortage of events to write about! Be sure to read about BASELWORLD, Basel Traditions: The “Eierleset” 3Basel’s economically most important event that will change the face of our lovely city for eight days.

Featured Event: BASELWORLD 2013 4 – 5 In addition to being rich in watches and jewellery, this month is especially rich in musical events, with an impressive line-up of acts for both the Blues Festival April Events in Basel 6 – 7 Basel and the Jazz Festival Basel. There are also a vast number of shows sure to please the whole family or for Special Event / Basel: Jazz Festival Basel 2013 8a great parents’ night out. In addition, the coming of spring brings many try-outs for kids to stimulate their interest in a new sport, and the University of Basel has Fun Family Outings: Beyond Basel 9re-started their Kids Lab and their regular discussions on scientific topics for families. Also, peek inside for infor- Markets and Fairs in Basel 10 mation and tips on really great day outings for your family in Switzerland, France, and Germany, and read this month’s Information Desk to learn about Vita Parcours, a fun way to Did You Know? 11 get back into shape outdoors.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our Center Calendar: April 12 – 13 readers who have taken the time to visit our web site to leave us such wonderful feedback. It is both motivating Sports and Recreation 14 – 15 and reassuring to know that we are making the relocation experience for Basel’s expats more fulfilling and enjoyable by sharing our knowledge and passion for this vibrant city. Workshops, Tours, and Education in Basel 16 – 17 If you enjoy reading Basel Family Magazine and be- lieve that you and your colleagues would benefit from receiving it through your workplace, please contact your The Info Desk: Vita Parcours 18 company’s HR or relocation services about working with us to make Basel Family Magazine accessible to all of their expat Ticket Office 19 employees. Wishing you an enjoyable and safe spring break! Entertainment: Parents’ Night Out 20 – 21

Eating Out in Basel: The “Blind Date” Experience 22 Christine Christine Pesold Wine Notes: Chardonnay 23 Editor-in-Chief [email protected] Mark Your Calendar: May 2013 Back Page

Basel Family Magazine Contacts Editor-in-Chief: Christine Pesold “ Barfoolserplatz Raffle”— Your Chance to Win! Advertising Manager / If you think that you have found the 25 things wrong with Editor: Susanne Hiller the Barfüsserplatz picture on this month’s cover, write us Art Director: an e-mail entitled “Barfoolserplatz” with your contact Jon Hoefer information and answers to: info@baselfamilymagazine. com. The first six correct responses will receive 2 tickets For more information: front cover photo credit: to Europapark, or family passes to the Erlebniskletterwald [email protected] © jon hoefer /“april fools” location: barfüsserplatz, basel (Rope Climbing Park) in Lörrach, Germany. Good Luck!

Basel Family Magazine © Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be duplicated in any fashion, or redistributed in any written language, without permission from the executive staff at Basel Family Magazine. It is our goal to provide valuable, timely information to the expat community of Basel. The opinions expressed in the articles in this magazine are those of the contributing authors and do not reflect those of other members of the editorial staff and of any organizations or agencies distributing this magazine. Though we make every attempt to provide accurate information, we cannot be held responsible if any event is cancelled, postponed, or modified. We encourage readers to contact the event organizers or their websites to obtain the most current event information. If you have any questions, please contact Basel Family Magazine staff at: [email protected]

2 BASEL FAMILY MAGAZINE Basel Traditions by Susanne Hiller

The “Eierleset”— Not Your Typical Egg-and-Spoon Race photo credits: © tv arlesheim, sv sissach © credits: photo Around the world, many Easter There are several communities near Basel traditions involve the egg, which originally was a pagan symbol of new life and where you can go and watch an Eierleset the renewal that comes along with spring. In Christianity, the egg was considered on Sunday, April 7: a symbol of the resurrection of Christ. In some of the communities around Basel in the cantons of Baselland, Aargau, and Solothurn, however, another egg-related Arlesheim tradition has survived that takes place after Easter—the “Eierleset” (egg race). Location: In the center of Arlesheim, in The origins of this event go back to the 16th century and likely are rather front of the “Trotte” practical: During the lent season preceding Easter, it was not only prohibited to Time: Races start with the children’s eat meat but also eggs. However, the chickens of course kept laying eggs; in fact, race at 13:30; however, they are with the lengthening days and warmer temperatures they would lay more eggs starting out at 11:00 with a than during the winter months. This resulted in large numbers of eggs piling up in brunch, accompanied by a people’s homes that needed to be dealt with. For example, people would pay part jazz band. of their taxes to the Church and the authorities in the form of eggs. But another way to get rid of excess eggs was a friendly competition in the form of an egg race Arboldswil after the lent period ended. For this, several rows of raw eggs, spaced about half a Location: At the sports field Arboldswil meter apart, were laid out and one of the competitors—the gatherer—would have Time: Races start at 11:00; they are to run to the farthest egg in the row, pick it up, and bring it back to the starting followed by an “Eiertätsch” point and drop it in a big vat of water, then run to get the next egg and so on, (scrambled-egg lunch) all without breaking a single egg. At the same time, his opponent—the runner— would run a predetermined longer distance but without picking up any eggs, and Läufelfingen whichever one of the two completed their task first was the winner. Location: In front of the train station The first reliably documented Eierleset in Basel took place at Petersplatz in 1556, Time: Kids’ race at 13:30, where the runner had to run from Petersplatz to Schützenmatt while the gatherer Main race at 14:00 had to pick up 50 eggs. Subsequently, the event was moved to Münsterplatz and typically was held on Easter Monday. In 1789, the date was moved to the Sunday Muttenz after Easter, and that is still the day when these races are held today. In Basel, Location: Behind the church in the upper the last Eierleset on Münsterplatz was held in 1880; in some of the surrounding part of the village communities, however, the tradition has survived until today. Time: 14:00 Today’s races typically are organized by local sports clubs and involve two or more teams competing against each other. Thus, for each team a row of about 100 eggs Pratteln is prepared on the street, with the eggs sitting on little piles of grains. Each team Location: At Schmittiplatz / Hauptstrasse features several gatherers, which may include adults and children, as well as a in Pratteln catcher, because nowadays the gatherers don’t carry the eggs all the way back to the collection site. Instead, they have to throw them the last 5 or so meters to the Time: 14:00; they also have food and catcher, who tries to catch them in a big flat basket filled with grains and chaff. drinks available either outside And since at least some of the eggs are raw rather than hard boiled, a missed catch or in the Alte Dorfturnhalle (old can turn a bit messy for the catcher or others nearby! Also, for the gatherers it is village gymnasium) no longer just a matter of running back and forth to pick up the eggs. No, there Seltisberg are special tasks that they have to fulfill for at least some of the eggs, suchas Location: Mehrzweckhalle Seltisberg collecting the eggs while running on stilts, with one (multi-purpose hall) leg tied to that of a partner in a three-legged race, while Time: 14:00-19:00 riding on an office chair or scooter, or while pushing another team member in a wheel barrow, making the Sissach event highly entertaining for spectators to watch. Location: Begegnungszone (pedestrian And once it’s over and all the eggs have been zone) in the center of Sissach gathered, those that did not break during the com- Time: Race starts at 14:00; this is petition are turned into masses of scrambled eggs, to followed by an “Eiertätsch” be shared by competitors and spectators alike! around 16:00. photo credits: © tv arlesheim © credits: photo


BASELWORLD 2013 April 25 – May 2 photo credit: © baselworld credit: photo

BASELWORLD is a watch, jewellery, and precious-stone show the name was changed yet again, to BASEL 83. The show’s expansion continued, and in 1986 it was opened to manufac- that is held for 8 days each year in Basel. This year, it will be held turers from around the world. The name BASEL followed by for the first time in Basel’s new Messe (Congress Hall), which the last two digits of the year of the show was maintained until opens just in time for what is considered Basel most important 1995, when it was extended to BASEL 95 — The World Watch, Clock and Jewellery Show. The current name, BASELWORLD, show. It is the world’s biggest and most significant event of its The Watch and Jewellery Show, was adopted in 2003 and kind and brings over 100,000 visitors from 100 countries around is normally abbreviated to simply BASELWORLD. the world. This year, there will be 1,815 exhibitors from 45 coun- What Does BASELWORLD Mean for Basel? tries—specialists in watches, jewellery, precious gems, and The show is economically so important for Basel that they related brands—showcasing their latest products, collections, opened a new 160,000m2 hall complex in 2004, called the Hall creations, and innovations to those in the industry. During this of Universe, to house the national pavilions. Subsequently, 2 week, merchandise worth tens of billions of dollars is displayed, they built a new 141,000m exhibition hall that was complet- ed just in time for this year’s BASELWORLD. This CHF 430- bought, and traded. In addition to the jewelers, wholesalers, million investment, the biggest investment ever made in Swit- retailers, agents, and distributors, there will be 3,300 journalists zerland’s exhibition industry, secures the future of the show in Basel. In addition, BASELWORLD not only leads directly to the from 70 countries coming to interview the CEOs of the biggest export of tens of millions of Swiss watches each year, but also brands in watch and jewellery, and report on the new products, brings a healthy economic boost to local businesses, airlines, elegance, and luxury that defines this most extravagant show. trains, hotels, shops, restaurants, private and public transport, etc. And even more importantly, it has placed Basel as a city, and Switzerland as a country, as the well-respected leaders of The History of BASELWORLD the watch industry, which is vital to Switzerland’s economy. It all started with a few stands for jewellery and watch What Does BASELWORLD Mean for Baslers? manufacturers at the MUBA in 1917. This was met with such success that in 1931 the MUBA organizers began to dedicate To you and everyone else living in and around the city it an entire pavilion to watch manufacturers and called it Sch- means that for that one week, the face of Basel changes. The weizer Uhrenmesse (Swiss Watch Show). In 1973, they invited city center is filled with visitors—strangely mostly dressed in watch companies from other European countries to exhibit black—and the restaurants are off-limits to locals for lunch and changed the name of the show to Europäische Uhren und and dinner unless you want to wait over an hour for a table Schmuckmesse (European Watch and Jewellery Show). In 1983, (best to brown-bag it during this week!). Many store fronts

4 BASEL FAMILY MAGAZINE are stocked with bells, mugs, and key chains bearing the Swiss flags, as well as mountains of chocolate in all types of souvenir packaging—the kinds of chocolate that only tour- ists buy—whereas the really good stuff that the locals enjoy and which comes in simple packaging is hidden somewhere in the back of the basement level of the store! Many of the larger shops are open on the Sunday of that week (April 28, this year) to try to cash in on the sea of visitors looking to spend their money on such Swiss souvenirs. The streets are riddled with musicians and artists of all kinds trying to make a few francs, and the Rhein is home to a fleet of hotel boats brought in to accommodate the thousands of tourists, as there simply are not enough hotels in the Basel region. As most of the merchandise is brought in from other countries, border crossings in and out of Switzerland can be delayed and cars are subjected to more frequent searches, so watch your limits! Additionally, in the days leading up to and following BASELWORLD, there are frequent police- escorted motorcades driving the precious goods to and from the Messe, often causing temporary street closures and de- tours. And if you are commuting into the city, make sure to plan some extra time because traffic in the mornings and afternoons can be very heavy with exhibitors and visitors.

Visiting the Show Even if you are not in the watch and jewellery business, a visit to BASELWORLD will not disappoint. The unbelievably opulent, creative, and glamorous displays—some 3-stories high, others equipped with indoor waterfalls—will dazzle any visitor. You will also get the first peek into Basel’s new exhibition hall. BASELWORLD is open to the public daily 9:00-18:00 (last day 9:00-16:00). Day-tickets for adults are CHF 60, 8-day passes are CHF 150, and kids under 12 are free. For more information check their website:

BASELWORLD Heists! With goods worth billions of francs on display, BASELWORLD is not exempt from drama.

At BASELWORLD 2011, a group of possibly five highly professional thieves stole four diamonds worth millions of francs from a stand. Three would-be clients distract- ed an Israeli dealer, while their two accomplices broke into the display case and stole the diamonds. The five got away despite a quick alert being raised and the hall being sealed off within minutes to prevent them from leaving. Although the police have fingerprints and video surveillance footage, the thieves remain at large.

At BASELWORLD 2009, a thief attempted to steal CHF 13 million worth in jewels but was quickly apprehended and is serving a three-year prison sentence—does that mean he will be out in time for BASELWORLD 2013?

At BASELWORLD 2006, there was a $ 825,000 heist that was kept pretty quiet by BASELWORLD officials.

In addition to the heists at BASELWORLD, vendors and dealers have occasionally reported their goods stolen at airports or en route to the event.

APRIL 2013 5 April Events in Basel

Apassionata April 6 and 7 This is the 10th anniversary of this very popular horse show that is described as the magical encounter between man and horse. The show entitled “Magische Begegnungen” (Magical Encounters) takes the audience on a magical journey that is an explosion of emotion, a show of electrifying music and spectacular acts that is a great experience for the whole family. There are three shows (afternoon and evening on Saturday and af- ternoon on Sunday) that take place at the St. Jakobshalle in Basel. photo credit: © good news credit: photo International Tango Festival & the Mojo Workers ( while chugging Mach 28 – April 1 along on a 42-km route from Sissach to Läufelfingen to Olten and back. There is a morning Brunch & Blues trip departing Basel is host to this year’s 14th International Tango in Sissach at 10:45 and returning at 13:00 on both Saturday Festival called OsterTango (Easter Tango), which coincides with and Sunday and an afternoon Coffee & Blues trip from 14:45- the 25th anniversary of Basel’s tango school. The best tango 17:00 on Saturday and 13:45-16:00 on Sunday. The price for couples will be present, accompanied by two stylistically the trip is CHF 40 for second class and CHF 50 for first class very different orchestras. Visitors and tango enthusiasts from tickets. Brunch is CHF 25 extra, and cake and coffee can be around the world can enjoy dance shows, concerts, films, purchased on the afternoon Coffee & Blues rides. Tickets can fashion, and even many dance opportunities. be purchased at the Basler Zeitung (BaZ) in Aeschenplatz, the Bahnhof SBB Sissach and Olten, or by email at [email protected]. Cycling in the Church April 6 The next edition of Indoor Cycling Biel-Bienne will take place Bookworms Program — English / German at the Elisabethenkirche in Basel. The idea behind this day is April 9 to challenge oneself to remain in motion on stationary bikes Bibliothek Basel West is hosting a book group for fathers, for eight straight hours, which is why they have also affection- mothers, or grandparents with babies and toddlers ages ately named the event Emotion in Motion. The event takes 9 months to 3 years in English and German. Playfully experi- place from 12:00-20:00 and will be orchestrated by renowned ence the English and German language with nursery rhymes, instructors. There are only 100 stationary bikes available, finger plays, action stories, singing, and looking at picture so register now to take part in this party; registration costs books! Participation is free of charge and no registration CHF 150 and is accepted until March 31. is required. There will be something in English and German; so everybody can join. From 10:00-10:30 at Allschwilerstrasse html 90 in Basel.

Chinese National Circus April 11 The Musical Theater in Basel is the location for this 2-hour spec- tacle that will take you on a journey to show you the symbiotic relationship between 2,000 years of acrobatic history and the more than three millennia-old teachings of Feng Shui. photo credit: © modern steam am hauenstein © modern credit: photo Blues-Train Family Concert April 6 & 7 April 20 Come and enjoy blues music on a steam train! As part of the 14th The Basel Symphony Orchestra presents “Pinocchio und der Blues Festival Basel you can listen to the music of Marco Marchi Flötenspieler” (Pinocchio and the Flute Player). Bring your

6 BASEL FAMILY MAGAZINE April Events in Basel

kids to enjoy this delightful story of a flute player from Hame- lin who walks into the workshop of woodcarver Gepetto and buys three flutes. Rejoicing, Gepetto then carves out the most beautiful doll that he calls Pinocchio, whose curiosity takes him out into the world to discover the secret of Gepetto’s flutes. The story is professionally narrated and accompanied by a flautist. Tickets are CHF 35 for adults and CHF 15 for kids and can be purchased at Bider & Tanner and Musik Wyler.

KidsHotel April 20-21 Are you in desperate need for a quiet night with your spouse? Would your kids like an overnight adventure? The basel © mz-dee / blues credit: photo “KidsHotel” may be just what your family needs! Quartier- 14th Blues Festival Basel treffpunkt BURG is offering kids a different kind of hotel experience. Located in the Werkraum Warteck, kids can do April 9-14 a variety of activities in the ateliers and workshops, followed This 6-day popular event features international stars from by a sleep- over on the premises. Cost is CHF 60 per child the world of blues as well as talent from the local music and includes meals, activities, and sleepover. For more scene. The festival culminates with the presentation of information, contact V. Winter at 061-692-6102. the “Grammy des Schweizer Blues” (the Grammy of Swiss Blues). All shows take place at the Volkshaus Basel, starting at 20:00, except for the brunch show on Sunday, which will run from 11:00-13:00. Hänsel and Gretel April 20 – June 16 April 9: Promo Blues Night—The three Swiss bands that Basler Kinder Theater will be presenting the Brothers’ Grimm won the talent competition (entrance is free) classic story of “Hänsel and Gretel.” The sometimes happy, sometimes sad, somewhat scary, but also funny production, April 10: Opening Blues Night—George Schroeter & Marc coupled with a splendid scenery promises to be magic for the Breitfelder (D) and Sharrie Williams & Band (USA) entire family. Tickets are CHF 12 for kids, CHF 14 for adults, April 11: American Blues Night—Earl Thomas (USA) and or CHF 6 for each family member with the Familienpass. Philipp Frankhauser (CH) April 12: italian–American Blues Night—Mz Dee & Maurizio Pugno Organ Trio + 4 horns (IT) Bookworms Program—English April 23 April 13: Swiss Blues Award Gala Night—Bluecerne (CH) Bibliothek Basel West is hosting a book group for fathers, and Lurrie Bell & Sam Burckhardt with the Living mothers, or grandparents with babies and toddlers ages History Band (USA) 9 months to 4 years. Join an interactive and enjoyable April 14: Festival Blues Brunch All Stars experience with your child as you explore language in the amusing world of nursery rhymes and stories that are all read, spoken, and sung in English in a fun and playful envi- ronment. Participation is free of charge and no registration is required. From 10:00-10:30 at Allschwilerstrasse 90 in Basel.

Jazz Concert at the Tinguely Museum April 26 From 16:00-18:00 on the last Friday of every month, top jazz performers will be giving concerts in the space dedicated to the current exhibition at the Tinguely Museum, providing a musical highlight and a point of focus. Roche ’n’ Jazz continues the company’s tradition of cultural commitment and aims to encourage people to discuss and explore the many and varied aspects of modern art and modern music in a relaxed atmosphere. Concert is free with admission to the museum.


Jazz Festival Basel 2013 April 19 – May 6 The Offbeat-Concert series is presenting another fabulous line-up of concerts as part of the Jazz Festival Basel. The concerts will be held at various locations around Basel and tickets can be purchased online or in person at the BaslerZeitung (BaZ) in Aeschenplatz, Bider & Tanner, Stadt-Casino Basel, Manor, Migros, post offices, and the SBB ticket counter. photo credit: © felix broede / chet records © felix broede credit: photo


April 19 Jasmin Tabatabai & Opening Night – Vocal – Jazz Stadt-Casino Basel Musiksaal 20:15 David Klein Quartet

April 20 Buika Trio Spanish Night – The Queen of Flamenco Stadt-Casino Basel Musiksaal 20:15

April 21 Juan de Marcos & Afro Cuban Night Stadt-Casino Basel Festsaal 20:15 Cuban All Stars Buena Vista Social Club

April 22 Anouar Brahem Quartet Oriental Night – East Meets West Stadt-Casino Basel Musiksaal 20:15

April 23 Colin Vallon Solo The Art of Piano Solo Stadt-Casino Basel Musiksaal 20:00 Gonzalo Rubalcaba Solo

April 24 Alex Hendriksen Duo & Jazz in Church – The Basel Sax Night Martinskirche Basel 20:00 Andy Scherrer Duo

April 25 Feigenwinter Moreira Schärli Presented by Bird’s Eye Jazzclub Bird’s Eye Jazzclub 20:30

April 26 Maria Mendes & Band Presented by Bird’s Eye Jazzclub Bird’s Eye Jazzclub 20:30

April 29 iiro Rantala Europe String Trio Scandinavian Night Gare du Nord 20:30

April 29 Joscha Arnold Quintett in cooperation with Jazzschule Basel Bar du Nord 19:00 + 22:15

April 30 Danilo Rea & Flavio Italian Night – In cooperation with Gare du Nord 20:30 Boltro Duo 2.Jazzdayfestival

April 30 Tendencia Nueva In cooperation with Jazzschule Basel Bar du Nord 19:00 + 23:00 and 2.Jazzdayfestival

May 1 Ravi Coltrane / Ralph Alessi new York Now Gare du Nord 20:30 Quintet

May 1 Fly-Agaric Jazz In cooperation with Jazzschule Basel Bar du Nord 19:00 + 23:00

May 2 nils Landgren Funk Unit Funky & Dancefloor Theater Basel – Foyer 20:30

May 3 Eric Bibb & Habib Koité Trio Mama Koné Percussion Kaserne Basel 20:00 Brothers in Bamako

May 4 Mike Stern / Bill Evans Band Funky & Electric Kaserne Basel 20:00 Feat. Dave Weckl & Tom Kennedy

May 5 Paolo Fresu & D. Mistico Mediterraneo Kaserne Basel 20:00 Di Buonaventura & Chor a Filetta

May 6 new Gary Burton Quartet The 70th Birthday Concert Stadt-Casino Basel Musiksaal 20:15 Featuring Antonio Sanchez

8 BASEL FAMILY MAGAZINE Fun Family Outings: Beyond Basel

Outdoor Climbing Park Lörrach, Germany Erlebniskletterwald is a climbing park that has you moving between trees high in the air along cables, ropes, and ladders or zipping at high speed along a cable. The park, which is located in a forest in nearby Lörrach, Germany, has many different sections for be- ginners, intermediate, advanced, and even pairs. It is geared toward the ac- tive and adventurous; kids must be over 1.40-meters in height, or 1.30 meters if accompanied by an adult. Closed on Mondays (except during holidays) and if the weather is rainy or stormy. photo credit: © erlebniskletterwald credit: photo

Chagall Exhibit special events help create a vivid impression of what rural life Kunsthaus, Zürich must have been like over a century ago. Many of the build- ings house themed exhibits dedicated to aspects of historical The Kunsthaus Zürich is hosting an exhibition of some rural life, from silk production, traditional costumes, folk 90 paintings and works by Marc Chagall, one of the most music, information on historical agriculture, to the impor- famous and popular artists of the 20th century. His pictures of tance of forests, mules, bee-keeping, birthing, marriage and Russian village life, floating figures, flying cows, and roosters death. They also have special children’s exhibits, including are world famous. The exhibition focuses on the years from the Magic Forest and the House For Touching. Only 1¾-hour 1911 to 1922, which were key to the artist’s career and in from Basel, it is a great way to spend a whole day touch- which Chagall established himself as a master of modernity. ing, learning, and exploring. They open for the season on The exhibition runs until May 12. The museum is open Sun- April 13. day to Tuesday from 10:00-18:00, and Wednesday to Friday from 10:00 to 20:00; note that the museum is only open on Mondays during the Chagall exhibit! Papiliorama Kerzers Discover Alsace A visit to this center is If you want to discover Alsace, there is a website designed like many outings in to help you do just that. It is organized by region and even one, and is well worth has videos to show you the different areas, the museums, the 70-minute drive restaurants, culture, and customs. The website is in French from Basel. There is only, but the video clips and pictures make it nonetheless a huge dome that worth a visit. houses a tropical gar- den with thousands of butterflies flying all around you and some- © susanne hiller credit: photo Ballenberg – Swiss Open Air Museum times even landing on you! Another large exhibit called Noc- Hofstetten, Berner Oberland turama houses only nocturnal animals. It is designed such Take a walk through the past in this open-air museum, and that it mimics nighttime. Once your eyes have adjusted to visit more than one hundred century-old buildings from all the low-lighting conditions, you can observe nocturnal ani- over Switzerland. Kids will enjoy the 250 farmyard animals, mals in their active cycle. You even have to walk through a which include hens, ducks, geese, rabbits, goats, sheep, pigs, bat cave! There is also a jungle trek—a copy of the protected cattle and oxen, horses, and donkeys. There are traditional area of Shipstern in Belize—where you can see toucans, ro- old-time gardens and fields, as well as daily demonstrations seate spoonbills, iguanas, and numerous other animals. An of local crafts, such as bread baking, needle work, wood-carv- Anthropodarium, a petting zoo, and an outdoor playground ing, hat-making, cheese-making, bobbin-lace making, basket complete the visit. Note that it is quite hot and humid in the weaving, oil pressing, silk ribbon weaving, sawmill, saddlery, butterfly dome and is recommended to enter wearing light shingle-making, forging, chocolate production, hand-knit- clothing, or you may need to exit a few times to cool down. ted lacework, pottery, weaving, and barrel making. Other

APRIL 2013 9 Markets and Fairs in Basel

Nature Market in Riehen April 27 From 9:00-14:00, the annual nature market will be held in front of the Niederholz train station in Riehen. Here you can buy local plants, herbs, seedlings, products, beautiful flower arrangements, and stone bird baths as well as receive lots of practical tips and advice on gardening, rare garden birds, bird nesting houses, and how to recover species in the garden. You can buy butterfly-friendly plants and even buy or build your own bee hotel. They also offer lunch of seasonal foods and a variety of activities for the children! umweltschutz/naturmaert photo credit: © jon hoefer credit: photo Fleamarket in Petersplatz Classic Vintage Watch Exhibition Every Saturday from 7:30-16:00, Petersplatz is transformed into April 28 a popular meeting place for all flea-market lovers. From fine an- Running in parallel to BASELWORLD tiques to coins, stamps, dishes, and bicycles, there is something is the vintage watch exhibition at for everyone—at extremely competitive prices. In the center of the Stadt-Casino Basel. This is a one- the square, kids ages 4-14 are welcome to come and sell their day event where collectors and deal- own children’s items. Just spread out a blanket with your wares, ers of rare vintage watches can come and someone will come around to collect the CHF 5 stand fee. and display, buy, sell and trade their No electronic items or war toys permitted! There is plenty of watches. The fair is open from 9:30 – animation for the kids and fun for the whole family. 16:30. Cost: CHF 20, kids free. exchanges © int-watch credit: photo Market and Brunch Every Sunday from 10:00-16:00, there is a brunch at the SUD. The brunch consists of bread with meat and cheeses as well as other proteins and of course, there is also coffee, tea and juice to boost your spirits, and the necessary Müesli to complete any Swiss breakfast. Every first Sunday of the month, the brunch is accompanied by a market with childcare (Markt & Brunch), and every second Sunday, the brunch is accompanied by a swap- market (Tausch & Brunch). So come and stroll, rummage, dine, and enjoy.

Bicycle Day April 14 Ready to get your bicycle into shape for the riding season? Everyone is invited to come and use the workshop to clean, repair, or do spring maintenance on their bike. Use of tools and facilities are free. On the same day from 12:00-17:00, there will be a bicycle-parts flea market called Tour des Trucs. Here you can buy or sell used bicycles, bicycle parts, and related clothing and equipment. aktivitaeten/agenda.html

Indoor Flea Market April 20 Aktienmühle is the location for this giant indoor flea market where you can find anything from the missing silver spoon to children’s bikes or that vintage leather jacket. Stop in anytime between 13:00-18:00.


Familienpass The “Familienpass” is a membership card that is primarily designed to offer new and exciting opportunities to families with school-aged children. The annual membership costs CHF 30 for the whole family, and will pay for itself many times over throughout the year. When you join, they will start you off with a bundle of coupons offering free entry to various venues around town, including swimming pools, skating rinks, cinemas, recreation centers, and climbing halls, not to mention discounts at books stores, just to name a few. Members also regularly receive their magazine, which outlines different activities available and special offers, including discounts on many rides at the Herbstmesse and at many stands at the Christmas market. Wherever you see the “Familienpass” logo displayed, you and your family can receive discounts with the card. Visit their website to find out more about the card and the list of participating merchants, and to register online.

The Swiss City Guide App phones on them and it is a painfully long process for emergency for Basel personnel to call the various numbers in the phone in an effort to contact the victim’s loved ones. To make this process easi- There is a Swiss City Guide app er, it is recommended that you enter your emergency contact for Basel that is available for person’s phone number in your mobile’s phone book under iPhones and also now for An- the acronym ICE. This will enable police to quickly contact the droid smartphones. It is not appropriate person if necessary. If you have more than one only useful to your out-of-town emergency contact person, you can list them as ICE1, ICE2, guests, helping them find their ICE3, and so on. For more information about this, go to: way around Basel, but is also great for newcomers to the city. It features an integrated map and can show you the best route back to your home/hotel; pinpoint interesting museums, the- atres, and cinemas; tell you what events are on around town; and much more. The app is also packed with practical tips and features interesting city tours, including marked routes, descriptive texts, and brief audio commentaries. What’s more, no active Internet connection is needed to use the app, meaning that international visitors do not have to pay roaming charges. To learn more or download, visit their website. app-basel

Book Donations Wanted In June, the GGG library Basel West, together with Centrepoint, the American Women’s Club, and the Anglican Church, will organize a sale of second-hand English-language books and DVDs for children, adolescents, and adults. They are looking for donations of media in good conditions. You can drop off any donations at the library, which is located at Allschwil- er Str. 90 (tram no. 6 to Allschwilerplatz or bus no. 36 to Morgartenring). Their opening hours are Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 14:00-18:30, Tuesday 10:00-12:00 and 14:00-18:30, and Saturday 10:00-16:00 (closed Monday).

In Case of Emergency In an emergency or accident (car, cycling, skiing, fire etc.), police often struggle to reach the “emergency contact person” of the victim. Did you know that the internationally recognized acronym for one’s emergency contact person is ICE (In Case of Emergency)? Victims of accidents are often found with their cell

APRIL 2013 11 APRIL 2013



Bentley and Rolls Royce Exhibit MAR 31 APR 1 2 3 Basel >> International Tango Festival >> English Storytelling until April 7 >> Kunstmuseum Tour (Picasso) >> Easter Workshop

Hänsel and Gretel Basel April 20 – June 16

Picasso Exhibit Kunstmuseum Basel until July 21 7 8 9 10 >> Basel Wine Ship (Wyschiff) >> The Musical Box >> Kids Judo Trial Holiday Fun in the Park >> Apassionata >> Tinguely Museum Tour (English) >> Family Tour of Basler Zeitung Basel >> Blues-Train >> Kids Trial Boxing >> Opening Blues Night March 25 – April 5 >> Napkin Folding Workshop >> Bicycle Race >> Eierleset >> Promo Blues Night Chagall Exhibit Zürich >> Market and Brunch >> Bookworms – English / German Until May 12

14 >> Bicycle Day 15 16 17 >> Festival Blues Brunch >> Kids Trial Boxing >> Wine Pairing Evening >> Sport Swap and Brunch >> Bicycle Race >> Kasperli Theatre (German) >> Fondation Beyeler Tour (Hodler) >> Rock the Ballet >> Science for Families >> Chrischonaturm Visit >> Kids Lab >> Kids Lab >> Mystical Dance of Ireland >> Fondation Beyeler Tour and >> Celtic Legends Workshop for Kids

Life Coaching and Workshops 21 22 23 24 for Mums Abroad >> Kids Hotel >> Anouar Brahem Quartet >> Kids Trial Boxing >> Kids Lab >> Rowing Trial Afternoon >> Tinguely Museum Tour (English) >> Afternoon on the Farm Helping you through >> Melody Gardot >> Beauty and the Beast >> Alex Hendriksen Duo and challenges, choices & change >> Rock the Ballet >> Colin Vallon Solo and Gonzalo Andy Scherrer Duo Please contact Kirstin Barton on >> Brunch Rubalcaba Solo [email protected] >> Juan de Marcos & Buena Vista >> Bookworms – English Social Club >> Bicycle Race * for information about her 2013 workshop & coaching programme * to arrange your free exploratory 28 29 30 MAY 1 session >> BASELWORLD * for your free Roots & Wings >> Classic Vintage Watch Exhibit >> Iiro Rantala Europe String Trio >> Bicycle Race >> R. Coltrane / R. Alessi Quintet Newsletter >> The Beatles Musical >> Joscha Arnold Quintett >> Joe Cocker Concert >> Fly-Agaric Jazz >> Brunch >> Danilo Rea & Flavio Boltro Duo Check out the Facebook Page or >> Tendencia Nueva BASEL FAMILY MAGAZINE IMPORTANT NUMBERS SOS: 112

WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Police: 117 Fire Department: 118 4 5 0 6 Ambulance: 144 >> English Storytelling >> Basel Wine Ship (Wyschiff) Poison Center: 145 >> Easter Workshop >> Easter Workshop >> European Wine Evening >> Apassionata A Hand in Need: 143 >> Blues-Train >> Napkin Folding Workshop Child/Teen Helpline: 147 >> ABBA Gold Afterhours Pharmacy >> Dance Party Petersgraben 3, Basel >> Cycling in the Church 061 263 7575 11 12 13 Kinderspital >> Kids Judo Trial >> English Comedy >> & Band >> French / German Poetry Spitalstrasse 33, Basel >> Family Tour of Basler Zeitung >> Chinese National Circus >> Italian-American Blues Night >> Aikido Morning 061 704 1212 >> Opening Blues Night >> American Blues Night >> Swiss Blues Award Gala Emergency Dentist / Doctor 24 hour / 365 days service 061 261 1515

18 19 20 >> Wine Pairing Evening >> Karen Lovely Band >> Kids Hotel >> St. Jakob Outdoor Pool Opening >> Kasperli Theatre (German) >> Telebasel Family Tour >> J. Tabatabai & D. Klein Quartet >> Family Concert >> Rowing Trial Afternoon >> Rock the Ballet >> Flea Market Aktienmühle >> Spring Ball 2013 >> Chrischonaturm Visit >> Ape-House Tour Basel Zoo >> Buika Trio >> Kids Lab >> Trapeze and Circus Silk Wkshp >> Rock the Ballet >> Fondation Beyeler Tour and >> Japanese and German Stories Workshop for Kids 25 26 27 >> Kids Lab >> BASELWORLD >> Afternoon on the Farm >> Austrian Wine Evening >> Jazz Concert at Tinguely >> Nature Market in Riehen >> Alex Hendriksen Duo and >> Feigenwinter Moreira Schärli >> English Storytelling (Jukibu) >> Relay Race: Quer Durch Basel Andy Scherrer Duo >> Maria Mendes & Band >> Spring Ball


>> Basel Events MAY 1 2 3 4 >> Events Beyond Basel >> BASELWORLD >> Sports and Recreation >> R. Coltrane / R. Alessi Quintet >> Nils Landgren Funk Unit >> Eric Bibb & Habib Koité Trio >> Mike Stern / Bill Evans Band >> Fly-Agaric Jazz >> Brothers in Bama Ko >> Workshops, Tours, and Education >> Entertainment: Parents’ Night Out >> Markets and Fairs >> Special Announcements / Events Sports and Recreation

Outdoor Swimming Pools Starts April 20 Basel has three main outdoor swimming pools (Gartenbäder): St. Jakob, Eglisee, and Bachgraben. Of these, St. Jakob has a heated outdoor pool and therefore already opens on April 20, weather permitting. (The others will open in May.) You can pay as you go (6 CHF for adults/ CHF 2.50 for kids 6-16), buy a 10-ticket booklet, or a season pass. The Familienpass is accepted for big discounts at these pools. For more information on all three pools, go to: photo credits: © basel stadt credits: photo

Karate Canoeing Class Starts April 8 Starts April 12 Karatekai Basel is offering a karate class for kids ages 7-11 Basiliskpaddler is inviting kids ages 10-13 to join a canoe- on Mondays and Wednesdays starting on April 8, as well as a ing class every Friday starting on April 12. To register, contact class for kids ages 12 and up on Tuesdays and Fridays, starting Christine Buser at 077-417-6482 or [email protected]. on April 9. Contact: Christian Mundwiler at 079-755-1716 or [email protected]. Aikido Trial Morning April 13 Kids Trial Boxing Aikidoschule SanShinKai Basel is inviting kids ages 6 and up April 9, 16 & 23 to a trial morning from 10:30-11:30. Contact: Lisa Heiz at The Boxclub Basel is holding a trial class for kids ages 8-16 on 076-545-8897 or [email protected]. three Tuesdays in April from 16:30-17:45. Cost is CHF 20 and includes all three trial days, materials, and equipment lending. Contact: Stefan Käser at 079-401-9106 or [email protected]. Rowing Trial Afternoon April 20-21 The Basler Ruderclub (Basel Rowing club) is inviting youth ages Tuesday Evening Bicycle Race 12-15 for a rowing try-out on Saturday and Sunday. Contact: April 9, 16, 23, 30 & May 7 Matthias Schmitz by phone at 076-423-2771, or by e-mail at [email protected]. Swiss Cycling beider Basel is hosting five Tuesday evening bicycle races that start at 19:00 in Möhlin, around 20 min from Basel. Races are held on a 3.4-km loop, and distances depend on the age category, ranging from 10.2 km for kids born 1999- Rugby 2002 to 44.2 km for elite cyclists. To download a flyer with all If your child wants to play rugby, Rugby Footbal Club Basel of the pertinent information, go to their website and click on trains kids ages 8 and up every Tuesday and Thursday. Contact: “Dienstagabendrennen in Möhlin,” and then on “DIA_Flyer Karin Hägler at 076-404-0805 or [email protected]. 2013.pdf”.

Rowing on the Rhein Kids Judo Trial Basler Pontoniere is inviting kids ages 10 and up to be April 10 Gondoliers on the Rhein and paddle with them. Sports and If your child is age 6-12 and wants to try Judo, they are nature, power and technique—all in one! And at the end of the invited to Judo Schule Nippon Basel for a trial afternoon. training they all swim together with professional floats down Contact: Tim Hartmann by phone at 079-709-8770 or by e-mail the Rhein. Contact: Jonas Gutjahr at 079-764-0305 or by e-mail at [email protected]. at [email protected].

14 BASEL FAMILY MAGAZINE Sports and Recreation

Relay Race “Quer Durch Basel” April 27 Everyone is invited to join the 32nd edition of this special relay race through the center of Basel. The route, which loops between Barfüsserplatz and Marktplatz, is 825 m long for children and 1515 m long for adults, offering an attractive competition arena for teams of different age groups and athletic fit- ness. There is also a category for handicapped participants that is 695 m long. Each team consists of 6 participants and costs CHF 60 for adult teams, and CHF 30 for kids’ teams. You can register online up until April 24, or you can late-register until 12:00 on April 27 in person at KOST Mode und Sport at Freie Strasse 51 in Basel (late registration entails an additional CHF 10). Approximate start times will be listed online, but exact start times will be announced on the day of the race, based on the number of participating teams. Number bibs will be handed out before the race at the event booth in Barfüsserplatz. The first three teams will win a medal, and all participants will receive commemorative t-shirts. This is a race where anything is possible as the in- terplay and harmony within a team often de- termine victory or defeat and you need speed as well as skill in the handover. It guarantees high energy for both runners and spectators. photo credit: © uwe zinke © uwe credit: photo

basel sport team schedule: APRIL 2013

FC Basel 1893 (Fussball / Soccer) Red: Home Game @ St. Jakob Stadion Date Time Home team Guests

Mon., April 1 13:45 FC Luzern FC Basel 1893

Thu., April 4 21:05 Tottenham Hotspurs FC Basel 1893

Sun., April 7 16:00 FC St. Gallen FC Basel 1893

Thu., April 11 21:05 FC Basel 1893 Tottenham Hotspurs

Sun., April 14 13:45 FC Basel 1893 FC Zürich

Wed., April 17 20:45 FC Sion FC Basel 1893

Sun., April 21 13:45 FC Thun FC Basel 1893

Sun., April 28 13:45 FC Basel 1893 FC Luzern

FC Basel Tickets: Prices range from CHF 25 to CHF 75 for adults in regular seating. Children ages 6-16 receive a discount of 25% in the regular seating areas. There is a special area for families and young adults (up to age 22) with slightly lower prices. For more information on seats and pricing, visit:

APRIL 2013 15 Workshops, Tours, and Education in Basel

An Afternoon on the Farm April 24 Visit an organic farm, where you can see and touch the cows and other barn animals. Kids will see how the animals live, learn how many eggs a chicken lays each year, and why cows can eat so much grass. The afternoon is for kids ages 6 and up from 14:00-16:00; cost is CHF 10 and fun and games are guaranteed. You can register online on their website under “Kinderkurse,” by clicking on “Anmelden” for workshop number 82. photo credit: © jon hoefer credit: photo

Tour of the Picasso Exhibit an adult, otherwise CHF 10. Cost of tour families’ interest in science. Café Scienti- March 31 is included in the entrance fee. fique takes place one Sunday per month from 15:00-17:00, with specialists in The Kunstmuseum (art museum) Basel various fields of research giving talks is offering a guided tour for the whole in a relaxed café atmosphere. You can ask family in English through the special Family Tour of the Basler Zeitung questions, join in discussions, or simply exhibition of “Picasso” from 11:00- April 10 listen and learn. 12:00. Price is regular admission plus Would you like to see how a newspaper This month’s topic is “Man ist, was man CHF 5 for the tour. is produced? This 2-hour tour for fami- isst—Der Mensch und seine Ernährung” lies with kids ages 10 and up is designed (You are what you eat—man and his to follow the entire process from creat- food). This session will explore what we ing text and images to the final print- Easter Workshop eat and the impact of volume, composi- ing. The tour of the printing machine April 3 & 4 tion, and quality of what we eat in a day concludes the informative look into the This workshop is from 10:00-11:30 and on our constitution, physical stamina, world of media. The tour is one Wednes- is all about the Easter bunny; from his and emotional well-being. day afternoon from 14:00-16:00 and costs cotton-tail to his long ears. The Naturhis- CHF 20 for the whole family. You can torisches Museum Basel is inviting kids register online on their website un- ages 7-17 to join a workshop on the Eas- der “Familienkurse,” by clicking on Kids Lab ter bunny and learn how to mold one out “Anmelden” for workshop number 30. of clay. Registration costs CHF 7 and can April 14, 17 & 24 be made by calling 061-266-5500. Meet- The University of Basel organizes ing place is at the museum entrance. workshops (in German) where children Tour of the Fondation Beyeler ages 6-13 can explore a variety of topics April 14 related to the month’s Café Scientifique. Napkin Folding Workshop The Fondation Beyeler will be giving This month’s topic is entitled “Vom Mam- mutsteak zur Astronautennahrung” (from April 6 & 7 a public tour (15:00-16:00) in English of the temporary exhibit featuring the works mammoth steaks to astronaut food). In The Spielzeug Welten Museum Basel is of Swiss artist Ferdinand Hodler (1853– cooperation with the Naturhistorisches hosting this wonderful exhibit and work- 1918). Concentrating on works produced Museum in Basel, kids will explore what shop for kids ages 6 and up and their in the last five years of his life, the exhibi- man ate and how we know. With the parents, to teach them the special art tion pays tribute to the Swiss artist whose guidance of an expert, kids will go on a of napkin folding. Workshops are held works revolve around the themes of self- search that leads from prehistoric times 13:30-17:30 and are on a first-come-first- portraits, the magnificent Alpine land- to the present. Additionally, they will served basis. scape, women, and death. Admission is explore what people eat in other coun- CHF 25 for adults (CHF 50 for the whole tries and how it affects the environment. family with Familienpass), CHF 6 for kids Registration is required and can be filled Tour of the Tinguely Museum ages 11-19, and free for kids under 11. out online. April 9 The tour costs an additional CHF 7. You are invited to join a short, guided tour Visit to the Chrischonaturm in English of the Tinguely museum and Science for Families the special exhibit Sodeli d’Kuttlebutzer April 17 starting at 13:00. Admission to the mu- April 14 A visit to the Chrischona tower is a must! seum costs CHF 15 for adults and free for The University of Basel has a German- On this afternoon, families are taken on kids 16 and under when accompanied by language program designed to stimulate a 1-hour tour of the tower (from 14:00-

16 BASEL FAMILY MAGAZINE Workshops, Tours, and Education in Basel

15:00), which is located in Bettingen. It is see the director in action while watching and the special exhibit Les Mille Lieux de the tallest building in Switzerland (250.77 a live recording. Tour is from 18:00-19:30 l’Art starting at 13:00. Admission to the m) and is responsible for much of the and costs CHF 20 for the whole family. museum costs CHF 15 for adults and free radio and television network transmis- You can register online on their website for kids 16 and under when accompa- sion in the area. You will also visit the under “Familienkurse,” by clicking on nied by an adult, otherwise CHF 10. Cost 47th floor of the tower and enjoy the “Anmelden” for workshop number 48. of tour is included in the entrance fee. wonderful panoramic views. For safe- ty reason, only one child per adult is allowed, and children must be 6 years or Trapeze and Circus Silk Workshop older to participate. Cost is CHF 20 for April 20 German Conversation for Expats an adult plus one child. You can register online on their website under “Familien- Austober is offering a 3-hour workshop Starting April 27 kurse,” by clicking on “Anmelden” for for kids to work on the trapeze and the The cozy café of the Bücher- and Musik- workshop number 49. circus or aerial silk. Cost is CHF 50. börse (book and music exchange) at Emil-Frey-Str. 159 in Münchenstein is the site of a new German conversation Tour of the Ape House at the Basel Zoo class for expats. Every Saturday morning Children’s Tour and Workshop at the from 10:00-11:30 they are meeting in an April 20 Fondation Beyeler informal group to talk about different April 17 On this Wednesday afternoon from topics (the topics are announced in ad- 17:00-18:00, families with children ages This tour of the temporary exhibit of vance so you can prepare). 6 and up will learn about the various spe- the late Swiss artist Ferdinand Hodler is You don’t have to commit to a certain cies and their different social systems at for kids ages 7-10 and will be followed number of sessions, but as only nine the Affenhaus (Ape house) of the Basel by a playful workshop in the atelier. It spots are available the organizers ask that Zoo. Watch how small marmoset fathers runs from 15:00-17:30 and costs CHF 10. you sign up or send your regrets for a and sons carry the young ones around or Pre-registration is required. given meeting either directly at their how the huge male gorilla defends his ha- store or via e-mail to [email protected]. rem of several females. Tour costs CHF 25 (Note that there will be no meeting on informationen/agenda for the whole family, zoo entry is extra. May 4.) You can register online on their website Cost is CHF 15 per session plus a drink Family Tour of Telebasel under “Familienkurse,” by clicking on “Anmelden” for workshop number 50. or food from the café. For more informa- April 18 tion, contact them by e-mail or check This tour is for families with children their website. By the way, you can also ages 12 and up to learn about the history bring your English or German books for Tour of the Tinguely Museum of the local TV station “Telebasel” and donation or pick up inexpensive books experience how television is made. You April 23 there. will learn about editing; visit the editing You are invited to join a short, guided suites, recording booth, and studio; and tour in English of the Tinguely museum

Jukibu Intercultural Library Events April 2013 Jukibu is a multi-cultural library that houses books for children and adolescents in over 50 languages, their largest collection being English-language books. Their mission is to help foreign children with their integration into this German-speaking area, while al- lowing them to preserve and nurture their own culture and language. Below is the April schedule of the foreign-language events organized for families. To learn more or become a member, visit their website.

Date Time Event Suitable for…

April 3 10:00-11:00 English Storytelling (with BCT) Parents with Toddlers

April 13 10:30-11:30 French and German Poetry Primary School Children and their Parents

April 17 15:30-16:30 German Kasperli-Theatre A Puppet Theatre for all Ages

April 20 10:30-11:30 Japanese & German story Primary School Children and their Parents

April 26 16:00-17:00 English Storytelling (with BCT) Parents with Toddlers photo credit: © jukibu credit: photo

APRIL 2013 17 THE INFORMATION DESK photos: © vita parcours vita © photos: Vita Parcours Baselland. As of 2008, the Zürich insurance company sponsors Many of us make it a New Year’s resolution to eat better, lose some the Vita Parcours, as they benefit from promoting fitness and weight, and get back into shape. Finding the time and, of course, the good health; this is why you will often see the trails referred to motivation to stick to those goals during the cold winter months is not as Zürich Vita Parcours. They are, however, maintained locally easy. But with the warmth of the spring sun, the budding leaves, and by the various municipalities, as well as by semi-private orga- the terrific smells of spring in the air, the desire to strap on those running nizations such as touring clubs, athletic clubs, ski clubs, and shoes, go outdoors, and get fit somehow finds its way back! If exercising hiking groups. outdoors does sound motivating to you, you should discover the fabulous fitness trails, called Vita Parcours, in the Basel area. Vita Parcours Tips What Are Vita Parcours? Always stretch before any workout. Beginners should take Vita Parcours are outdoor fitness trails that are usually locat- a slow pace from station to station, don’t overdo it and don’t ed in idyllic forests, with numerous stations along the course, allow yourself to get out of breath. Choose an easy Vita Parcours each with a different activity that promotes strength, endur- to begin your training, and don’t forget to stretch afterwards. ance, flexibility, or coordination. Each station is equipped with Fitter athletes should choose a more difficult trail and/or should an information board with pictorial instructions on what to do use the more intensive exercise at each station. Treat yourself at that station. Depending on your fitness level, you can do a to a break, check your pulse, and start a new round if you wish. light or more difficult version of the exercise at each station, Always stretch after the completion of any exercise program. and you can either walk, power walk, jog, or run between the stations. What is best Vita Parcours App about these Vita Parcours is that they are There is now an app available free to the public and open all the time! from the iPhone App Store that Vita Parcours started as a gym-teacher’s helps guide you to the nearest fitness program back in the late 1960’s. Zürich Vita Parcours and shows He had set up an obstacle course for his you the different Vita Parcours students in the forest near the school, with training plans to help you in your personal training. all sorts of natural elements that they had Visit their website for a comprehensive list of all the Vita to run up, climb over, jump through, crawl Parcours in each canton, maps of their start and end points, under, and hop around. This idea quickly statistics on each trail, and examples of the types of stations that caught on and there are now 500 such trails you may encounter. throughout Switzerland, including one in canton Basel Stadt and a dozen in canton Here are some of the Vita Parcours that are located in and around Basel: City / Location Starting Point Length (km) Slope (m) Difficulty Level

Basel Freiburgstrasse 2.1 km Flat Easy Lange Erlen (by the newsstand)

Binningen Allschwilerwald 2.5 km 50 m Intermediate Allschwilerwald (by the shooting range)

Birsfelden Tram #3 2.5 km 10 m Intermediate Hardwald (last stop)

Muttenz Froscheneckweg 2.7 km 70 m Difficult Rüttihard

Therwil Near junction Reinacherstrasse 2.4 km 30 m Intermediate Kappeli and Birsigtalstrasse

Aesch Klusstrasse 2.8 km 90 m Difficult Am Klusberg

Pratteln 400m left of school 1.3 km 30 m Easy Erli

Liestal Left side of 2.9 km 50 m Difficult Sichtern Sichterenhof


Get Your Tickets Now! These are some of the great concerts and shows that will be happening in the upcoming months:

Who Where When Tickets

The Australian Pink Floyd Show Musical Theater, Basel May 2

Jethro Tull Musical Theater, Basel May 11

Joe Cocker Hallenstadion, Zürich May 22

Lisa Stansfield Kaufleuten, Zürich May 23

Depeche Mode Stade de Suisse, Bern June 7

Status Quo Stars of Sound Festival, Murten June 14

Elton John & Band Stars of Sound Festival, Murten June 15

Alicia Keys Hallenstadion, Zürich June 15

KISS Hallenstadion, Zürich June 20

TOTO Hallenstadion, Zürich June 23

Bon Jovi Stade de Suisse, Bern June 30

Bonnie Raitt Kongresshaus, Zürich July 9

George Benson Kongresshaus, Zürich July 11

Basel Tattoo Kaserne, Basel July 19-27

Chippendales 2013 Stadt-Casino, Basel October 17

Bruno Mars Hallenstadion, Zürich October 23

Irish Folk Festival 2013 Stadt-Casino Basel October 26

Russian Ballet’s Swan Lake Musical Theater, Basel January 22, 2014 photo credits: © good news credits: photo

APRIL 2013 19 Entertainment: Parents’ Night Out

Rock the Ballet April 16-21 Directly from New York, one of the most exciting young dance com- panies, Rock the Ballet, has skill- fully mixed classical ballet with new dance styles from hip-hop, jazz, and tap dance to classic Broadway cho- reography and set it to the music of Michael Jackson, Queen, Coldplay, The Bee Gees, and more. The danc- ers all have danced in major classi- cal dance companies, participated in Broadway and Hollywood productions, and/or on the U.S. TV hit show “So You Think You Can Dance.” For six evenings and two matinée shows, Rock the Ballet will be performing at the Musical Theater in Basel. photo credit: © musical theatre basel theatre © musical credit: photo

Basel Wine Ship not forgotten, and the high quality and can be purchased at Ticketcorner in April 4-7 attention to detail, from the original person or online. costumes to the Swedish accent of The annual “Wyschiff” (wine ship) will the band members, means that the be docked at Schifflände in Basel from audience does not have to close their eyes Thursday to Sunday. For a CHF 10 en- to believe that they are attending a “real” trance fee, you can try from over 300 ABBA concert. mainly Swiss wines. Come for the atmo- Chris de Burgh & Band sphere or simply April 12 to discover what The 63-year old Argentinian-born Irish- the Swiss wine Dance Party man is still producing of high world has to offer. April 6 There is no obliga- quality and moving lyrics with his tion to order and This is a popular tradition on Saturday distinctive voice. Famous for such hits the entrance fee night from 20:00-23:00. Come and dance as “Lady in Red,” “Don’t Pay the Ferry- includes a souve- to ballroom latin, disco fox, and much man,” and “High on Emotion,” Chris de nir Wyschiff glass. more. Event takes place at the historical Burgh is back on tour to present his new Zunftsaal (guildhall) on Freie Strasse 34. “Footsteps 2” at the Hallenstadion Admission is CHF 15 and includes soft in Zürich. drinks. European Wine Evening April 5 The Mystical Dance of Ireland Mövenpick Weinkeller in Basel (Halt- The Musical Box April 14 ingerstrasse 101) will be the location for April 9 Let yourself be carried away by the joy, this special evening when wine specialist “Genesis—The Lamb Lies Down on temperament and skill of these young Alberto Russo will take you on a “wine Broadway” is the name of this produc- artists in this truly Irish show. The journey” through Europe. Evening starts tion that debuted in Montreal in 2000, brilliant singer, the soulful sound of at 18:30 and costs CHF 95 per person. 25 years after the last appearance of the the musicians, and the incredibly vir- Contact Alberto Russo for information band Genesis with Peter Gabriel. The tuosic dancers who perform the difficult and registration at 044-201-6606. Musical Theater Basel hosts this final dance moves with remarkable ease and production in Switzerland for those who panache will enchant any audience. wish to see and hear it one last time. Come and enjoy this all-live performance at the Häbse Theater in Basel. ABBA Gold April 6 English Comedy Celtic Legends For one night only, the show ABBA Gold April 11 stages the music of ABBA as vivid and Canadian comic Paul Myerhaug and April 14 original as possible at the Musical The- U.K. comic Jen Brister will be bringing The Musical Theater in Basel provides ater Basel. The aim of the producer is Anglo-Saxon laughter to the Kuppel in the stage for young artists from Gal- to make sure that the best pop music is Basel at 20:00. Tickets are CHF 35 and way, Dublin, and Belfast to celebrate the

20 BASEL FAMILY MAGAZINE Entertainment: Parents’ Night Out

frenzied melodies of Celtic music and Melody Gardot Joe Cocker the heartbreaking melancholy of ballads April 21 April 30 during the 2-hour dance spectacle. Based Melody will be live in concert to The Rothaus Arena in Freiburg, Germa- in the fascinating wilderness around present her new album “The Absence” at ny, about an hour from Basel, is the loca- Connemara, the Celtic Legends ensem- the Kongresshaus in Zürich. The album tion for Joe Cocker’s presentation of his ble will take you on a journey to discover is a beguiling, delicate soundscape of jazz latest album “Fire It Up.” After 40 years the heart of the authentic Irish and the and blues, pop, and bossa nova, sung in the music industry, 22 platinum savage, inspired atmosphere of a centu- with a voice that touches your soul. albums, and countless awards, he is back ries-old, fascinating folklore. for a 19-city European tour where in addition to songs from his new album, you will also hear classics like “You Can Leave Your Hat On,” “Unchain My Wine Pairing Evening Heart,” and “Up Where We Belong.” Note April 17 that he will also be playing in Zürich on May 22. Why is an aromatic Gewürztraminer an ideal accompaniment to curry? Why do we prefer to drink a light Pinot Noir with Bratwurst? Factors such as sweetness, salt- iness, bitterness, and acidity are crucial to the pairing of wine and food. Using simple experiments, you will learn the basic rules. This evening is from 19:30- 22:00. Contact them for further informa-

tion and to register. basel theatre © musical credit: photo weinkurse.php The Beauty and The Beast April 23 Coming to the Musical Theater in Basel Karen Lovely Band for one evening only is the German-lan- April 19 guage musical of the classic story “Die Schöne und das Biest” (The Beauty and Karen Lovely and her band from the the Beast). United States will be playing their first concert in Switzerland at the Volkshaus in Basel. Considered to be the worthy successor of the late Koko Taylor, she photo credit: © the beatles musical has taken the international blues scene Austrian Wine Evening by storm, being nominated as best blues April 25 The Beatles Musical – All You Need is Love singer for the American Blues Awards, Austria has many wine regions whose ranking second in the International wines have evolved over the past few years. April 28 Blues Challenge, up for Best Contempo- This evening at Mövenpick Weinkeller in The band “Twist & Shout” will star in rary Blues Album and Best Song with her Basel (Haltingerstrasse 101) is all about this two-act musical that will take you second album “Still the Rain.” discovering the world of Austrian wines, through the major stages of the life of served with fresh regional asparagus and “The Beatles,” from their performanc- new potatoes. This is a 3-hour event that es as a back-up band for Tony Sheridan starts at 19:00 and costs CHF 130. To in Hamburg, their first own concerts at the Star-Club, their breakthrough Spring Ball 2013 register, contact them at 061-693-3131 or [email protected]. in the U.S., up to the release of their April 20 legendary album “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Tanzschule Basel (Dance School Basel) Hearts Club Band,” and their disband hosts this ball event of the spring. This in 1970. Small scenic performances event has been popular for dance fans of Spring Ball and episodes, moderated by Frank all ages for decades, even the younger gen- Kessler, will tell the story of the Beatles. eration are now finding it “in” to go out April 27 The focus of the show will be on the and enjoy the live music, festive atmo- Want to dance? Tanzschule Fromm has music, however, with over 30 immor- sphere, and alternative to the nightclub organized a spring ball for dance lovers tal hits played along with background style dance venues. Book early as tickets at the Hilton Hotel in Basel. The evening historical imagery, at the Musiksaal go fast. Ball will take place at the Grosse includes music, dinner, and dancing and of the Stadt-Casino Basel. Festsaal of the Stadt-Casino Basel. costs CHF 165 per person.

APRIL 2013 21 Eating Out in Basel by Jon Hoefer Wine Notes by Christine Pesold

The “Blind Date” Experience Chardonnay Blindekuh Restaurant, Basel At the request of my white- This restaurant was conceived as a means of helping the wine–drinking friends, I am visually impaired by providing them with a workspace in which they can showcase their talents, as well as share the following up February’s Wine experience of being “blind” with their guests. The first “dark Notes on Cabernet Sauvignon— restaurant” in the world was opened in Zürich in 1999, and the King of Reds—with some was called the Blindekuh. It was so successful that it has notes on the world’s most been copied many times worldwide, for example, with the Unsicht-Bar in Köln and Berlin, the Noti Vagus in Berlin, the popular white wine: Dans le Noir restaurant in Paris and London, as well as the Chardonnay. Taste of Darkness restaurant in Frankfurt. Basel’s Blindekuh, sister restaurant of Zürich’s Blindekuh, opened in 2005. The culture of white wine has changed over the years, and If you want to experience dining in the dark, go to their California Chardonnay has been official website to make reservations. Be sure to click on the at the forefront of this change. Basel location. Upon arrival, you will be asked to place all Thirty years ago, if you walked into devices that can produce light (cell phones, lighters etc.) a bar or restaurant and wanted a in a locker and will be escorted by a host through a series glass of white wine, you would simply ask for a glass of white of black-curtained hallways to your seat. As the room is wine. Within the last decade or two, however, the request completely dark, you will need to verbally select your menu has become, “I’ll have a glass of Chardonnay”! And it was and spend the evening eating and drinking in complete Chardonnays that put California on the world wine map as darkness. Sound easy? Think again! Not only is it difficult to a serious wine-producing country back in 1976, when one of avoid spilling your drink or finding the food on your plate them took first prize against the best French Chardonnays at with your utensils without sight, you also quickly learn just a blind wine tasting in Paris. how much of your conversation and social interactions are based on visual cues; seeing someone’s eyes, watching their Chardonnay is a white grape that grows with relative ease emotional reactions, smiles, frowns, nods of agreement and just about anywhere in the world, including all over Europe, disagreement, even just knowing when it is your turn to the United States, Australia, South Africa, South America, and talk is a real challenge. And don’t be surprised if you give in even England, China, and India! Unlike wines from other and end up eating with your hands. Unlike in the sighted grape varieties that have very distinct tastes and aromas re- world, no one can see you! gardless of where and how they are made, Chardonnay is a more neutral wine with subtle aromas and no distinct style It offers a very small peek into what a visually impaired or tastes associated with the grape. Wine makers consider it a person must have to deal with on a permanent basis, blank slate that takes its characteristics from several factors, making this paranormal sensory experience well worth it. including climate, wine-making styles, and the components As all wait-staff and kitchen staff are visually-impaired, your of the ground in which the vines are grown (ie, the terroir). visit provides them with valuable employment and yourself The ideal terroir for Chardonnay is chalk, clay, and limestone. with a much greater appreciation for your sightedness. So Chardonnay is a versatile grape that grows in both cool and why not treat yourself to an unusual dining experience? warm climates, and makes both still and sparkling wines. In The restaurant is associated with a bar/lounge that has nor- fact, Chardonnay, along with Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier, mal lighting so that you can enjoy a pre-dinner drink or is the basis of traditional Champagnes. reflect on your dining experience afterwards in your “nor- The Burgundy region of France, where Chardonnay is the mal” environment. Also, they occasionally offer cultural only white wine produced, is a prime example of how well events in the restaurant, further enhancing your experience this grape can do in a relatively cool climate, with a little of life in the darkness. creative help from the vineyard managers. Chardonnay The next such event vines bud early in the spring, making it susceptible to loos- is a dinner mystery ing its buds to late frosts in cooler climates. To circumvent (in German) entitled this, vines are aggressively pruned right before they bud, “Mord im Dunkeln” shocking the plants and forcing a delay in the budding. (Murder in the dark) on Additionally, Chardonnay vines produce a lot of foliage that April 10 at 18:30. Cost shades the grapes from sun and maturation. This excess of is CHF 90 including a leaves is therefore pruned to maximize sun exposure, allow- 3-course dinner. For reservations, go to: ing the grapes to mature and be harvested before the autumn rains cause rot. The harsh climate—hot summers, cold win- ters, and summer hailstorms—means that there are only a The restaurant is located at Dornacherstrasse 192 in Basel. few good vintage years each decade, but when they are good, Reservations are recommended at 061-336-3300. they are really good (and expensive!). White Burgundies, as they are called, are crisp wines with high acidity and a stony

22 BASEL FAMILY MAGAZINE Wine Notes by Christine Pesold


mineral taste that reflects the limestone terroir, often referred the sun, extending the grapes’ ripening time, lending to more to as “gun flint”. Malolactic fermentation (MLF) is sometimes complexity of the wine. Another common practice that can employed to turn the harsh malic acids into smoother lactic change the style of the wine, called “bâtonnage,” involves acids, giving the wine a creamier, buttery flavor. Those than stirring the wine on the lees (its sediment and dead yeast), don’t undergo MLF often have a distinct green-apple flavor. lending to creamier, toastier, and more complex flavors. But White Burgundies are generally not fermented in oak, with probably the biggest distinction to French Chardonnays is the exception of those from the Côte d’Or, as Burgundy wine that warm-climate Chardonnays like those from California makers believe that oak-aging masks the true flavor of Char- are almost always oaked. After fermentation in stainless steel donnay. This style of Chardonnay goes well with white meats, tanks, the wine is aged in oak barrels (or fermented with oak seafood, and light fish. chips as a more affordable way to get the oak-taste). Exposure In warmer climates such as California and Australia, to oak makes the wine richer and creamier with distinct notes Chardonnay wine is made from much riper grapes; as a result, of vanilla, spice, buttered toast, caramel, and even smoke, the wines are lower in acidity, higher in alcohol, and usu- depending on how new and how charred the oak is. This style ally more fruity and full bodied than French Chardonnays. of Chardonnay pairs best with richer foods, such as salmon However, acidity is an important contributor to a wine’s struc- and turkey; foods with cream sauces; smoked foods; as well ture, and a wine too low in acidity gets “flabby.” Chardonnay spicy and garlicky foods. makers in warmer climates often add tartaric acid to the juice to make firmer wines. Some winemakers have also introduced Chardonnay has recently managed to show off its ability to methods to reduce the alcohol content, rendering the wines thrive in cold climates, with a wine grown and produced in more food-friendly. Chardonnay from regions of California Ontario, Canada, taking top prize in a blind tasting that in- that get a lot of coastal fog are especially good as the fog blocks cluded the best Chardonnays from Burgundy and California!

A Chardonnay Tasting Experiment

Try for yourself how different a Chardonnay can be, depending on where it is grown and which wine-making techniques were applied. Buy two Chardonnays: 1) An un-oaked, preferably a white Burgundy that says “Premier Cru” or “Grand Cru” on the bottle to assure a better quality; 2) a California Char- donnay that has spent some time in oak. Cool them both to between 10- 14°C (a wine that is too cold will hide its fla- vors and aromas). Pour a small amount of each in a wine glass. Tilt the glasses and look at the color of the wines against a white background (paper, napkin). Does the oaked- Chardonnay look a little more golden? Then sniff the wines and see if you detect the green apple aromas of the French Chardonnay and the vanilla and smoke scent that is so prominent in the California Chardonnay. Finally, taste the French Chardonnay first, study its fruit component, and feel how its firm crisp acidity stimulates the sides of your tongue; do this two or three times. Then cleanse your palate with water or bread and taste the California Chardonnay. Do you notice the lower acidity, the creamier texture, the notes of vanilla, buttered toast, and nuts? Try to think of what you would eat with each of the wines, how the distinct characters of the wines may compliment foods. Consider also which you would prefer to drink as a sipping wine, without any food.

Note: For our taste test, we selected a Domaine Vrignaud Chablis 1er Cru and an Indian Wells Chateau Ste Michelle Chardonnay, both available at Mövenpick Weinkeller in Basel. photo credits: © jon hoefer credits: photo

APRIL 2013 23 For more information about joining our mailing list or how to advertise in

MAGAZINE our publication – please contact us: [email protected] A Family Guide to Discovering Basel for the Expat Community

MAY 2013 Highlights – Mark Your Calendar!

u Night of the Jumps – May 3 and 4

u Dance Festival – May 4 and 5

u Circus Monti – May 10-12

u International Museums Day – May 12

u Young Stage – May 25-28

u Three-Country Run – May 26 photo credit: © young stage young © credit: photo