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Index Page numbers in italics refer to Figures; those in bold to Tables. Abies 32 albuminous cells 42, 44, 65, 65, Acacia alata 81, 85, 98 108 Acer 164 alcian blue 182 Acer pseudoplatanus 165, 166 alcohol-based fi xatives 171–2 achenes 128 aleurone grains 102 acid bog habitat 152 algae 6 Acmopyle pancheri 65 Alismatales 67 acrolein 172–3 Allium 18, 19, 111 fi xation procedure 174–5 Alnus glutinosa 28, 29, 37, 165, 167 adaptations 6–8, 135–53 Alnus nepalensis 29 ecological 73, 76, 137–8 Aloe 9, 76, 77, 78, 139 hydrophytes 150–2 Aloe lateritia var. kitaliensis 77, 79 mechanical 135–7 Aloe somaliensis 140 mesophytes 147–50 aloes 13, 76, 78, 86, 142, 157 practical aspects 152–3 Ammophila 139, 142 xerophytes see xerophytes Ammophila arenaria (marram grass) Aegilops crassa 95, 99, 102 82, 92, 141 aerial roots 49, 149 Anacardiaceae 86, 139 Aerva lanata 81 Anarthria 156 Aesculus hippocastanum 129 Anarthriaceae 156, 156 Aesculus pavia 44 angiosperms 4, 7, 10 Agave 10, 76 fl oral part vascularization 121–3 Agave franzonsinii 95, 102 phloem 65, 108 Agrostis 100, 138COPYRIGHTEDsecondary MATERIAL 43–5 Agrostis stolonifera 99 taxonomy 155 Ailanthus 159 wood (secondary xylem) 31–6, air spaces 36 hydrophytes 150 axial system 33 mesophyll 74, 97, 112 growth rings 33, 35, 41 xerophytes 146 rays 35–6 Ajuga reptans var. atropurpurescens ring porous 33–4, 41 110 animal feeds 159–60 Albuca 73 animal pests 162–3 288 Annonaceae 130 black ironwood (Krugiodendron annuals 7, 8, 57 ferreum) 33 Anthemis 128 Boehmeria 62 Index Anthemis arvenis 128, 130 Bombax (kapok)
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