Proceedings of the International Joint Conference IBERAMIA/SBIA/SBRN 2006 - 1st Workshop on Computational Intelligence (WCI’2006), Ribeir˜aoPreto, Brazil, October 23–28, 2006. CD-ROM. ISBN 85-87837-11-7 A Connectionist Model based on Physiological Properties of the Neuron Alberione Braz da Silva Joao˜ Lu´ıs Garcia Rosa Ceatec, PUC-Campinas Ceatec, PUC-Campinas Campinas, SP, Brazil Campinas, SP, Brazil
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract 2 Intraneuron Signaling Recent research on artificial neural network models re- 2.1 The biological neuron and the intra- gards as relevant a new characteristic called biological neuron signaling plausibility or realism. Nevertheless, there is no agreement about this new feature, so some researchers develop their The intraneuron signaling is based on the principle of own visions. Two of these are highlighted here: the first is dynamic polarization, proposed by Ramon´ y Cajal, which related directly to the cerebral cortex biological structure, establishes that “electric signals inside a nervous cell flow and the second focuses the neural features and the signaling only in a direction: from neuron reception (often the den- between neurons. The proposed model departs from the pre- drites and cell body) to the axon trigger zone” [5]. vious existing system models, adopting the standpoint that a Based on physiological evidences of principle of dy- biologically plausible artificial neural network aims to cre- namic polarization the signaling inside the neuron is per- ate a more faithful model concerning the biological struc- formed by four basic elements: Receptive, responsible for ture, properties, and functionalities of the cerebral cortex, input signals; Trigger, responsible for neuron activation not disregarding its computational efficiency.