

Iii SiAii:il r.lF .rlii i;fA


ttl shaLl speak to you of riobert Flahertyt:; method, because this method and the way it came to be i-s, I bel-ieve, the impa:-bant legacy he left use becauge for rne it was ttle greatest experience of my life with hj-m." -nd Frances Hubbard Flaherty Ln THE IIDYSSIYOFAFili'"l -MAKTR f!"nettv'" 5t y -&.h_urt Be'ua Phi Mu Chapbook Urbana, Ilfinois, 196A. tis n r Al_L artrr sei6 Robert F-'t_aherty, a kind of exp.loring. io discover and ' reveal is tl-re way every altist sef,s abcut his businc:ss,r Th': explorersr the iiscoverers, are the tran;i"crmers of the bror.'l-d. They are the scientist ciscovering new fec";, the pnit::sllther d:r-sc'ove-''ing:n nerv fac; new idea' Abc-rveal-i, they are the artist, the poet, tfre seer, Lrno oui of the crucible cf nelv fact and new idea bring new.l-ife, nera'power, new motiver anci a cleep refresi.ment. They disc;ver for us the new imsge.tl t'I-t was as an exp-lorer that Robert FJ-3herty came into fil-ms...tl

It is as an explorer that Frances Fiahertv has searched to srticulate the j-n essence of histrmetho,l ,irthe rneanings his struggles, the fuLfiL.l-ment in his trway of seeing.tt Seeki.ng to share the richness of tisttitnportant legacyrI she has mineci worlds of words and ci:_stilled multiple nieanings into one worci: Inon-precOnaep I ttThe word I ha,ye chosen i.s ti.on, an eXp-lorelt s wo.rd. ' Non-preconcept,ion is the pre-coni-iil;icn ia ci:-sco'tery; because it is a stete of mind. !',lhenyou do not preconceive, tben.Vou go about finding out. There is nothing else you can do. You begin to expl-ole'"

The following bibliography represents the cole of i4rs. Flahertyrs explorations into the expressions of phiJ-osophers, theologiansr mystics, 3nthrooo-Logists, historianst psychologistst aestheticians, poets, artists, musicians, scientistsr socioiogists, piucators... aJf wanderers and wonCereis - searching, discoveri-ngr revea.l-ingr questioning. These are some of the basic woxks in which she recognized some aspect of the overwhelming trl experience shd has cal-led herrrinitiation into the motion picture mediumrttwhen saw if I hed never seen it before"'Ir every Least little thing as ru Mrs. Flahertyrs ttnew conviction that out of a dimension of seeingrt can come a new dimension of being. In these books she has uncler-l-i-nedrel-evant passages which ill"uminate the creative Processt and identifv 1,he creative person, struggle with tire individualrs sea:ch to find himself his resi:onsibility to societyl anci ponder the probtems and pessibilities of the educaticinal process Es 6rt exploratory wa)/.

This initial draft serves merely to out-tine the scope of the search' Annotations are included orr15,.i.ntermittently when tities may not a'ifer sufficient cl-ues. A subsequent draft wili ne a conceptual bibli:graphy inciuding the pass3ges select€d by Frances Flaherty in her own exploration and discovery, her own legacy to us' Compiled and arranged by D. Marie Grieco Schbol of Library Service, Columbia Univ. First Draft IN SEARCHOF AN IDEA


Ernst cassirer' TO A pHIL0s0pHY rlF HUMANCULTURE. AN EssAy 0N MAN: Atrl INTR3DUCTITN 1953' Doubleday Anchor Book, ' of mythical images, of rerigious ,,In the boundless murtiplicity and variety dogmas,of}inguisticforms,ofworksofart,philosophicthoughtreveals theunityofageneralfuncti"nuywhicha}lt'hesecreationsarehefdtogether. looked upon as so many art, language' science' are now Myth, religion, this "ult' is the task of philosophy to make variatj.ons on a common theme -- and it C' theme audibl-e and understandable'n E' Anchor' 1953 (t940) Charles Sherrington' Doubleday ' l,4AN0N ,iI5 NIATURE. 2nd. ed, Sir with particular emphasis on human Biologist dessribes physical basis of life conciousness and its origins in living substance'

New 'American Library ltientor, 1960' THE NATURE0F MAN. John Langdon-Liavies. (Engllsh title: l4an- the Known and the Unknown')

thal.iengesrigidityofmodernsciencewhichlimitsmantorofeofananimated sun. In rebuttal- presents his experiments machine doomed to iie out with the with iSP and views of man's uLtirnate destiny'

Whitehead' Ann Arbor Books, ]957. THE CSNCTPT0F I'iATURE. Alfred North

i3ooks' f94B (f935)' MAf!, THE UNKNOV,JN.A-Lexis f,arrel' Penguin


Atheneum' N' Y'' 1950' THE FIRMAi\ritNT0F TIi4t. Loern fiseley' vision of nature and himself' Exploration of the changes in manrs

frans. R'E' Latham. Penguin Classics, 195I' THENATURT OF THEUNIVEi'] E. Lucretius. G0ETHI' . uoubledaY THREEPHiL0SOPHICAL POETS: LUCRETIUS' DANTE' Anchor, Lj53. 1951' Ernst Cassirer' BeaconPress' Boston' THE PHILOSOPHY0F THt INLiGHTEI'IMENT' ]839-1914' selected writings of charles 5. Peirce, vALu:s IN A UNIVERSE0F cHAfJCt. 1958' by i'hilip P.',,]iener. Doubleday Anchor' fdj_ted with an j_ntrodrction and nctes (1923) SantaYana. roV€rr 1955 SCIPTICISI4 AN]] AI!Ii'1ALFAITH. George ' FlahertY LibrarY -2 (f855)' THE AGE0F FABLE. ThomasBulfinch. DoubledaV, Boston, 1957. THE GRTEKSANIJ THE IRiATIti 'AL. E.R. Dodds' BeacenPress' LibrarY, 1949' \,'/AYT0 I'EITERNCIVILIZATi0N' Edith Harnilton' New "'m.:rj-can THE GREEK (1930)

,J;; r"luriai"n'N.y.' res5, (fe4e). THEHERo '^rlrH A rHousAr\DFACrs. ;;,;;: figures of religion and mythorogy' Aims to uncover some of the truths disguised under

Alfred North \rjhitehead' Macmillan' N L922' RELIGIITN iN IHt IIAKING. 'Y " religion' Analysis of factors in human nature which go to Qorm 3


& lriindus' London , 1946' (Fontana' 1',58) THE ptRil,lNiAL PHIL050PHY. . chatto Asia and Europe' An-uhology of selections from religious traditions in

crNscrcusNLss. Mysrrcisr.l:A sruDyrN rHENAruRr spiRiruAl f955' EveJ-yn Underhill. Meridian, Noonday^-r';;;;;;;;;'or',,,0*,s Press' I'l'Y.,

Ancel,et*Hustache. Trans. HiLda 6raef' tqASTERECKHART ANil THt RHINELANDMYSTIC5. Jeanne ( i;ien of VJisdomSeries ) Harper Torch l3ks, N. Y . , 1957 ' Boehme. Introd. by Nicolas Berdy6ev' 5IX THEOS0PHICp0Ii,lTs and other writings. Jacob Ann Arbor PaPerbacks' ]958' ]960 Trans. campbell. Penguin, Baltimore , ' 5T. J0Ht\ 0F THt cR055 P0[i;i5. "1oy on its meaning and use in our time THE CLruD 0F UNKt\,l0v,tINGwith an introduetory coriimentary

by ira Progoff. Julian Press, N'Y'' -l-957' experiBrlcBr (ttriginal text =L4th cent') New Translation of 3 classic guide to spiritual

in Jspanese l-iterature' THE CLOUD-MIN0F YAMATO.Being on outline of rnysticism (l'lisdom of the Easi Series) E. V. G,tenby. John liiurray, London, L92g'

(world ij. T. 5uzuki. Harper' N'Y' 1957' Perspecti've MySTi:IStvl: cHRISTIAN AfjU BUiiilHiST. ' the christain religion' THt- SiirRfME IDINTITY. An essay on criental metaphysic and

ALan \,1. 'uJatts. Pantheon, 1950 ' Trans' R.F.C. Hul-l-' Pantheon' 1958' PSYCHCLOGYAl'lD RELIGi0N: Wr:,T AllD tLST' C. G. Jung.

1951. PSYCHCTH'ailiPMEAST At\D VJ[5T' Alan W' Watts. Pantheon,

R.H' Blyth. Tokyo, Hokuseido Pr" 1942' ZEN IN tliGl15H LITi i'{ATURtAi\D 0RIINTAL CLA,5IC5. FlahertY LibrarY -3

vidya Bhsvan. chowpstty, Bombayl L951' RAMAYANA. c. Rajagopslachari. Llharatiya Dombay' vidya Bhavan. chowpatty, 1958' MAHABHARATA.C. Rajagopaiachari. Iih"ratiya Heroic epic containing code of life'

\^lRITi\165. Swami vivekananda' N'Y' Ramakrishna- INSPIRED TALKS, MY MASTER& 0TH[R Vivekananda Center, 1939.


]g58. Gregor ;rrr. chas. Scribnerrs Sons, I AND TH'U. Martin Buber. Trans. Ronard

by chardin' Trans' Bernard l'Ja}L' Introd' THE PHENOMEI'iOI}0F MAi\. Pi.erre Teilhard de Sir Julian HuxleY. HarPer, f959' Trans' life' Pierre Teil-hard de Chardin' THt DIVINE MILIEIJ. An essay on the interior Bernard VJall. HarPer, 1860' Harper'1952' de chardin' Trans' Bernard vlall' LETTIRS FR0i'1A TRAVTLLER. Pierre Teilhard

le48' D. r. suzuki. rHr rit'i 'xHEt*lNG"t;;;';'''';;";": Library, i\'Y L949' AN INTiiOijucTIilN T0 zEl.j BU,,,HISi4. Philosophical ' '

MANUALCFZTi'jBUDHISili.PublishedforsuddhistSociety,London' riider & Co.' 1950. (2nd' imprint 1955')

Phitosophica] Library' N'$' STU:,]I[s IN ZEN. Ed., Christmas Humphreys' 1955. ]'959' . Zt-NAt\iU JAPANESI CULTURI' Pantheon'

Trans. SurmikoKudo' iJissha Printing THEsIX pICTUilts. Zenkei shib.yana. 'xH[RDIl,jG Co., Japan, n.d. Mass' c"*ntiage Buddhist Assoc" cambridge' THt l.,tAY0F ZAZEN. Rindo Fujimoto, Roshi. 1 r\/ 1 LYELo

Harper, 1959' THE FR/\lTiCf CF ulEN. Chang Chen-Chi.


Grove , L959. F}6herty LSSrary

TA0 TE CHIN6: THt B00K 0F THEWAY & ITS VIRTUE. Trans. and annotated by J.J.L. Duyve John Fiurray, London. (Wisdornof the East Series)


THEBL.rCi.0F TEA. 0k6kura Kakuzo. Chas. E. Tuttfe, Putland, Vermont & Tokyo. 1957. (I9U6)

A FL0WERDOES NOT TALK" Zenkei Shib.yarna. Trans. Sumiko Kudo. Introd' D.T. 5uzuki.1956,

ZEN IN THt ART 0F ARCHERY.Eugen Henigel. Trans. B.F.C. Hull. Introd. rl.T. Suzuki. Pantheon,1953.

THE THREEPiLLARS OF ZEN -Ti:ACiiING, PRACTICTANO Et\LI6HTET\l"iEi\iT. Compiled and edited with translations, inttarjuctions and notes by Philip Kapleau. Harper, 1956.

ZEN FLESHAND ZEN BClit5 - A Collection of Zen and pre-Zen writings. Compiled by Paul Reps. Chas, E. Tuttle, Rutfand, Vermont & Tokyo, 1958.

THE TEACHINGSOF THI CCMPAS:IONATEBU-IDHA. Edited, with commentAryby E.A' BUrtt. New American Library, J'955.

BUDDHISM.Christmas Humphreys. Penguin Books' 195I.

BUDDHISTTE)(TS through the ages. irlew1ytransJated from the original Pali, Sanskrit' Chinese, Tibetan, Japanese 6nd Apabhrailsa. [dited by EdwardConze with I.B. Horner, D. SnelLgxove, A. VJaley. Philosophical Library, 1954.

Alan !/. Watts. THE SPIRIT flF ZEN. A Way of Lifer u,otk and Art in the Far East.

John l'.iurlay, London, L936. (V'/isdomof the East Ser-'es) ZtN BUDiiHlSM. The Buddhist Society, London, L947.

THt \'JAY0F LIiJtirATlONIN ZEi\iBUDijHiSM. Asian Study Monographsl rto. 1. American Acadeiny of Asian Studies, College of the Pacific, , Ca}if . , lt 55 .

fHE \,iAY 0F ZEN. Pantheon, L957. Fl6herty LibrarY - 5

RICHEREY ASIA. EdmondTaylor. Houghton Plifflin, 1941.


C0I'{PA55I0N. CoLlum. John Murray, London. (uiisdom of the fast Series)

THE \^/AY0F LIFI ACC0RDii:GT0 LA0TZU. An American Version. Witter Bynner. LuY, 1944.

ZEN, A ilELIGI0t'{. Ruth Fuller Sasaki.. First Zen lnstitute of America, Inc., N.Y., 1958.

ZEN BU;DHISI'1. Peter Pauper Fress' I'it. Veinon, N.Y., 1959.

(l'risdom East A TAr]IST NOTIBLI0K. fdward Herbert. John l4urray, London, f955. of the 5elies)


Frederick Ungar, lJ. Y. , l-958.

THE TtACrlIljG OF BUDDHA. EdrnondBordeaux Szekely. Socliedad de Estudios Comparatives de Culturas Antiquas A.C. Tecate, Calif. 1956. (1952)


FR0t4THt BAftBC0BRi,OM. Haro-l-d Eould Hencerson. Japan Reference Library, N.Y.' 1940-

Forward THt SUi,REf'4EUOCTRiNt. Psychological Studies in Zen Thought. Hubert tsenoit.

by Aldous Huxley. Viking' 1959. (Pantheon, }955)

ZE|'JijullHISi"l Ai\l PSYCHOANALYSIS. U.T.3uzuki, Lrich Frornrnand Rici1ard leMartino. Harpet, I960.

1]oubleday, MAGIC, 5CIINCE ANLIRtLiGIirN. ijronislaw Mali.nowski. 1955.

L949. THt SCI[|!CE 0F CULTLiijE.A Study of i{an and civi]ization. Leslie A. White. Grove,

MANl"iAKiS HIMSLLF. V. Gordon Childe' New nmerican fibrary, I95f .

PATTtfli'J50F CULTURE. Ruth Elenedict. Penguin, L934.

(1928) c0t,lli{G 0F A6i IN SAI/I0A. Flargaret lulead. New American Library, 1949.


Arnerican Library' 1955' cuLTURAL|:'ATTt-Ri.ls Ai\l TtcHt'JICALCHANGI. lviargaret i'4ead, ed. New Flaherty Library - 6

FRIIDOMAND CULTURE. Dorothy Lee. Prentice HaIl, 1959.

H0i\40LUIJINS: A STUDYilF TH; PLAYELEI'4E|{T Ihl CuI-TURE.Joh6n Huizinga. Beacon, 1950. cHILiiHCOi_iANI SLrCIiTY. Erik H, Erikson. Norton, N.Y. 1950.

CIjLTURt,LANGUAGI AND PtiiS0NALiTY. Edward Sapit. Se].ected essays edited by Davi.d G. i'tandelbaum. Univ. of Cal-if ., Berkeley, 1956.

VdHATHAPPE|{ED ltl HIST0RY- V. Gordon Childe. Penguin, 1946.

THE USt:i 0F THE PAST. Profi-Les of Former Societies. Herbert i. Mufler. New American Library, 1952.

FORCI l\i'il FREED0M. An Interpietai,ion of History. Jacob Burckhardt. Edited by Jarnes Hastings Nichol-s. iu'jeri.dian. I955.

CIVILIZATIIjN CN TRiAL. Arnold J. Toynbee. 0xford, N.Y., 1948.

ARiSftTLtrS Tl'lf0RY tlF POdTRYAl'lil FIi{E ART. Trans. S.H. Butcher. Uover, }951.

THE SENSE0F EIAUTY. Eeing the tutiine of Aesthetic Theory. George Santayana. Dover, It55. (r-B9b)

THE NATURE0F LITtltATURt. Herbert Read. 6rove.

THE PHILCS|IPHY0F LITf,rAiiY f0Rl.i. Kenneth Burke. Jintage, 1957. (1941)

PRACTICALCRITICISM. A Study of Literary Judgment. I.A. Rich;rds. Harcourt, 1929.

0N WRITI|jG. llrliiLa C.ther. Knopf , 1949. (Critical Studies on ir,lriting as an Art)

LANGUAGEAilD [''1YTH. Ernst Cassirer, Trans. Susanne K. Langer. Dover, L946.

IDWIN MUIR. P.H. Butter. Grove, 1952,

ItPartisan Reviewtt. July-Aug. 1954. V xxi, no.4.

AN II'jTRIDUCTI0NT0 HAIKU. Translations and commentaties by H6rold G. Henderson. IJoubleday, l-958.

HAIKU. R.H. Blyth. l4okuseido Press, Japan. V. I Lastern Cu-l-ture 1952 V. 3 Summer-Autumn n. d . U. 2 Spring 1950 V. 4 Autumn-VJinter 1952 Flaherty LibrarY '7

A P[P|'ER-P0D. Shoson. Knopf , L9tt7. CJassic Japanese poems together rvith original haiku.

A GRASSpATH. SelecQed poems from Sokeishu by Kotoinichi 0kuma. Univ. of Hawaii' f955'

JAPANESEHAIKU. Peter Pauper Pressr IYit. Vernon, N.Y., f955.

THt F8UR S[A50N5. Japanese Haiku. Peter Pauper Press, Mt' Vernon, N'Y', 1958'

CHERRy8L05501.'i5. Japanese Haiku. Peter lrauper Pless, Mt. Vernon, N.Y.r f950.

PROViRrlSFR0t'i 0LftN TIMLS. Peter r'aupei Press. i\{t. Vernon, N.Y., 1956. CHINESE '

THE SOCIAL HISTORY0F AiiT. Arnolcj Hauser. Random, The Film Age v. 3 Rococo, classicism, r(6661licism v. 4 Naturalism, Irnpressionism,

AESTHETICSAND HISTCRY. Bernard Berenson. lloubl-eday' 1954.

y Gassett' THE IIIHUMANiZATiON0F ART and other writings on Art and Culture. Jose Ortega Doubleday, L952' (1948)

Sidney Finke.l-stein. International. Publishers, N-Y. 1947. ART AllD SitCIETY. ' (1945) THE ARTIST AilD SCCIITY- Gino Severini. Grove, 1952.

CHRiSTIAN AND 0RIINTAL PHIL050PHYuF ART. Ananda K' Coomarswamy' l'over, 1956'

THt INDURII.JGART 0F JAPANJ. Langdon tlarner. Grove' ]952'

HORIZON, A Review of L'terature "Studies in Genius - l: Leopardi[ Fuscarina ALexander in and Art. monthly. Apri.l' i947.

the Present Time" Lionel Trillingr in 'rThe Situation of the American IntellectuaL at PERSPEITIVTSUSA - No. 3, 1953.

Spring'57' ,'Artistic Truth the triarped Visicn." !'Jiiliam Phillips. in PARTISANREVIEW, -nd

"Passj-on and the IndefLect" in YALE FRTNCHSTUUIES, winter, 1957.

7 ARTS. Selected 6nd edited by Fernando Puma. Doubieday, 1953. Pain'-ing, sculpture, musie, dance, theatre, literaturer alchitecture.

ilheatre' THI IRA|"IATICI,.,AGINATiBN: Reflecii.ons and Specu]ations on the Art of the Robert fdmond Jones. Theatre Arts Books, N.Y., 194'l-. Flaherty LibrarY - I

ARCHETYPALPATTTRNS I{'J POETRY. Psychological- Studies of Imaginaticn. MaudBodkin. Vintage, 1958.

THEARCHITTCTURE 0F HUMANISM.A Study in the History of Taste. Geoffrey Scott. Uoubleday, 1954.

POETICS0F MUSIC. . Vintaqe, L956.

MY LIFI IN ART. Constantine Stanis.Lavski. Trqns. J.J. Robbins. Meridian, 1956. &924')

THE RISI 0F SCIENTIFIC PHIL0SO,IHY, Hans Reichenback. Univ. of Calif ., Berkeley, L955.

Messner, ll.Y 1956. SCIENCEAND HUtvlANVALUIS. J. Bronowski. -,

SCIENCEAND THE I'10RALLIFE. i:iax Otto. New American Library' L949.

THE SCIENCIS AND THE AHTS. A New Alliance. Harold G. Cassidy. Harper, L952.

CAN MAN BE Ivi0DIFIE-IJ? Jean Rostand. Trans. Jonsthan Griffin. Basic Books, 1959. Predictions of our bio]-ocli-cal future.

THE BI0L0GY 0F THi SPIRIT. Edmund \lJ. Sinnott. Viking' 1955'

NtW B0TTLIS FOR NEI'JVlINt. Julian Huxley. Harper, 1957. Scientj-st writes hopefulty of manrs future in terms of increasing knowledge about himse]-f and the r,,orl-d,

IMM0RTALITY. Ashley Montagu. Grove' 1955. every scientist 'rNcthing that is human shoul-d be alien to the student of man, and shcul-d look upon knowledge in the Vihiteheadian sense, as expiolation."

ACCE\IT0N F0Rp1. An Anticirration of the Science of Tomorrow. Lanee.l-ot Law Whyte. Harper, 1954.

THt CRISIS 0F OURAGE. P, A. Sorokin. I]utton, L957. (1941) tt...degeneration is brouqht about by the tendency of our cuLture to substitute means for ends, technique ior genius...... genius creates its own techniques.tt

PERS0f\ALITYAt!l1 50CIAL INJC0UNTIR. Gordon'"n1.Allport. Beacon' 1960.

ESCAPEFROi''i FREIilOM. Erich Fromm. Falror & Rinehart, 1941.

THE U6DISCIIVEf1ED$tLF. C. G. Jung. Trans. R.F.C. Hull. New American Library, 1957. Inquiry into the dilemma of the individual in tocay's society.

"The Indi.vidsa] and the Flassrt Nicol-a Chiaromonte in DISjENT, Spring 1957.

THE C/iPTIVt 14IND. Czeslaw i,ii-Losz. Trans. Jane Zielonko. Vintage, I955. (f-953) PersonaL message to the v'Jest on Communist mentality. THt TRUI BILIEVIR. Thoughts on the Nature of i4ass Flovements. Eric Hoffer.

New American Library, 1951. Flaherty Libraly - 9 THE IirtAL 0F HUI"IANITY. Sri Aurobindo. Dutton, 1950. (fgfS-fgfB seaial) ManLi-ndrs search for the triune ideaL of Unity, i'iutual-ity and Harmony as revealed by iis social-, politica.l- anci econo'ric histr-'ry. "...the enemy af al-l real rel-igirrn is human egcism, the egoi.sm of the individual' the egoism of class and nation.r' THE FIRST AND LAST FR[[D0M. J. Krishnamurti. Introd. A]dous Huxley. Harper, 1954.

'rlf l-ove, yau may do what you wi1l, But if you start by doing what you will' -vou nr hrr dn'ino what you dontt will in obedience to some traditional system or notionst ideals and prohibitj-onsr Vou wilf never .l-ove. The liberating pxocess must begin with the choicel-ess awareness of what you witl and of your reactions to the symbol- system which tefLs you that you ought, or ought not, to wil'l it.'f

T0\{ARDA PSYCH0LCGY0F BEI'JG. Abrhham H. Piaslow. VanNostrand, Rrinceton, 1962,

THE SECRETPATH. PauI Brunton, Dutton, 1958. (1938) A technique of spiritual se.Lf-Ciscovery for the modern world.

THE SILF BIYOND YCURSILF. Richarci B. Gregg. Li-ppincott, J-955. Search for spirttual security for those for whcm orthodox religions have lost appeal.

THE WISDOM0F Ii'JSECURITY, ALan W. VJatts. Pantheon' l-95.1. How is man to ]ive in a world in which he can never be secure, deprivedr as many aret of the conso.l-ations of re.l-ioious belief?

THt IN-nIVIDiiAL ANIi HI5 RELIGiIIN. Gordon \"J. l\J-1port. Macrnil-l-an, I950. Psychology and religion. Adults ccntinue chiLdhood approach more persistently in rej-igion than in any other fieid of hurnan thouEht. lqAN THI BRIDGi BETIJIIN T\,/t]t'JURLll:" Franz t. Uink.Ler, M.L. Harper, I95O. Man stands poised between the outer wor.Ld of fact (tire created) and his own virtually unexplored worl-d tthe Creative). Need is to train rnsnrs intuitive faculties to match his tremendous inte]lectual Dowers.

MDttFN MAriil{ri SIARCH 0F A Si]LjL, C.G. Jung. Trans. b1.5. r,ell & Cary F. Bsynes.

Harcourt, f933.

THt T!J3 SUUAC[5'r]F I.IORALITYAlJlr R|LISIili\. Henri Bergson. Uoubl-eday, f954 (Ho-Lt, 1935)

( TI-IEPIIND NF THI [lAK[R. -.rorothy L. Sayers. Fieridian, 1956 . Harcourt, 1941) ParaLlelism between divine and srtistic i,n6gination.

VJITNJESSTO THE TRUTH. Christ and His Interpreters. Edith Hamilton. Norton, N.M.'1948.

THt D0GMA0F CHRIST and other essays on Heligion, Psychology and Cul-ture. [rich Fromm. Holt, f953. (1955)

AIiSVJLRTL,r JilB. C.G. Jung. Trans. R.F.C.Hull. lieridian, 1950. (1954) Probl-em of evj--l-: its psychological and religious origins-

THE l"ll\RTYRut.li"'i0F i"iAN. VJinwood ReaCe. ldatts, London, 1948. One mants negation of the ordinary religlous be}iefs. Flaherty Li-brary - 10

T0WARDA MATUREFAITH. Erwin R, Goodenough. Prentice-Hal-I, 1955. Probes the necessity and inevitabiiity of a religicus belief fol even themost edtreme skeptic.

ld;tlTii: FIR GOD. Simone Weil. Putnsrn, 1951.

lJe are living in a time that has no pxecedent, 6nd in our present situation universality which could formerly be impfticit has to be fully explicit. It has to permeate our language and ihe whole of our way of life.rl

THI flEEi FOR i10cT5. Sinrone !rlei]-. Preface. T.S. Eliot, Putnam, 1952. f'The need of truth is more sacted than 3ny other need. ..,Truth is the radiant rnanif estation of lea l itv. tt

BIH0LD THt 6L0RY. Chad !,rlaLsh. Harper, 1955.


{vlANrSSEARCH FOR yiEAhlIf',jG:An Introduction to Lcgotherapy. Viktor f. Frankl. l,rlashington Square Press, 1963.

Revised and enJ-argecieCition of FROMilEATH-CAi\irr T0 LXISTal\TIALi5M. A Psycfiatrist's Path to a lJew Therapy. Preface by Gordon Al}oort. ijeacon, 1959.

INSIDg YCURSELF. Louise Morgan. Forward: /\ldcus Huxley. Hutchinson, London, 1954. The new way to health based on the ALexander technique.

?-ft DC0RS0F PIRCIPTI0N. Aldous HuxJ-ey. Chatto & Windus, London, 1954. tt5vtemati.c reasoning is something we cou"ld not, ae a species ox as individuals, possibJ.y do witl-rout. jlut neither, if we are to remain sane, can we possibly do without direct perception, the mole unsystematic the better, of the inner and outer worlds into which we have been born. Yhis given reality is an infinite which passes alf understanding and yet admits of being directly 6nd in some sort totally aoprehended. tr

EXPLOI]It'iGIllNi-R SPACE. ijersonal Experiences uncier LSD-25. Jane Dunl-ap. Harcourt, I96L trl bel-j-eved the time wou-Ldeventual-ly corne when, without the use of drugs, each person would be in continuous contact wi.th the beauty, the great capacity for Love, the musical- and artistic taLents, the spiritual richnessr and a.ll the other weaLth which now lay untapped deep inside myself.tt

THEI{IND AIiD I1[ART0F L0Vt. 1"1.C.DrArcy, 5.J. Fleridian, 1956.

LOVEOR PEfti5H. Smiley Blanton, Fi.IJ. Simon & Schuster, 1956. Flaherty Library - 11

ADVENTURES0F THE MINil. Eds. Richard Thnue.lsen& John Kobler, Introd. Mark Van Doren. Knopf, 1939.

Articl-es from @ exploring frontiers of contemporary thought wi"th 21 eminent creative thinkers in science, the humanities and the arts.

THE DTSTINY 0F THE iili\D, EAST Al,lN!''/t5T. Wifliam 5. Haas. Macmi.Llan, 1956.

ttThe insights of the minrj occu! vari.usly. )orne come as a final resuLt of preparation emerging only after a long period of toif. But there ale others, not so frequent to be sure, where this order is reversed. Here the insight anticipates the thorough preparatory work which logically is its condition precedent. "

THE OPENyilt',10. J. Robert 0ppenheimer. Sinron &. Schuster, 1955.

!! An indispensable, perhaps !@ indis;rensabie element in giving meaning to the dignity of man snd in making possible the taking of Cecision on the basis of honest conviction, is the openness of inenrs minds, and the openness of whatever media there are for communion between men, free of restraint, free of repression, snd free even of that most pervasive of a1l lestraints, that of status 6nd hiera:chy." t/iINDS Al'lDpiACiliNtS. \d, 5luckin. Penguin, L954,

C0NTRCL0F IHi MIND. Eds. Seymour ii. Farber and Roger H.L. lliLson. McGraw-HiLl' 1951-. Proceedirgs of symposium at Un-Lv. of Cal-if . San Francisco lvledical Center.

THf CREATIVTMiNiJ. A Study in luletaph'rsics. Henri lSergson. The Wisdom Library' Div. of Philosophical Lib'ary, ll.Y., 1946.

THE CRIATiVI PR0CE55. Ed. I]rewster Ghisei.in. Univ. of CaLif, Berke]ey, L952'

THI I,/ILL T5 CREATE. Lucien Price. Reprint of turo addresses de].6,vered at the Berkshire Music Center, Tanglewood, Lenox, iviass. JuIy 30 and Aug. 3, I94?.

trThe creative force, even in genius, wiiJ- not be corrrinanded. It wiJ-l only be obeyed.tt

CREATIVIINTUITIOI\ iN ART ANDPGETRY. Jacques Maiitan. i4ericiian, 1955.

ART AND REALITY- \,Jays of the Creative Process. Joyce CarV. Harper, 1958.

THE CRIATIVt tLtMEl\T. A Study of Vision, Desp2j-r and 0rthodoxy among sorne Modern Writers. Stephen Spender, British Look Center, N.Y., L954.

THE AIi"iS 0F IUUCATILII']. Alfred North vrihitehead. New American Library, 1929.

M0D[S 0F THOUGI-iT. A]fred North l,i/hitehead. Putnam, 1958. ( 1938 )

IDUCATIJi] ANIJTHt SIGNIFICAI'JCEOF LiFI. J. Krishnamurti. Harper, L953.

lvlANJtSRIGHT T0 Ki,lOiuJLtDGI.Columbi-a Univ. Press' I955. International symposium in honor of 200 anniversary of Col-umbia University -I754-L954. Flaherty Library -L2

THE PROCISSOF TDUCATION. Jerome 5. Bruner. Harvard Univ. Press, 1960.

ONKNOWIN!G:Essays fortbre Left Hand. Jerome 5. Bruner. Harvard Univ/ Pressr L962.

THE ART 0F TEACHii\lG. ui.lbert Highet. Knopf, L954.


EDUCATI,i|',1THRCUGI-I ART. Herbert Read. Faber and Faber, Lcrndon,1943,

CAN irl_U,,LI LEAni'JT0 L[ARi.l? How to Know Each Other. Brook Chisho]-m, Harper, 1958.


EXtrL0RriTILi;\SIN COyil'IUNICATIiI\15.Eds. Edmund Cerpenter and Marshall- McLuhan. Beacon' 1950.

UNDtRSTAt'JDiLiGt\iEDIA ; THE tXTt\JSIf NS 0F [iAN. Marsha.].] l4cLuhan. McGraw-Hil-l- L964. '

THE BETRAYAL0F THI INTELLi-CTTiALS. Julien tsenda. Introd. Herbert Read. Beacon, 1955. (rgze ) Cri-ticism of intef]ectuals who have failed to accept their responsibility as leaders in soci-ety.

THE HIDI,EN REMIiANT. Geral-d Sykes. Harper, 1952. Will mants individual consciousness be lost in an age of atomic power and vast co-l-l-ectivization? If we do survive, shafl we preserve the qualities of the huinan spi-rit whi-ch make freeciom ;:o',sible?

SELF-RENSWAL. The Individua] and the Innovative 5ociety. John Vrl. Gardner. Harperr1963.

THE NIEXTIIEVILOPMLNT Iii MAt!. Lance.Lot Law ',rhyte. Ho-Lt' 1948.

ttii-^^.,^-,,i- !fDUUVEi.Y ID the essence of soci.al deveJ-opment, and a method of discovery its only nnsqihle nr rarantee.r;