ALBANY WIND ENERGY FACILITY NEAR MAKHANDA (GRAHAMSTOWN), EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE DFFE Reference Number: 14/12/16/3/3/2/1131 AMENDED DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT PREPARED FOR: ALBANY WIND POWER (PTY) LTD Waterfront Business Park, Building 5, Ground Floor, 1204 Humerail Road, Humerail, 6001 +27 (0)41 506 4900
[email protected] PREPARED BY: GRAHAMSTOWN/MAKHANDA BRANCH 67 African Street, Grahamstown, 6139 +27 (0)46 622 2364
[email protected] /
[email protected] CES also has offices in East London, Port Elizabeth, Cape Town, Johannesburg and Maputo (Mozambique) MAY 2021 Report Title: Albany Wind Energy Facility – Environmental Impact Assessment Report Report Version: Draft Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) Reference Number: 14/12/16/3/3/2/1131 CES Project Code: P40700009 Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) Details: EAP: Dr Alan Carter Address: 39 Harewood Drive, Nahoon, East London, 5214 Telephone: +27 (0)43 726 7809 E-mail:
[email protected] EAP Declaration I act as the independent environmental practitioner in this application; I will perform the work relating to the application in an objective manner, even if this results in views and findings that are not favourable to the applicant; I declare that there are no circumstances that may compromise my objectivity in performing such work; I have expertise in conducting environmental impact assessments, including knowledge of the Act, regulations and any guidelines that have relevance to the proposed activity;