GA 2010 25.Indd
_____________________________________ ____________________ ____________________ __________________________ ___________ ____________________ ____________________ __________________________ ___________ _ _ __________________ _ _ __________________ _ _ _________________ _ _ __________________ _ _ __________________ _ _ __________________ _ _ __________________ _ n, Ernest n, _ __________________ _ Its Heritage and Its Promise _ __________________ _ _ __________________ _ TERMS _ __________________ _ PLACES PEOPLE Georgia: _ __________________ _ Plains, CarterPlains, Center grassroots campaign _ __________________ _ Millard Fuller, Sonny Perdue Sonny Millard Fuller, “Bo” Callaway, Jimmy Carter, Carter, Jimmy Callaway, “Bo” Fulton County, Echols County, County, Echols County, Fulton _ __________________ _ one-person-one-vote principle, chael, Herman Talmadge, Melvin Talmadge, Herman chael, Thompson, Marvin Griffi 628 Vandiver, Lester Maddox, Howard Maddox, Lester Vandiver, ___________________ Carmi- V. James Russell, Richard B. _ _ ___________________ _ _ __________________ _ _ __________________ _ _ __________________ 629 _ _ __________________ _ _ __________________ e rst _ _ __________________ _ _ __________________ _ _ __________________ rst Repub- rst _ _ __________________ _ _ __________________ ces in local and _ _ __________________ _ _ __________________ _ _ __________________ _ _ _________________ _ _ __________________ rst Republicans being elected ____________________ ________ __________ e decisions led to some of the vot- _ fi ce,
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