Lewis Tanzos ATTN: Eastern Crown Herald 701 Pennsylvania Ave Bethlehem, PA 18018- 3230
[email protected] 26 September, 2001 Unto the East Kingdom College of Heralds and all others who do receive this letter, greetings from Tanczos Istvan, Eastern Crown Herald! This is the East's fourth ILoI of 2001 (ILoI-2001-04), which contains the first set of submissions from Pennsic 30 and all other submissions I received before War. It was prepared with the assistance of Jadwiga Zajaczkowa, Diadem. You will notice that the commentary period for ILoI-2001-03 has not yet expired. Due to the large volume of submissions from Pennsic, expect medium-sized LoIs with overlapping commentary periods every two to three weeks until we get through all of the Pennsic submissions. Commentary should be sent to the above addresses, and is due by October 24, 2001. Nearly none of these has any attached documentation of any sort other than what's written on the submission forms. In the absence of any indication otherwise, assume that no documentation was provided. Istvan Eastern Crown Common Abbreviations: OCM - O'Corrain & Maguaire R&W - Reaney & Wilson PCA - Photocopy Attached NPCA - No Photocopy Attached NDP - No Documentation Provided 1. Adelie M'Conchie (f) — resub name & device Herald of Record: Name: Branwen o Gydweli, Device:Alwyn Stewart Per pale Or and sable, a turtle counterchanged Submitter will not accept major changes and cares more about sound. M'Conchie is from Black, p 475 s.n. MacConachie dates Angus M'Conchie to 1493. Adleie is from An Index to the Given Names in the 1292 Census of Paris, by Colm Dubh, which cites a Dame Adelie Perbiere.' http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/paris.html Adelie M'Conchie 2.