All correspondence should be addressed to: Council Offices The Clerk to the Council 38 New Pond Road Bucks HP15 6SU Phone: 01494 715429 e-mail [email protected]

Minutes of Little Missenden Parish Council Meeting held on 20th June 2020 via Zoom.

Attendees Parish: Councillor S. Burke – Chair; Councillors S. Baker, D. Hill, S. Geraghty, and G. Spiller County: Councillors P. Martin; V. Martin and P. Birchley Officers: Helen Hogan – Clerk & RFO; Lynne Lusby – Assistant Clerk Members of the Public – Jane Fallon and one other resident were in attendance.

1. Public Forum Councillor S. Burke invited members of the public in attendance to speak.

Jane Fallon spoke regarding CC/0059/19 HGSS. Jane attended the Planning Meeting held on 11th June 2020 as LMPC had not been made aware of the meeting as it was held under Wycombe Planning and not Chiltern. Jane spoke for the three minutes allowed at this meeting to raise concerns which are shared by many residents regarding the travel plan presented by HGSS. Prior to that meeting Jane Fallon had also been in touch with Parish Council who also had not been informed of the meeting. She advised LMPC that her research into the permissions allegedly received by HGSS for park and stride demonstrated that three sites had not been approached by the school and had no knowledge of the proposals. The Head of HGSS has led the planning department to believe that these sites are already functioning and that there are no cars from the school parking in Parish Piece as a result. Jane Fallon has tried to find documents such as adverts for the plan and site notice expiry dates but has found these are not available. She also reported that she knows of five residents who completed an online consultation form, they believed was going to planning (but have since discovered it was from HGSS) giving their opinions and objections, only two of these have been used. Jane Fallon stated that HGSS has a duty to be truthful regarding the Safer Routes to School and that the survey carried out by Origin is not a true reflection of what happens.

The other member of public in attendance did not wish to speak.

The Public Forum was closed by the Chair at 19:41.

2. To receive Apologies from Councillors for non-attendance. Apologies have been received by the Clerk from Councillors K. Anderson, D. Baker, W. Marzouk, and A. Timon.

3. To receive declarations of interest relating to this meeting. None declared.

4. To receive and approve the previous Council Meeting Minutes for March 16th 2020; an Extra- Ordinary Meeting, called by Councillor S. Burke, held on 11th May 2020 at 2:00pm and May 18th 2020. It was RESOLVED that the minutes from these meetings are an accurate representation and (ACTION) will be signed by Councillor S. Burke and filed at the office.

5. To update the Actions Schedule. Actions were noted.

6. To receive and note reports from County Councillors.

Hyde Heath - County Councillor Patricia Birchley (CPB) reported that she has been in contact with other County Councillors, the Environmental Health Officer, the local Police, Village Society and the local Neighbourhood Watch regarding issues at Hyde Heath resulting from the local public house opening an off licence service. She stated that this is a common problem across the county and that public houses are important to villages and balance needs to be struck. Councillor S. Burke wished to note that the support CPB has given is much appreciated and reported that the lack of consideration and anti-social behaviour is from non-locals.

HS2 - CPB reported that she will be attending a meeting on 16th June 2020; along with Andrew Cordiner and County Councillor Peter Martin; regarding the removal of the temporary works at Little Missenden. It was noted that HS2 does not need to apply for permission to extend their use. Regarding the A413 and new entrance will be made to make safer as the Hyde Heath entry is not considered safe. She raised concerns about residents leaving Little Missenden and turning right onto the A413 and the speeds of cars after having been delayed by road works. It was noted by Councillor D. Hill that there has been an increase in traffic driving through Little Missenden as a result of the works and that speed limits are not being adhered to.

Road Surfaces in Hyde Heath - CPB has written for improvements to be made to the road surface at Chalk Hill by the railway bridge and to request that Brays Lane go on the list for resurfacing in 2020. She has a meeting with the Local Area Technician (LAT) on 16th June and will inform them that the banks of Chalk Lane are near to collapse due to damage from large commercial vehicles and the hedges require cutting back by the owners.

19:53 CPB left the meeting.

20:18 County Councillor Peter Martin (CPM) joined the meeting and apologised for arriving late.

HS2 – CPM reported that the issues with traffic control along the A413 have resulted in Hyde Heath and Little Missenden villages becoming ‘rat runs’. Andrew Cordiner has requested safety documents from Bucks regarding this issue at a meeting CPM attended but was informed that they are confidential and cannot be released. HS2 is not being given to the Community Board. Andrew Cordiner is pushing for a resolution and a second meeting will take place on 16.06.2020 which CPM will also be attending. Councillor Geraghty wished to note that LMPC and other Councillors must persist in asking questions in order that Parish views are recognized by HS2.

CPM reported that within he is in discussion with three local schools regarding the link road widening works which are scheduled to begin in September and run for eight weeks. He stated that there could potentially be issues with entering and leaving Great Missenden and this could put extra strain on other routes within the parish of LMPC.

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CPM reported that the bloom in the lake at Shardeloes has not been accepted by HS2 as their responsibility as it cannot be assured where this originated. Andrew Cordiner and Dame Cheryl Gillan have raised this with the Environment Agency. If the water is contaminated no further permissions will be given to HS2. A response is awaited and CPM will report further at the next meeting.

The HS2 Road Safety fund has not yet been launched.

Railway Bridges - CPM reported that the bridge at Nags Head Lane will be inspected by Network Rail and the road will be closed. Several bridges within the area look to be in need of repair. He will advise LMPC once results are available.

Planning - Regarding planning and HGSS and non-notification of LMPC CPM has looked into this and the planning department claim they did advise LMPC but used the wrong email address. LMPC are no longer receiving notifications for planning applications in Hyde Heath and CPM advised that they are currently being sent to Parish Council and will look into this on behalf of LMPC.

Devolved Services – Council will want to put services to Parish Councils but no action has been taken to set this up as yet.

LAF – This has been replaced by the Community Board which will be taking up the district area function and has a budget of £112,000.00 for restructuring and economic development. The Board is not yet functioning.

Buckinghamshire Council – CPM noted that LMPC have raised a concern regarding poor communication from and is following this up. He wished to note that proper control of agenda exclusions is not begun yet and Bucks wish to respond to the views of the meeting rather than Councillors present.

CPM left the meeting at 20:39.

7. Chairman’s Report – Councillor S. Burke

i. Holmer Green Sports Association – updates. Councillor S. Geraghty was invited by the Chair to give updates on the lease received from the solicitors. Councillor Geraghty reported that all appeared to be in order with the exception of the seal and Director requiring change to reflect the lease is no longer with CDC but with BC – she has already noted this with the Clerk. It was RESOLVED that the next steps should be taken to complete. ACTION – Clerk to note changes with solicitor and advise continuation to completion to take place. CPM joined the meeting at 20:18 and was invited by the Chair to make his reports (See above agenda point 6.). ii. HS2 – Letter to Buckinghamshire Council CE – Rachael Shimmin. A response has not yet been received. It was discussed that the selling point of the Unitary Council was that closer liaison between groups would be better facilitated, however LMPC do not feel that is the case at present, especially as HS2 is not being given to the Community Boards. Councillor Geraghty stated that LMPC must persist in asking questions and seeking answers to prevent

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Parish Councils from being forgotten in the processes and decisions being made that affect local residents. 8. Individual Committee Reports

8. A the Chair of Planning – Councillor S. Baker

i. CC/0059/19 HGSS – update from Bucks Council Meeting 11.06.2020. Councillor S. Baker reported that the result of the Planning Meeting on the 11th June 2020 was disappointing. LMPC have no record of being notified regarding this meeting and will ask the IT Company to check the email records. Following the case was challenging as the only application showing on the website was an old one and not this one. He also stated that the Safer Routes to School document is not based on fact. Councillor S. Baker noted that technically building should not take place as under Sports for Regulations sports have taken place on the site and that precludes development. Previously there were 12 comments and 7 objections to this plan. However they no longer appear on the planning portal. A motion was raised by Councillor Burke and it was RESOLVED that a working party be formed comprising to raise an appeal against the ‘facts’ contained within the Safer Routes to School and that Jane Fallon be invited to join. ACTION point.

8. B the Chair & Vice Chair of Finance – Councillors S. Burke & D. Baker

i. To receive and approve the Bank reconciliation for March 2020 against bank statements dated 26th March 2020, April 2020 against bank statements dated 27th April 2020 and May 2020 against bank statements dated 27th May 2020. It was RESOLVED that these be signed as accurate. ii. Unpresented Payments; Income and Expenditure Statements for March 2020. It was RESOLVED that these items are correct. iii. Cheques for signing. Councillor Burke read out the list, it was RESOLVED that the cheques be signed and sent out.

8. C the Chair of Open Spaces – Councillor S. Burke

i. Play Areas Projects – update. The installation is set to begin late July or early August. An objection to the installation has been received by Council and Councillor Burke has responded. The new play equipment is for younger children who, at the moment, have limited equipment they can use and will be installed on an under-utilised area (partly concreted) where play equipment was previously installed and subsequently removed. ii. Common – Land Registry – update. The Assistant Clerk has chased the solicitors again and an acknowledgement has been received, no further action has been taken on their part. iii. Safety actions taken at Hyde Heath and Holmer Green play areas - Closure signs and tape at Hyde Heath Play area to prevent use due to COVID-19 and make obvious the closure have been removed three times now. Each time Councillor Burke has re-instated. The tape at Holmer Green play area has remained intact and the gates remain padlocked. Councillor Burke stated that LMPC has fulfilled its duty of care in the matter of closure. Anyone using the equipment does so without permission and at their own risk. 4 | P a g e

iv. Planning for Play Areas to re-open. Councillors have been approached by residents requesting that play areas re-open. This was discussed and a Motion to remain closed was unanimously RESOLVED. LMPC will continue to seek H&S advice to enable re-opening when it is safe to do so. v. RoSPA Report May 2020 – overview and additional budget requirements. Councillor Burke noted that overall, the report was excellent with the highest risk within the report is on a newly installed, and as yet unused, piece of equipment. ACTION – Clerk to write to manufacturer and installer. This Play area is out of action at present so equipment is not in use. Another high risk is on a very recently installed piece of equipment – ACTION – Clerk to write to installers. Play area is out of action at present so equipment is not in use. A safety risk of finger entrapment has been identified on the Peek n Seek equipment at two sites, however one has only just been installed – ACTION – Clerk to write to manufacturer. Other items are very minor such and will be rectified. ACTION – Clerk to seek quotes. vi. Grass cutting contract. Councillor Burke wished to discuss temporary suspension due to no growth, however this will change over the next two weeks with the change in weather., no change will be made.

9. Clerk’s Report

i. End of Year and Audit – Clerk reported that the end of year paperwork has been completed and that an internal audit will begin this week. This may take some time due to social distancing rules. ii. Asset Register – LMPC now have an asset register for each ward. The Asset Register within the accounting system, Scribe, is out of date and this will be updated over time to reflect more recent purchases made by LMPC. iii. Communication with Buckinghamshire Council – due to COVID-19 (home working) and the change from communication at District to County level the Clerk has experienced difficulty in making contact with various departments. BALC and Councillor Peter Martin have been informed and CPM has been most helpful in enabling an improvement. iv. Zoom Pro Licence – purchase made under Clerk’s Powers. Clerk wished to note that Zoom Pro had been purchased to enable LMPC meetings to continue without cutting off.

10. Rossetti Hall

i. Updates re letting and Covid-19. Councillor Burke invited the Clerk to report. Lettings are at zero due to COVID-19. Billing took place in March for the previous four months, however payments have not all been received. Revised invoices were sent to reflect the shutdown. A risk assessment has been carried out and it is not possible to re-open the Hall for lettings at present. ACTION – Clerk and Assistant Clerk to write to users who have not paid. All monies for lettings are now to be received directly by LMPC. ACTION – Clerk to write to the Treasurer of Rossetti Hall Committee and request the closure of their account and the funds to be transferred to LMPC as the final phase of integration.

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11. Councillors Items for Discussion and, where necessary, approval.

i. Approval to spend part of budget for allotments strimming, weedkilling and rubbish removal - Assistant Clerk. RESOLVED. ACTION – Assistant Clerk to raise PO’s. ii. Approval sought for fold down parking barriers at entrance to Rossetti Hall - Clerk. Concerns raised that these would be driven over and damage to vehicle and /or posts would be caused. ACTION – Clerk to seek alternative solution and bring to Council next month. iii. Fencing around pond at Holmer Green – Councillor S. Baker. Postponed. iv. AGAR form to be discussed and motion made for approval. ALL. As the internal audit has not yet been completed this item will be postponed until the audit is complete. v. LAF 20/21 Motion to grant Hyde Heath Ward £1,500.00 towards the Safe Crossing Project – Councillor S. Burke noted that this has already been approved and that Hyde Heath Village Society have requested the funding be sent to them. It was RESOLVED that this could be done with the proviso that we hear back from CPM with news regarding funding prior to sending. vi. Online Meetings - Motion to approve additional funding for office re additional technology required - Councillor S. Burke. This item was RESOLVED as COVID-19 has resulted in greater need for more up to date equipment to cope with the level of technology required to communicate and work effectively. ACTION – Clerk to purchase as required under delegated powers. vii. Motion to approve - additional funding for allotment maintenance required – Councillor S. Burke. This item was discussed. ACTION – Assistant Clerk to determine detailed costs and present at a later meeting.

12. Youth Matters – no updates at present.

13. Local Area Boards – These are not yet functioning.

14. Allotments

Councillor S. Burke and Assistant Clerk L. Lusby. The Assistant Clerk reported that there has been a great deal of interest in people wishing to take up an allotment and as a consequence there are very few plots remaining available across the Parish and has a waiting list for some sites. She reported that the next step in managing the allotments will be to write to tenants who appear not to be cultivating their plots to determine if they are still required or if the tenants wish to relinquish the tenancy.

15. Ward Reports and Updates

Little Missenden Councillor Burke raised a motion for the purchase of two MVAS units, one for LM and one for HH and two further units for LK and HG. This was seconded by Councillor D Hill. The units could also be deployed from one ward to another to assist with traffic issues resulting from the works on the A413. It was RESOLVED that we await feedback from CPM prior to raising a purchase order.

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Hyde Heath

Councillor Burke reported there have been some issues with anti-social behaviour (from non- residents) on common areas and the LMPC play area due to the opening of a local pub for take away beverages and food but that this was being addressed by Bucks who own the majority of the common area and is supported by Councillor Patricia Birchley.

Holmer Green

Councillor S. Baker raised a motion for HGVS to have permission to plant a Christmas Tree on the Common as it has outgrown the site it is currently being kept at. It was RESOLVED that permission could be given once a site has been discussed and agreed and that the HGVS look into using solar lights as opposed to power from a nearby street light thus reducing their costs and giving a greater scope for siting the tree. Residents have raised complaints regarding the external hedging surrounding the common encroaching onto the pavement in some areas. ACTION – Assistant Clerk to seek quote for spraying nettles and brambles in hedges and trimming of rogue stems. Councillors S. Baker and S. Geraghty both raised the issue of overgrown hedges at locations within the village – ACTION – Clerk to report on Bucks Fix my Street.

Little Kingshill

Councillor Burke noted that the hedges at the allotments in LKH may require the same treatment. ACTION – Assistant Clerk to seek quote for spraying nettles and brambles in hedges and trimming of any rogue stems.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 21:40.

Dates of next Meetings

Planning: 6th July 2020 - via link from the website - commencing 7:30pm.

Council: 20th July 2020 - via link from the website - commencing 7:30pm.

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