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J ' •* ,. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10,1961 ifta Weeiheir Avenge Dally Net Preea Rm I ^ U. I8.^'WmthMr 1 TfkGK F d m i E E N r v v the VBMk Itodad ± Dim . 91. 1999 VWr mM m U tonight tea Ut MsBOhsater Child Bttt'jiy O f W 13,314 S 86. Snntoy «k*etowlng * « * ■ * , . ' Loyal CIxtila o f K w f’a Daugfetara TV, Radio, Topics Beat Tuesdsy at 1 pja- to JkXLM M W clM aM ^^ Wgkt omnf j iVifaftoy wiU meet In the FUtowaUp Itoera Hospital Notes Buckley Bdwol M br^. F U R N A C E ^ IL MMabMF.nf tiM AndM Into to dky. n gh tet tor leik AbptttTown of Center Concregmtlaoat Oburdi Of Oiild Unit Talk ^IS'subject FlU ^ ^ ABt essalt o PsEfisKr Bnnu «f OMoIntloa Monday a t 7:45 p jn . Co-hoatoaaea M o ^ Today. How Do They iB- Manchetter^A City,of ViUage Chorm Th« atpwr aub wfl » j«t- will be Mra. Clarence Peteraen and VMtfev h m an t ts S p-m flueooo CWldreBT” LT. W O O D C O . t ie i* putty tomorrow ni(ht at 8 tar an aiaaa ' vm M asatonMy R ol^ Dlgwi. M aaolieatpr • t O M U t Mlaa Dorothy PeUraen. A baby-sltttog oervloo tot (GtaMlfM AdvmtWng an Pngn t) •mCE'FIVB CEN«’;'f^:,!| e’dock. publte la Invited. wkan ihsy an t <e « : » aai 8188 seiwol attsBdaaee oftlowr, wiU be school ohlldreo wlU be avaUable at YdL. LXXX, NO. 112 (TEN PA^^S—TV 8®CrnON--SUBU|ffl||A TODAY) MANCHESTER, c 6n n \ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1\,.19C1 T Army PrL James A.
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