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RSP NEW DESIGN FRONTLIST.Indd PAGE TITLE RUDOLF STEINER PRESS SOPHIA BOOKS 2011/12 Bringing Spirit to Life 2 CONTENTS ORDER INFORMATION New books 3 Anthroposophy: You can order any of our books via our website – – directly from our distributor Fundamental and Introductory Works 13 Booksource, or from any bookshop. General/Esoteric 14 Anthroposophy: Practical BOOKSOURCE Education and Child Development 28 50 Cambuslang Rd, Glasgow G32 8NB Picture Books and Readers 31 Tel: 0845 370 0067 Special Education 32 (international +44 141 643 3961) Fax: 0845 370 0068 Medicine and Health 33 (international +44 41 642 9182) Social Questions and Economics 34 Science and Nature 35 E-mail: [email protected] The Arts 37 Architecture 37 TRADE TERMS Music, Eurythmy 37 Reduced discount under £30 retail (except CWO) United Kingdom: Post paid Literature, Speech, Drama 38 Abroad: Post extra Information 39 HOW TO USE THIS CATALOGUE NON-TRADE ORDERS WHO WAS RUDOLF STEINER? 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MA Mercury Arts Publications NK New Knowledge Books Rudolf Steiner Press is the exclusive UK distributor of: SBC Steiner Book Centre CP Completion Press SteinerBooks (Anthroposophic Press) (USA) Completion Press (Australia) New Knowledge Books (UK) Prices in this catalogue are valid in the United Kingdom only Mercury Arts Publications (UK) and are correct at 1 October 2011 but are subject to change without notice. All books are net. to order online: NEW BOOKS 3 Based on brief, pithy quotations from Rudolf Steiner’s collected works, the ‘spiritual perspectives’ in these volumes present core concepts on various subjects. These brief extracts do not claim to provide exhaustive treatment of the subject, but open up approaches to the complexity of Steiner’s extraordinary world of ideas. Some readers will find these fragments sufficient stimulus in themselves, whilst others will use the source references as signposts towards deeper study and understanding. Rudolf Steiner On Epidemics Spiritual Perspectives ‘If we can bring nothing up out of ourselves except fear of the illnesses which surround us at the seat of an epidemic, and if we go to sleep at night filled with nothing but thoughts of this fear, then we create unconscious replicas, imaginations, which are drenched in fear. And this is an excellent method for nurturing bacteria...’ – Rudolf Steiner OCT Trans. J. Collis; compiled by M. Gut (Selected lectures, various GAs); RSP; 72pp; 21.5 x 13.5 cm; 2011 978 1 85584 262 5; pb; £7.99 Rudolf Steiner On Fear Spiritual Perspectives ‘We must eradicate root and branch any fear and dread in our soul concerning the future that is coming towards us… We must develop composure with regard to all the feelings and sensations we have about the future; we must anticipate with absolute equanimity whatever may be coming towards us, thinking only that whatever it may be will be brought to us by the wisdom-filled guidance of the universe.’ – Rudolf Steiner OCT Trans. J. Collis; compiled by M. Gut (Selected lectures, various GAs); RSP; 80pp; 21.5 x 13.5 cm; 2011 978 1 85584 263 2; pb; £7.99 Rudolf Steiner On Meditation Spiritual Perspectives ‘Meditating is a totally free undertaking; it is the epitome of an autonomous deed.’ – Rudolf Steiner OCT Trans. J. Collis; compiled by M. Gut (Selected lectures, various GAs); RSP; 72pp; 21.5 x 13.5 cm; 2011 978 1 85584 261 8; pb; £7.99 to order direct from Booksource call 0845 370 0067 or email: [email protected] 4 NEW BOOKS Henk van Oort Anthroposophy A-Z A glossary of terms relating to Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual philosophy Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual philosophy is the inspiration for many successful initiatives in the world today, from the international Steiner Waldorf school movement to biodynamic agriculture and its increasingly popular produce. Steiner developed his philosophy in dozens of books and many thousands of lectures. His teaching contains dozens of new concepts and ideas, and as a result he had often to create his own vocabulary. In this practical volume – a companion to his Anthroposophy, A Concise Introduction – Henk van Oort gives concise definitions of many terms and concepts in Steiner’s worldview, from the most commonplace to the more obscure. Anthroposophy A-Z can be used as a reference guide, but also as a gateway into Rudolf Steiner’s manifold world of spiritual ideas and concepts. Anthroposophy can be seen to be a new language – a language that can lead to the world of the spirit. It was with this awareness that Henk van Oort took the initiative to write this glossary. Ultimately, he has written the sort of inspiring handbook that he wished had existed when he first became acquainted with anthroposophy over 40 years ago. HENK VAN OORT, born in 1943, trained as a primary teacher before taking a Masters degree in English at the Amsterdam University. He has taught for 40 years in primary and secondary education, including class teaching in a Steiner school, teaching English, and running educational courses and seminars for teachers and parents. His interest in literature and poetry has led to his appearance at storytelling and poetry seminars, and his introductory courses to anthroposophy have proved to be highly successful. Based in Bergen N.H. in the Netherlands, Henk van Oort is married and the father of three grown-up children. He is the author of Anthroposophy, A Concise Introduction. OCT RSP; 144pp; 21.5 x 13.5 cm; 978 1 85584 264 9; pb; £8.99 2011 to order online: NEW BOOKS 5 Rudolf Steiner Sexuality, Love and Partnership From the Perspective of Spiritual Science ‘Rudolf Steiner presents the human soul dilemma, split into male and female attributes… but offers a path of development which will eventually lead to overcoming these – what Jung called ‘individuation’, a merging with the true self or true ego of the human being.’ – from the Introduction We live in a sexualized society, surrounded by sexual imagery and content in almost every area of life. This presents us with many challenges, including an increasing blurring and confusion between love and sex; strife between men and women over their roles in society; and a consistent assault on the innocence of childhood. Despite the sensibilities of his time, Rudolf Steiner made a huge contribution to our understanding of the complex theme of sexuality. In this freshly-compiled anthology, Steiner describes the point in evolution at which human beings split from being androgynous and single-sexed to becoming male or female. He traces the changing roles of the sexes in society, from the matriarchal past to today’s patriarchal dominance. The division of the sexes brings suffering, but also the possibility of achieving higher stages of love. In the distant future, humanity can evolve sexuality into a new form, with even the possibility of reproduction being metamorphosed. Refreshingly, Steiner is not judgemental and does not preach asceticism. He recognizes the ‘all- too-human’ frailty people confront in their personal lives, even in the case of great individuals such as Goethe. Sex is a necessary stage of human evolution, and the split nature of the human being is a fact of our age. Its healing will be gradual but, like Amfortas in the Grail story – whose wounded groin was a metaphor for amorous misadventure – we can all be healed through love and compassion. OCT Trans. rvd. C. von Arnim; compiled by M. Jonas (Selected lectures, various GAs); RSP; 256pp; 21.5 x 13.5 cm; 2011 978 1 85584 260 1; pb; £13.99 to order direct from Booksource call 0845 370 0067 or email: [email protected] 6 NEW BOOKS LIMITED EDITION HARDBACKS Rudolf Steiner Press is proud to publish a new series of re-edited, re-typeset and re-designed editions of the classic, authorized translations of Rudolf Steiner’s fundamental books. The Philosophy of Freedom The Basis for a Modern World Conception Given his energetic involvement in practical initiatives and extensive lecturing, Rudolf Steiner had little time to write books. Of those he did write – belonging almost entirely to the earlier years of his work – four titles form an indispensable introduction to his later teaching: The Philosophy of Freedom, Theosophy, Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Occult Science. The first of these books deals with fundamental human questions: Are we free, whether we know it or not? Or, is our sense of freedom merely an illusion? Rudolf Steiner tackles this age-old problem in a new way. By taking account of our own activity of thinking, we can know the reasons for our actions. And if these reasons are taken from our world of ideals, then our actions are free, because we alone determine them. But this freedom cannot be settled for us by philosophical argument.
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