HISTORY AND HERITAGE OF GERMAN COASTAL ENGINEERING Hanz D. Niemeyer, Hartmut Eiben, Hans Rohde Reprint from: Copyright, American Society of Civil Engineers HISTORY AND HERITAGE OF GERMAN COASTAL ENGINEERING Hanz D. Niemeyer1, Hartmut Eiben2, Hans Rohde3 ABSTRACT: Coastal engineering in Germany has a long tradition basing on elementary requirements of coastal inhabitants for survival, safety of goods and earning of living. Initial purely empirical gained knowledge evolved into a system providing a technical and scientific basis for engineering measures. In respect of distinct geographical boundary conditions, coastal engineering at the North and the Baltic Sea coasts developed a fairly autonomous behavior as well in coastal protection and waterway and harbor engineering. Emphasis in this paper has been laid on highlighting those kinds of pioneering in German coastal engineering which delivered a basis that is still valuable for present work. INTRODUCTION The Roman historian Pliny visited the German North Sea coast in the middle of the first century A. D. He reported about a landscape being flooded twice within 24 hours which could be as well part of the sea as of the land. He was concerned about the inhabitants living on earth hills adjusted to the flood level by experience. Pliny must have visited this area after a severe storm surge during tides with a still remarkable set-up [WOEBCKEN 1924]. This is the first known document of human constructions called ‘Warft’ in Frisian (Fig. 1). If the coastal areas are flooded due to a storm surge, these hills remained Figure 1. Scheme of a ‘warft’ with a single building and its adaptions to higher storm surge levels between 300 and 1100 A.D.; adapted from KRÜGER [1938] 1) Coastal Research Station of the Lower Saxonian Central State Board for Ecology, Fledderweg 25, 26506 Norddeich / East Frisia, Germany, email:
[email protected] 2) State Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forests of Schleswig-Holstein.