Alford Windmill will be bought back to its former working glory as a much celebrated visitor site


DELIVERED JUNE 2021 Investing in infrastructure has the potential to improve lives by giving people pride in their local communities; bringing more places across the UK closer to opportunity; and demonstrating that government can visibly deliver against the diverse needs of all places and all geographies. Our local communities and the links between them across the UK are fundamental parts of our shared economy, culture and society

Levelling Up Fund: Prospectus, Government 2021 CONTENTS









The Levelling Up Fund provides a further for increasing confidence, investment and opportunity for East Lindsey District interest in our main centres into the future. Council to work directly with Government on behalf of our local places to secure In addition, the Council has established further transformational investment into widespread support for the identified securing the growth and sustainability of proposals through the development of our towns which have historically been bespoke action plans for each Centre via underfunded through the purse. In doing our Vital and Viable Programme. These so, we will continue to prioritise and action plans are based on a series of facilitate the delivery of key interventions bespoke consultation workshops and that will deliver economic recovery and ongoing dialogues with local businesses business growth. These actions, developed and communities, facilitated by the Institute in partnership with our local businesses, of Place Management in conjunction with residents and community leaders will also Manchester Metropolitan University. increase civic pride in the way our places look and feel. They will also promote The development of the proposed cycling enhanced health and wellbeing across and walking infrastructure, which underpins the District as local residents, visitors the Levelling Up Fund application, is based and workers can benefit from increased on existing design proposals developed engagement in new activities and by Sustrans and subsequent development experiences and support local enterprises work by Collisons & Associates Ltd and emerging from those new opportunities. County Council Highways Authority. They complement existing This bidding process builds quickly on plans to develop Walking and Cycling the recently successful engagement Infrastructure Plans across the county and with Government through the Towns retain strong community and stakeholder Fund process which has secured £48.4m support. They also support the delivery of investment into the East Lindsey coast many local strategies and policies of lead (alongside a committed match funding partners including the Greater Lincolnshire package of a further £34.3m). The LEP’s Local Industrial Strategy and Covid Levelling Up proposals have been Recovery Plan (September 2020), as well carefully structured to provide a strong as Government’s National Infrastructure complimentary correlation with the key Strategy (2020), Ten Point Plan for a Green principles of the two Investment Plans Industrial Revolution (2020) and 25 Year already supported by Government. In Environment Plan (25YEP) (2018). As doing so, they provide a mutual emphasis such, the proposals are being developed on the role of infrastructure, connectivity as part of an established framework of and arts and culture as fundamental drivers lead partner activity and support.


As public infrastructure, there is a clear The project has two core components: public sector role to lead development of the Multi-User Path and associated cultural/activity hubs. Developing a multi-agency strategic plan, with a clear defined timescale, will ensure that partners 1 2 work together to deliver the ambitions for the route as a strategic infrastructure priority. Project delivery can still be Project development: to fully Core project delivery: the delivered in multiple phases, but all the define the infrastructure routes, project will develop the individual stages will be clearly aligned with a commitment to deliver the overall obtain permissions, develop whole multi-user path network in a series of phases, programme. Other lead partners involved the partnership for delivery, in delivery include Lincolnshire County develop the phased project integrating and connecting Council, with involvement from the rights of earlier investments into way and active transport, tourism and rural delivery plan and secure funding. development teams. This will be led by East Lindsey the cycling and walking District Council (ELDC). infrastructure in the District. This approach will enable the Council’s core This will be led by ELDC. project delivery team to work with partners to bring together a blended funding package including public and charitable funding bids, supported by cash and in- kind contributions from the private and third sectors.


The Towns Fund process provides a relevant backdrop to the Levelling Up The core project team within the Council that will be responsible Fund submission in terms of providing Government with assurances over the for delivering the Levelling Up Fund Programme has a number of ability of the District Council to develop and implement bespoke investment relevant skills, experience and qualification in delivering large-scale programmes. Throughout the pandemic, the District Council has strengthened capital programmes and externally funded schemes, including: its focus towards economic growth as a key strategic commitment. With the direct support and engagement of Government, this current approach is unlocking unprecedented levels of direct investment into East Lindsey.

Lydia Rusling Neil Cucksey Emilie Wales Jon Burgess Samantha Phillips Assistant Director (Lead Strategic Capital Project Historic Environment Officer Economic Development Manager Economic Development Officer Responsible Officer for LUF Development Emilie has previously supported Jon has over 20 years experience Samantha has managed the Implementation) Neil is a qualified architect the development and of delivering economic delivery of the Council’s Vital Lydia has vast knowledge and with over 30 years’ experience implementation of large-scale development projects in East and Viable programme across experience of supporting the of delivering capital growth investment plans in North Lindsey and managing externally four inland market towns, in visitor economy in Lincolnshire schemes across Lincolnshire. East Lincolnshire including funded programmes under partnership with local communities and beyond in partnership with Neil is responsible for leading the Governments’ first pilot available Government funds and and bespoke consultation events local businesses and lead sector on the Councils’ major capital Town Deal in Grimsby and previous European Structural facilitated by Simon Quin (Co-chair representatives. Lydia is the former projects, including negotiation Heritage Action Zone. Funds Assistance. Jon has also at Institute of Place Management Chief Executive of Visit Lincoln with landowners on strategic previously worked on a two and High Streets Task Force and in her current role managed acquisitions and associated year secondment to the Greater Executive Director). Samantha the successful development and development agreements; Lincolnshire Local Enterprise had previously managed heritage submission of three Investment Partnership which included projects across Lincolnshire Plans to MHCLG on behalf of East refreshing the LEP’s Strategic and supported the Louth Town Lindsey District Council, Boston Economic Plan and managing local Partnership to deliver local events, Borough Council and all partners infrastructure investment funds. promotional activity and national under the Connected Coast and award recognition. Boston Town Deal Board structures;

Emilie Wales – Historic Environment Officer 06 EAST LINDSEY LEVELLING UP FUND – DELIVERY PLAN Emilie has previously supported the development and implementation of large-scale investment plans in North East Lincolnshire including the Governments’ first pilot Town Deal in Grimsby and Heritage Action Zone. Louth will be the base for a new social enterprise located in a refurbished landmark building in the town centre, with outreach hubs in our other market towns.

Further internal support will be Council’s adopted constitution and available to support delivery of the associated strategy documents. This Levelling Up Fund process through will ensure compliance with all relevant the Assets Directorate who have Government legislation, including multiple years’ experience of delivering financial and contract procedures capital build works and managing as well as risk management, NEC contracts at all stages of delivery. energy efficiency/carbon reduction As the lead local planning authority, and equality and diversity. officers will also ensure early internal engagement and dialogue with Where appropriate and necessary, Development Control colleagues and external expertise will be procured other professionals on the application by the Council to provide the process for any associated consents additional support to deliver the required to complete the intended agreed services. This will include the programme of works where this procurement of construction contracts. cannot be progressed under existing The Council also has direct access local authority powers and associated to a number of established contract permitted development rights. As and procurement frameworks which such, limited consent for new works will provide an efficient and cost- is anticipated as they will largely effective mechanism for bringing in be undertaken as enhancement to external expertise to support project existing adopted highway routes delivery on a contractually defined or existing buildings spaces where and time bound basis. Ongoing the proposed uses are consistent training and wider networking support with the respective site history (e.g. is also available to support all core the proposed cycling hub in Louth staff through regular performance was previously a bicycle shop). reviews and access to existing partnerships and forums including the Implementation of the Levelling Up Institute of Economic Development Funds programme will also follow and Rural Services Network. the Council’s established policy procedures for use of public funds, as outlined in detail within the

07 EAST LINDSEY LEVELLING UP FUND – DELIVERY PLAN 3 2 This means that the network will link to three Visit Lincoln and the rail access points: Skegness, Lincoln (via development of the Lincoln Woodhall Spa) and Grimsby/, and to Boston Water Railway complement work which has been undertaken In addition to the lead partners, route, which goes through with Railway (EMR) to attract a range of other partners Woodhall Spa will also ensure visitors to the Coast to walk and cycle via train. have expressed interest in that the network links to Furthermore, subject to approval in the Towns supporting the initiative, either the railway in Lincoln; 4 Fund bid for Skegness, further upgrades to the along the whole route or in Skegness railway station are planned including specific locations, including: enhanced cycling facilities and work to link the Environment Agency station via improvements to Lumley Road/High in a supporting and Street to the Skegness Foreshore developments advisory role, particularly and coastal cycling and walking routes; in relation to the coastal 1 route and its relationship with flood defences and East Lindsey District Council are liaising with the environment; 6 North East Lincolnshire Council to explore how 7 to effectively link up the northern end of route National Trust at 2 (Cleethorpes to Woodhall Spa) to work on Sandilands, Sutton on Sea, who are the Humber, supported by the Towns Fund Farmers and landowners 5 redeveloping the and Covid recovery support to develop cycling who will provide access golf course into a infrastructure in the District. It directly links to to land and develop nature reserve and the work North and North East Lincolnshire are NHS and the Centre for Future new enterprises visitor centre; doing with Visit Lincoln and Cycle to Living as part of Mablethorpe linked to the access develop the cycling network on the South bank Town Investment Plan. Town routes, linking to rural of the Humber. This will ensure that the routes Deal projects including the development funding; proposed in this project link to routes along Centre for Future Living and its the south bank of the Humber and the rail links respective health partners, the 8 in North East Lincolnshire to provide access Leisure and Learning Hub and the Mobi-Hub in Mablethorpe, without the need to use a car for visitors; Tourism and other businesses as well as the Foreshore and who will develop parts of 9 Culture House in Skegness. the route (e.g. Hardy’s, who Community Renewal have plans in the Skegness Fund proposals to Town Deal bid) to develop support tourism and a multi-user circular path the visitor economy, linking the coast, A52 and and Let’s Move the communities of Chapel Lincolnshire led by St Leonards and Ingoldmells Active Lincolnshire. to Hardy’s Animal Farm;

08 EAST LINDSEY LEVELLING UP FUND – DELIVERY PLAN In addition, lead partners will continue to develop proposals to secure commercial co-investors from other major companies working in the area who have community investment programmes.

Where support partners are required to be formally engaged as part of the delivery process (in terms of specific resource commitments which are outside of existing statutory or partner engagements), the terms will be agreed via a signed Memorandum of Understanding setting out the associated delivery roles, responsibilities and other arrangements of each party.

The project team will develop a specific project website to provide updates on the Levelling Up Projects via press releases and existing partner, communication and social media channels. Formal progress on assurance, monitoring and evaluation will be undertaken by the Council’s Executive Board through quarterly reporting (papers available in the public domain). In all instances, any publicity on the scheme will acknowledge the contribution and commitment of Government in realising the local investment opportunities.



In 2021/22 work will be focussed on Alford Windmill repairs, completing the market square events enhancement work in Louth and Horncastle and the Architects illustration of development of outreach cycle hubs in the restored Courtroom at Sessions House Spilsby, Horncastle and Alford to encourage cycling and wider countryside access. The Session House project in Spilsby will be Detailed floorplan proposal progressed to the point of a detailed for Spilsby Sessions House planning submission, enabling works to be completed in 2022/23.


In 2022/23 work will commence on procuring the construction works for the two Connected Wolds (Danelaw) and Connected Coast routes, with the Coastal Routes being complete by March 2023.


In 2023/24 work on the Sessions House Theatre will be complete and work will continue on delivering the Connected Wolds (Danelaw) routes.


In 2024/25 the Connected Wolds (Danelaw) routes will be complete, realising the full benefit and opportunities outlined in the Levelling Up application.

13 EAST LINDSEY LEVELLING UP FUND – DELIVERY PLAN Heritage Lottery Funding has allowed foundations Alford Manor House Orangery will provide vital revenue to be laid for the Millwrights Workshop generation through events or Alford Manor House has over 90 dedicated volunteers who support all aspects of the site

The Alford Manor House, Millwright project and Windmill are all interlinked through sharing the story of Alford and key volunteers behind the scenes.

The development of the Connected Wolds (Danelaw) and Connected Coast Routes will be progressed by securing the detailed design and necessary consents that will enable tenders for the construction works to be commissioned in 2022/23.

The Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plans will provide an additional policy framework to support the delivery of the physical works. The establishment of a central cycling hub in Louth will enable the development of mobile support hubs to then be rolled out to the other inland centres.

Alford windmill’s sails were removed Alford Millwright volunteers cataloguing the in 2019 due to safety concerns nationally important collection


Project Element Completion Date Resource requirements Interdependencies Contingency

Asset transfer of Alford Windmill from Lincolnshire Not required. Commitment September 2021 Officer time (LCC) None County Council to Alford Town Council and terms already agreed

ELDC Officer (ELDC) Completion of market square enhancements None – no planning October 2021 for design and tender in Louth and Horncastle consent required Capital funding for works

Officer time (ELDC) for None no planning consent Alternative vacant premises Cycling Hub established in Louth (21 Upgate) December 2021 lease negotiation or change of use required in Louth available Capital funding for works

Policies in adopted East Lindsey Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan adopted January 2022 Officer time (LCC) None Local Plan are still supportive of proposed investments

Officer Time (ELDC) Upgrading of visitor café and holiday Asset Transfer LCC are lead partner so could for design and consent accommodation and facilities at Manor February 2022 Final Design(s) upgrade facilities through direct of any works House and Alford Windmill / Museum intervention from available funds Capital funding for works

Session House Trust Project is well advanced Sessions House: Detailed Design Complete February 2022 to commission and None through previous feasibility agree specification and business planning

Connected Wolds (Danelaw) and Connected Route to be restricted to Officer time (ELDC, LCC) Coast routes defined in full detail, with any March 2022 None adopted highways to avoid land Feasibility funding necessary permissions and consents secured ownership/acquisition delays

ELDC Officer/ Subject to planning officer/ Sessions House – planning consent secured May 2022 None Committee time committee recommendations

ELDC – tender and Competitive tender if no suitable Sessions House – procurement contracts awarded September 2022 Planning consent commission procurement frameworks available

15 EAST LINDSEY LEVELLING UP FUND – DELIVERY PLAN Project Element Completion Date Resource requirements Interdependencies Contingency

Planning consent and Scale programme of works Sessions House – start of construction works October 2022 Capital Funding construction contract to fit available budgets

Coastal Route: Gibraltar point – Skegness. Detailed Plan designed Scale programme of works Traffic calming, shared use paths and on-road March 2023 Capital Funding and consented, approval of to fit available budgets light segregation where space allows works, construction contract

Coastal Route: Skegness – Mablethorpe. Detailed Plan designed Scale programme of works Traffic calming, shared use paths and on-road March 2023 Capital Funding and consented, approval of to fit available budgets light segregation where space allows works, construction contract

Coastal Route: Mablethorpe - Tetney Lock. Detailed Plan designed Scale programme of works Traffic calming, shared use paths and on-road March 2023 Capital Funding and consented, approval of to fit available budgets light segregation where space allows works, construction contract

Connected Wolds (Danelaw) Route: Detailed Plan designed Scale programme of works Woodhall Spa – Horncastle. December 2024 Capital Funding and consented, approval of to fit available budgets New path construction, fencing and signing works, construction contract

Connected Wolds (Danelaw) Route: Horncastle – Louth Detailed Plan designed Scale programme of works New path construction, traffic calming, crossing December 2024 Capital Funding and consented, approval of to fit available budgets points, contra flow cycle facilities, new bridge works, construction contract

Connected Wolds (Danelaw) Route: Louth – Cleethorpes Detailed Plan designed Scale programme of works New path construction alongside the December 2024 Capital Funding and consented, approval of to fit available budgets canal, fencing, signing and bridges works, construction contract

Connected Wolds (Danelaw) Route: Wragby – Louth Withcall Tunnel -New path construction, Detailed Plan designed Scale programme of works Lighting and signing. December 2024 Capital Funding and consented, approval of to fit available budgets New path construction, crossing works, construction contract point fencing and signing

Connected Wolds (Danelaw) Route: Wragby - Bardney Detailed Plan designed Scale programme of works Proposals for traffic-free sections and December 2024 Capital Funding and consented, approval of to fit available budgets on-road carriageway sections works, construction contract

Connected Wolds (Danelaw) Route: Detailed Plan designed Wragby - Horncastle Spur Scale programme of works December 2024 Capital Funding and consented, approval of Replacement of a bridge, construction to fit available budgets works, construction contract of a new multi-user path

16 EAST LINDSEY LEVELLING UP FUND – DELIVERY PLAN As with every suite of projects, there are a series of risks that could potentially impact on the programme’s successful 46 RISK REGISTER delivery. A number of headline risks have been identified at this stage and are set out below, outlining the likelihood of each arising and the extent of impacts if they do. A series of mitigating actions have also been identified. These actions could be implemented to minimise the potential for risks to arise and the potential severity on impacts if they do.

Risk Owner Likelihood Impact Mitigation

East Lindsey Problems establishing a District Council Experienced rights of way teams and local community engagement officers route due to land access and Lincolnshire Medium High will work together to ensure that issues with route design are addressed. or regulatory issues County Council

The costings have and will continue to be produced by rights of way East Lindsey experts and consultants who work on similar schemes, including national District Council experts such as Sustrans and Lincolnshire County Council. This will Costs under estimated and Lincolnshire Medium High ensure that the costings are benchmarked against similar projects. All County Council cost estimates will be updated annually as part of the rolling 10 year programme of works to ensure any under estimates are identified early.

East Lindsey The core project management team are experienced in managing Cost over runs / District Council other major infrastructure and access projects. All projects will be construction inflation and Lincolnshire Medium Medium managed with monthly reporting so that any potential of actual cost County Council over runs are identified quickly and robust mitigation actions taken.

East Lindsey A key part of project delivery will be to have a proactive approach to a District Council rolling programme of grant applications to secure the funding needed. Shortfall in grant support and Lincolnshire Medium Medium This will spread the risk and enable any shortfalls to be made up by County Council accessing other sources. Progress in funding will be closely monitored.

The nature of the development means that multiple sources Shortfall in match East Lindsey of match funding are proposed, over 10 years, meaning funding District Council Medium Low that shortfalls can be managed by ‘crowd funding’ the match funding across many different sources.

17 EAST LINDSEY LEVELLING UP FUND – DELIVERY PLAN Risk Owner Likelihood Impact Mitigation

East Lindsey Construction will use experienced contractors, be based on full District Council Construction delays route assessments and be overseen by Council teams who have and Lincolnshire Medium Medium managed similar major access and infrastructure projects. County Council

The increase in cycling The trend for increased cycling and walking was well established before and walking in the East Lindsey Covid, but was accelerated by the pandemic. Development of the community during District Council Low Medium path will be supported by a programme of promotion to encourage Covid reverses use, supported by programmes run by the NHS and Magna Vitae.

Visitors to the area will be encouraged to use the new paths with clear Lower use of the signage, linked collateral such as guides to the route both via apps and East Lindsey paths than envisaged physical promotions. Campaigns will link to Visit Lincoln/Lincolnshire and District Council Medium Medium by visitors promotion of the Wolds and Coast to promote the new facilities in the area to extend the season and attract new demographics to the area.

Linked economic Evidence from other similar developments shows that businesses development East Lindsey are very quick to respond to opportunities of new customers. opportunities fail District Council Low Low Promotion work with the business community will ensure they to be realised appreciate the opportunity and develop linked activities.

The project team will work with the NHS and in particular Linked community East Lindsey health improvement teams and Magna Vitae, as the District’s health benefits fail District Council Medium Medium contract provider of leisure and recreation services, to create to be realised programmes to support local residents to use the new paths.

18 EAST LINDSEY LEVELLING UP FUND – DELIVERY PLAN Appropriate arrangements will need to be implemented to will ensure the prompt escalation of risks and allow for ensure that risks are held by delivery bodies through clearly necessary actions to be taken to ensure the project articulated risk transfer arrangements. In each instance, continues to be delivered on budget, to time and to high risks should be assigned to the organisation best able to quality standards. Consideration of risks will also be a manage them. Where works are procured through external standing agenda item for project meetings. The overall bodies, both procurement documents and the final contract project risk is considered to be moderate, with most risk will clearly set out responsibilities for risk management associated with securing private necessary funding. and will transfer operational risks directly associated with delivery of those elements of the works package. Provision In addition to the programme level risk register, each may be made to impose penalties in the event that works project will have its own specific risk register assigned to are not delivered on time or to required quality standards and maintained by the main project sponsor (lead officer). to minimise the risks resting with the local authority and to This will ensure that project risks are addressed at an ensure that other parties take true ownership of the risks appropriate level and in accordance with wider corporate assigned to them. policies. A template of the project risk register is attached at Appendix A. As part of internal project management procedures, all risks will also be assigned an owner to ensure transparency in risk management responsibilities. Clear reporting routes will ensure the project leader is alerted to any changes in risk profile, for example if the likelihood of a risk arising is considered to have increased or wider implications of potential risks are identified. This approach


Project Title: Project Manager:

Risk Inherent Risk Existing Risk Residual Risk New Control Risk Title Status Target Date Description Impact Likelihood Overall Control Actions Impact Likelihood Overall Actions

The combination of risk likelihood and risk impact is then combined to provide an overall Description Score Likelihood Risk Score. The risk score is used to identify which risks require further action and need to be prioritised as it is not practical or possible to manage every risk all of the time. The risk score Very High 4 Likely to happen within the next 6 months. indicates the action required to be taken by risk owners to manage the risk as indicated below: High 3 Likely to happen in the next 6-12 months

Likely to happen in the next 1-2 years Medium 2 Risk Action required by the risk owner Score Low 1 Unlikely to happen within the next 2 years Risks which could have a severe effect on the organisation. The risk 11 - 16 must be escalated to Management Team with potential options to High Description Score Impact reduce the level of risk. As a minimum review monthly.

Very High 4 Complete failure of project Although usually accepted, additional mitigation may be considered if this can 4 - 10 be done cost effectively to reduce the risk score. Reassess to ensure conditions Significant impact on project or most of expected Medium remain the same and existing mitigation is effective. Minimum review quarterly High 3 benefits fail. Major delay of 2+ months These risks are being effectively managed and any further action to reduce the Medium 2 Adverse effect on project/ significant slippage 2 weeks – 2 months 1 - 3 risk would be inefficient in terms of time and resources. Consider if all current Low mitigations are necessary and ensure conditions remain the same and existing Low 1 Minimal impact to project/ slight delay less than 2 weeks mitigations are operating effectively. As a minimum review annually