
Rolling the Dice | Rundown | Las Vegas http://rundown.com/lv/6303-rolling-the-dice

You, DeNiro, and Sin ROLLING THE DICE City's Most Opulent V… ANDREW DICE CLAY SETS UP SHOP IN THE HARD ROCK Vegas' Wildest Brunch Party Is Back


The Secret to a Cooler Bedroom

Your Next Vegas One-Night Stand Awaits

The Second-Craziest Thing to Do in Vegas

Why pay good money to be yelled at by a foul-mouthed buffoon?

Because this buffoon is none other than Andrew Dice Clay, who returns to the stage as part of a raunchy residency at Hard Rock club Vinyl through May 26.

Expect the same chain-smoking, leather-clad Dice ripping through every taboo in the book. From behind those trademark Aviator shades, he'll be in his element in this dark, speakeasy-style venue that looks like a dungeon built just for him.

Yes, he still does the naughty nursery rhymes a la the NSFW “Hickory dickory dock…” that got him banned from MTV for life. But told from the perspective of an aging 55-year-old comic, the 70-minute show bubbles with reinvigorated life. (Maybe thanks to a little blue pill.)

He rips Tiger Woods, Jerry Seinfeld, and just about anyone who gets in his way — TOP IN EVENTS including the audience. (A word of advice: the closer you sit to the stage, the greater your chance of being roasted by the Diceman.) The Best Super Bowl Party in Vegas

With appearances on Entourage and last year’s release of his first comedy special in 15 The Top 5 New Year's Eve Parties In years, the self-proclaimed “Rocky of Comedy” is tanned, rested, and ready to take Vegas another swing. Dinner With Wolfgang Punk, Drinks Just be careful it’s not at you. With Mario Batali

The Most Legendary Nighttime Jog in Vegas History

A Street Fest With Kings of Leon, Celebrity Chefs, and Cirque de S… Andrew Dice Clay Labor Day in Vegas: Party Like an 9p, Thursdays-Sundays thru Sunday, May 26 OG Vinyl at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, 4455 Paradise Road, Paradise (702) 693-5583 andrewdiceclayofficial.com

Tickets: $68-$112 here. Nearby: Culinary Dropout; Body English, The Ainsworth



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