Wind River General Purpose Platform Vxworks® Edition PRODUCT NOTE

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Wind River General Purpose Platform Vxworks® Edition PRODUCT NOTE Wind River General Purpose Platform VxWorks® Edition PRODUCT NOTE Wind River General Purpose Platform, VxWorks Edition (version The real-time operating system: 3.0) unifi es a robust real-time operating system, a powerful ® Integrated Development Environment (IDE), fl exible middleware VxWorks 6.0 solutions, training to jump-start your development, and VxWorks is the most established and most widely deployed device Professional Services when you need them to extend your software operating system. Its performance, scalability, and capabilities. footprint make more than 300 million devices worldwide run faster s 02 and more reliably. fy 05 WIND RIVER GENERAL PURPOSE PLATFORM 3.0, The next generation of VxWorks adds powerful new features and VXWORKS EDITION COMPONENTS: a focus on openness, performance, reliability and interoperability. VxWorks 6.0 A new release of Wind River’s industry-leading real-time With VxWorks 6.0 companies can: operating system. • Optimize developer productivity through open standards Wind River Workbench 2.2 • Increase reliability through MMU-based memory protection A new release of Wind River’s fully integrated IDE. • Accelerate time-to-market through enhanced error management Middleware • Seamlessly migrate existing VxWorks-based IP and other Powerful capabilities to support fl ash fi le systems, distributed existing IP, including open source message passing and shared backplane memory. • Continue to deliver products that rely on the core attributes of VxWorks, including high performance, reliability, determinism, low latency and scalability IDE Complementary solution elements include an integrated development environment (Wind River Workbench), broad middleware availability, broad processor and Board Support Package (BSP) availability, Wind River Services support, legions of experienced VxWorks developers and an expansive ecosystem Middleware Distributed Messaging* of tools, hardware, middleware and application providers. Compatibility OS One of the important goals of VxWorks 6.0 was to ease the migration from VxWorks 5.5 to VxWorks 6.0. To that end, the kernel of VxWorks 6.0 completely supports the VxWorks 5.5 kernel operating environment. Any BSPs, drivers, and kernel *Available in a later release General Purpose Platform product note applications developed for or ported to VxWorks 5.5 will run in Real-Time Processes enables fl exibility to use objects that the VxWorks 6.0 kernel, with only a recompilation required. By are protected from manipulation, or that can easily be shared default, the VxWorks 6.0 kernel builds as that of VxWorks 5.5. among kernel and process tasks • Extensible system call interface enables application A set of migration guides provided in the product RTP 2 Task Task � Task developers to employ documentation describe RTP 2 Code custom-developed kernel • Migrating BSPs and drivers Heap services from user-mode execution • Migrating VxWorks 5.5 kernel apps to the VxWorks 6.0 kernel RTP 1 � and to user-mode Task Task Task • Support for shared libraries RTP 1 Code among Real-Time Processes • Migrating VxWorks AE applications to VxWorks 6.0 user- Heap improves code effi ciency mode and reusability, also enabling • Migrating from Tornado and SNiFF+ tools to Wind River VxWorks Kernel Environment faster code development and Workbench 2.2 Sem A Sem B Msg Q Task Task Task Heap Manager debugging App A App B App C App D Driver1 Driver2 In addition, VxWorks 6.0 provides increased support for open Code Code Code Code VxWorks OS Modules standards. This promotes compatibility between open source VxWorks BSP Message Channels applications and VxWorks 6.0. With memory protection • Increased POSIX compliance enhances ease of porting open comes the challenge of segmentation of applications into source and 3rd party software to VxWorks protected memory spaces. Message Channels are a new, • Standard process-based programming model reduces the connection-orientated, bi-directional messaging mechanism that learning curve for programming new applications on VxWorks allows tasks to communicate across memory boundaries and s 02 6.0 complement traditional communication mechanisms provided in VxWorks. fy 05 • Support for IPv6 enables development of the next generation of networked devices Tasks located in different processes or in the kernel can establish • Standard sockets-based and modular message channels connections with each other independent of their location. provide a common communication interface Communication can take place between one task in a process and another in the kernel, or between tasks in separate processes, or State-of-the-art memory protection between tasks in the same process. Message Channels are VxWorks 6.0 enables manufacturers to increase their device designed for extension to multi-processor use in a future VxWorks reliability through MMU-based memory protection. VxWorks release. introduces process-based, user-mode application execution in addition to VxWorks’ traditional kernel-mode execution. The Wind River Network Stack kernel is protected from user-mode applications running in VxWorks Real-Time Processes (RTPs). These are also protected The dual-mode IPv4/IPv6 Network Stack is an integral part of from each other. VxWorks 6.0. It represents a major overhaul of the VxWorks default network protocol stack aimed at introducing a stronger Memory protection features: separation between the kernel and the network applications, as • MMU-based memory protection provides isolation of kernel well as supporting the new VxWorks 6.0 application environment from user-mode applications and of applications from each with full backward compatibility to previous releases. other, increasing device reliability Wind River Network Stack fully utilizes new OS functionalities and • Standard, process-based programming model simplifi es application development also supports an enhanced TCP/IP protocol stack with support for both IPv4 and IPv6 protocol suites. High performance and • Support of Real-Time Processes on MMU-less processors scalability are two key elements of this stack. The dual IPv4/IPv6 reduces device cost by enabling use of low-cost processors network stack is based on a port of the KAME/FreeBSD TCP/IP • The ability to use RTPs with the MMU enabled during release. development and with the MMU disabled during deployment speeds development and maximizes device performance • VxWorks preemptive, priority-based global task scheduler ensures real-time deterministic behavior • Ability to create private or public objects in the kernel and in General Purpose Platform product note Wind River has invested signifi cant effort and engineering Memory management resources into optimizing the TCP/IP stack for typical constraints Though VxWorks 6.0 provides MMU-enabled memory protection, found in device software environments. Optimizations include it continues to utilize the non-overlapped address space that improved memory management and effi cient timer capabilities. has been used in all earlier versions of VxWorks. The non- The implementation of certain heuristics further improves the overlapped memory model promotes backward compatibility with reliability of the network stack. In addition, Wind River Network legacy VxWorks code, and it provides the following benefi ts: Stack has a clean code structure for easy integration and faster implementation. Extensive RTP 2 Task Task testing against third-party test • High determinism and low latency are maintained by not suites and external test lab requiring memory to be mapped in or out, and also by not validation ensures high quality, standards conformance and requiring unnecessary cache fl ushes RTP 1 interoperability. • Address pointers are unique, enabling re-use of existing VxWorks drivers and applications, and simplifying new driver Wind River Network Reply Fire & Forget Reply and application development Stack 2.0 key benefits: • Support for both MMU-enabled and MMU-less processors • Clear and structured code gives device manufacturers more fl exibility to choose for ease of confi guration processors to fi t capability and budget requirements and maintenance • Memory translation tables are not required, saving memory • Flexible confi guration Async Send Block until Reply space and improving memory access performance options to optimize VxWorks Kernel Environment required memory Other VxWorks 6.0 memory management enhancements include: resources • Automatic resource reclamation forts, to maximize memory • Full integration with the VxWorks 6.0 operating system, availability and help prevent memory leaks, improving device Wind River Workbench, device management products and robustness s 02 peripheral networking protocols and utilities fy 05 • Improved memory allocation uses “best-fi t” algorithm to • IPv6-enhanced utilities and applications with extensive quality reduce memory fragmentation and increase memory and interoperability testing: IPv6 Forum-approved as “IPv6 allocation performance Ready” • User-mode heap and memory partition support, to enable Wind River Network Stack 2.0 supports: RTPs and user-mode execution • IPv4/IPv6 dual stack implementation • Developer-replaceable user-mode heap allocator, to • Several IPv4 and IPv6 applications running on one or multiple maximize system design fl exibility RTPs • Heap instrumentation for heaps and memory partitions in • Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Protocol, Version 2 both the kernel and RTPs, to assist in diagnosing common memory problems by detecting and reporting memory errors • Remote fi le access protocols
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