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THE OFFICIAL National Collegiate Athletic Association WRESTLING GUIDE The Official Rules Book AND RECORD BOOK OF Collegiate and Scholastic Wrestling B. R. Patterson, Editor produced and dirfribufed by THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC BURE' NEW YORK ON THE COVER: Carl Goodwin, twice 157- pound Rocky Mountain Conference champion, led the Colorado State College Bears to their 22nd consecutive RMC title last season. The 20-year-old senior, who began his mat career at West Denver High School, is majoring in industrial arts and hopes to teach in that field. Goodwin is also the Rocky Mountain 157-pound AAU titleholder. PUBLISHED BY: The Nationa; Collegiate Athletic Association, under the supervision of its Publications Committee : James V. Gilloon, Jr., New York U., Chairman James W. Liebertz, U. S. Merchant Marine Academy Asa S. Bushnell, Eastern College Athletic Conference PRODUCEID AND DlSTRlBUTED BY: The official service organization of the NCAA, the National Collegiate Athlet'li Bureau : Homer F. Cooke, J:, director Jack Waters, Assistant Director Walter Doherty, General Editor Steve Boda, Research Director Chris Erles, Associate Editor Danny Hill, Developnzent Director Marie Montana, Production Manager ADDRESS AlLL CORRESPONDENCE TO: The National Collegiate Athletic Bureau, Box 757, Grand Central Station, New Yark 17, N. Y., on editorial and sales matters. Permission to reprint material appearing in The NCAA Wrestling Guide, either wholly dinpart, in any form whatsoever, must be secured in writing from the publisher. ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES: Spencer Advertising Company, Inc., 271 Madison Avenue, New York 16, N. Y. 157- lion, heir The reer : in hat ain ate ion f I L You concentrate on the event.
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