20-22 October 2016 2 Temple Place
INK/LDN 20-22 October 2016 2 Temple Place BERNARD QUARITCH LTD. WWW.QUARITCH.COM BERNARD QUARITCH LTD 40 SOUTH AUDLEY ST, LONDON W1K 2PR Tel: +44 (0)20-7297 4888 Fax: +44 (0)20-7297 4866 e-mail: rarebooks@quaritch.com web site: www.quaritch.com Bankers: Barclays Bank plc, Level 27, 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP Sort code: 20-65-82 Swift code: BARCGB22 Sterling account: IBAN: GB98 BARC 206582 10511722 Euro account: IBAN: GB30 BARC 206582 45447011 U.S. Dollar account: IBAN: GB46 BARC 206582 63992444 VAT number: GB 840 1358 54 Mastercard, Visa, and American Express accepted © Bernard Quaritch 2016 [from item 19] THE FIRST FRENCH UTOPIA 4 OTHER EXTANT COPIES 1 [ANEAU, Barthelemy].́ Alector, histoire fabuleuse. Lyon, Pierre Fradin, 1560. Small 8vo, pp. [xxviii], ff. 152; minute pinhole to the last quire, but a fine, crisp copy, extremely well-preserved, in contemporary vellum, remains of ties, red edges, ink titling on spine; old small shelfmark label on the front free endpaper, early ownership inscription on the title. £25,000 Extremely rare first edition of the first French Utopian novel, the only novel by the humanist, poet and professor of rhetoric Barth Aneau, a member of the humanist circle of Lyon which included Marot, Dolet and Rabelais. Although More’s Utopia appears to have been an influence, this work is wholly original, built on the thread of the protagonist’s travels on the back of a flying hippo, mixing genres such as classical myths, fable, historical novel, fable, philosophical tale, utopia proper. The work has been described as a ‘fabulous story centred around a pacifying hero, … a reservoir and manual for interpreting Renaissance imagery, a dictionary of emblems, and an architectural utopia of a circular city’ (D.
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