Google Deep Dream Team Number: 12 Course: CSE352 Professor: Anita Wasilewska Presented by: Badr AlKhamissi Sameer Anand Kathryn Blecher Marolyn Liang Diego Santos Campo What Is Google Deep Dream? Deep Dream is a computer vision program created by Google. Uses a convolutional neural network to find and enhance patterns in images with powerful AI algorithms. Creating a dreamlike hallucinogenic appearance in the deliberately over-processed images. Base of Google Deep Dream Inception is fundamental base for Google Deep Dream and is introduced on ILSVRC in 2014. Deep convolutional neural network architecture that achieves the new state of the art for classification and detection. Improved utilization of the computing resources inside the network. Increased the depth and width of the network while keeping the computational budget constant of 1.5 billion multiply-adds at inference time. How Does Deep Dream Work? How Does Deep Dream Work? Deep Dream works on a Neural Network (NN) This is a type of computer system that can learn on its own. Neural networks are modeled after the functionality of the human brain, and tend to be particularly useful for pattern recognition. Biological Inspiration Biological Inspiration Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Feed forward artificial neural network Inspired by the organization of the animal visual cortex (convolution operation) Designed to use minimal amounts of preprocessing Combine Kernel Convolution and Deep Learning Mostly used in image and video recognition, recommender systems and NLP Why Convolutional Networks? Curse of dimensionality Local connectivity Shared Weights CNN Architecture 5.1% Human Error Rate in Identifying Objects 4.94% Microsoft made it better than humans in 2014 3.46% Google inception-v3 model beat them in 2014 Digging Deeper Into The Neural Network Deep Dream’s Convolutional Neural Network must first be trained. In Deep Dream, this training process is based on repetition and analysis. For example, in order for Deep Dream to understand and identify faces, the neural network must be fed examples of millions of human faces. Overfitting In The Training Process Overfitting occurs when there is an error in the process of generalization, usually caused by the introduction of noisy data in the training process. Overfitting causes poor performance because it overreacts to minor fluctuations in the training data. Can be avoided by using additional techniques, such as cross-validation, regularization, pruning, and Bayesian priors. Overfitting In The Training Process Example of overfitting in Deep Dream Deep Dream’s Process 1. Loads in the Deep Learning Framework (Python and Google libraries) 2. Load the Deep Neural Network (GoogleNet and ImageNet datasets) 3. Produce the dream (activation function) a. Offset image by a random jitter b. Normalize the magnitude of gradient ascent steps c. Apply ascent across multiple scales Deep Dream’s Process Deep Dreaming - Reversing the Process One more step forward: What if we ask for the interpretation of the real world given the abstraction? Neural Network “reverse” process Why so psychedelic? The purpose of getting rid of ambiguity turns into some sort of creativity due to the confusion in the points of view. The solution is the usage of a guide: Just a little bit further Ask the computer to use its imagination. Usage of pre made pictures as base of the dreams instead of random noise. Images used as basis Instead of random noise. Possibility of looping “hallucinations” making each obtained image the foundation for the next one. Is Google Dream Art? Some other art movements weren’t accepted in their time. White square over white background Picasso Wladyslaw Hasior Kazevir Malévich What Is Art? 1. the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. 2. the various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance. This was based in the assumption of only humans being capable of producing beauty. ¿Is this beautiful? Memo Akten: HR Giger-style rendering of a Google Maps image of GCHQ Exposed in the Gray Area Foundation for the Arts, San Francisco, CA, USA, in partnership with Google Research. “Deep Dream (...) creates just enough of a sparrow’s head in a cloud, so that our brains find the rest. Visually, our minds and Deep Dream are doing exactly the same thing. It’s such a perfect mirror.” Paddy Johnson Art critic, founder and editor of Art F City “Google Dream (...) is a tool, not the product, so calling it art would be a little like an artist raising their hand and declaring their paintbrush art because they were so happy with the way they used it lay paint on a canvas.” Google would firstly declare Google Dream as ”a visualization tool designed to help us understand how neural networks work” There are other ways that Google machines are starting to learn more like humans: Google’s DeepMind: how to think like a world-class Go player DeepMind Health: how to diagnose like a doctor Bringing the “Google brain” just a little closer to lifelike. What we’ve seen so far: Decision Trees Neural Networks Deep Dream’s Implications and Purpose ● Grants a peek inside of the propagation black box. A low level amplification Deep Dream’s Implications and Purpose A high level amplification Demo ¿Questions? Works Cited 1. Deep Dream (Google) Computerphile 2. Jürgen Schmidhuber: Formal Theory of Fun and Creativity and Intrinsic Motivation midhuber 3. Google Research Blog to-neural.html 4. Ted Presentation: e_learning_to_be_creative?language=en#t-898371 5. Human Error-Rate: d-a-computer-system-that-can-identify-objects-better-than-humans/117 1423959603/ Work Cited 6. Google’s Inception-v3 model: A. B. C. D. 7. Memo Akman exposition 8. Opinions about Google Dream being art
Dream Poems, Experiential Narrative, and the Continuity Hypothesis
UNIVERSITY OF CANBERRA CAUGHT IN THE DANCE: DREAM POEMS, EXPERIENTIAL NARRATIVE, AND THE CONTINUITY HYPOTHESIS Niloofar Fanaiyan Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy University of Canberra 2015 Contents Form B ............................................................................................................................. iii Abstract .............................................................................................................................. v Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................... vii Part One .............................................................................................................................................. 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 2 The Dream Poem ........................................................................................................................ 5 Methodology and the Creative Product ...................................................................................... 6 A Further Prelude ....................................................................................................................... 9 Chapter One – Dreams and Dreaming ............................................................................. 13 In The Beginning .....................................................................................................................
ML-Based Interactive Data Visualization System for Diversity and Fairness Issues 1
Jusub Kim : ML-based Interactive Data Visualization System for Diversity and Fairness Issues 1 ML-based Interactive Data Visualization System for Diversity and Fairness Issues Sey Min Department of Art & Technology Sogang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea Jusub Kim Department of Art & Technology Sogang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea ABSTRACT As the recent developments of artificial intelligence, particularly machine-learning, impact every aspect of society, they are also increasingly influencing creative fields manifested as new artistic tools and inspirational sources. However, as more artists integrate the technology into their creative works, the issues of diversity and fairness are also emerging in the AI-based creative practice. The data dependency of machine-learning algorithms can amplify the social injustice existing in the real world. In this paper, we present an interactive visualization system for raising the awareness of the diversity and fairness issues. Rather than resorting to education, campaign, or laws on those issues, we have developed a web & ML-based interactive data visualization system. By providing the interactive visual experience on the issues in interesting ways as the form of web content which anyone can access from anywhere, we strive to raise the public awareness of the issues and alleviate the important ethical problems. In this paper, we present the process of developing the ML-based interactive visualization system and discuss the results of this project. The proposed approach can be applied to other areas requiring attention to the issues. Key words: AI Art, Machine Learning, Data Visualization, Diversity, Fairness, Inclusiveness.
Building Intelligent Systems with Large Scale Deep Learning Jeff Dean Google Brain Team G.Co/Brain
Building Intelligent Systems with Large Scale Deep Learning Jeff Dean Google Brain team Presenting the work of many people at Google Google Brain Team Mission: Make Machines Intelligent. Improve People’s Lives. How do we do this? ● Conduct long-term research (>200 papers, see & ○ Unsupervised learning of cats, Inception, word2vec, seq2seq, DeepDream, image captioning, neural translation, Magenta, ML for robotics control, healthcare, … ● Build and open-source systems like TensorFlow (see and ● Collaborate with others at Google and Alphabet to get our work into the hands of billions of people (e.g., RankBrain for Google Search, GMail Smart Reply, Google Photos, Google speech recognition, Google Translate, Waymo, …) ● Train new researchers through internships and the Google Brain Residency program Main Research Areas ● General Machine Learning Algorithms and Techniques ● Computer Systems for Machine Learning ● Natural Language Understanding ● Perception ● Healthcare ● Robotics ● Music and Art Generation Main Research Areas ● General Machine Learning Algorithms and Techniques ● Computer Systems for Machine Learning ● Natural Language Understanding ● Perception ● Healthcare ● Robotics ● Music and Art Generation /the-google-brain-team-looking-ba ck-on.html 1980s and 1990s Accuracy neural networks other approaches Scale (data size, model size) 1980s and 1990s more Accuracy compute neural networks other approaches Scale
Audio Event Classification Using Deep Learning in an End-To-End Approach
Audio Event Classification using Deep Learning in an End-to-End Approach Master thesis Jose Luis Diez Antich Aalborg University Copenhagen A. C. Meyers Vænge 15 2450 Copenhagen SV Denmark Title: Abstract: Audio Event Classification using Deep Learning in an End-to-End Approach The goal of the master thesis is to study the task of Sound Event Classification Participant(s): using Deep Neural Networks in an end- Jose Luis Diez Antich to-end approach. Sound Event Classifi- cation it is a multi-label classification problem of sound sources originated Supervisor(s): from everyday environments. An auto- Hendrik Purwins matic system for it would many applica- tions, for example, it could help users of hearing devices to understand their sur- Page Numbers: 38 roundings or enhance robot navigation systems. The end-to-end approach con- Date of Completion: sists in systems that learn directly from June 16, 2017 data, not from features, and it has been recently applied to audio and its results are remarkable. Even though the re- sults do not show an improvement over standard approaches, the contribution of this thesis is an exploration of deep learning architectures which can be use- ful to understand how networks process audio. The content of this report is freely available, but publication (with reference) may only be pursued due to agreement with the author. Contents 1 Introduction1 1.1 Scope of this work.............................2 2 Deep Learning3 2.1 Overview..................................3 2.2 Multilayer Perceptron...........................4
UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI PEDAGOGICKÁ FAKULTA KATEDRA VÝTVARNÉ VÝCHOVY Výtvarná tvorba se zaměřením na vzdělávání VERONIKA ŠOVČÍKOVÁ KRESBA: SEN A REALITA VŠEDNÍHO DNE Bakalářská práce Vedoucí práce: Doc. Petr Jochmann Olomouc, 2014 Prohlašuji, ţe jsem diplomovou práci vypracovala samostatně a uvedla v ní předepsaným způsobem všechny pouţité prameny a literaturu. V Olomouci dne 24. dubna 2014 …………………………. Obsah ÚVOD ...........................................................................................................................................................4 1 SPÁNEK ..............................................................................................................................................5 1.1 MECHANISMUS SPÁNKU .................................................................................................................5 1.2 PŘECHOD DO NEVĚDOMÍ ................................................................................................................6 1.3 FÁZE NREM A REM SPÁNKU .........................................................................................................7 2 SEN ......................................................................................................................................................9 2.1 DEFINICE A FUNKCE SNU V ZÁVISLOSTI NA EMOCI ..........................................................................9 3 KONTRASTNÍ PŘÍSTUPY KE SNU ............................................................................................... 10 3.1 PRÁCE
Bridging Reinforcement Learning and Creativity: Implementing Reinforcement Learning in Processing
Bridging Reinforcement Learning and Creativity: Implementing Reinforcement Learning in Processing Jieliang Luo Media Arts & Technology Sam Green Computer Science University of California, Santa Barbara SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Tokyo, Japan December 6th, 2018 Course Agenda • What is Reinforcement Learning (10 mins) ▪ Introduce the core concepts of reinforcement learning • A Brief Survey of Artworks in Deep Learning (5 mins) • Why Processing Community (5 mins) • A Q-Learning Algorithm (35 mins) ▪ Explain a fundamental reinforcement learning algorithm • Implementing Tabular Q-Learning in P5.js (40 mins) ▪ Discuss how to create a reinforcement learning environment ▪ Show how to implement the tabular q-learning algorithm in P5.js • Questions & Answers (5 mins) Bridging Reinforcement Learning and Creativity, Jieliang Luo & Sam Green Psychology Pictures Bridging Reinforcement Learning and Creativity, Jieliang Luo & Sam Green What is Reinforcement Learning • Branch of machine learning • Learns through trial & error, rewards & punishment • Draws from psychology, neuroscience, computer science, optimization Bridging Reinforcement Learning and Creativity, Jieliang Luo & Sam Green Reinforcement Learning Framework Agent Environment Bridging Reinforcement Learning and Creativity, Jieliang Luo & Sam Green Bridging Reinforcement Learning and Creativity, Jieliang Luo & Sam Green Bridging Reinforcement Learning and Creativity, Jieliang Luo & Sam Green Bridging Reinforcement
Learning Semantics of Raw Audio Davis Foote, Daylen Yang, Mostafa Rohaninejad Group name: “Audio Style Transfer” Introduction Variational Inference Numerically modeling semantics has given some useful exciting results in the We would like to have a latent space in which arithmetic operations domains of images [1] and natural language [2]. We would like to be able to correspond to semantic operations in the observed space. To that end, we operate on raw audio signals at a similar level of abstraction. Consider the adopt the following model, adapted from [1]: problem of trying to interpolate two voices into a voice that sounds “in We interpret the hidden variables � as the latent code. between” the two. Averaging the signals will result in the two voices There is a prior over latent codes �� � and a conditional speaking at once. If this operation were performed in a latent space in which distribution �� � � . In order to be able to encode a data dimensions have semantic meaning, then we would see results which match point, we also need to learn an approximation to the human perception of what this interpolation should mean. posterior distribution, �� � � . We can optimize all these We follow two distinct branches in pursuing this goal. First, motivated by parameters at once using the Auto-Encoding Variational aesthetic results in style transfer [3] and generation of novel styles [4], we Bayes algorithm [1]. Some very simple results (ours) of implement a deep classifier for various musical tags in hopes that the various sampling from this model trained on MNIST are shown: layer activations will encode meaningful high-level audio features.
Mechanisms of Artistic Creativity in Deep Learning Neural Networks
Mechanisms of Artistic Creativity in Deep Learning Neural Networks Lonce Wyse Communication and New Media Department National University of Singapore Singapore Abstract better be able to build systems that can reflect and com- The generative capabilities of deep learning neural net- municate about their behavior. works (DNNs) have been attracting increasing attention “Mechanisms” have a contested status in the field of for both the remarkable artifacts they produce, but also computational creativity. Fore some, there is a reluctance because of the vast conceptual difference between how to make the recognition of creativity depend on any partic- they are programmed and what they do. DNNs are ular mechanism, and focus is directed to artifacts over pro- “black boxes” where high-level behavior is not explicit- cess (Ritchie 2007). This at least avoids the phenomenon ly programed, but emerges from the complex interac- plaguing classically programmed AI systems identified by tions of thousands or millions of simple computational John McCarthy that, “as soon as it works, no one calls it AI elements. Their behavior is often described in anthro- any more.” Others (Colton 2008) argue that understanding pomorphic terms that can be misleading, seem magical, or stoke fears of an imminent singularity in which ma- the process by which an artifact in generated is important chines become “more” than human. for an assessment of creativity. In this paper, we examine 5 distinct behavioral char- With neural networks, complex behaviors emerge out of acteristics associated with creativity, and provide an ex- the simple interaction between potentially millions of units.
City Research Online City, University of London Institutional Repository Citation: Ollero, J. and Child, C. H. T. (2018). Performance Enhancement of Deep Reinforcement Learning Networks using Feature Extraction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10878, pp. 208-218. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-92537-0_25 This is the accepted version of the paper. This version of the publication may differ from the final published version. Permanent repository link: Link to published version: Copyright: City Research Online aims to make research outputs of City, University of London available to a wider audience. Copyright and Moral Rights remain with the author(s) and/or copyright holders. URLs from City Research Online may be freely distributed and linked to. Reuse: Copies of full items can be used for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-profit purposes without prior permission or charge. Provided that the authors, title and full bibliographic details are credited, a hyperlink and/or URL is given for the original metadata page and the content is not changed in any way. City Research Online: Performance Enhancement of Deep Reinforcement Learning Networks using Feature Extraction Joaquin Ollero and Christopher Child City, University of London, United Kingdom Abstract. The combination of Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning, termed Deep Reinforcement Learning Networks (DRLN), offers the possibility of us- ing a Deep Learning Neural Network to produce an approximate Reinforcement Learning value table that allows extraction of features from neurons in the hidden layers of the network.
1 Creativity in Machine Learning w0 x0 w1 x1 w2 Martin Thoma x2 Σ ' w3 E-Mail: x3 . wn xn Abstract—Recent machine learning techniques can be modified (a) Example of an artificial neuron unit.(b) A visualization of a simple feed- to produce creative results. Those results did not exist before; it xi are the input signals and wi are forward neural network. The 5 in- is not a trivial combination of the data which was fed into the weights which have to get learned. put nodes are red, the 2 bias nodes machine learning system. The obtained results come in multiple Each input signal gets multiplied are gray, the 3 hidden units are forms: As images, as text and as audio. with its weight, everything gets green and the single output node summed up and the activation func- is blue. This paper gives a high level overview of how they are created tion ' is applied. and gives some examples. It is meant to be a summary of the current work and give people who are new to machine learning Fig. 1: Neural networks are based on simple units which get some starting points. combined to complex networks. I. INTRODUCTION This means that machine learning programs adjust internal parameters to fit the data they are given. Those computer According to [Gad06] creativity is “the ability to use your programs are still developed by software developers, but the imagination to produce new ideas, make things etc.” and developer writes them in a way which makes it possible to imagination is “the ability to form pictures or ideas in your adjust them without having to re-program everything.
Article Dream Poems. The Surreal Conditions of Modernism Louise Mønster Institut for Kultur og Globale Studier, Aalborg Universitet, 9220 Aalborg Ø, Denmark; Received: 28 September 2018; Accepted: 6 November 2018; Published: 7 November 2018 Abstract: The article discusses three Swedish dream poems: Artur Lundkvist’s “Om natten älskar jag någon…” from Nattens broar (1936), Gunnar Ekelöf’s “Monolog med dess hustru” from Strountes (1955), and Tomas Tranströmer’s “Drömseminarium” from Det vilda torget (1983). These authors and their poems all relate to European Surrealism. However, they do not only support the fundamental ideas of the Surrealist movement, they also represent reservations about, and corrections to, this movement. The article illuminates different aspects of dream poems and discusses the status of this poetic genre and its relation to Surrealism throughout the twentieth century. Keywords: Nordic modernism; poetry; surrealism; dream In modernist poetry, writings are not necessarily something you write, and dreams are not necessarily something you dream. Here, the boundaries are far from fixed. Modernist works often combine different aspects, not just to break with earlier norms and categorizations, but equally to create a freer flow between forms and genres. This also applies to the relationship between poems and dreams. In the modernist tradition, many poems thematize dreams or try to adopt their form. To say about a modernist writer, that he or she writes like a dream, is not always just a normative statement. Rather, it can also be a fact. As a category, dream poems speak both of the modernist self and of the relationship of the self with the world.
A reprint from American Scientist the magazine of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society This reprint is provided for personal and noncommercial use. For any other use, please send a request Brian Hayes by electronic mail to Computing Science Computer Vision and Computer Hallucinations A peek inside an artificial neural network reveals some pretty freaky images. Brian Hayes eople have an amazing knack images specially designed to fool the network proposes a label. If the choice for image recognition. We networks, much as optical illusions fool is incorrect, an error signal propagates can riffle through a stack of the biological eye and brain. Another backward through the layers, reducing pictures and almost instantly approach runs the neural network in the activation of the wrongly chosen Plabel each one: dog, birthday cake, bi- reverse; instead of giving it an image output neuron. The training process cycle, teapot. What we can’t do is ex- as input and asking for a concept as does not alter the wiring diagram of plain how we perform this feat. When output, we specify a concept and the the network or the internal operations you see a rose, certain neurons in your network generates a corresponding of the individual neurons. Instead, it brain’s visual cortex light up with ac- image. A related technique called deep adjusts the weight, or strength, of the tivity; a tulip stimulates a different set dreaming burst on the scene last spring connections between one neuron and of cells. What distinguishing features following a blog post from Google Re- the next.