DIRECTORY.] . . 19

St. Augustine's (infants), Albert road, erected in 1882, for Chapel Park (infants), built in 1896, for 78 children; average 100 children: average attendance, 45; Mrs. Martha Bell, attendance, 67; Miss Adela Welbom, mistress mistress & Miss Emily Bridle, assistant mistress Railway Station. Addlestone, W. H. Broadbank, station ma>ter Marked thus • receive their letters from Dclabere Richard Norman, Hazel Hat<:h, Lucy Arthur B. Fair Oaks, Liberty lane . Ongar hill ·~fc:\Iurdie Very Rev. Thomas C.J. s~ Marked thus t receive their letters through Dennis Waiter, 50 High street George's collegf', Woburn Park . Desprez 1\frs. Diglis close, Chertsey road Mamham Reginald J. The Acacias, . . Drewery L. Brighton villa, Brighton road Simplemarsh road ~arked thus ~receive theu letters through Duff Miss, l\Iead cottage, New Haw Martin James, Norfolk house, Station rd . Eales Mrs. Chapel fields, Simplemarsh rd Mayo Mrs. Helens burgh, Hare hill (let- PRIVA.TB RESIDENTg. Edwards George Musgrave, Th~ Cedars, ters through Chertsey) • Adams Aaron, Round ho. Weybridge rd Crookford Park road :\Iayor Gordon, Burcott, New Haw Adams Charles J. The Limes, Crockford. Elliott Miss. Newholme, Wobum hill ~filne John, Park house, Addlestone park Park road Elsley Fredk. Wm. Brendon, Eastworth rd Milsome Mrs. St. Ann's lodge, Church road Alien Herbert, 21 Green lane Ethcridge Regimld D. The Sycamores, t.Minshall Thomas Hcrbert, Great Grove, Alln'lan George, Mayfield av. Woodham rd Simplemarsh road Ottershaw road Arnold Edward Hicks, Southam, Addle- •Farrell Rev. John Reginald c.J. St.. MitchellJames, 19 Green lane stone park George's college, \Voburn Park Mocatta. Ernest, Woburn place. Arnold Mrs. Birchfield, Church road Faulkner Charles R. Bentlands, Church rd *M organ \V.A. Bourneside, Weybridge rd Aswell Capt. George Gray R.N. Holmdale, Fevez Misses, Oak lodge, Crouch Oak lane Mortlock Frederick James, Pine Wood Church road Field Alfred J. Pindenioya, New Haw grove, Woodham lane Atkins Maj. E. E. H. Cranleigh, Woodham tField John, New Zealand cot. Woodham Noakes Thomas, Byron lodge, Brighton rd road Fisher Arthur, The Prairie, Prairie road ~orris Frederick William, New street Austin Mrs. 54 Station road Fitzgerald Lucius, Burleigh vale, Brighton O'Leary Mrs. Thorne cottage, Station road +Bailey Frederick Wm. Avalon, Woodham road •O'Neill ReY. Peter Albert c.J.St.George's Be.iley Sidney Herbt. Dolhir, Eastworth rd Foord Robert D. Rosskeen, Spinney hill college, Wobum Park Bartlett Frederick, Hazeldine, Crockford Gaiger Frederick William, Ivanhoe, tPagden Lionel, Holmstoun, Woodham Park road Eastworth road tPage :\Jrs. The ~Iyrtles, Hare hill Bayley Rev. Henry F.R.uist.soo. [Baptist], Gale Edwd. H. Burleigh pi. Burleigh rd Parker Thomas, The Ferns, Spinney hill Oakside, Ongar road Garland Arthur Stuart, 18 Brighton road Pearson C'harles T. The Pines, Simple- Bedford C. A. S. The Spinney, Church road Garland Mrs. Richmond pl. Station road marsh road Bellamy Alien Tinsley, Mayfield, Crook· Gerrard Miss Sarah Elizabeth, Lucerne, Petrie W. W. Bois hall, Crookford, Park rd ford Park road New Haw Pidcock :Miss, Ashcombe, Church road Bellin Arthur, The House-in-the-Wood Goodall Mortimer James, Ongar Hill cot Piesse .Alex. ~Iountain Ash, Station road (letters tluough Woking) tGoold Sidney, Rothwell, Hare hill tPigot Charles M. D. Farm pi. Woodham Benton Miss, Eldon lodge, Church road Gotto Percy ~Iurley-, Woodhambury, Pilter Col. William Frederick V.D., c.B.~ Bethune Rev. Montague Robert M.A.. Woodham (letters through Woking) J.P. The Grove, Church road [vicar of Woodham], Woodham (letters Green Edward John, 7l High street Pollard Rev. Thomas George [Congrega. through Woking) Gregory Cecil Harding, Fieldhurst, tional], The Oaks, Burleigh road tBill Charles Horsfall, Hare hill Liberty lane Port<>n Geo. Wm.Sunny brae,Eastworth rd Blackmore Claude S., Lam bourn, Crouch Guimirincs Alec, Fenchaye,Crockford Park Prince Miss, \Voodbury, Church road Oak lane road Randall-StevensRt. Woodville, Ongar hill Botting Henry T. Penryn, Eastworth rd Hannny C. Sheenhurst, Spinney hill Ransom 1\Irs. Oak Dene, Church road Bowen Misses, Crosbie cottage, New Haw Harding Henry, 3 Green lane Rapson Edward, Pine ·wood grove, *Bowles Rev. Philip Robert c.J. Hardwicke John, Tanglin, C'rouch Oak la Woodham road [Catholic], St. George's college, Woburn Harmens Wyger, Dunblane, Church road Reid Waiter F. Fieldsidf', Station road Park *Harold-Barry Rev. Edward Edmund c.J. Rickman Thomas Apsley J.P. Woodlands, Boyd Mrs. 2 Bllrleigh road [Oath.], St. George's college, Woburn Pk Green lane Bradbury William John, Gordon villa, Harris Lt.-Col. F. W. H. D. R.A..M.c. Hill Rivington George, Burn brae, Crockford Crockford Park road cottage, Chertsey road Park road Bradley Alfred William, Westerham cot. Harrison Mrs.Rhodes,The Lodge,Church rd Roake Miss, 13 Brighton road tage, New Haw road tHarvey Major Harry C. Woodlands, Roake Misses, Ingoldmells, Woburn hill Bravington Robt. Woburn lo. Station rd Woodham Roake Richd. Hy. Kettlewell, Woburn h] Brewer l\liss, 67 High street Hay C. L. Hay Drummond, Darley dene, Romiley Arth\lr G. Semplemarsh, Simple Brice William, Westlea, Church road Station road marsh road !Broad Harold Leslie, Larchwood, Wood- Bays Francis, 1 Burleigh road Russell Sidney Charles, Myrtle cottage ham Headeach Rev. Arnold Hope Wraith M. A. Conquest road tBuchanan Alec F. Ardoch cot. Hare hill [curate], 11 Brighton road S:1lter Charlell, Bewdley, Woodham road Buchanan William, The Pines, Woodham Hereford Capt. Edward W. R.~. Sand- Sands Joseph, 63 High street Bullock Frederick, 52 High street rock, Woodham Saunders :Miss, Pierreville, Chertsey rorui Burch Osment \Villiam, St. Aubyn, Hewitt Robert, Wheat Ash road Scovell George Robert, Mayfield, Crock- Eastworth road Heyhoe Edmund, Clevedon, EaHtworth rd ford Park road Burke Arthur M. Fairview, Woburn hill Higham David Edward, Coombelands Sharpe :Mis~, 61 High street Burnett George H. Alipore, Spinney hill Hoade William, Oakley lo. Crockford Pk.rd Shellshear J oseph, Pine Wood grove, Burnett Miss, Emsworth, Crockford Pk. rd tHone James, Cherry Tree cot. Hare hill Woodham lane Butler Frederick, Amroth, Wobum hill Hope John Lamplugh Alien L.R.c.P.LOnd. Simmons George, Roydon lo. Woburn hill Calcy Arthur, Cedar cottage, Brighton rd Devonshire house, Station road Simpson Rupert, The Acacia avenue, Caswell Thomas Gt-orge, 8 Brighton road Hopkins Rev. Evan H. Th.A.K.c. Woburn Simplemarsh road Cellier 1Irs. Edith cottage, Station road Chase, Woburn hill Skerritt John, The N'ook, Spinney hill Chandler Richard Wm. George, Mossgit:l, Horrell Miss, 5 Green lane Smallbone ~Irs. Station road Crockford Park road Horrocks 1\Irs. The Acacilll',Simplemarsh rd Smith ~Irs. J-Iary, Woodside, Crockford Christoffers Miss, Colenso, Crockford Pk.rd How .:\1isses, The Glen, New Haw Park road Clark Sta.nley, Lincombe, Addlestone park Humphery Jame.OJ Arthur, Walton Leigh *Smith William Richard, Bournehyrst, Clegg Richard, Edgar lodge, High street Humphery John, Rodwell farm \Yeybridge road Cobbett Guy B. Surrey cottage, Church rd tHumphrey Herbt. The Bungalow,Hare hll 1Smythe G. l\Iaunsell,Holmwood,Church rd tCobbett Mrs. The Chase, Woodham Hutchons Rev. James Percie Th.A.K.c. 1Snepp Mrs. Fernsi