Governmental Affairs Terry Mathews: 404-310-4173
[email protected] Scott Maxwell: 404-216-8075
[email protected] The following information is intended for the sole use of the clients of Mathews & Maxwell, Inc. Please contact the principals above to learn more about the services of the firm. Weekly Legislative Report #6 Week Ending February 22nd, 2019 The General Assembly completed its 20th legislative day on Friday, the halfway point of its 40-day session. Floor sessions are lengthening and committee meetings are beginning to stretch into the 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. realm as more and more bills work their way through the multi-layered process. FY 2019 Amended Budget Completed The House and Senate on Friday passed the FYA 2019 budget with a couple of amendments, finishing the General Assembly’s work on funding for the fiscal year ending June 30. Legislators found an additional $250,000 for home delivered meals to decrease the waiting list in each Area Agency on Aging across the state. They added $2 million to help hospitals located in rural, federally designated counties adversely impacted by Hurricane Michael, and made $20 million available for loans to farmers impacted by the hurricane. The increases are based on an estimated 3.3% revenue growth through June 30. That’s more than the 1.5% growth the state has seen since July 1 of last year, but legislators were confident of balancing the budget as required by the state constitution. Your Doc Is Just a Phone Call Away . Senator Renee Unterman (R-Buford) lost her HHS Committee Chair, but she certainly hasn’t retired from the fight.