PROJECT INFORMATION DOCUMENT (PID) APPRAISAL STAGE Report No.: AB5009 China Wuhan Second Urban Transport Project Name Public Disclosure Authorized Region EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC Sector General transportation sector (60%); Roads and highways (20%); Sub-national government administration (10%); Other social services (10%) Project ID P112838 Borrower(s) PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Ministry of Finance San Li He Street, Xicheng District China 100820 Tel: 8610-68551124 Fax: 8610-68551125 Implementing Agency Public Disclosure Authorized Municipality of Wuhan No. 188, Yan Jiang Avenue Hankou, Wuhan Hubei Province China 430014 Tel: (86-27) 8282-6302 Fax: (86-27) 8281-4646
[email protected] Environment Category [ ] A [X] B [ ] C [ ] FI [ ] TBD (to be determined) Date PID Prepared November 2, 2009 Date of Appraisal September 15-18, 2009 Public Disclosure Authorized Authorization Date of Board Approval April 22, 2010 (estimated) 1. Country and Sector Background Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, is the eighth largest city in China (with a population of more than 8 million) and a major economic and transportation hub in central China. At the confluence of the middle reaches of the Yangtze and Han rivers, the city consists of the conglomeration of three urban boroughs—Wuchang, Hanyang, and Hankou—that have grown simultaneously to an urban core population of more than 5 million people. Wuhan, historically known as the “thoroughfare of nine provinces,” enjoys a key geographic advantage that has attracted manufacturing and service industries, and has given the city its recognition as a political, financial, educational, and transportation center. In 2007, its GDP per capita reached Public Disclosure Authorized about US$4,500 and is expected to grow at 7 to 9 percent annually in the near future.