Mirthday Delivers on Variety, Diversity for This Story, See Page 6
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University of Missouri, St. Louis IRL @ UMSL Current (1990s) Student Newspapers 4-27-1998 Current, April 27, 1998 University of Missouri-St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: http://irl.umsl.edu/current1990s Recommended Citation University of Missouri-St. Louis, "Current, April 27, 1998" (1998). Current (1990s). 272. http://irl.umsl.edu/current1990s/272 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (1990s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. 32 Issue 922 University of Missouri St. Louis THE STUDENT VOICE OF UM-ST. LOUIS Grieving their losses: One failed candidate for SGA office has filed a grievance demand ing a recount; another student claims he filed two grievances. Mirthday delivers on variety, diversity For this story, see page 6. e & ~ ~ & & ~ e & • ~ ~ & g Bards are New features, back: America is standard rediscover ing its love affair with attractions poetry both near and far, draw crowd including the latest BY SUE BRITT Litmag, left. s pee i·a Ito The C u rr e n t See page 3 . Wednesday's Mirthday cele- · bration included recreational Mirthday spons, pony rides, a caricaturist, Moments. Our palmist, food, beverages, music crack pho and organizational booths. tographers "Historically, Mirthday was captured all intended to celebrate the binhday the of the University," stated Don McCarty, student services coordi nator in the Office of Student Activities. The celebration is a way to "bring different University aspects together," McCarty said. you can "It gives organizations an oppor see them for tunity to introduce themselves yourself, in while having fun. full color, on "As a way of expanding the the back experience we brought in a clown, page, palmist and tarot card reader," Stephanie Platt/The Current page 8. McCarty said. • Above, palm-reader Share Faerber presumes to tell freshman Marla McCarty stated that in Hockenhull her fortune and future. Left, Cassey Catch tries to keep response to the commuter Cam his act together at Mlrthday Wednesday. The University turned out pus aspect of UM-Sr. Louis, to enjoy the activities despite less than Ideal weather. Controversial "pony rides were provided for children of students and faculty." art kept out of Several booths were run by student organizations. The UM Pikes will likely regain Auburn U St. Louis Riverette Pom Squad . was often outside its booth per exhibition forming routines to the music University recognition offered by DJ Flex, on the loading AUBURN, Ala. (U-WlRE) - dock outside food services. In its One art student wants t o know why the University's art depart booth, Anthropology Club mem Fraternity has cleaned up act, officials say ment won't support her freedom bers were playing drums bor of expression. Jenny Root, a rowed from UM-St. Louis' BY BRIAN DOUGLAS "In a general sense, there [were] ._ .......... _._ ........... --.~ •. .- .. senior in graphic design, was African Village in the Center for staff writer several years of repeated complaints told by associate professor of art Human Origins and Cultural that OCCUlTed both on and off the cam Barry Flemming that unlike her Diversity. The senate studem affairs commit pus against the fraternity about various fellow students her sculpture Other non-campus organiza tee voted on March 19 to support the allegations of behavior," Grace said. was deemed inappropriate by tions such as UPS, Coca-Cola and Pi Kappa Alpha fratemity's bid to According to Grace, the chapter certain faculty and could not Americorps were running bomhs. regain University recognition, pending was encouraged on several occasions appear in the Foy student Union Activities and rides included to regulate its conduct. St udent Exhibition. an administrative re\~ew. It would instead be moved to co-ed volleyball; a gyroscope, 'The fraternity lost its recognition in 'There [were] repeated efforts a room in Biggin Hall to be exhib which is a spinning harness and the spring of 1996. G. Gary Grace, vice made to try to get the attention of the ited for those who want to see it. jousting - 'With competitors using chancellor for Student Affairs, said chapter [to infonn them] that their Root's art work caHed padded poles while balancing on that Slnce he w:tS not here at the time, b eha\~ o r needed to be brought into "Mother/Father" is a large two pedestals. he did not "rant to comment on the some decorum," Grace said. part sculpture. The "mother" ele "We offered the bungee-run lncidem which led to the withdrawal of Bur Grace said the problems con ment is a female torso with a again. It is always very popular," the fraternity's recognition. He did say tlnued, culminating in a situation at a white colored substance pumped McCarty said. that there had been st.... eral years of parry where alleg.ltions were made that through vinyl tubing through The bun gee-run was a compe- each breast on the SCUlpture. complaints against the fraternity The "father" element has involving noise, panies and the flu id pumped into a latex male see MI RT H , page 8 Stephanie Platt/The Current lnyolvement of municipal police. see PI K ES, page 6 t genital area and out through a penis-like appendage. Root said her piece was juried into the stu dent show by the faculty based Dukakis addresses University on artistic merit. New two-year transfers 'f "I was told to go ahead and set up my work in the gallery so Former presidential nominee discusses ethnicity I did so," she said. She said the will have more credits in foreign policy as part of campus conference question of whether her sculp ture was suitable for display at transferable. BY BRIAN DOUGLAS I ~< BY MARY LINDSLEY Jewish and Irish communities "1th Foy was raised outside of the Welch mentioned the removal of staff writer the North American Free Trade department. This question was ---&;b--- staff writer his [agreement) the cap in her repOrt at the April 15 then brought to, Nancy Agreement, the recognition of On April 16, the Coordinating Student Government Association Former Massachusetts gover- Hartsfield, temporary head of the Israel as a country and the peace . ~ art department, said the sculp Board of Higher Education approved just removes meenng. nor and 1988 presidential candi- negotiations in Northern Ireland, ture was indeed not suitable to modifications to the rransfer and t he [64-hourl cap "There have been many contractS date Michael Dukakis addressed respectively. be displayed tn roy Student articulation guidelines that affect universally for any with the Barnes College of Nursing the influence of ethnic Americans "Here are JUSt three examples Union because Foy is a public which credits students can cransfer to and engineering programs to remove on forei<>"n policy in a speech on student transfe.... this of ethnic communities who take space and who wou ld see the UM-Sr. Louis from community col- the cap already, but . JUSt removes campus Friday, their responsibility very serious works in the show could not be leges. ru ng in. the cap universally for any student The keynote address concluded ly," Dukakis said. UThey ca re very controlled. 0 Sarah Welch, student curator, said rransferring in," Welch said in her the first of a two-day seminar on deeply about their home country the Council On Public Higher ·Sarah Welch report. "A Changing . Greece: Media and their culture, and actively Education had met with the Missouri . student curator Lehmkuhle said there will also be Images and Political and involve themselves in ways they Community College Association and " modifications to the process for Economic Realities" at the Pierre hope will influence American for the CBI-IE to revise state-wide agree- and associate or applied SClence appealing rejected credit aansfers. In Lac:lede Honors College. BULLETIN BOARD .. .. .... 2 eign policy." ments on transfer and articulation. degrees will no longer be cransfer order to prevent them from getting Dukakis, the child of Greek ODDS & ENDS ............. 3 Dukakis also dis~ussed the David Gam, director of the School of degrees. Instead, Lehmkuh1e said the caught in the middle of tranSfer dis- immigrants co America, served for OPlNIONIEDITORIAL ......... 4 Greek influence in American poli Business Administration, was the A.S d f\.A 5 will be'cula putes, students will be able to request three terms as the governor of SPORTS ................... 5 tics, noting that the authors of the UM-St. Louis representative to the . of that sending institutions iniciate before making an LIFE IN HELL ....... ...... 7 rio~ :~ ~'eanin;:e rran~er Ma ssachuse~ts constitution based the document council task force, which worked to their creditS reqUires a specific agree- appe:ili of rejected credit tranSfers on unsuccessful bid for the presiden- PHOTO SPREAD ........ .... 8 on Athenian principles of democ revise the existing guidelines forrrans- ment be.tween the nvo inscitunons the student's behalf. cy against George Bush in 1988. racy. He said that the involvement fer and articulation. Ganz said those involved. The fourth major change of the He now divides his time between of the Greek-American communi Newsroom. 516-5174 guidelines had been dra\VIl up in 1987. Lehmkuhle also said the previous guidelines, Lehrnkuhle said, states teaching at Harvard, Northeastern ty in US. foreign policy became Advertising • 516-5316 Steven Lehmkuhie, acting vice limit of 64 hours of transferable cred- that if a program at a four-year insti- University and the University of particularly actlv.e following Fax • 516-6811 presidenLOf Academic Affairs for the it will be lifted. However, he said that tunon is going to change its require- California at Los Angeles.